Command Line Calculator in Objective C [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to implement a command line application in C/Objective C which will act as a calculator of more than two numbers.
E.g ./calc 5 + 4 * 6
= 29
I just need an idea or simple algorithm to start. I will appreciate any help on this.

The algorithm you want is the infix notation to postfix notation converter.
You can find some more info on it over here.
EDIT: I am not sure if this will help, but here is an implementation in Java. I'm not familiar with Objective-C
// converts a infix string to postfix string
private void convertInfixToPostfix(){
// create an empty operand stack
operatorStack = new Stack<>();
Operator operator = null;
Operand operand = null;
for(int i = 0; i < expressionTokens.size(); i++){
String token = expressionTokens.get(i);
Element element = new Element(token);
if(element.isOperand(token)){ // check if element is operand
// add the element to the postfix string
operand = new Operand(element.getStringValue());
else if(operatorStack.isEmpty()){
// push the token to the operator stack, its an operator
operator = new Operator(element.getStringValue());
else {
operator = new Operator(element.getStringValue());
while(!operatorStack.isEmpty() &&
<= operator.getPrecedence()))
// add the rest of the operator stack to the postfix string
Operator remainingOperator = operatorStack.pop();


Objective-C to Swift conversion for C function [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am facing difficulties in Objective-C to Swift conversion. How to write below code in Swift?
int mib[2];
size_t length;
mib[0] = CTL_HW;
mib[1] = HW_MEMSIZE;
length = sizeof(int64_t);
sysctl(mib, 2, &physicalMemorySize, &length, NULL, 0);
mib[1] = HW_USERMEM;
length = sizeof(int64_t);
sysctl(mib, 2, &userMemorySize, &length, NULL, 0);
It is not too difficult if one knows two things:
The C int type is a 32-bit integer, this is Int32 in Swift,
not Int.
sizeof() from C is MemoryLayout<T>.stride in Swift.
Then we get:
var mib : [Int32] = [ CTL_HW, HW_MEMSIZE ]
var physicalMemorySize: Int64 = 0
var size = MemoryLayout<Int64>.stride
if sysctl(&mib, UInt32(mib.count), &physicalMemorySize, &size, nil, 0) == 0 {
} else {
print("sysctl failed")

how to convert characterIsMember objective c to swift [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have one part code objective c code and I want to convert to swift :
NSString *rawStr = [[tokenField textField] text];
for (int i = 0; i < [rawStr length]; i++)
if (![charSet characterIsMember:[rawStr characterAtIndex:i]])
[recipient appendFormat:#"%#",[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", [rawStr characterAtIndex:i]]];
if ([rawStr length])
[tokenField addTokenWithTitle:rawStr representedObject:recipient];
please guide me about that.
If you don't mind using NSString the port is straight forward:
let rawStr:NSString = tokenField.textField.text
for i in 0..<rawStr.length {
let currentChar = rawStr.characterAtIndex(i)
if !charSet.characterIsMember(currentChar) {
recipient.appendFormat("%#", NSString(format:"%c", currentChar))
if rawStr.length > 0 {
tokenField.addTokenWithTitle(rawStr, representedObject:recipient)
Else the String class does not have a length method. You'll have to use s.startIndex.advancedBy syntax.
Looks like you are trying to keep characters that are not in your character set.
func strRemoveCharsNotInSet(str: String) -> String {
let charSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: ".#")
let temp = str.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(charSet)
let backToString = temp.joinWithSeparator("")
return backToString

