Postgresql changing data directory in ubuntu [duplicate] - sql

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Postgresql failed to start
This problem has been driving me crazy and nothing seems to be working. I need to change the location where postgresql stores the data base. I am a complete novice when it comes to using commands in the terminal and step by step instructions with the proper commands would really help. I searched all over the web but all instructions assume some prior good knowledge to terminal commands. I did try one approach by creating a symbolic link in the main data folder to my required location. This gives me an error that asks me to check the log file. However, I have no idea where the log file is. A lot of people seem to have this problem and a step by step solution would surely help. My Psql version is 8.4. Ubuntu 10.10

The latest log file full path is /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.4-main.log but the symbolic link is not the more integrated/easy way to change the data location.
I'd suggest to do it by creating the entire cluster to the desired location, with the pg_createcluster command that comes with the debian/ubuntu postgres packages.
1- delete your current cluster, if it does not contain any prior data:
$ sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 8.4 main
2- create a new cluster at the new location
$ sudo pg_createcluster -d /path/to/new/location 8.4 main
3- restart postgresql
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start


Issue with Postgres on windows 10

I have installed PostgreSQL 13 on windows 10
When I tried to run this command:
$ which Postgres on Git Bash, It returns which: no Postgres in (/c/Users*ahmedeid/......
Could you help me solve the issue?
It seems that your PostgreSQL installation's bin directory is not on the PATH, so you cannot find the server executable.
You'll have to modify the PATH environment variable appropriately.
Another possibility is that your bash was already running when you installed PostgreSQL, so that its PATH setting is out of date. Try closing bash and start a new one. Maybe that one has the correct setting.

MAMP: Importing Large Database into phpMyAdmin

I'm on a Mac and I'm trying to import a 1.2GB database but phpMyAdmin limits the file to 32MiB. I understand there is a way to do this from the command line, but the answers I've found so far pertain to Windows and Linux. Any hints on how to do this on a Mac? Thanks in advance for your time,
The Mac instructions are the same as the Linux ones; the only difference is how you get the the command line first.
Go to the Applications folder, then open up the Utilities folder. Run "" to get to the command line.
From there, you can use the normal MySQL command line tool, as answered here (and other places): mysql -u username -p database_name < /path/to/file.sql

Save database on external hard drive

I am creating some databases using PostgreSQL but I want to save them on an external hard drive due to lack of memory in my computer.
How can I do this?
You can store the database on another disk by specifying it as the data_directory setting. You need to specify this at startup and it will apply to all databases.
You can put it in postgresql.conf:
data_directory = '/volume/path/'
Or, specify it on the command line when you start PostgreSQL:
postgres -c data_directory='/volume/path/'
Reference: 18.2. File Locations
STEP 1: If postgresql is running, stop it:
sudo systemctl stop postgresql
STEP 2: Get the path to access your hard drive.
(if Linux) Find and mount your hard drive by:
# Retrieve your device's name with:
sudo fdisk -l
# Then mount your device
STEP 3: Copy the existing database directory to the new location (in your hard drive) with rsync.
sudo rsync -av /var/lib/postgresql YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH
Then rename the previous postgres main dir with .bak extension to prevent conflicts
sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/11/main /var/lib/postgresql/11/main.bak
Note: my postgres version was 11. Replace in path with your version.
STEP 4: Edit postgres configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf
Change the data_directory line with:
data_directory = 'YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH/postgresql/11/main'
STEP 5: Restart Postgres & Check everything is working
sudo systemctl start postgresql
Output should shows status as 'online'
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file
11 main 5432 online postgres YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH/postgresql/11/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-main.log
Finally your can access your PostgresSQL with:
sudo -u postgres psql
You can try following the walkthrough here. This worked well for me and is similar to #Antiez's answer.
Currently, I am trying to do the same and the only conflict that I'm having at the moment is that it seems there is an issue with PostgreSQL's incremental backup and point-in-time recovery proccesses. I think it has something to do with folder permissions. If I try uploading a ~30MB csv to the postgres db, it will crash and the server will not start again because files cannot be written to the pg_wal directory. The only file in that directory is 000000010000000000000001 and does not move on to 000000010000000000000002 etc. while writing to a new table.
My stackoverflow post looking for a solution to this issue can be found here.

