createjs navigate url link not working for flash movieclip - createjs

i also tried document.location , windows.location and . but nothing worked out . i am trying this from last frame .
note : i need to apply this in flash cc movieclip createjs export .
/* js
var poem = new lib.mypoem();
poem.mouseEnabled = true;
poem.addEventListener('click', fl_MouseOverHandler);
function fl_MouseOverHandler(event)
{"", "_self");

there is no error in your code but its not working .
there are lots of cause it may not work :
so i have found out some technic to make it working
do not convert your jpg movieclip directly rather create a rectangle of 0 opacity in flash stage and use that as a button
to avoid pixel data security issue . run this from xmapp or any local or remote webserver
always use latest easeljs link .”>
if you still do not understand download source :


How can i add oncomplete evetn to movie clip generated from animate CC exporter

i have a canvas project created by Animate CC ,
i need to add "onComplete" event to a movie clip generated from Animate CC canvas project ,
the solution present from createjs site :
target.alpha = 1;
.to({alpha:0, visible:false}, 1000)
function handleComplete() {
//Tween complete
from tweenJs site
i don't want to modify the js file generated by Animate CC , but i could not find a way to hock to movie clip tween
I've tried to access exportRoot.MyMovieClipInstanceName.timeline to get the tween but with not lock
You shouldn't need to access the timeline directly -- MovieClips fire a "animationend" event when their timeline is complete. From anywhere you should be able to do:
exportRoot.instance.on("animationend", function(e) {
You could also add code to the timeline in Animate, which basically does the same thing.
this.on("animationend", function(e) {

How to use Google Translate TTS with the new V2 API?

I used to call Google Translate TTS to download an audio file using this url:!
However Google changed the way that works and therefore I can no longer download the audio files.
I've signed up for a free trial for Google Translate API V2, but can't find how to get the TTS audio files.
Any idea?
You can use that link without captcha..ın+bu+dünya+bitsin+bu+rüya
I stumbled across this thread and wanted to give my take on it, with reference to #Alexandre Andrade, mainly because he didn't submit any code.
I did this in a react app, but the same procedure should works for a vanilla web project.
I did add the meta tag to my head public/index.html,
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer">
Then added the audio tag in my component:
const playTTS = (text, lang) => {
// Get the audio element
const audioEl = document.getElementById('tts-audio');
const url= `${lang}&client=tw-ob&q=${text}`;
// add the sound to the audio element
audioEl.src = url;
//For auto playing the sound;
<audio controls id="tts-audio"/>
Then it's just a matter of hooking the function up to some of your life cycle methods. Since I wrote my react code in react hooks, I added the function call in one of my hooks to get it initialized when the component was loaded. (this would be in the componentDidMount() function otherwise).
Hope this helps anyone out!
try this link for English:
For Chinese (Puthonghua)世界+你好
Text-to-speech was always an 'unofficial' API which is now captcha-protected to prevent abuse. It was never advertised as part of the Translate API, and currently there is no TTS functionality in the Translate V2 API, paid or otherwise.
There is some more background on the following groups thread which had been ongoing for some time.
Here's to those who have desperately been trying to play Google TTS as an audio in HTML: let me save you a couple of hours of time and tell you how to do it.
Let's say we have this link:
If you try to play this audio given the link and using <audio>, <iframe>, using third-party libraries or playing it with Javascript...
var audio = new Audio('');;
...then you'll soon find out that none of the aforementioned ways work as Error 404 is being thrown.
Apparently, the only possible way to play this TTS generic audio is to utilise <embed> tag wrapped into a custom <iframe> and giving the link a unique version number (it is important, as caching by browsers prevents the audio from playing for some reason).
Here is the solution for our example: (assuming you have an iframe#ttsiframe)
function playTTS(lang,sentence) {
//get the iframe
var iFrame = document.getElementById('ttsiframe');
//remove its sandbox property
//this is your reference variable for the iframe body and head tag
var iFrameBody;
//get the body
if (iFrame.contentDocument) { // FF
iFrameBody = iFrame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
iFrameHead = iFrame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
else if (iFrame.contentWindow) { // IE
iFrameBody = iFrame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
iFrameHead = iFrame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
else {
iFrameBody = iFrame.contentDocument.body;
iFrameHead = iFrame.contentDocument.head;
//generate link to Google Translate TTS using arguments (pay attention to random version number at the end)
var link = '' + lang + '&q=' + sentence.replace(/ /g,'+').replace(/[.]/g,'') + '&rd=' + getRandomInt(0,50000000);
//add embed element with our link
iFrameBody.innerHTML = '<embed src="' + link + '" id="TTS">';
//isolate iframe
you can simply use the link:
Text to Speech

Windows 8 app with FabricJS Free Drawing Support?

