Showing long texts on tvOS - uilabel

In the Movies application, when the description of a movie is too long, it is truncated and a MORE button appears at the end of the text. The text is also focusable so I can tap on it and it displays the full text in full screen.
I can't figure out how to reproduce the same thing in my app. Is it non-documented behaviour of UITextView or UILabel? Is it a component developed by Apple but not published yet? How can I do that in my own apps?

The Movies iTunes app on tvOS is written using TVML and Javascript and is not a traditional native Swift app. Text overflow is handled by TVML:
<description allowsZooming="true"


Appium iOS can't inspect notification layer

Im using Appium to test my notifications in my iOS app.
Im sending with another device a notification while the iOS app is in BG. Then I swipe down using :
((IOSDriver) wd).swipe(500,0,500,1000,1000);
The above works, the screen get scrolled down and I can physically see the notification. The issue is that the appium still inspects the screen below.
I checked appium inspector and it verified that it doesn't recognize nothing but the elemnts of the layer below the notifications one.
Any approach ??
As long as I know it is known limitation for iOS now.
You can get notification bar elements on Android only
But based on top comment it should be possible to wrap up with Appium since Xcode 9 introduced interaction with multiple apps, so its matter of time.
I found a workaround that fits my needs.
I found out that if I click the home button and then swipe down the notification are visible to Appium.
Because Appium not having key events for iOS, iPhone has the an accessibility option for home button, I toggled that on and I can simply click it during the test and swipe down the notification center.
I know it's not ideal but its working.
Thanks for the help.

How to send big picture push notification in ios like android big picture?

I want to display big picture in iOS app when push notification comes, I checked in android it is displaying big picture when we expand that notification , how I can get same thing in iOS with object-c language.
I heard some where that we can send that kind of push notifications in iOS v10, I had searched for that but that is in swift language, how can I get same thing in objective-c or how can I merge swift language code with objective-c language.
iOS -10 supports big picture with gif image also:
I want to use same thing in objective- c

ios8 and iPhone 6 Plus Tab Bar Size

I am bulding an iOS8 app and i have noticed that on the iPhone 6 Plus my TabBars and Navigation bars are bigger than the stock Apple apps. I cant seem to find any documentation for this. How do i tell my top and bottom bars to resize for the bigger iPhones?
The screenshot below shows Maps next to my app. (Amended to show clock app instead.) I am pretty sure the clock app uses a TabBar Controller and not a toolbar as suggested below.
Do you have a proper Launch Image for the higher (#3x) resolution for the iPhone 6+? If you don't you're app is going to get scaled, which is probably why it looks bigger. Run your app with the debugger on an iPhone 6 Plus and look at the value of UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale. If it reports back "2.0", then you don't have a proper launch image for your app, the resolution is being scaled. Once you have the proper launch image, UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale should report back as 3.0.
As J2K said to you, your tab and navigation are ok. Apple Maps app uses searchbar at the top and toolbar at the bottom which are smaller. Don't waste time on this, ios will handle the size for this elements for you in all iphone sizes

Mimic versatile behaviour of Apple's UIWebView with Sencha Touch

Given a URL to a...
PDF, Apple's UIWebView component will display the PDF in the PDF
video, Apple's UIWebView component will display the video in
the video player.
music file, Apple's UIWebView component will play
the music in the video player.
What is the best way to mimic this functionality in Sencha Touch?
Many thanks
EDIT: Also, how do you display a website in a panel? I've tried using an embed and an iframe, but these aren't scrollable on the device.
I don't understand, this should work just like that? Are you thinking of rendering pdf/video/music inside Sencha Application?
If yes, check out Sencha examples for audio/video. For pdf you will need some new code. I would suggest using pdf.js inside Sencha panel, haven't tried it though.
This was answered in sencha touch :: how to create a panel for website-preview inside iFrame.
Anyway, if you want to get the same effect as a UIWebView in senchatouch, I recommend using PhoneGap as long as your intention is that your webapp is used only on mobile devices. PhoneGap Plugins available to use the native WebViews each mobile OS. The plugin, both for IOS to ChildrenBrowser called Android. Sorry about the other systems can not help more.
Without a lot of hacky code, you can't.

Cocoa Touch how to design the interface like facebook iPhone application's home screen?

I am just curious how facebook for iPhone application can display a list of icons with the text, then all the icons shake to allow user to change the position of each item.
What kind of control is that, and is there some sample code that do the same thing?
I think it must be standard because it exists as well in home screen of iPhone and iPod app to choose the tab item.
Thank you.
It's not a standard control. It's generally implemented with Core Animation and a rotation transform.
Apple discourages App developers from imitating the spring board, claiming it is confusing for the user. So don't expect standard controls for this.
You can of course implement it yourself with animation. Basic (property based) animation should be sufficient.