EnableCors for VB.net - vb.net

Does anyone know how to put the enableCors into the controller on vb.net. i am working along with a pluralsight course and tried a code translator with no luck. my attempt is below.
<EnableCors(origins: "http://localhost:53080", headers: "*", methods: "*")>

The correct syntax would be something like this:
<EnableCors("http://localhost:53080", "*","*")>
The C# example appears to use named parameters. VB.NET supports that too, however the EnableCorsAttributes has properties and contractor arguments that only differ by letter casing. This confuses the compiler as to whether you are attempting to set the named parameter or the property in the attribute. So, in this case we can just drop the named arguments all together.

In Vb.net this <EnableCors("http://localhost:53080", "*","*")> will work, but, you have to add on NuGet the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors and Microsoft.AspNet.Cors. You need to add Imports System.Web.Http.Cors on the class.

Remove any empty line between the http://localhost:53080", "*","*")> and the declaration of the controller class.


How do I require certain instance variables be provided at object creation?

Let's say I have a type of object in my game called oCharacter. All characters must have names, so I want to provide one when I construct the object. I can do that by using the _variables argument of instance_create_layer:
instance_create_layer(0, 0, "Instances", oCharacter, { name: "George" });
I could even make sure that I don't forget to do this by making a "constructor" function for characters and only instantiating them using that:
function character_create(_x, _y, _name) {
return instance_create_layer(_x, _y, "Instances", oCharacter, { name: _name });
But this approach has two problems.
The first is that I or another developer might forget about this convention and instantiate a character directly using instance_create_layer, forgetting to pass a name and setting up a runtime error further down the road.
The second (related) issue is that Feather doesn't know about this convention, so my Feather window is full of error messages about references to instance variables that aren't declared in the Create event - but I don't see how I can declare these variables in the Create event, as I'm expecting their value to be provided by the creator.
Is there some way of doing this that addresses these issues?
The first problem is just about setting rules about the code conventions within your team, if your team does not know about these conventions you want them to follow, then you should tell it them in a meeting.
For the second problem: Maybe you could create an empty/nullable variable in the Create Event? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Feather
Personally I would do two things for this.
Create development standards for the team and put them in something like a Word document, wiki page, onenote, whatever makes the most sense for your team.
I would use a function to create the instance of the object (like you're doing there), and have some simple validation checks inside of the create event itself that will cancel it's creation (something like a guard clause) and output a debug message with a reminder.
It's not the most elegant solution but that should do the trick (assuming you haven't found something else by now haha)

How can I get the display name from my enum

I have researched and it seems that most is bouncing around the problem I have.
#Imports System.ComponentModel
Dim values = New SelectList([Enum].GetNames(GetType(myEnum)).GetAttribute<DisplayAttribute>()
End Code
The last pararenthesis has a blue line under it and when hover tells me an expression is expected. I want to capture the display name from my enum and have tried many things found on the google search without success. Why am I getting the expression expected error?
Attempted to incorporate and now getting at end parenthesis
Dim type = typeof(MyEnum) ls is expected.
You might want to have a look at this awesome NuGet package called UnconstrainedMelody from Jon Skeet.
Helpful static methods (or extension methods) for enums and delegates, with constraints which can't be expressed in regular C#.
Have a look at the functions UnconstrainedMelody.Enums.GetNames() and UnconstrainedMelody.Enums.GetValues()

Using Excel-DNA with VS2005

I'm trying to use Excel-DNA to integrate my VB.NET DLL into VBA. But I'm running into the following problem. If I try to add this line before one of my static (Shared) class functions:
<ExcelFunction(Description = "Do stuff", Category = "Useful functions")> _
I get a compile error saying "Name 'Description' is not declared" (and same for Category). I've got VS2005 so maybe that has something to do with it. The example given in the Excel-DNA documentation is for C# and I'm feeling that maybe I just need to get the syntax right.
I've got the needed
Imports ExcelDna.Integration
line at the beginning of my file.
The syntax for using attributes in VB.NET is a bit different to C#. You need to write the property assignments with ":=", something like this:
<ExcelFunction(Description:="Do Stuff", Category:="Useful functions")>_

System.Linq.Dynamic ´s .Where will be misinterpreted

I've build a large program with many references. F.e.:
I've to write a Dynamic Linq Expression:
In my case:
Dim query As IEnumerable = ds.Sales.Where(strWhere)
But with System.Data.DataSetExtensions Where is misinterpreted. The compiler expects (Datarow, Integer, Boolean). If I delete System.Data.DataSetExtensions everything is ok with this expression, but I get many other errors, so I need this reference.
What can I do that the Where is interpreted correctly?
Is the large programm all in one file?
If not done already, split up your program into classes, then put each class into it's own file. Then only use the required references in every file.
Maybe this way you will be able to resolve the namespace conflict.
If for some reason you absolutely need both conflicting namespaces and can't resolve the ambiguity, you can directly call the extension method. Basically the extension method is just another static method on another class. ds.Sales.Where(strWhere) is only syntactic sugar for that method call.
An example:
Would translate to
EnumerableRowCollectionExtensions.Where(ds.Sales.AsEnumerable(), yourCondition)

Correct Form for naming method parameters that clash with property names

If I have a class with a property of notificationCenter, and implement a method with this signature:
-(void)doSomethingWithNotificationCenter:(NSNotificationCenter *)notificationCenter
Xcode rightly gives me an error:
'local declaration of notificationCenter hides instance variable'
So in Objective C is there a convention for naming this parameter to avoid this collision?
The parameter should be called aNotificationCenter or possibly aCenter.
This seems like a personal preference, I have seen aNotificationCenter as mentioned above, inNotificationCenter, theNotificationCenter among others. I think as long as you are consistent in your own code any basic, readable choice is OK.
PS - my personal preference is inNotificationCenter.
I sometimes use the format receivedNotificationCenter or notificationCenterParam.