Turning off ConfigurationItems - astropy

I am doing some calculations involving propagation of uncertainties, and I keep getting a lot of useless information logs about correlated uncertainties being unsupported. I already know that, I don't care, and I would like to stop it printing these messages.
According to the documentation, it can "be disabled via the
I can't figure out how to do that. How can I stop printing these unhelpful messages?

See http://astropy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config/index.html.
From there you can disable in your astropy.cfg:
## Whether to issue a warning if NDData arithmetic is performed with
## uncertainties and the uncertainties do not support the propagation of
## correlated uncertainties.
warn_unsupported_correlated = False
Or by code:
>>> import astropy.nddata
>>> astropy.nddata.conf.warn_unsupported_correlated = False


Error received: [SSL: BAD_LENGTH] bad length (_ssl.c:2408)

I made a game that can be controlled with voice command. To convert all the voice command into text I used IBM Cloud Speech to Text service. Everything is done except it is showing me the BAD LENGTH ERROR as you can see in the image.
This is the code for speech to text:
#### Initalize queue to store the recordings ##
CHUNK = 1024
# Note: It will discard if the websocket client can't consumme fast enough
# So, increase the max size as per your choice
# Buffer to store audio
q = Queue(maxsize=int(round(BUF_MAX_SIZE / CHUNK)))
# Create an instance of AudioSource
audio_source = AudioSource(q, True, True)
#### Prepare Speech to Text Service ########
# initialize speech to text service
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('i3gkxvESZRUHnt0_Iv2PtMQaHd2roF1YgvTTIzq0tbop')
speech_to_text = SpeechToTextV1(authenticator=authenticator)
actions = []
I got that error solved by just uninstalling all the packages and reinstalling the required one.
It will simply run successfully by just that and even if you receive that error in the future, try doing this process again. It will work.
Apart from this, I was not been able to find any other solution.
websocket.create_connection has an option enable_multithread. This ensures multithreading is correctly handled. Enabling this may fix.

Log messages classification/grouping and finding human readable pattern for each group

As new to data science and machine learning I would like to ask the following questions about the problem explained below:
Is machine learning good for such problem or is it overkill?
Could this problem be related with another classical problem that has already published papers so I can choose the right solution?
The problem:
I've been doing a research on pretty interesting problem that I believe many Analytics system solved by automated process.
We are collecting many JavaScript error messages that happen in all kind of browsers and custom build web applications. Our goal is to group the similar messages and label each group by the common pattern the grouped messages have.
|Label: "Forbidden: User session {{placeholder1}} has expired." |
|Message: "Forbidden: User session aad3-1v299-4400 has expired."|
|Message: "Forbidden: User session jj41-1d333-bbaa has expired."|
|Message: "Forbidden: User session aab3-bn12n-1111 has expired."|
So far we have semi-automated process that solves the problem but from time to time we get new user generated JavaScript error messages that slip through our filters.
I've been thinking about naive 2 step approach that uses existing libraries/tools/algorithms.
For a batch of error lines run an algorithm (e.g. Levenshtein) that finds similar strings. Group the similar errors.
Within a group of similar strings run a diff and find the dynamic parts. Check the diff:
For reference here we have error messages that were collected in the period of one minute:
Message: 3312445,Error: Unknown page "retina_list"
Message: 9931234,Error: Unknown page "widget_summary"
Message: ReferenceError: 'alg,TypeError: g' is undefined
Message: 522574,Error: Unknown page "page_options"
Message: ReferenceError: '297756| Zly / Error in handler for event:,[object Object],ApiListenerError: TypeError: a' is undefined
Message: [Euv warn]: style="width: {{item.evaluation}}em": interpolation in 'style' attribute will cause the attribute to be discarded in Internet Explorer. Use krt-bind:style instead. (found in component: <default-componentfalse2320383>)
Message: [Euv warn]: src="//www.example.com/image/{{item._id}}-1.jpg?w=220&h=165&mode=crop": interpolation in 'src' attribute will cause a 404 request. Use krt-bind:src instead. (found in component: <default-componentfalse8372912>)
Message: [Euv warn]: src="//www.example.com/image/{{item._id}}?car=recommend_sp312": interpolation in 'src' attribute will cause a 404 request. Use krt-bind:src instead. (found in component: <default-componentfalse3330736>)
Message: [Euv warn]: src="//www.example.com/image/{{item._id}}-1.jpg?w=220&h=165&mode=crop": interpolation in 'src' attribute will cause a 404 request. Use krt-bind:src instead. (found in component: <default-componentfalse4893336>)
Message: ReferenceError: 'alg,TypeError: g' is undefined
Message: 73276| Zly / Error in handler for event:,[object Object],ApiListenerError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'campaignName' of undefined
Message: ReferenceError: 'alg,TypeError: g' is undefined
Message: ReferenceError: 'bend,TypeError: f' is undefined
I've been playing lately with Tensorflow JS where I am complete beginner but I may try to train something that could help me classify strings and label them.
I also think that the more serious problem is to generate the group label than grouping the strings because sometimes a pair of similar strings have very different length and the placeholders are long sentences with special characters like \,".^%#&*!?<>|][{}.
As you have pointed out, it sounds like we can separate this problem into two distinct steps.
Group together similar messages, and
Label each group.
Step 1:
While I am not too familiar with Tensorflow JS, I do not believe it is overkill to use Machine Learning (ML) to tackle this problem, especially for step 1.
In fact, this type of problem is a great candidate for a specific form of ML known as Unsupervised Learning, and more specifically, Clustering. In Unsupervised Learning, we look to find “previously unknown patterns in our data without pre-existing labels”.
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsupervised_learning
In this context, that means that we do not know if “Error Message 1” and “Error Message 2” will belong to the same group before we apply our Clustering algorithm. Using your example, we can reasonably suspect that the messages:
“Forbidden: User session aad3-1v299-4400 has expired"
“Forbidden: User session jj41-1d333-bbaa has expired"
will belong to the same group, but the Clustering algorithm does not know this when it starts.
We can contrast this with a form of Supervised Learning known as Classification, where we know beforehand that we expect a group to have the form
“Forbidden: User session {{placeholder1}} has expired".
Then the pre-existing labels in the data are that messages such as
“Forbidden: User session aad3-1v299-4400 has expired"
“Forbidden: User session jj41-1d333-bbaa has expired"
belong to the expected group just above. We essentially give the ML model a bunch of examples of what this group looks like, and then incoming messages that appear to be similar will be classified to this group.
It sounds like from your description that for Step 1, you want to perform a string match (such as Levenshtein) to compare all of the example messages, and then apply a Clustering algorithm to those results. Then after you have groups (clusters) of messages, Step 2 involves finding an appropriate label for each group.
Step 2:
Agreed that finding an appropriate label for each group is likely the harder problem here. One approach that could be useful is to count how many times a word or phrase appears within a group or cluster, and if it does not meet some pre-defined threshold, to use a placeholder as you have in your example label. For example, the words “Forbidden”, “User”, “session”, and “expired” will be common to the group, whereas the alpha numeric ID’s listed are unique to the individual messages. If the threshold is that a word or phrase must show up in at least two messages, only the ID’s will be replaced by the placeholder.
In this approach, you are essentially looking to find words or phrases that are uncommon to the group, and do not provide useful information in forming an appropriate label. In a way, this is the opposite of a concept used in many search engines that aims to find how common or important a word or phrase is to a document (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf%E2%80%93idf).

