How to Add Image/icon In dialog of titanium alloy? - titanium

var dialog = Ti.UI.createAlertDialog({
title: 'Enter text',
style: Ti.UI.iOS.AlertDialogStyle.PLAIN_TEXT_INPUT,
buttonNames: ['OK']
How I can add image/icon inside dialog in titanium alloy? Is there any property that I can add?

unfortunately, you can't add an image to a alertDialog with Titanium.
Maybe it's possible with native : UIAlertView addSubview in iOS7, but you should create a module to use it with Titanium.
Last solution is to create a custom view so you can customize everything you want.


When I tap with Detox, the button is not tapped. However it can be tapped if I just click at it

The problem is when I tap with Detox, the button is not tapped. However it can be tapped if I just click at it.
version of Detox: 16.8.2,
version of React Native: 0.57.1
This happened because I used device.openURL({url: 'https://...' }) previously to open the app from a deep link.
Instead, it worked after opening a new instance of the app with a deep link in argument: device.launchApp({newInstance: true, url: 'https://...' });
After this, the interaction can be performed.
It looks like a bug with the method device.openURL()

react-native-image-viewer - Landscape View didn't work on IOS

On Android, Landscape-Mode works like a charm, but on IOs I've found following issue:
Mobile-Device is in Landscape-Mode:
I click on an Image (Touchable-Opacity set the state modalShow
The Landscape-Mode will be switched to Portrait-Mode, after that the Modal appears
If I close the Modal, the App switch back to Landscape-Mode.
Any Idea, why this only happend on Iphone, but working well on Android?
You have to add this (or only some of them like you're needs) to your Modal, which encapsulate the Image-Zoom Component:
Consider using a library to manage the screen rotation

Magnific popup - how to open it on mouseover?

I'm using Magnific popup our product product pages as a method for image hot points. Right now when you click on a hot point a popup appears with larger image and text. I received a request to open the popup on a mouseover.
Is there a way to trigger open Magnific Popup on a mouseover not on a mouse click?
I was trying to call the mouseover event on the link first, but it seems the Popup still requires a click. How to I make it so it opens up just with a mouseover?
<!-- Popup link -->
Show inline popup
<!-- Popup itself -->
<div id="test-popup" class="white-popup mfp-hide">
Popup content
type: 'inline'
Answering my own question. After a bit more research I found that I needed to open the popup directly via API. It works now:
items: {
src: '.white-popup' // can be a HTML string, jQuery object, or CSS selector
Working example:
Taking it further with multiple links opening separate slides of a gallery, using event delegation:

disable the application menu on one qml page

How do i disable the application menu on one qml page? Currently, all qml pages have application menu, but I want to disable it in the login page. My application menu is inside the main.qml. Here's what I added to my main.qml:
Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
settingsAction: SettingsActionItem {
imageSource: "asset:///images/navbar_icon_settings.png"
onTriggered: {
My main.qml is the first page which is the login page, but I dont want the user to be able to swipe down and reveal the settings button
Look at bb::cascades::Application::setMenuEnabled(bool enabled). I think this is what you need for your use case.

Sencha Touch error: 'myapp.mainpanel has no method setActiveItem'

Edit: Upon further examination I discovered that I hadn't included certain namespaces. Adding the relevant name spaces now gives the error:
'myapp.mainpanel has no method setActiveItem'
I am trying to build a sencha touch web app using the card layout mechanism. I make use of the following handler on a button on the landing page:
myapp.mainpanel.setActiveItem(, { type: 'slide', cover: false, direction: 'left'})
But when I click on the button I get the error: Sencha Touch error: 'myapp.mainpanel has no method setActiveItem'
Does this mean is undefined?
I define it here: = new Ext.Panel({
id: "vehicle-search-results-card",
dockedItems: [myapp.toolbars.searchResultsTitle, myapp.toolbars.searchResultsNav, myapp.toolbars.searchResultsCaption]
Any clues as to what I am doing wrong based on the above code?
The setActiveItem() method is only available if the panel has a card layout. Make sure you add the 'card' layout property in your panel definition.