kendo scheduler hide timeline rows if there are no events - kendo-scheduler

How to hide kendo scheduler timeline rows if there are no events on the week. Did anyone face similar issue or have idea to solve this?
How to decrease height of k-slot?. I tried the following css but no luck
.k-scheduler-dayview .k-scheduler-table td,
.k-scheduler-weekview tr:nth-child(2) .k-scheduler-table td,
.k-scheduler-monthview .k-scheduler-table td {
height: 1em;
padding: .334em .5em;
font-size: 100%;
Can anyone resolve this?

The desired behavior (if I understand you correctly that you need to filter the groups when no events are available in given group) would require custom solution. For example you can use the dataBound event to check if given group have no events inside it. You can check how many events are rendered in each group by checking the groups property of the current view (which gen be get from view method). Finally you can hide the groups that you don't need by filtering the target resource dataSource (e.g.: scheduler.resources\[0\].dataSource.filter).


Datatables placing down arrow too cramped in length box

I have some datatables (as in running in PHP within a Laravel 9 framework. Everything works fine but the select length drop down is too small and results in the down arrow impinging on the number as below:
I have tried to find the css class which appears to be:
div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_length select {
width: auto;
display: inline-block;
but changing this seems to have no effect - min-width etc. And I did clear all caches!
The rest of it is perfect.

Issues with Adam Lynch's flexible data tables with CSS grid

I am using Adam Lynch's flexible data tables with CSS grid code. It is a really neat project. I have a couple questions on the project.
I notice that when I scroll to the right hand side of the column with the horizontal scroll bar, I can no longer resize any of the columns. I have been trying to figure out how to fix this for a while now to no avail.
I notice that if I resize one column, I can resize a different column immediately afterward with no problems. However, if I attempt to resize the same column twice consecutively, I cannot drag the separator the second time. This problem does not exist in Firefox, but does exist in Google Chrome.
Okay. Found the answers.
Answer to question # 1... Need to explicitly change the overflow property of the table element from the default value 'visible' to 'auto' or 'scroll'.
overflow: scroll;
display: grid;
border-collapse: collapse;
min-width: 100%;
/* These are just initial values which are overriden using JavaScript when a column is resized */
minmax(150px, 1fr)
minmax(150px, 1.67fr)
minmax(150px, 1.67fr)
minmax(150px, 1.67fr)
minmax(150px, 3.33fr)
minmax(150px, 1.67fr)
minmax(150px, 3.33fr)
minmax(150px, 1.67fr);
Answer to question # 2...Need to prevent the default behavior of the browser on a mousedown event. I ported this code to Vuejs. In Vuejs, the syntax is #mousedown.prevent="resizeInit"

How to identify and switch to the frame in selenium webdriver when frame does not have id

Can anyone tell me how I can identify and switch to the iframe which has only a title?
<iframe frameborder="0" style="border: 0px none; width: 100%; height: 356px; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; overflow: auto;" dojoattachpoint="frame" title="Fill Quote" src="">
I have tried by below code but it is not working
driver.switchTo().frame() has multiple overloads.
Here your iframe doesn't have id or name, so not for you.
This is the last option to choose, because using index is not stable enough as you could imagine. If this is your only iframe in the page, try driver.switchTo().frame(0)
The most common one. You locate your iframe like other elements, then pass it into the method.
Here locating it by title attributes seems to be the best.
driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("iframe[title='Fill Quote']")));
// driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//iframe[#title='Fill Quote']")));
you can use cssSelector,
driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("iframe[title='Fill Quote']")));
You also can use src to switch to frame, here is what you can use:
Make sure you switch to default content before switching to frame:
x can be the frame number or you can do a driver.findlement and use any of the options you have available eg: driver.findElementByName("Name").
1) goto html view
2) type iframe and find your required frame and count the value and switch to it using
if it is first frame then use oASelFW.driver.switchTo().frame(0);
if it is second frame then use oASelFW.driver.switchTo().frame(1); respectively
You can use Css Selector or Xpath:
Approach 1 : CSS Selector
driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("iframe[title='Fill Quote']")));
Approach 2 : Xpath
driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//iframe[#title='Fill Quote']")));
Easiest way of doing this is like this. If its a frame you can right click on the field and if you see the choice of "open frame in a tab" do it.
Then take the URL of the frame and that is what you put in your Python script using "driver.get (http://blah blah..)
Then Selenium can find your named element. This saved me hours of trying all the suggestions here which was learning about but didn't work. Problem with mine was it was in a frame.
I'm using Linux which gives me the right-click option of opening the frame, on its own, in another tab. I don't use Windows so don't know if you would get that option in you right-click menu.
I struggled with this for a while; a particularly frustrating website had several nested frames throughout the site. I couldn't find any way to identify the frames- no name, id, xpath, css selector- nothing.
Eventually I realised that frames are numbered with the top level being frame(0) the second frame(1) etc.
As I still didn't know which frame the element I needed was sitting in, I wrote a for loop to start from 0 and cycle to 50 continually moving to the next frame and attempting to access my required element; if it failed I got it to print a message and continue.
Spent too much time on this problem for such a simple solution -_-
for x in range(50):
print("It's not: ", x)
There are three ways to switch to the frame
1)Can use id
2)Can use name of the frame
3)Can use WebElement of the frame
2->driver.switchTo().frame("name of the frame");
I think I can add something here.
Situation I faced
I cannot or not easily use the debug tools or inspection tools like firebug to see which frame I am currently at and want to go to.
The XPATH/CSS selector etc. that the inspection tool told me doesn't work since the current frame is not the target one. e.g. I need to first switch to a sub-frame to be able to access/locate the element from XPATH or any other reference.
In short, the find_element() or find_elements() method doesn't apply in my case.
Wait Wait! not exactly
unless we use some fazzy search method.
use find_elements() with contains(#id,"frame") to filter out the potential frames.
Then use switchTo() to switch to that frame and hopefully the underlying XPATH for your target element can be accessed this time.
If you're similar unlucky like me, iteration might need to be done for the found frames and even iterate deeper in more layers.
This is the piece I use.
elf1 = mydriver.find_elements(By.XPATH,'//*[contains(#id,"rame")]')
elf2 = mydriver.find_elements(By.XPATH,'//*[contains(#id,"rame")]')
len(mydriver.page_source) ## size of source tell whether I am in the right frame
I try out different switch_to_frame(elf1[x])/switch_to_frame(elf2[x]) combinations and finally found the wanted element by the XPATH I found from the inspection tool in browser.
element = WebDriverWait(mydriver, 10).until(
EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//*[#id="C4_W16_V17_ZSRV-HOME"]'))
#Click the link
I could solve that with the following code

