How to generate PDF on Windows Phone in C# - windows-phone

I need to generate a PDF from my Windows universal app with the following requirements.
Break the pages at proper places
Show background colors
Show the borders and set heights properly
Show images (if needed)
Add spacing
Different sizes of fonts
Show a boxes
Different colored borders and lines.
I found following links.
I just need to know any other 3rd party solutions or any other ways to generate a PDF from windows universal app.


PDF ability to reference/load images and fonts from external CDN

I have an application that uses scanned form images as a background to a PDF, then paints fields and renders data in those fields over that background to provide a virtual form of a physical form.
The problem we are facing is the size of the PDF is too large (15-30mb) and we need to communicate several PDFs to an API that has a hard limit of ~20mb. The PDFs need to be 1-2Mb in size.
I am hoping to be able to solve this problem by stripping fonts and background form-images from the PDF itself, leaving the content of the PDF only the text data and fields. I imagine this could work as long as the PDF could load the fonts and fields from an external URL (our content delivery network would do quite nicely here).
The PDFs will be downloaded and rendered on a variety of devices (phones, tablets and PCs). They need to render properly, no different from having the images and fonts embedded in the PDFs.
Can I achieve this using PDFs?
No, what I wanted is not possible in PDFs. It may be possible with Javascript embedded in PDFs but I did not try this.
Instead, we resolved the problem by using vector graphics for lines in the form (tables and section separators), embedding common fonts and using only font sub-sets for fonts not used in data entry.
I don't think it is necessary to embed the fonts for input fields, but you will want to ensure that special input field characters like the solid center for radio buttons or checkmarks for checkboxes are embedded. Add different types and size of fonts to one button

I am making one project where i want to use two differnt fonts types and size in one button. For example like in Windows Defender where you have information about what does button do and under this you have security message in different size and type of font in one button.
For this button i have no line with code, but is here anyone who did this kind of stuff?

Font Embedding for Editable PDFs

I am trying to figure out a way to successfully embed full fonts (not just the subset) within an editable PDF to create a PDF that allows the end-user to customize the information within each of the editable fields without losing the font styling and without having to separately download the font themselves. Some fonts will allow it, while others that are downloaded/purchased will not. However, I have seen others do this successfully and I know that the particular font that I am working with was purchased with a license for commercial use so there should not be any permission issues with embedding it. I have also seen this particular font in use for editable PDFs. I am working on Illustrator CC and Adobe Pro DC. I've used the Preflight Embed Missing Fonts option to no avail, as well as changing the Illustrator Setting for substituting fonts to 0% and neither has worked successfully. Any suggestions? Is this an additional plug in?

How to measure text in a RichTextBox in Silverlight

I want to get the height necessary to display the full text in my RichTextBox (when the text extends beyond the set height of the control).
Reminder: Silverlight has no handy TextRenderer.MeasureText like WPF does, nor any other apparent way to measure text.
Doesn't seem like there's any way to do this. I've seen mention of people measuring text of a single font (not mixed as in my RichTextBox) by creating a TextBlock and getting it's Width. Even this doesn't work - it's perfect for some fonts and inconsistent for others.
My app is occasionally connected, so I can't call the server.
As you say, I don't think there's a good way to do this in Silverlight today. There are some functions available in the Document Toolkit by First Floor Software, however those are geared towards working with XPS documents. I'm not sure what you're trying to do, however in Silverlight 5 the RichTextBox does come with the ability to "overflow" text into multiple other RichTextBoxes when the first one cannot display all of the data. This allows you to more easily create a multi-column text layout.
Document Toolkit:
SL5 Video:
SL5 Blog Post:

Render PDF on a Blackberry?

We are using Blackberries to display PDF reports. Here are background details on the problem:
The PDF reports are created using JasperReports.
Report format can be changed.
Different report formats are available (as per the feature set of JasperReports).
The PDF reports are on a website, too, so retaining a single source is ideal.
The page setup is in Landscape.
Here are the issues we have encountered:
Users cannot see a full line of text on the Blackberry.
The size of the PDF and UI makes reading difficult, at best.
The menu option to convert the PDF to text loses too much formatting to be useful.
The text is blurry (and too small).
Here are solutions we have thought about:
Create a second report (not ideal) in text or HTML format.
Simplify the original report format (not really an option, given the amount of data).
What other options are there for making a report available on the Blackberry, given the constraints of JaserReports, such that the report:
Is legible?
Is formatted for readability?
Displays quickly?
Essentially, we'd like to make sure there are no simple solutions we have overlooked for displaying legible PDFs on Blackberries.
We convert TIFFs to PDF for one of our applications, and have had mixed results with BlackBerry PDF viewers. These were our results.
The following PDF readers worked for our purposes:
RepliGo Reader v1.1.1.1 - $19.95
Works fine.
DataViz Documents To Go Premium Edition v1.003.001 - $49.99
Works and includes a word wrap option to get the current zoom level to fit the available screen width, by moving text onto subsequent lines. Might fit your needs.
The following PDF readers did not work for our purposes:
BeamReader v1.0.8 - $17.99
BeamSuite v3.0.2 - $49.99
These couldn't open our PDF files ("Unsupported document format"). In addition they did not register as a PDF content handler, required for our application.
MasterDoc - $19.95
eOffice - $29.95
These also did not register as a PDF content handler. We had a range of problems with these, including installation issues, and not being able to open any PDFs at all.
Try BeamReader
I hear it's the best at reading PDFs for BlackBerry
How about outputting the file to an RTF or an image file (JPG/GIF), and then viewing them in your web browser?
If that doesn't work well on the native browser, I would focus on viewing the file via some other web browser - for example, Opera Mini. I know for images it's easier to navigate "big" images in Opera Mini than the native browser.
If your blackberries are on a BES server, couldn't you display the reports as HTML on your corporate intranet? - Then you could email a link to the blackberry and simply browse the report.
You can convert pdf to image via xpdf and than show image. xpdf is a BEST renderer of pdf.