Get a file from IVirtualImageProvider - imageresizer

I have a custom plugin for serving images trought LDAP IPlugin
and IVirtualImageProvider now im doing a task of importing users from LDAP to our own system and as such i need to import those images, i was wondering if there is any way of using the plugin i previously created to import those images, perhaps something in the like of
ImageResizer.ImageJob i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob("http://host/ad/A68986", "~/uploads/<guid>.<ext>", new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings(
But the first parameter (source) would be "resolved" by my LDAP plugin, ImageResizer API
Edit: I figured out this is possible since source can be a IVirtualFile, that implies that i know in advance which one to create (for my case my own ldap) it would be nice to pass the url and somehow get the correct IVirtualFile

Yes, ImageJob resolves any 'app-relative virtual paths' using installed IVirtualImageProviders. Such paths must begin with "~/", and match the path prefix and syntax you've designed, of course.
In your case, this might look like
var i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob("~/ad/A68986", "~/uploads/<guid>.<ext>",
new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings("width=2000;height=2000;format=jpg;mode=max"));
You can also call Config.Current.Pipeline.GetFile to get an IVirtualFile reference based on a path, if you just want the original data.


Xquery extracting property values from .properties file

I am currently trying to extract property values from my properties file, but am running into some problems. I can't test this in ML query console, because the properties file doesn't exist there. I am currently trying to grab the values of the file like this
let $port := #{#properties[""]}
I've also looked at
$uri as xs:string,
$property as xs:QName
however that is limited to .xml files I believe. Does anyone have a way/work-around of accessing these values? I can't seem to find one I've looked at some documentation on Marklogic's website, but can't seem to get anything to work. The way I was accessing before was in ruby, through monkey-patching allowing me to access those private fields.The problem with that is the ruby script I call is only called once, while my .xqy file is ran every minute that sends args to another function. I need to access those args from the properties file, right now I just have them hard-coded in. Any thoughts?
You cannot access deployment properties like that, but you can pass them along with deployment. If you create a new REST app with latest Roxy, you should get a copy of this config.xqy added to src/config/:
That file is treated specially when deployed to the modules database. Properties references are replaced inside there. In your case, add another variable, and give it a string value following the pattern:
declare variable $c:port := "";
You can then import the config lib, and use it in your code.
These so-called Deployer Substitutions are described in more detail on the Roxy wiki:

Quickly-editable config file, not visible to public visitors?

I am in the middle of working with, and getting a handle on Vuejs. I would like to code my app in a way that it has some configurable behaviors, so that I could play with parameter values, like you do when you edit your Sublime preferences, but without having to compile my app again. Ideally, I would want a situation where I could have my colleagues be able to fiddle with settings all day long, by editing a file over FTP maybe, or over some interface....
The only way I know how to do it now, is to place those settings in a separate file, but as the app runs in the client, that file would have to be fetched via another HTTP request, meaning it's a publicly readable file. Even though there isn't any sensitive information in such a configuration file, I still feel a little wonky about having it public like that, if it can be avoided in any way...
Can it be avoided?
I dont think you can avoid this. One way or another your config file will be loaded into the vuejs application, therefore being visible to the end user (with some effort).
Even putting the file outside of the public folder wouldnt help you much, because then it is unavailable for HTTP to request the file. It would only be available to your compile process in this case.
So a possible solution could be to have some sort of HTTP request that requests GET and returns you a JSON object. Then you could have your app make a cookie like config_key = H47DXHJK12 (or better a UUID which would be the access key for a specific config object.
Your application must then request GET (which should send the config_key cookie), and your config object for this secret key will be returned. If the user clears his cookies, a new request will return an empty config.

How to configure cache folder for SourceDiskCache?

I understand from the documentation that the SourceDiskCache folder cannot be configured using the XML configuration file and is only available "through code installation". However I can't figure out how!
I need to configure a custom folder. I have tried a few different things, with different results (both in Application_Start):
This doesn't throw an error, but uses the default folder (/cache)
var sourceDiskCachePlugin = new SourceDiskCachePlugin {VirtualCacheDir = "~/App_Data/cache"};
This (and most other variations I have tried) throws the error "SourceDiskCache settings may not be adjusted after it is started."
new SourceDiskCachePlugin().Install(Config.Current);
Config.Current.Plugins.Get<SourceDiskCachePlugin>().VirtualCacheDir = "~/App_Data/cache";
How can I configure this?
Also, the documentation states that SourceDiskCache is in beta - is this still the case, and will XML configuration ever be available?
This would be the normal way to configure and install it:
var plugin = new SourceDiskCachePlugin()
plugin.VirtualCacheDir = "~/App_Data/cache";
If your code is running more than once, use Config.Current.Plugins.GetOrInstall(plugin); It's best if you only install the plugin during Application_Start.
However, approach #1 from your question should work equally well, as long as you've set the right NTFS permissions on App_Data.