OpenSUSE snapshots not allowing ssh

I can't seem to ssh into any instances that are created from a snapshot of an openSUSE instance that's created within Google Cloud (ie: not from a snapshot created locally and then uploaded). I've tested this with three different openSUSE instances, 2 that I had been working on and one that I created only to test this on, and none have been able to produce snapshots that produce instances that allow ssh. To be clear, the instances created from the snapshots start up perfectly fine and show no issues from the console, but neither the console's built in ssh nor any other ssh client (putty, mobaxterm) gets anything more than a time out error. I have successfully created instances from both a Windows and Debian snapshots that I have created myself, so I'm confident it's an issue with the specific OS.
Steps to reproduce:
Create an instance based off of the openSUSE image
Create a snapshot based off of the instance you just created
Create an instance based off of the snapshot you just created
Attempt, and fail, to connect to the instance via ssh
Any help with this would be much appreciated, and thank you very much in advance.
I was able to reproduce your issue. I'll report it to Google. If your run the command
gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output <your-new-instance>
You will notice that there's an error indicating that couldn't find the disk.
SUSE has fixed the issue yesterday on SLES distros. The following new images are now available (bug-exempt):
We are still working on a fix to openSUSE, and we still don't have a fix for existing instances.
A procedure to address running instances has been posted:
The above post contains all the details, the procedure below addresses the question about "what to do with running instances."
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 (sles-11-sp3)
1.) Edit /etc/sysconfig/bootloader
In the "DEFAULT_APPEND" assignment replace "root=/dev/disk/by-id.." with "root=/dev/sda1". Reform the same substitution for the "FAILSAFE_APPEND" assignment.
Add NON_PERSISTENT_DEVICE_NAMES=1 to the end of the line, after "quiet"
2.) Edit /etc/fstab
Replace "/dev/disk/by-id..." with "/dev/sda1"
3.) Edit /boot/menu.lst
Replace "root=/dev/disk/by-id.." with "root=/dev/sda1" and "disk=/dev/disk/by-id/..." with "disk=/dev/sda" in both options.
Add NON_PERSISTENT_DEVICE_NAMES=1 to the end of the line starting with "kernel"
4.) Reboot the instance
5.) Execute mkinitrd
6.) Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules (if it exists)
Remove the mac address condition, "ATTR{address}==.....", from the rules.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (sles-12)
1.) Edit /etc/sysconfig/bootloader
In the "DEFAULT_APPEND" assignment replace "root=/dev/disk/by-id.." with "root=/dev/sda1" and "disk=/dev/disk/by-id/..." with "disk=/dev/sda". Perform the same substitution for the "FAILSAFE_APPEND" assignment.
Add NON_PERSISTENT_DEVICE_NAMES=1 to the end of the line, after "quiet"
2.) Edit /etc/fstab
Replace "/dev/disk/by-id..." with "/dev/sda1"
3.) Edit /etc/default/grub
In the "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" assignment replace "root=/dev/disk/by-id.." with "root=/dev/sda1" and "disk=/dev/disk/by-id/..." with "disk=/dev/sda".
Add NON_PERSISTENT_DEVICE_NAMES=1 to the end of the line, after "quiet"
4.) Create a new grub configuration (SLES 12)
grub2-mkconfig > /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
5.) Execute mkinitrd
6.) Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules (if it exists)
Remove the mac address condition, "ATTR{address}==.....", from the rules.
A new openSUSE 13.2 image has been published that addresses the issue as well. New instances started from opensuse-13-2-v20150315 will work with no issues with the snapshot feature in GCE. For running instances use the process outlined for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, that should work. I did not test the procedure on openSUSE.

