SQL find period that contain dates of specific year - sql

I have a table (lets call it AAA) containing 3 colums ID,DateFrom,DateTo
I want to write a query to return all the records that contain (even 1 day) within the period DateFrom-DateTo of a specific year (eg 2016).
I am using SQL Server 2005
Thank you

Another way is this:
SELECT <columns list>
WHERE DateFrom <= '2016-12-31' AND DateTo >= '2016-01-01'
If you have an index on DateFrom and DateTo, this query allows Sql-Server to use that index, unlike the query in Max xaM's answer.
On a small table you will probably see no difference but on a large one there can be a big performance hit using that query, since Sql-Server can't use an index if the column in the where clause is inside a function

Try this:

Well you can use the following query
select * from Table1
WHERE DateDiff(day,DateFrom,DateTo)>0
AND YEAR(DateFrom) = YEAR(DateTo)
And here is the result:
Enjoy :D !


Giving the wrong records when used datetime parameter in MS Access Query

I am working MS-Access 2007 DB .
I am trying to write the query for the Datetime, I want to get records between 14 December and 16 December so I write the bellow query.
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate > #14-Dec-15# and CreatedDate < #16-Dec-15#
( I have to use the two dates for the query.)
But It returning the records having CreatedDate is 14 December...
Whats wrong with the query ?
As #vkp mentions in the comments, there is a time part to a date as well. If it is not defined it defaults to midnight (00:00:00). As 14-dec-2015 6:46:56 is after 14-dec-2015 00:00:00 it is included in the result set. You can use >= 15-dec-15 to get around this, as it will also include records from 15-dec-2015. Same goes for the end date.
It seems you want only records from Dec 15th regardless of the time of day stored in CreatedDate. If so, this query should give you what you want with excellent performance assuming an index on CreatedDate ...
FROM Expense
WHERE CreatedDate >= #2015-12-15# and CreatedDate < #2015-12-16#;
Beware of applying functions to your target field in the WHERE criterion ... such as CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)). Although logically correct, it would force a full table scan. That might not be a problem if your Expense table contains only a few rows. But for a huge table, you really should try to avoid a full table scan.
You must inlcude the time in your thinking:
EDIT: I wrote this with the misunderstanding, that you wanted to
include data rows from 14th to 16th of Dec (three full days).
If you'd write <#17-Dec-15# it would be the full 16th. Or you'd have to write <=#16-Dec-15 23:59:59#.
A DateTime on the 16th of December with a TimePart of let's say 12:30 is bigger than #16-Dec-15#...
Just some backgorund: In Ms-Access a DateTime is stored as a day's number and a fraction part for the time. 0.5 is midday, 0.25 is 6 in the morning...
Comparing DateTime values means to compare Double-values in reality.
Just add one day to your end date and exclude this:
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate >= #2015/12/14# AND CreatedDate < #2015/12/17#
Thanks A Lot guys for your help...
I finally ended with the solution given by Darren Bartrup-Cook and Gustav ....
My previous query was....
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate > #14-Dec-15# and CreatedDate < #16-Dec-15#
And the New working query is...
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)) > #14-Dec-15# and CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)) < #16-Dec-15#

SQL to filter for records more than 30 days old

Suppose I have the following query:
select customer_name, origination_date
where origination_date < '01-DEC-2013';
I would like to select all customers that have an origination date older than 30 days. Is there a way in SQL (oracle, if specifics needed) to specify it in a more dynamic approach than manually entering the date so that I don't need to update the query every time I run it?
Sure try something like this:
select customer_name, origination_date where
origination_date >= DATEADD(day, -30, GETUTCDATE());
This basically says where the origination_date is greater or equal to 30 days from now. This works in Microsoft SQL, not sure but there is probably a similar function on Oracle.
in Oracle, when you subtract dates, by default you get the difference in days, e.g.
select * from my_table where (date_1 - date_2) > 30
should return the records whose date difference is greater than 30 days.
To make your query dynamic, you parameterize it, so instead of using hard coded date values, you use:
select * from my_table where (:date_1 - :date_2) > :threshold
If you are using oracle sql developer to run such a query, it will pop up a window for you to specify the values for your paramteres; the ones preceded with colon.

