VBS Writing to Text File - vb.net

I want to use VB script to write to a text file and have tried using:
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Users\Internet\test1.txt","This is new text to be added",True)
I get error -
"Cannot use parenthesis when calling a sub".
If I remove the parenthesis, I get error -
Object required: 'My'
Have searched the help forums without luck.
I'm using windows vista. could I be missing some libraries or such ?
Any help much appreciated.

This is how you can do it using vbscript.
This is a simple script to create a text file and write to it
Dim fso, objOutFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objOutFile = fso.CreateTextFile("Myfile.txt",True)
objOutFile.WriteLine "Hello World"
You can modify it to create and write file to any other location. For writing to an existing file you need different method.


VBA : Enexpected running VBA from cmd line

I wanted to open an existing ppt using Wscript and modify it. For that I am opening the file in visual studio editor and executing the script from cmd in windows using WScript hi.vbs
But when I ran the same code I am getting error.
Expected end of statement in line 4
Line 4 looks like Dim objNewPowerPoint As Object
However Same case works when I run code in excel VBA editor.
When I am removing the As object I am not getting any error nor any changes are happening in the PPT file.
Wondering what is the possible issue.
I am not using excel vba or word vba i am just running the file from cmd
Sub Open_an_existing_Presentations()
Dim objNewPowerPoint As Object
Dim MyPresentation As Object
Dim pSlides As Object
Set objNewPowerPoint = CreateObject(PowerPoint.Application)
'Make this Application Object Visible
objNewPowerPoint.Visible = True
Please help me how can i modify and more importantly how to see both errors compile and syntax.
FYI : I am completely new into VBA and I am trying to update a PPT and wanted to run vba script from another program so trying something like this. Best suggestions are always welcome
In VBScript you cannot dim something as something.
Dim objNewPowerPoint
Dim MyPresentation
Dim pSlides
And dim is optional and serves no technical purpose in VBS (it merely catches spelling mistakes if Option Explicit is specified, else it does nothing at all as in your case except take time to the process the line). In compiled languages it allocates storage and checks data types when using it.
When you use Set = VBS knows it an object and makes it one (4 x 32 bit integers - One a reference count and another a memory address of the function table for the object - two are unused). If you use x=5555 vbs knows it's a integer.

VBA Dynamic Save As, Microsoft Project to Excel

I am trying to create a macro that will export a Microsoft Project file into an excel file. Through the use of macro recording I have got a line of code that accomplishes this using the export wizard, but I want the file path and file name to be dynamic so I can use this macro on different projects. I have been searching many other threads and the Microsoft website with no luck. Is this possible?
Here is what I have:
sub formatAndSave ()
FileSaveAs Name:="C:\Users\XXXXXX\SharePoint\Projects\ProjectType\HxH\myProject.xlsx",_
FormatID:="MSProject.ACE", map:="myMap"
end sub
One idea I tried was:
Active.Workbook.SaveAs FileName:=Title
Any help would be very much appreciated!
For the sake of simplicity, let's assume for all answers below your project is located at c:\projects\myProj.mpp
I think you're after the string replace function. Something like:
Dim excelFilePath As String
excelFilePath = Replace(ActiveProject.FullName, ".mpp", ".xlsx")
Debug.Print excelFilePath
'the output would be c:\projects\myProj.xlsx
If you're unfamiliar with string manipulation in VB/VBA, just search the web for "VBA string manipulation". Microsoft has a decent article here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa903372(v=vs.71).aspx
A few other things that may be handy for you are these variables:
ActiveProject.FullName 'shows full path & name, so you'd get "c:\projects\myProj.mpp"
ActiveProject.Path 'shows just the path, so you'd get "c:\projects\"
ActiveProject.Name 'shows just the file name, so you'd get "myProj.mpp"
Finally, one caveat I've seen is that the ActiveProject.FullName and ActiveProject.Name variables may or may not provide the file extension depending on your local windows environment settings. I've observed that if Windows Explorer is configured to hide file extensions, then these variables also withhold the extension; if Explorer is configured to show them, then they are provided in the variables. Make sure your code is robust to both cases, or make sure you have control over the environment where you code will run.

