facebook audience network testing on test flight No Fill - objective-c

testing our app when running on xcode is good and we can see ads even without test mode (device hash), so we can see live ads. Everything is setup fine, but when we test the app on test flight, It's always returning a log of "No Fill".. :S,
We have logged in the facebook native app, Limit ads tracking is disabled..
What do you think is still the problem? Is it required from facebook that the app is live on apple store?
Thank you very much!..

The issue is in TestFlight.
By design, TestFlight generates a new and different IDFA in each run. Those IDFAs are different from your device IDFA which is used by Facebook native app. When your app sent ad requests with those new IDFAs to Audience Network, the server cannot matching the IDFA to get the proper ads and returns 'NO FILL' back. That is what exactly you have experienced.
Here is the link for detail:iOS: TestFlight beta app get new advertising identifier in each run.
The solution is to get off TestFlight and run the app directly through the device, or continues to use TestFlight but with Facebook test ad only.


AppStore Connect - Is IDFA gone?

I'm uploading a new build of my iOS app and as always, I was going to check the IDFA options but I can't find them anywhere! Did something change?
It seems after requirement that apps use IDFA must ask users permission, Apple doesn't ask developers to select whether app use IDFA in App Store connect anymore.
So just submit app and don't care about it. I have submited an app successfully.

Firebase Database wont be connected to App in TestFlight

Hey there so I just uploaded my first app to App Store Connect. The verification is still pending, but I as the admin got to test the App before that. My Problem is that my Database Firebase won't work with the App version I got from test flight will this be changed when the App is verified?
I will encourage you to look through the Firebase documentation. It has code samples in swift as well as Objective C.
As far as your requirement is concerned, if you are using Realtime Database, you'll do it this way:
[[[_ref child:#"user"] childByAutoId] setValue:#"1"];

Can't find any users after login with q-municate

I cloned q-municate, went through the q-municate tutorial for Android, build with Android Studio, installed on 2 test devices, logged in both with Facebook (had to setup 2nd user as tester in Facebook dev).
I can't find the other user (in my own app). Quickblox dashboard shows users.
To research Quickblox, I initially downloaded original "q-municate" app from the Google playstore. I installed it on 2 phones, and logged in with phone (twitter digits) and Facebook. It was hard finding someone there too. But once connected, I was able to send messages back and forth. It didn't work great, but I'm guessing with the free tier that Quickblox has for their sample app, there is a limit to msgs and notifications.

PIN authentication on iOS app and then listing all ios apps

I want to list all my published iOS apps list on my main ios app .
My main iOS app will perform like this: First screen will ask to enter PIN (an authorization code, user will have this code from my other web url ) after validation, next screen will show all published app (published from my developer a/c) of iTunes store. apps will be a free type category, if user click on any specific app, the itunes app should be launch to download that app on device.
Could some one please suggest me , is there any violation of Apple's rule to show my apps in this way authentication to my customers? Will apple reject my app?
Although i was trying to understand a search API of iTunes
Thanks a lot,

Trying to post score with scores api from an iOS app, but app access_token is required

I have an iOS game that wants to publish user scores to Facebook. I use lastest Facebook SDK from git.
The app is in the Games category, and marked as Native/Desktop app.
The iOS bundle is set correctly (if I set it wrong, my app can't log-in).
I request publish_actions permission from the user and it succeeds.
But when I try to post a new score via requestGraphPath of USER_ID/scores (or me/scores) I get an error requesting the app access_token.
I understand that this is considered as a client-app and the app authentication is done via the Facebook SDK. So the access_token is a combined one (and encrypted?) and should work.
(putting the App Secret Key inside my app and patching the SDK to handle it isn't a good idea)
On the other hand, posting high scores via the new Open Graph works perfectly (I use the default High Score action and it works), but I need to wait for the approval in order to go live...
What am I missing about the Scores API?
On facebook your app must be WEB-type.
Work only with USER_ID and app access_token
(example 221179161233395|O9Wwt7hmowV2Bt3k5yVAy2SInTU)