Method of Inputting strings a specific number of times based on an integer input [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Im trying to create a function that takes a positive integer as an argument, then takes that integer as a number of inputs. Each input will be on a new line. These inputs(strings) will then be appended to a list and returned
this is what the function should look like:
["a", "b", "c", "d"]
["q", "r"]
It would be better to use 4 methods for this problem:
Method that creates and fills an array
A printer
Used for testing the program (supplies array length) to make sure it works
// You did not specify, but I am assuming java and that you want to use arrays
// I have coded this entire program, and will be willing to fix/help with whatever code you post
// Also remember to import scanner.
1) Main is simple, just call the methods:
public static void main(String[] args) {
int length = test();
String[] array = arrayCreator(length);
2) Now create the array:
- public static String[] arrayCreator(int length){
- create a new scanner
- make a new array with the int "length" defining its length.
- Prompt user to enter strings
- simple for loop with i being less than length
- inside for loop:
- new string getting input from scanner
- array[i] = temp;
- return the array
3) Print the array:
- public static void printArray(String[] array){
- int length = array.length;
- String temp = "";
- System.out.print("[");
- for loop with i < length
- nested in for loop:
- if statement with i equaling one less than the length:
- temp = array[i];
- System.out.print("\""+temp+"\"]");
- else statement:
- temp = array[i];
- System.out.print("\""+temp+"\", ");
4) Tester method:
- public static int test(){
- Create a new Scanner (remember to import scanner)
- prompt for array size
- new int that takes the input
- return the int

'Expected expression' errors [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm getting Expected expression errors on the following code:
(void) for(t; t < kPlatformsStartTag + kNumPlatforms; t++) { //error here
CCSprite *platform = (CCSprite*)[batchNode getChildByTag:t];
CGSize platform_size = platform.contentSize;
CGPoint platform_pos = platform.position;
max_x = platform_pos.x - platform_size.width/2 - 10;
min_x = platform_pos.x + platform_size.width/2 + 10;
float min_y = platform_pos.y + (platform_size.height+bird_size.height)/2 - kPlatformTopPadding;
if(bird_pos.x > max_x &&
bird_pos.x < min_x &&
bird_pos.y > platform_pos.y &&
bird_pos.y < min_y) {
[self jump];
(void) for(t; t < kCloudsStartTag + kNumClouds; t++) { //error here
CCSprite *cloud = (CCSprite*)[batchNode getChildByTag:t];
CGPoint pos = cloud.position;
pos.y -= delta * cloud.scaleY * 0.8f;
if(pos.y < -cloud.contentSize.height/2) {
currentCloudTag = t;
[self resetCloud];
} else {
cloud.position = pos;
The error is found where the "for" code is. I put the (void) code in because I will get an Expression result unused error. Any ideas?
The (void) before the for loop does not make sense.
You have to remove the (void) before the for loop because it's not a valid c syntax. You can't solve an error with another error.
You may ask the question : Why puting (void) before the for loop prevented the unused expression error. Well that's because the debugger didn't reach it. and it doesn't know for what is for as he expected a resulted value from it to cast it to void.
When the compiler is generating the error: Unused Entity Issue - Expression result unused. That's means that your program is evaluating an expression without using it.
In your case at the for loop if the t variable is already initialized as you want it, you shouldn't put it at the first part as it will be considired as an unused expression.
for(; t < kPlatformsStartTag + kNumPlatforms; t++) { // keep the first expresion empty
// ...
You've already got answers about the bogus (void), but not about the unused expression.
for(t; t < kCloudsStartTag + kNumClouds; t++)
The initial expression here, t, has absolutely no effect, and for that reason has no business being present at all. The value of t is read and immediately discarded, and any decent compiler will optimise that by not even bothering to read t. You do not need an expression here. You can remove it, and write
for(; t < kCloudsStartTag + kNumClouds; t++)
although personally, I might be tempted to go with a while loop instead.
Edit: reading your code more closely, your code seems to need to give t an initial value.
for(t = 0; t < kCloudsStartTag + kNumClouds; t++)
Either way, your attempt to suppress the warning without understanding what the warning was telling you wasn't a good idea.

How get a process by know process name on mac os? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How can i get a process by know process name on mac os?
Just reformatted Haley's answer:
// Return YES if given name process in process list . Otherwise return NO
bool IsInBSDProcessList(char *name) {
assert( name != NULL);
kinfo_proc *result;
size_t count = 0;
result = (kinfo_proc *)malloc(sizeof(kinfo_proc));
if(GetBSDProcessList(&result,&count) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
kinfo_proc *proc = NULL;
proc = &result[i];
if (strcmp(name, proc->kp_proc.p_comm) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
Your question is rather vague. Can you define what you mean by "get a process"?
One method (depending on your definition): launch the Activity Monitor app in Applications/Utilities, and look up the process name in the list.
ps -eaf
from a console