Giving the wrong records when used datetime parameter in MS Access Query - sql

I am working MS-Access 2007 DB .
I am trying to write the query for the Datetime, I want to get records between 14 December and 16 December so I write the bellow query.
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate > #14-Dec-15# and CreatedDate < #16-Dec-15#
( I have to use the two dates for the query.)
But It returning the records having CreatedDate is 14 December...
Whats wrong with the query ?

As #vkp mentions in the comments, there is a time part to a date as well. If it is not defined it defaults to midnight (00:00:00). As 14-dec-2015 6:46:56 is after 14-dec-2015 00:00:00 it is included in the result set. You can use >= 15-dec-15 to get around this, as it will also include records from 15-dec-2015. Same goes for the end date.

It seems you want only records from Dec 15th regardless of the time of day stored in CreatedDate. If so, this query should give you what you want with excellent performance assuming an index on CreatedDate ...
FROM Expense
WHERE CreatedDate >= #2015-12-15# and CreatedDate < #2015-12-16#;
Beware of applying functions to your target field in the WHERE criterion ... such as CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)). Although logically correct, it would force a full table scan. That might not be a problem if your Expense table contains only a few rows. But for a huge table, you really should try to avoid a full table scan.

You must inlcude the time in your thinking:
EDIT: I wrote this with the misunderstanding, that you wanted to
include data rows from 14th to 16th of Dec (three full days).
If you'd write <#17-Dec-15# it would be the full 16th. Or you'd have to write <=#16-Dec-15 23:59:59#.
A DateTime on the 16th of December with a TimePart of let's say 12:30 is bigger than #16-Dec-15#...
Just some backgorund: In Ms-Access a DateTime is stored as a day's number and a fraction part for the time. 0.5 is midday, 0.25 is 6 in the morning...
Comparing DateTime values means to compare Double-values in reality.

Just add one day to your end date and exclude this:
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate >= #2015/12/14# AND CreatedDate < #2015/12/17#

Thanks A Lot guys for your help...
I finally ended with the solution given by Darren Bartrup-Cook and Gustav ....
My previous query was....
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate > #14-Dec-15# and CreatedDate < #16-Dec-15#
And the New working query is...
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)) > #14-Dec-15# and CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)) < #16-Dec-15#


Selecting only year from a given Date

I have created a employee table with column as Date_Of_Joining.
I have entered the data in YYYY-MM-DD Format.
Now I want to retrieve the data of the employee only by using the YEAR.
For example if I have entered Date_Of_Joining as 2010-10-15, 2012-05-18 and 2008-04-16.
Now I want the details of the employee whose Date_Of_Joining is after 2010.
try do a query like this
select * from employee-table where year(Date_Of_Joining) > 2010
Replace "employee-table" with your table name.
This query will give all the data that is after year 2010
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE YEAR(Date_Of_Joining) > 2010
If Date_Of_Joining datatype is DATE the query will work, if the data type is varchar, then you need to convert it into DATE format then apply the query.
In case if you want to filter with month and year, you can use as
SELECT * FROM Employee
WHERE YEAR(Date_Of_Joining) > 2010 AND MONTH(Date_Of_Joining) > 1
If the range between Jan 2010 and May 2013, you can use as
SELECT * FROM Employee
WHERE (YEAR(Date_Of_Joining) >= 2010 AND MONTH(Date_Of_Joining) >= 1)
OR (YEAR(Date_Of_Joining) <= 2013 AND MONTH(Date_Of_Joining) <= 5)
just follow this
SELECT YEAR(Date_Of_Joining)
it is the general format to get year
I strongly recommend that you phrase this as:
Date_Of_Joining >= '2011-01-01'
That is, you should avoid using the expression YEAR(Date_Of_Joining). Why? Using a function on a column prevents certain optimization strategies -- especially those using indexes and partitions.
For this particular example, you probably have a small amount of data, so it won't actually affect the performance of this query. But you might as well learn how to write with performance in mind.

