Not issue can be found with sonarlint 2.0 in Eclipse - eclipse-plugin

I'm using Sonarlint 2.0 plugin in Eclipse. However, it couldn't detect the sonar issues for new created files. Is there anything I need configure to make it work?


How to configure SonarLint in IntelliJ?

I was using SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ IDEA by using the url of our project. However, I want to configura it independently for my custom projects, but I am confused how should I do that. Could you pls clarify me about the following issues?
1. What is the SonarCloud and SonarCube options for configuring the SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ IDEA?
2. If I have not a specific url or server for SonarQube, how should I configure the plugin? Which section should I select (SonarCloud and SonarCube)?
I think you'll find the documentation here.
I don't think the plugin will work if you don't have any installed SonarQube instance, or a SonarCloud account. The plugin needs to interact with a server to retrieve coding rules.

How to use my own plugin into an existing eclipse tool

I used to develope my own plugins to add some funcionalities to an existing eclipse tool. I just used to add my plugin (jar file) into the plugin folder's tool and it contributed fine adding my own menus into the tool but it's not working anymore since they migrated.
The eclipse tool migrated from 3.x version to some hibrid between 3.x and 4.x. My old plugin used extentions to contribute menus. I tried a test plugin with e4 but it seems like if the eclipse tool is not reading anymore the plugin folder when I drop my plugin there... I cannot modify the eclipse tool, just try to add my own plugins to contribute with the application. Could somebody give a hand with it?

Shifting from Eclipse Checkstyle to SonarQube Checkstyle

The organization with whom I'm associated have been using IDE formatter and a similar checkstyle thing in the IDE. The file I have come up with is what a checkstyle plugin supported one, no further detail I have about it.
Kindly Assist Me as I want that file written/generated by eclipse-cs plugin configuration editor to work in SonarQube. The xml file is already in working order in Eclipse IDE but I want my Checkstyle-configuration to work in SonarQube now.
Note: I have already installed checkstyle plugin 2.4 in my SonarQube 5.4
What you need is the Eclipse Plugin SonarLint. Available in the Eclipse Marketplace or on their Website. Once you connect you Plugin with your SonarQube Server it will always trigger a check when you save your file.

Sonar Plugin not showing up in Eclipse

I installed the Sonar plugin(3.2) to eclipse (juno).
However i cannot find it in eclipse . Window > Preferences > does not show up the sonar option. I have restarted eclipse using clear flag (both in command line and modifying the .ini file) but it does not help.
Is there anything else i can do to get the sonar option available?
There was some issue with the 3.2 version of sonar and Juno. An older version of Sonar (2.X) can easily be integrated with juno.

How to configure Aspectj for Eclipse

I am trying to configure Aspectj in eclipse but its not working can someone please share the full configuration of aspectj. I also explored different tutorials but of no use if some one has usefull stuff regarding this please share.
Can i download the eclipse ide having builtin support for Aspectj
I don't think Eclipse comes bundled with AspectJ. You can download it here:
Install it as you would any other Eclipse plugin, e.g. via Help -> Install New Software (in Eclipse 3.7.1).
Once installed, you can create AspectJ projects using the New -> Project menu.
Now you will have an AspectJ project that you can write aspects (.aj files) in.