I'm trying to implement free drawing in my windows 8 app but I keep getting this error:
"0x800a01bd - JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this action
File: fabric.js, Line: 12857, Column: 7"
Adding images to the canvas etc. all works as it does in the demos but in VS when I hovered over "fabric" in this code, fabric.Shadow is not shown as an option in the list:
setShadow: function(options) {
return this.set('shadow', new fabric.Shadow(options));
Does anyone know why this isn't working for me? I created a build of the api from and included all modules. I've copied the code from the free drawing demo ( but no joy. I also tried removing any reference to creating a shadow as I don't plan on using that functionality but it still crashes. Thank you
Thank you! It's working for me now. I did have to change the JavaScript provided by the demo to make it work though. Just as a reference to anyone who may want to use it with Windows 8 in future, the jquery code needs to be made more strict for it to update the selectors.
Provided code:
var $ = function(id){return document.getElementById(id)};
var drawingModeEl = $('drawing-mode'),
drawingOptionsEl = $('drawing-mode-options'),
drawingColorEl = $('drawing-color'),
drawingShadowColorEl = $('drawing-shadow-color'),
drawingLineWidthEl = $('drawing-line-width'),
drawingShadowWidth = $('drawing-shadow-width'),
drawingShadowOffset = $('drawing-shadow-offset'),
clearEl = $('clear-canvas');
I did away with the above and just used the standard jquery selector $('#drawing-mode') each time I needed it. Then the events were provided as:
drawingModeEl.onclick = function() {}
drawingColorEl.onchange = function() {}
so I changed the above to:
$('#drawing-mode').on('click', function () {});
$('#drawing-color').change(function (){});
Now everything works as it does in the demo. Love this API, thank you!

Dynamic Height Adjusting w/ Open Social Gadget

I have a gadget that is a glossary with a number of different pages. users can upload new words to the data source and those words will be pulled into the glossary through an AJAX call.
I want to resize the gadget window everytime the window is re-sized OR a new letter is selected and the page height changes (ie the gadget html block height).
Google developers has posted this on their website. However, this clearly is not working for me. The scrolling is not registering on the iframe and the height is not adjusting when the window is resized.
Here are my ModulePrefs
title="Climate Policy and Science Glossary"
description="Paragraph format"
<Require feature="dynamic-height"/>
<Require feature="opensocial-0.8" />
Here is the gadget's script telling it to adjust:
window.onresize = adjust;
function adjust() {
var wndwH = gadgets.window.getViewportDimensions().height,
wgtH = $('#_glossary').closest('html').height,
h = Math.min(wndwH, wgtH);
What's going on? Am I doing something wrong or is there anyone else out there having trouble with Google's dynamic height??
The adjust function really only needs:
function adjust() {
That should fit everything automatically.

YouTube video on Flash Banner CS4 AS3

I am trying to make a flash banner in CS4 with AS3.
In this banner I have to embed youtube videos.
My problem is.. after the video loaded I cant have/see usual controls (fullscreen, pause, stop, etc) on the video.. and the video has the autoplay by default.
I am using this code:
var my_player1:Object;
var my_loader1:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(""));
my_loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoaderInit);
function onLoaderInit(e:Event):void{
my_player1 = my_loader1.content;
my_player1.addEventListener("onReady", onPlayerReady);
function onPlayerReady(e:Event):void{
//this example is with parameter//
// this one is only the video id//
I was trying to pass the parameter in the url to try but seems to be is not working.
I was checking too the google API for AS3 ( but honestly I dont find the way to implement that I need.
Whats is the way to see this controls in the video??
Thank you :)
I was trying different thing and I found a partial solution that i want to share with:
var my_player1:Object;
var my_loader1:Loader = new Loader();
//before I used that:
//my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(""));
//Now is use this:
my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(";
my_loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoaderInit);
function onLoaderInit(e:Event):void{
my_player1 = my_loader1.content;
my_player1.addEventListener("onReady", onPlayerReady);
function onPlayerReady(e:Event):void{
Basically Instead of use the "Loading the chromeless player" I use the "Loading the embedded player"
My problem now is How I can modify for example the size of the controls bar.. because is taking 35px height and I want to reduce it