WebSphere wsadmin testConnection error message

I'm trying to write a script to test all DataSources of a WebSphere Cell/Node/Cluster. While this is possible from the Admin Console a script is better for certain audiences.
So I found the following article from IBM https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAW57_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.nd.multiplatform.doc/ae/txml_testconnection.html which looks promising as it describles exactly what I need.
After having a basic script like:
ds_ids = AdminConfig.list("DataSource").splitlines()
for ds_id in ds_ids:
I experienced some undocumented behavior. Contrary to the article above the testConnection function does not always return a String, but may also throw a exception.
So I simply use a try-catch block:
except: # it actually is a com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
now when I print the exc_value this is what one gets:
com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.AdminException: javax.management.MBeanException: Exception thrown in RequiredModelMBean while trying to invoke operation testConnection
Now this error message is always the same no matter what's wrong. I tested authentication errors, missing WebSphere Variables and missing driver classes.
While the Admin Console prints reasonable messages, the script keeps printing the same meaningless message.
The very weird thing is, as long as I don't catch the exception and the script just exits by error, a descriptive error message is shown.
Accessing the Java-Exceptions cause exc_value.getCause() gives None.
I've also had a look at the DataSource MBeans, but as they only exist if the servers are started, I quickly gave up on them.
I hope someone knows how to access the error messages I see when not catching the Exception.
thanks in advance
After all the research and testing AdminControl seems to be nothing more than a convinience facade to some of the commonly used MBeans.
So I tried issuing the Test Connection Service (like in the java example here https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEQTP_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.base.doc/ae/cdat_testcon.html
) directly:
ds_id = AdminConfig.list("DataSource").splitlines()[0]
# other queries may be 'process=server1' or 'process=dmgr'
ds_cfg_helpers = __wat.AdminControl.queryNames("WebSphere:process=nodeagent,type=DataSourceCfgHelper,*").splitlines()
# invoke MBean method directly
warning_cnt = __wat.AdminControl.invoke(ds_cfg_helpers[0], "testConnection", ds_id)
if warning_cnt == "0":
print = "success"
print "%s warning(s)" % warning_cnt
except ScriptingException as exc:
# get to the root of all evil ignoring exception wrappers
exc_cause = exc
while exc_cause.getCause():
exc_cause = exc_cause.getCause()
print exc_cause
This works the way I hoped for. The downside is that the code gets much more complicated if one needs to test DataSources that are defined on all kinds of scopes (Cell/Node/Cluster/Server/Application).
I don't need this so I left it out, but I still hope the example is useful to others too.