How to group by a date column by month

I have a table with a date column where date is stored in this format:
2012-08-01 16:39:17.601455+0530
How do I group or group_and_count on this column by month?
Your biggest problem is that SQLite won't directly recognize your dates as dates.
INSERT INTO "YOURTABLE" VALUES('2012-08-01 16:39:17.601455+0530');
If you try to use strftime() to get the month . . .
sqlite> select strftime('%m', DateColumn) from yourtable;
. . . it picks up the month from the first row, but not from the second.
If you can reformat your existing data as valid timestamps (as far a SQLite is concerned), you can use this relatively simple query to group by year and month. (You almost certainly don't want to group by month alone.)
select strftime('%Y-%m', DateColumn) yr_mon, count(*) num_dates
from yourtable
group by yr_mon;
If you can't do that, you'll need to do some string parsing. Here's the simplest expression of this idea.
select substr(DateColumn, 1, 7) yr_mon, count(*) num_dates
from yourtable
group by yr_mon;
But that might not quite work for you. Since you have timezone information, it's sure to change the month for some values. To get a fully general solution, I think you'll need to correct for timezone, extract the year and month, and so on. The simpler approach would be to look hard at this data, declare "I'm not interested in accounting for those edge cases", and use the simpler query immediately above.
It took me a while to find the correct expression using Sequel. What I did was this:
Assuming a table like:
CREATE TABLE acct (date_time datetime, reward integer)
Then you can access the aggregated data as follows:
ds = DS[:acct]
ds.select_group(Sequel.function(:strftime, '%Y-%m', :date_time))
.select_append{sum(:reward)}.each do |row|
p row

Query aggregate faster than MAX

I have a fairly large table in which one of the columns is a date column. The query I execute is as follows.
select max(date) from tbl where date < to_date('10/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY')
That is, I want to find the cell value closest to and less than a particular date value. This takes considerable time because of the max on the large table. Is there a faster way to do this? maybe using LAST_VALUE?
Put an index on the date column and the query should be plenty fast.
1) Add an index to the date column. Simply put, an index allows the database engine to store information about the data so it will speed up most queries where that column is one of the clauses. Info here http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28310/indexes003.htm
2) Consider adding a second clause to the query. You have where date < to_date('10/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY') now, why not change it to:
where date < to_date('10/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY') and date > to_date('09/30/2010', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
since this will reduce the number of scanned rows.
select date from (
select date from tbl where date < to_date('10/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY') order by date desc
) where rownum = 1

how to get data whose expired within 45 days..?

HI all,
i have one sql table and field for that table is
Now i want only those record which one is expired within 45 days or 30 days.
how can i do with sql query .?
I have not much more exp with sql .
Thanks in advance,
If you are using mysql then try DATEDIFF.
for 45 days
select * from `table` where DATEDIFF(now(),expireydate)<=45;
for 30 days
select * from `table` where DATEDIFF(now(),expireydate)<=30;
In oracle - will do the trick instead of datediff and SYSDATE instead of now().[not sure]
In sql server DateDiff is quite different you have to provide unit in which difference to be taken out from 2 dates.
to get current date try one of this: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or GETDATE() or {fn NOW()}
You can use a simple SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE expireydate < "some formula calculating today+30 or 45 days".
Simple comparison will work there, the tricky part is to write this last bit concerning the date you want to compare to. It'll depend of your environment and how you stored the "expireydate" in the database.
Try Below:-
SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE (expireydate in days) < ((CURRENTDATE in days)+ 45)
Do not execute directly! Depending of your database, way of obtaining a date in days will be different. Go look at your database manual or please precise what is your database.