Change results URL in Alfresco AIkau faceted search page - dojo

I have some difficulties customizing the Aikau faceted search page on Alfresco, which may be more a matter of lack of my knowledge about dojo/AMD.
What I want to do is to replace the document details page URL by a download URL.
I extended the Search Results Widget to include my own custom module :
var searchResultWidget = widgetUtils.findObject(model.jsonModel, "id", "FCTSRCH_SEARCH_RESULT");
if(searchResultWidget) { = "mynamespace/search/CustomAlfSearchResult";
I understand search results URLs are rendered this way :
AlfSearchResult module => uses SearchResultPropertyLink module => mixins _SearchResultLinkMixin renderer => bring the "generateSearchLinkPayload" function => renders URLs depending on the result type
I want to override this "generateSearchLinkPayload" function but I can't figure out what is the best way to do that.
Thanks in advance for the help !

This answer assumes you're able to use the latest version of Aikau (at the time of writing this is 1.0.61). Older versions might require slightly different overriding...
In order to do this you're going to need to override the createDisplayNameRenderer function of AlfSearchResult in your CustomAlfSearchResult widget. This will allow you to create an extension of alfresco/search/SearchResultPropertyLink.
If you want to take advantage of the the download capabilities provided by the alfresco/services/DocumentService for downloading both documents and folders (as a zip) then you're going to want to change both the publishTopic and publishPayload of the SearchResultPropertyLink.
You should extend the getPublishTopic and generateSearchLinkPayload functions. For the getPublishTopic function you'll want to change the return value to be "ALF_SMART_DOWNLOAD" (there are constants available for these strings in the alfresco/core/topics module). This topic can be used to tell the DocumentService to take care of figuring out if the node is a folder or document and will make an XHR request for the full node metadata (in order to get the contentUrl attribute that is not included in the data returned by the Search API.
You should extend the generateSearchLinkPayload function so that for document or folder types the payload contains the attribute nodes that is a single array where the object is the search result object that you wish to download.
I would recommend that you call this.inherited first to get the default payload and only update it for documents and folders.
Hopefully that all makes sense - if not, add a comment and I'll try to provide further assistance!

This is the answer for - unfortunately it's not quite so straightforward...
You still need to extend the alfresco/search/AlfSearchResult widget, however this time you need to extend the postCreate function (remembering to call this.inherited(arguments)). It's not possible to stop the original alfresco/search/SearchResultPropertyLink widget from being created... so it will be necessary to find it and destroy it.
The widget is not assigned to a variable, so it will be necessary to find it using dijit/registry. Use the byNode function from dijit/registry to find the widget assigned to this.nameNode and then call destroy on it (be sure to pass the argument true to preserve the DOM). However, you will then need to empty the DOM node so that you can start again...
Now you need to add in your extension to alfresco/search/SearchResultPropertyLink. Unfortunately, because the smart download capability is not available you'll need to do more work. The difference here is that you'll need to make an XHR request to retrieve the full node metadata in order to obtain the contentURL. It's possible to publish a request to the DocumentService(via the "ALF_RETRIEVE_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_REQUEST" topic). However, you need to be aware that having the XHR step will not allow you to then proceed with the download as is. Instead you'll need to use an iframe download solution, I'd suggest you take a look at the changes in the pull request we recently made to solve this problem and backport them into your own solution.


How to do right rest api update?

I am developing rest api update method for user profile resource user/profile. I am disappointed what http method should i use. Update contains some required attributes so it more PUT request, where client need to fill all attributes. But how it can extend attributes in future. If i will decide to add new attribute then it will automatically clear because client is not implement it yet.
But what if this new attribute has default value or is set by another route?
Can i use PUT with not stricting number of attributes and use old data if new isn't come in request. Or how it can be done normally?
HTTP is an application whose application domain is the transfer of documents over a network -- Webber, 2011.
PUT is the appropriate method to use when "saving" a new version of a document onto a web server.
how it can extend attributes in future.
You design your schemas to be forward and backward compatible; in practice, what this means is that you can add new optional elements with reasonable default values. When you need to add a new required element, you change the name of the schema.
You'll find prior art in this topic by searching XML literature for must ignore.
You understand correctly: PUT is for complete replacement, so values that you don't include would be lost.
Instead, use the PATCH method, which is for making partial updates. You can update only the properties you include values for.

Pass data across Hapi JS application

I want to detect current selected language from a domain (like, so I need to pass it to all non static route handlers and to all views.
To detect a language I need a request object. But global view context it is possible to update where request object is not accessible (in server.views({})). Also server.bind (to pass data to route handler) works only where request object is not accessible.
Hapi version: 11.1.2
You could try something like this:
server.ext('onPreResponse', function (request, reply) {
if (request.response.variety === 'view') {
request.response.source.context.lang = request.path;
This will attach a lang data point to the context that is being sent into the view. You'll have to extract the lang from the url as request.path is probably not what you actually want.
Also, if you look here you'll see a few pieces of request data is made available to every view via reply.view() If the locale/language is available directly in one of those data points, or can be derived from them, you can skip the extension point approach entirely.
Again, this is assuming version 10+ of hapi. If you're using an older version, the extension point method is your best bet.

