MAMP: Importing Large Database into phpMyAdmin - sql

I'm on a Mac and I'm trying to import a 1.2GB database but phpMyAdmin limits the file to 32MiB. I understand there is a way to do this from the command line, but the answers I've found so far pertain to Windows and Linux. Any hints on how to do this on a Mac? Thanks in advance for your time,

The Mac instructions are the same as the Linux ones; the only difference is how you get the the command line first.
Go to the Applications folder, then open up the Utilities folder. Run "" to get to the command line.
From there, you can use the normal MySQL command line tool, as answered here (and other places): mysql -u username -p database_name < /path/to/file.sql


remotely copy from Windows source by running scp on Linux

I want to copy files remotely in a script from windows machine to Linux machine.
On the Linux machine I run the below command
scp user#remotehost:\D\mySrcCode\somefile.cpp .
I am getting an error
scp: DmySrcCodesomefile.cpp: No such file or directory
The file somefile.cpp is located at D:\mySrcCode on windows side.
Any ideas on what I am missing ?
You probably should quote or backslash the backslashes in the path.
If your interactive shell is GNU bash, read its §3.1.2 quoting chapter.
You could try:
scp user#remotehost:\\D\\mySrcCode\\somefile.cpp .
Consider also using other (more appropriate) tools, like rsync or git.
You might also use exec(3) from your C program to run  /usr/bin/ssh, or look into libssh.
You could change your login shell (see chsh(1) and /etc/shells so shells(5)) to more user friendly alternatives such as zsh or fish. They could give you some warning (depending on how they are configured or used) or some autocompletion (with the tabkey).
PS. Your problem is not ssh specific. You might replace scp with echo to understand it more.

Unable to run .sql file in SQL Server

I have a .sql dump file 20 gb and I am trying to run it on Mysql workbench using run script and after successful execution, using SSMA I'll migrate the data from Mysql workbench to SQL Server. I have migrated the data this way many times successfully however for 20 gb file it seems very time-consuming. Please let me know if there is any alternate way to achieve this quickly. I have followed the following link:
Steps to migrate mysql tables to sql server using SSMA!
From your Title "unable to run .sql file in SSMS" and "I have a .sql dump file 20 gb" are you trying to open a 20GB .sql in SSMS? That's never going to work. SSMS is a 32bit application, so the maximum addressable memory is 2GB. If you want to run your .sql file, I suggest using sqlcmd.
Open up Powershell, and then run the command below replacing the appropriate parts:
sqlcmd -S {Server Name/ServerIP} -U {Your Login} -i {Your full path to your script}
You'll be prompted for your password and then you the file will be run. So, as an example, you might run:
sqlcmd -S svSQL2017 -U Larnu -i \\svFileServer\SQLShare\Scripts\BigBatchFile.sql
If you are using integrated security, then don't pass the -U parameter for the command.
Edit: This answer is no relevant to the OPs question, as they were using "SSMS" as a synonym for SQL Server, which it is not. I have left this here for the moment so the OP can review my comments, and I will likely remove this answer at a later point.

Using WinSCP script for SFTP access from SSIS

I am new to WinSCP and am attempting to create a script file that will eventually be used with SSIS to download files from an SFTP site. A lot of the literature WinSCP includes explains the file downloading or uploading portions. For the time being, I just want to create a script to test the connection first and will build from there.
So far I saved the connection in WinSCP and have the following. The below code does not seem to function at all and I am not sure where else to go as I am still reading about the scripting for WinSCP. Is there a way or can someone point me in a direction to see if I am in fact connecting via through the script?
option batch on
option confirm off
open username#address
Not sure what SSIS is (sorry) but I can tell you how I'd set it up from a windows batch file if that helps:
If you are open to using a different software, consider using cygwin. It mimics a linux shell so linux users on windows have a lot of linux utilities handy. That being said, there are some commands which can run on windows straight from command prompt (and thus batchable). What you'd need to do:
1) install cygwin
2) Create a "passwordless" login (using ssh-rsa authentication). To do this start your cygwin terminal and use the commands "ssh-keygen" and "ssh-copy-id" (more on that later)
3) Now you can run "sftp" from the DOS command prompt (does not require cygwin terminal) and sftp to your account. No password required because of step 2).
A few follow up info:
What can run from dos command prompt and what must be run from cygwin terminal?
If you go to the "bin" directory of cygwin (for me it's in c:\cygwin\bin) you can see all the cygwin utilities. Anything with "exe" extension can be run from dos command prompt. If no "exe" extension, must start cygwin terminal first
How to set up ssh-rsa authentication?
You can pretty much google "ssh login without password" and pull up a lot of results. This is common for setting up login from one linux system to another. You would be using the same steps using cygwin on windows. My instructions are here:
Storing session settings in WinSCP GUI and trying to access them from WinSCP script running in SSIS is generally a bad idea. I believe there's no example or guide on WinSCP site that would suggest doing that.
WinSCP stores its configuration in registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive. The SSIS typically runs under a dedicated system account, that have its own HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, and won't see the GUI configuration.
For details see WinSCP FAQ about your problem:
The best you can do is isolate your your script from configuration by using the session URL with the open command, instead of the stored site name.
See also
Your actual problem can be completely different though. But that's hard to guess as you have not shared any details, such as error message, log file, etc.

Postgresql changing data directory in ubuntu [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Postgresql failed to start
This problem has been driving me crazy and nothing seems to be working. I need to change the location where postgresql stores the data base. I am a complete novice when it comes to using commands in the terminal and step by step instructions with the proper commands would really help. I searched all over the web but all instructions assume some prior good knowledge to terminal commands. I did try one approach by creating a symbolic link in the main data folder to my required location. This gives me an error that asks me to check the log file. However, I have no idea where the log file is. A lot of people seem to have this problem and a step by step solution would surely help. My Psql version is 8.4. Ubuntu 10.10
The latest log file full path is /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.4-main.log but the symbolic link is not the more integrated/easy way to change the data location.
I'd suggest to do it by creating the entire cluster to the desired location, with the pg_createcluster command that comes with the debian/ubuntu postgres packages.
1- delete your current cluster, if it does not contain any prior data:
$ sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 8.4 main
2- create a new cluster at the new location
$ sudo pg_createcluster -d /path/to/new/location 8.4 main
3- restart postgresql
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start

Is there a way to directly compress/zips the result from a SQL query?

Off late I have been dumping relatively large tables using SSMS. The usual way is to set Query->Results-To->File, 'Execute`, choose a file and let the SQL query run. After it finishes, I usually zip the file and then transfer it to my local machine. This has obvious problems of the host machine running out of space during overnight SQL queries.
I was wondering if there is a way to compress the output from SSMS directly without having to wait until it dumps the results from the entire query. Any suggestions? The host machine is pretty restricted in what it allows me to run on it so a suggestion that requires minimal third-party software would be great.
Run the queries from sqlcmd instead and pipe the output into a command line zip (you'll need to install one, see What's a good tar utility for Windows?). Or you can use PowerShell that can zip out-of-the-box, including piped input, see Compress Files with Windows PowerShell then package a Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget, this requires no additional tools as PS is already on your host server (although on second read I think the PS solutions, as in the link, still requires a deflated file first, cannot compress on-the-file).
Sample query using sqlcmd and 7zip:
sqlcmd -S <DATABASE> -s <COLUMNSEP> -Q "SELECT ..." | .\7za.exe a -si <FILENAME>
Remember to use the -Q (run query and exit) and not the -q (run query) or else this won't work.