Change results URL in Alfresco AIkau faceted search page

I have some difficulties customizing the Aikau faceted search page on Alfresco, which may be more a matter of lack of my knowledge about dojo/AMD.
What I want to do is to replace the document details page URL by a download URL.
I extended the Search Results Widget to include my own custom module :
var searchResultWidget = widgetUtils.findObject(model.jsonModel, "id", "FCTSRCH_SEARCH_RESULT");
if(searchResultWidget) { = "mynamespace/search/CustomAlfSearchResult";
I understand search results URLs are rendered this way :
AlfSearchResult module => uses SearchResultPropertyLink module => mixins _SearchResultLinkMixin renderer => bring the "generateSearchLinkPayload" function => renders URLs depending on the result type
I want to override this "generateSearchLinkPayload" function but I can't figure out what is the best way to do that.
Thanks in advance for the help !
This answer assumes you're able to use the latest version of Aikau (at the time of writing this is 1.0.61). Older versions might require slightly different overriding...
In order to do this you're going to need to override the createDisplayNameRenderer function of AlfSearchResult in your CustomAlfSearchResult widget. This will allow you to create an extension of alfresco/search/SearchResultPropertyLink.
If you want to take advantage of the the download capabilities provided by the alfresco/services/DocumentService for downloading both documents and folders (as a zip) then you're going to want to change both the publishTopic and publishPayload of the SearchResultPropertyLink.
You should extend the getPublishTopic and generateSearchLinkPayload functions. For the getPublishTopic function you'll want to change the return value to be "ALF_SMART_DOWNLOAD" (there are constants available for these strings in the alfresco/core/topics module). This topic can be used to tell the DocumentService to take care of figuring out if the node is a folder or document and will make an XHR request for the full node metadata (in order to get the contentUrl attribute that is not included in the data returned by the Search API.
You should extend the generateSearchLinkPayload function so that for document or folder types the payload contains the attribute nodes that is a single array where the object is the search result object that you wish to download.
I would recommend that you call this.inherited first to get the default payload and only update it for documents and folders.
Hopefully that all makes sense - if not, add a comment and I'll try to provide further assistance!
This is the answer for - unfortunately it's not quite so straightforward...
You still need to extend the alfresco/search/AlfSearchResult widget, however this time you need to extend the postCreate function (remembering to call this.inherited(arguments)). It's not possible to stop the original alfresco/search/SearchResultPropertyLink widget from being created... so it will be necessary to find it and destroy it.
The widget is not assigned to a variable, so it will be necessary to find it using dijit/registry. Use the byNode function from dijit/registry to find the widget assigned to this.nameNode and then call destroy on it (be sure to pass the argument true to preserve the DOM). However, you will then need to empty the DOM node so that you can start again...
Now you need to add in your extension to alfresco/search/SearchResultPropertyLink. Unfortunately, because the smart download capability is not available you'll need to do more work. The difference here is that you'll need to make an XHR request to retrieve the full node metadata in order to obtain the contentURL. It's possible to publish a request to the DocumentService(via the "ALF_RETRIEVE_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_REQUEST" topic). However, you need to be aware that having the XHR step will not allow you to then proceed with the download as is. Instead you'll need to use an iframe download solution, I'd suggest you take a look at the changes in the pull request we recently made to solve this problem and backport them into your own solution.

Restlet static content served from multiple sources

My application needs to be able to serve up static content which can be contained in a number of different places (directories and/or via the class loader). So, for example, a resource /static/file.html might be found in /dir1/file.html or /dir2/file.html; I would want it to try /dir1, and if not found there, then /dir2, and so on.
With servlets in Jetty, I can use either a HandlerList of DefaultServlet, to sequentially try to handle the request from each directory until satisfied, or even easier a single DefaultServlet with a ResourceCollection.
I can't see a way to do something similar in restlet, without writing a class to specifically do this. I could modify Directory to handle multiple sources (in a similar way to DefaultServlet with ResourceCollection), or write a new Restlet which tries each contained Restlet sequentially, until successfully handled (like HandlerList). But before I do that, am I missing another way that already exists to achieve this?
I confirm that Directory doesn't know how to handle multiple source directories. It would be a nice to add support for this and contribute it back.