Get a file from IVirtualImageProvider

I have a custom plugin for serving images trought LDAP IPlugin
and IVirtualImageProvider now im doing a task of importing users from LDAP to our own system and as such i need to import those images, i was wondering if there is any way of using the plugin i previously created to import those images, perhaps something in the like of
ImageResizer.ImageJob i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob("http://host/ad/A68986", "~/uploads/<guid>.<ext>", new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings(
But the first parameter (source) would be "resolved" by my LDAP plugin, ImageResizer API
Edit: I figured out this is possible since source can be a IVirtualFile, that implies that i know in advance which one to create (for my case my own ldap) it would be nice to pass the url and somehow get the correct IVirtualFile
Yes, ImageJob resolves any 'app-relative virtual paths' using installed IVirtualImageProviders. Such paths must begin with "~/", and match the path prefix and syntax you've designed, of course.
In your case, this might look like
var i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob("~/ad/A68986", "~/uploads/<guid>.<ext>",
new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings("width=2000;height=2000;format=jpg;mode=max"));
You can also call Config.Current.Pipeline.GetFile to get an IVirtualFile reference based on a path, if you just want the original data.

Yii load system params from Database using Active Record

I am interested in loading some system params into the Yii::app()->params array from the database using a CActiveRecord extension called SiteSetting.
Unfortunately I couldn't find much advice online for this, but believe I can place a method in SiteSetting called loadSiteSettingsToAppParams and add the setting...
'onBeginRequest'=>array('SiteSetting', 'loadSiteSettingsToAppParams') the config.
I would like to know if I can only add this onBeginRequest to the Yii::app() somewhere within the SiteSetting class (to keep my code modular) and whether this is a sensible approach.
Thanks in advance.
Just re-read your question now and I'd try to provide answers.
To the question "I would like to know if I can only add this onBeginRequest to the Yii::app() somewhere within the SiteSetting class (to keep my code modular)": the answer is, You're not restricted to just a Class. You could (theoretically) place it anywhere within your application and also in the config.php file.
As to whether it's a sensible approach, it depends on the time it would take to request those settings from the database and whether you're prepared to add that time to your HttpRequest response time. The onBeforeRequest is fired before every HttpRequest and if the loadSiteSettingsToAppParams method consumes lots of time, you're adding that time to your HttpRequest response time.
I'd advise that you fetch those settings once after login and then update them only when they change (the settings are updated). This way, you could place the call to loadSiteSettingsToAppParams in the UserIdentity class and call it after a successful login.
That's just how I'd go about doing this though.
Hope I helped.
The easy & nice way to accomplish this by using a comoponent like SettingComoponent and place in the components directory protected/components then pre load this component in the preload section like this preload => array('log', 'setting', ...). That's it and now you can call this component anywhere you want like Yii:app()->setting->whatever.
I hope this is answer can be useful for you.

IBM Worklight - JSONStore logic to refresh data from the server and be able to work offline

currently the JSONStore API provides a load() method that says in the documentation:
This function always stores whatever it gets back from the adapter. If
the data exists, it is duplicated in the collection". This means that
if you want to avoid duplicates by calling load() on an already
populated collection, you need to empty or drop the collection before.
But if you want to be able to keep the elements you already have in
the collection in case there is no more connectivity and your
application goes for offline mode, you also need to keep track of
these existing elements.
Since the API doesn't provide a "overwrite" option that would replace the existing elements in case the call to the adapter succeeds, I'm wondering what kind of logic should be put in place in order to manage both offline availability of data and capability to refresh at any time? It is not that obvious to manage all the failure cases by nesting the JS code due to the promises...
Thanks for your advices!
One approach to achieve this:
Use enhance to create your own load method (i.e. loadAndOverwrite). You should have access to the all the variables kept inside an JSONStore instance (collection name, adapter name, adapter load procedure name, etc. -- you will probably use those variables in the invokeProcedure step below).
Call push to make sure there are no local changes.
Call invokeProcedure to get data, all the variables you need should be provided in the context of enhance.
Find if the document already exists and then remove it. Use {push: false} so JSONStore won't track that change.
Use add to add the new/updated document. Use {push: false} so JSONStore won't track that change.
Alternatively, if the document exists you can use replace to update it.
Alternatively, you can use removeCollection and call load again to refresh the data.
There's an example that shows how to use all those API calls here.
Regarding promises, read this from InfoCenter and this from HTML5Rocks. Google can provide more information.