Sometimes the Google Geocoding API returns a 500 server error [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question
Sometimes the Google Maps API returns a 500 server error response according to German postal codes and i cannot understand why.
I hope it is specific enough.
Any ideas?
Since you specify that the problem is not a given address but a seemingly "random" behavior, this may fall under a documented behavior of other "famous" API.
As for other cases, the recommended strategy is Exponential backoff for the Geocoding API, which basically means that you have to retry after a certain delay.
In case the above link goes down or changes, I'm quoting the article:
Exponential Backoff
In rare cases something may go wrong serving your request; you may receive a 4XX or 5XX HTTP response code, or the TCP connection may simply fail somewhere between your client and Google's server. Often it is worthwhile re-trying the request as the followup request may succeed when the original failed. However, it is important not to simply loop repeatedly making requests to Google's servers. This looping behavior can overload the network between your client and Google causing problems for many parties.
A better approach is to retry with increasing delays between attempts. Usually the delay is increased by a multiplicative factor with each attempt, an approach known as Exponential Backoff.
For example, consider an application that wishes to make this request to the Google Maps Time Zone API:
The following Python example shows how to make the request with exponential backoff:
import json
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
def timezone(lat, lng, timestamp):
# The maps_key defined below isn't a valid Google Maps API key.
# You need to get your own API key.
# See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/timezone/get-api-key
maps_key = 'YOUR_KEY_HERE'
timezone_base_url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/json'
# This joins the parts of the URL together into one string.
url = timezone_base_url + '?' + urllib.urlencode({
'location': "%s,%s" % (lat, lng),
'timestamp': timestamp,
'key': maps_key,
current_delay = 0.1 # Set the initial retry delay to 100ms.
max_delay = 3600 # Set the maximum retry delay to 1 hour.
while True:
# Get the API response.
response = str(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
except IOError:
pass # Fall through to the retry loop.
# If we didn't get an IOError then parse the result.
result = json.loads(response.replace('\\n', ''))
if result['status'] == 'OK':
return result['timeZoneId']
elif result['status'] != 'UNKNOWN_ERROR':
# Many API errors cannot be fixed by a retry, e.g. INVALID_REQUEST or
# ZERO_RESULTS. There is no point retrying these requests.
raise Exception(result['error_message'])
if current_delay > max_delay:
raise Exception('Too many retry attempts.')
print 'Waiting', current_delay, 'seconds before retrying.'
current_delay *= 2 # Increase the delay each time we retry.
tz = timezone(39.6034810, -119.6822510, 1331161200)
print 'Timezone:', tz
Of course this will not resolve the "false responses" you mention; I suspect that depends on data quality and does not happen randomly.

What's the equivalent of moment-yielding (from Tornado) in Twisted?

Part of the implementation of inlineCallbacks is this:
if isinstance(result, Deferred):
# a deferred was yielded, get the result.
def gotResult(r):
if waiting[0]:
waiting[0] = False
waiting[1] = r
_inlineCallbacks(r, g, deferred)
if waiting[0]:
# Haven't called back yet, set flag so that we get reinvoked
# and return from the loop
waiting[0] = False
return deferred
result = waiting[1]
# Reset waiting to initial values for next loop. gotResult uses
# waiting, but this isn't a problem because gotResult is only
# executed once, and if it hasn't been executed yet, the return
# branch above would have been taken.
waiting[0] = True
waiting[1] = None
As it is shown, if in am inlineCallbacks-decorated function I make a call like this:
def myfunction(a, b):
c = callsomething(a)
yield twisted.internet.defer.succeed(None)
print callsomething2(b, c)
This yield will get back to the function immediately (this means: it won't be re-scheduled but immediately continue from the yield). This contrasts with Tornado's tornado.gen.moment (which isn't more than an already-resolved Future with a result of None), which makes the yielder re-schedule itself, regardless the future being already resolved or not.
How can I run a behavior like the one Tornado does when yielding a dummy future like moment?
The equivalent might be something like a yielding a Deferred that doesn't fire until "soon". reactor.callLater(0, ...) is generally accepted to create a timed event that doesn't run now but will run pretty soon. You can easily get a Deferred that fires based on this using twisted.internet.task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda: None).
You may want to look at alternate scheduling tools instead, though (in both Twisted and Tornado). This kind of re-scheduling trick generally only works in small, simple applications. Its effectiveness diminishes the more tasks concurrently employ it.
Consider whether something like twisted.internet.task.cooperate might provide a better solution instead.