In a multiple column layout my highchart is not visible in Safari

I've written a fiddle ( for this that reduces the problem to the minimal markup that demonstrates the problem... which is my Highchart isn't being rendered in Safari (version 5.1.7 on Windows but I've also run it in the latest version on a MacBook.)
My requirement is a multiple column layout of widget as shown in this screenshot from the fiddle running in chrome :
and here's the same thing running in Safari :
Safari has rendered SVG and hovering over it in debug highlights the elements in blue in the HTML but it just can't be seen!!
The css I'm using to display the column is shown below. If you change the column count from 2 to 1 the chart displays fine in Safari!!
-webkit-column-count: 2;
-webkit-column-gap: 2em;
-moz-column-count: 2;
-moz-column-gap: 2em;
column-count: 2;
column-gap: 2em;
.widget {
/* This is required to keep the widget div's together and not break them over columns */
-webkit-column-break-inside: avoid;
-moz-column-break-inside: avoid;
column-break-inside: avoid;
margin-bottom: 2em;
Is there a change to the CSS that will make Safari work or will this require a javascript fix? I pondered whether this was something to do with CSS transitions so tried turning off animations but given it's still animating I've clearly got the syntax wrong. I have a time constraint on this problem so I'm posting now but will report back if I have any progress.
I think this is some CSS problem with displaying chart in any column different than first one. If you disable colum-break-inside it also works.
What can I suggest is to disable position for chart container:
.highcharts-container {
position: inherit !important;

getAttribute not returning complete value for style in selenium

I am using the selenium getAttribute("style") method on the following id element:-
<div id="ntsDiv_1" style="width: 250px; text-align: left; white-space: normal; top: 1090px; left: 131px; visibility: hidden;" class="mlt-pop-container">
but the API is returning only the half of the value. It is returning width: 250px; text-align: left; white-space: normal; and the remaning portion of the style is clipped.
I'm trying to extract the value of the visibility, but the method is not returning the complete value of style. Hence, i am unable to determine the correct value of visibility.
I executed System.out.println("Style is:- "+super.getElement(NEXTAG_STORES_DIV).getAttribute("style"));
NEXTAG_STORES_DIV corresponds to the xpath of the id element, and super.getElement extracts element by xpath
Please help me out!!
I just tried this with Selenium 2.30.0 and it works fine, the whole attribute is returned.
Try the following things (all the examples assume element is the WebElement you need to test):
Make really sure only a part of the attribute is returned. Aren't you just printing it into console? Many consoles have a limited line length. Try setting your console to show long lines. Check programatically the length of the returned value, or try evaluating
Try upgrading your Selenium library, if you can. I am not aware of any bug related to attribute getting, but there might have been some which is now (with version 2.30.0) solved.
Try it in a different browser / OS / architecture. If it works somewhere, you'll know it's an issue of a particular browser / driver / OS / architecture / whatever and you might be able to focus it down and either fix it or file a bug.
If you simply want to know whether an element is visible or not, the correct and generally preferred way is to call
This method takes care of all the rules you might need to inspect in order to determine whether it actually is visible or not.
If the style value changes dynamically on the page (i.e. it's not statically written in the source code of the page), WebDriver can't really see it as it doesn't pick up dynamic changes. Try accessing the value via JavaScript:
if (!driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JavaScript not enabled for this driver!");
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
String styleAttribute = (String)js.executeScript("return arguments[0].style", element);
If you actually need to get the computed value of the CSS visibility attribute that is actually used by the browser and not the one in the style atribute (if there either isn't any or is somehow overridden), you need to use the JavaScript's getComputedStyle() method. One way (described by this article on is this:
var elem = arguments[0];
if (elem.currentStyle) {
var vis = elem.currentStyle['visibility'];
} else {
var vis = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue('visibility');
return vis;
Again, this should be invoked via
String visibility = (String)js.executeScript(here_goes_the_whole_script, element);