Getting shell cmd output to Excel

I have a macro in VBA (Excel 2007).
It opens an exe file with entering a HEX value as variable.
The exe gives the output (also a HEX number).
I do everything with "shell" command and the results is saved to a txt file. Then I write this to Excel.
retVal = Shell("cmd.exe /c C:\AABB\app.exe 0x5110 > C:\AABB\output.txt", vbNormalFocus)
It is complicated and time-consuming.
I would prefer getting the result directly to Excel, without an intermediate file like txt or similar.
When I use an output.xlsx as output destination, the file is created and the value is written. But I cant read it with Excel. I see the value when I open the xlsx with Notepad.
My questions are:
1) Is it possible to write the result directly to xlsx, especially a target cell e.g. A10
2) Why when I use xlsx as destination in shell command, I can't open it with Excel? It gives Error Message of "file-format or file-extension is not valid. Data might be corrupted".
I think you can't do that with shell object.
you can do it with WSHExec with the function StdOut.ReadLine().
You have to go to reference and choose "Windows Script Host object model" so you can declare a WshExec object. than see the Method yourWshExecObject.StdOut.ReadLine().
To construct WshExec :
First declare a WshShell Object and you construct it like that :
Dim WshShellObject as WshShell
Dim WshExecObject as WshExec
Set WshShellObject = New WshShell
Set WshExecObject = WshShellObject.Exec("your .exe filename").
The WshExecObject.StdOut TextStream will read everything you write in the console.
I did it with an .exe compilated with C++.
You can also use WshExecObject.StdOut.ReadAll to read all lines at once.
Hope that helps.

File is currently in use. Can't write to it

So, i have this problem for a while and it's truly giving me headaches ... I want to download a string from a website, then save it so a file in my computer that i will create on the spot , let's say the file is D:\cars.txt , the file path by the way is Input(3) .
I tried this but it just won't work!
I ran out of ideas, can't find anything to make it work properly.
If Not IO.File.Exists(Input(3)) Then IO.File.Create(Input(3))
Dim str As String = WC.DownloadString(Input(2))
Using wrtr As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(Input(3))
End Using
It won't write to the file because it's still in use, how can i make it work properly :( ?
IO.File.Create(Input(3) creates or overwrites the file and returns a FileStream. From MSDN:
The FileStream object created by this method has a default FileShare value of None; no other process or code can access the created file until the original file handle is closed.
You can rewrite it as follows,
Dim str As String = WC.DownloadString(Input(2))

How to specify a path with spaces for StreamWriter

In VB.Net, how do I provide the StreamWriter constructor with a path that includes spaces? StreamWriter("""C:\Users\Public\Public Users\file.txt""") does not work.
Here is a working code example:
Dim fs As New System.IO.StreamWriter("e:\test 123.txt")
The new example for folder with space(s):
'this is your filename
Dim Filename As String = "e:\folder with space\test 123.txt"
'this is your folder
Dim Folderpath As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Filename)
'now do checking if the folder exists, if not create the folder
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(Folderpath) = False Then
End If
'now create the file as usual
Dim fs As New System.IO.StreamWriter("e:\folder with space\test 123.txt")
The reason for your code didn't compile because you have not create the folder before creating the file, ie that folder must be existed before you can create your file.
You don't put quotes around the string you pass to the StreamReader constructor. Quotes are only used when you use, say, the command line. Or anything else that uses spaces as separators between arguments. The program requires those double quotes to recognize an argument with an embedded space.
Not necessary here, there's no ambiguity since the argument only takes the path to a single file. The only exception to that rule that I know of is the ProcessStartInfo.Arguments property.
So, just put single double quotes around the string, the syntax that the compiler requires. Your real problem is the name of the folder. Windows Explorer shows a different name for the folders in c:\users\public. For example c:\users\public\videos is displayed in the Explorer window as "Public Videos". It's trying to be helpful by expanding the abbreviated name. Your program however has to use the real folder name. Which is probably "users", not "Public Users". To find out for sure, use the command line (cmd.exe). Use cd \users\public and dir /a.
Last but not least, that folder has a different name on different versions of Windows. You should use Environment.GetFolderPath(). "Public Users" isn't a standard folder name however, not sure why you are using it.