The local psql command could not be located

I'm following the instructions found here.
When I try to run $ heroku pg:psql or $ heroku pg:psql HEROKU POSTGRESQL_BROWN I recieve the following error message:
! The local psql command could not be located ! For help
installing psql, see local-postgresql
I can't find anything useful on the link it gives me (it just links to the instructions I was already using, but further down the page) nor can I find this error anywhere else.
If I've missed anything you need to know to answer this, just let me know. I'm rather new to all this and teaching myself as I go.
I had same error even after installing Postgres locally.
But after seeing this
I saw that "pqsl" was not in the PATH so I then did
PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin
which worked for me
I have since solved this myself. When I ran heroku pg:info it says the version number is 9.1.8, I was locally running 9.2
installing 9.1.8 and ensuring Path pointed to the appropriate folder solved the problem.
After you change the path, make sure to restart the terminal!
Set the PATH. To find out the PATH of your psql script (on mac) open the sql shell script from your finder in Applications/Postgres installation. This will give you a hint as to where it is installed. That opened a window which told me it is located here: /Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/scripts/
Then, I set the PATH variable from the terminal window by typing:
$ PATH="/Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin:$PATH"
(depends on the location of your PostgreSQL installation, find your bin path first, another exp: /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql#9.6/9.6.8/bin)
You can also connect to the shell by opening the shell directly from your postgres installation folder. Then enter the credentials. If you don't know the credentials, here is how to find them out:
$ heroku pg:info
$ heroku pg:credentials HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_RED_URL
Top answer wouldn't work for me oddly, my system would not add the Path via cmd with administrator access (Not sure why).
So check this > Windows key > environment variables > system variables
And add the last line (your version may differ in the path)
Make sure you've installed the toolbelt as psql is installed by default.
However you also need to ensure you've installed a local copy of PostgreSQL; if you don't the toolbelt will be unable to find the native psql client.
Assuming you have installed a local copy of PostgreSQL, make sure you can execute psql from the command line directly (i.e make sure you PATH is set correctly ). If the command does not execute, check your PATH, if it does execute see if you can connect via the PSQL connection string provided in the Heroku control panel. If you can connect reinstall the toolbelt, if you are unable to connect provision another dev database and try again.
If there are still issues, I would suggest contacting Heroku support for assistance after verifying no API issues are listed on the status page located here.
I got rid if this annoying message on Windows by adding a path element without the spaces, i.e.
instead of
“C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\data”
I followed the instructions here:, which worked for me if you prefer to go the point-and-click configuration of the PATH variable.
This type of error usually appears in the Windows environment, because if you do not update the PATH after installing Postgresql, heroku pg:psql command does not work.
So you need to update your PATH environment variable to add the bin directory of your Postgres installation. The directory will look like this:
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<VERSION>\bin.
For more information, go to the Heroku in Local setup website:
heroku-postgresql: Local setup
I had the same problem and discovered that Heroku doesn't seem to provision the latest version of PostgreSQL by default. Where the Heroku Getting Started instructions said
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
That provisioned a v10 database for some reason (which you can check by clicking on Heroku Postgres in the Add-ons tab of your dashboard). I deleted that database and provisioned a new database using the --version flag:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --version 11
As of now, at least, you can find the latest version of Postgres supported by Heroku at this link:
I'm writing this in early 2019, but according to the PostgreSQL website the next version (12) is "tentatively scheduled" for third quarter of 2019 so if you're reading this in late 2019 potentially the same problem will come up for v12 instead
On Mac you can use the following:
export PATH="/Library/PostgreSQL/12/bin/:$PATH"
The only solution that I found on Windows:
go to advanced system settings
go to environment variables
select Path variable and click Edit
add a new line and enter your bin directory path (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL<version>\bin) and click ok
restart your terminal
enter your psql command (heroku pg:psql)