SQL Server: compare only month and day - SARGable

I have a table storing a datetime column, which is indexed. I'm trying to find a way to compare ONLY the month and day (ignores the year totally).
Just for the record, I would like to say that I'm already using MONTH() and DAY(). But I'm encountering the issue that my current implementation uses Index Scan instead of Index Seek, due to the column being used directly in both functions to get the month and day.
There could be 2 types of references for comparison: a fixed given date and today (GETDATE()). The date will be converted based on time zone, and then have its month and day extracted, e.g.
DECLARE #monthValue DATETIME = MONTH(#ConvertDateTimeFromServer_TimeZone);
DECLARE #dayValue DATETIME = DAY(#ConvertDateTimeFromServer_TimeZone);
Another point is that the column stores datetime with different years, e.g.
1989-06-21 00:00:00.000
1965-10-04 00:00:00.000
1958-09-15 00:00:00.000
1965-10-08 00:00:00.000
1942-01-30 00:00:00.000
Now here comes the problem. How do I create a SARGable query to get the rows in the table that match the given month and day regardless of the year but also not involving the column in any functions? Existing examples on the web utilise years and/or date ranges, which for my case is not helping at all.
A sample query:
Select t0.pk_id
From dob t0 WITH(NOLOCK)
WHERE ((MONTH(t0.date_of_birth) = #monthValue AND DAY(t0.date_of_birth) = #dayValue))
I've also tried DATEDIFF() and DATEADD(), but they all end up with an Index Scan.
Adding to the comment I made, on a Calendar Table.
This will, probably, be the easiest way to get a SARGable query. As you've discovered, MONTH([YourColumn]) and DATEPART(MONTH,[YourColumn]) both cause your query to become non-SARGable.
Considering that all your columns, at least in your sample data, have a time of 00:00:00 this "works" to our advantage, as they are effectively just dates. This means we can easily JOIN onto a Calendar Table using something like:
SELECT dob.[YourColumn]
FROM dob
JOIN CalendarTable CT ON dob.DateOfBirth = CT.CalendarDate;
Now, if we're using the table from the above article, you will have created some extra columns (MonthNo and CDay, however, you can call them whatever you want really). You can then add those columns to your query:
SELECT dob.[YourColumn]
FROM dob
JOIN CalendarTable CT ON dob.DateOfBirth = CT.CalendarDate
WHERE CT.MonthNo = #MonthValue
AND CT.CDay = #DayValue;
This, as you can see, is a more SARGable query.
If you want to deal with Leap Years, you could add a little more logic using a CASE expression:
SELECT dob.[YourColumn]
FROM dob
JOIN CalendarTable CT ON dob.DateOfBirth = CT.CalendarDate
WHERE CT.MonthNo = #MonthValue
AND CASE WHEN DATEPART(YEAR, GETDATE()) % 4 != 0 AND CT.CDat = 29 AND CT.MonthNo = 2 THEN 28 ELSE CT.Cdat END = #DayValue;
This treats someone's birthday on 29 February as 28 February on years that aren't leap years (when DATEPART(YEAR, GETDATE()) % 4 != 0).
It's also, probably, worth noting that it'll likely be worth while changing your DateOfBirth Column to a date. Date of Births aren't at a given time, only on a given date; this means that there's no implicit conversion from datetime to date on your Calendar Table.
Edit: Also, just noticed, why are you using NOLOCK? You do know what that does, right..? Unless you're happy with dirty reads and ghost data?

Select Query between dates not retrieving any data

I have been trying to retrieve the rows registered between two dates (since every time a person goes through a door a row is inserted). This way we get the "amount of visitors" on a monthly basis.
When querying the following:
WHERE MOV_DATAHORA>'2017-01-01'`
a total of 5851 rows are shown. This is an example of a row:
2017-01-05 21:33:30.000
However when trying the following:
AND MOV_DATAHORA<'2017-01-02'
0 rows are shown. I even tried the count(MOV_DATAHORA) statement but it still isn't working. I also tried with the BETWEEN statement unsuccessfully. Any ideas why?
Well... the simplest explanation based on your query predicate:
WHERE MOV_DATAHORA > '2017-01-01'
AND MOV_DATAHORA < '2017-01-02'
is that on January 1st (right after the New years) there were no visitors.
You are comparing a DateTime and a Date data types. Your table has a DateTime as you can see the 21:33:30.000 after the date, to convert and compare like types do the following.
or using between
AND '2017-01-02'

SQL find period that contain dates of specific year

I have a table (lets call it AAA) containing 3 colums ID,DateFrom,DateTo
I want to write a query to return all the records that contain (even 1 day) within the period DateFrom-DateTo of a specific year (eg 2016).
I am using SQL Server 2005
Thank you
Another way is this:
SELECT <columns list>
WHERE DateFrom <= '2016-12-31' AND DateTo >= '2016-01-01'
If you have an index on DateFrom and DateTo, this query allows Sql-Server to use that index, unlike the query in Max xaM's answer.
On a small table you will probably see no difference but on a large one there can be a big performance hit using that query, since Sql-Server can't use an index if the column in the where clause is inside a function
Try this:
Well you can use the following query
select * from Table1
WHERE DateDiff(day,DateFrom,DateTo)>0
AND YEAR(DateFrom) = YEAR(DateTo)
And here is the result:
Enjoy :D !

how to get data whose expired within 45 days..?

HI all,
i have one sql table and field for that table is
Now i want only those record which one is expired within 45 days or 30 days.
how can i do with sql query .?
I have not much more exp with sql .
Thanks in advance,
If you are using mysql then try DATEDIFF.
for 45 days
select * from `table` where DATEDIFF(now(),expireydate)<=45;
for 30 days
select * from `table` where DATEDIFF(now(),expireydate)<=30;
In oracle - will do the trick instead of datediff and SYSDATE instead of now().[not sure]
In sql server DateDiff is quite different you have to provide unit in which difference to be taken out from 2 dates.
to get current date try one of this: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or GETDATE() or {fn NOW()}
You can use a simple SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE expireydate < "some formula calculating today+30 or 45 days".
Simple comparison will work there, the tricky part is to write this last bit concerning the date you want to compare to. It'll depend of your environment and how you stored the "expireydate" in the database.
Try Below:-
SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE (expireydate in days) < ((CURRENTDATE in days)+ 45)
Do not execute directly! Depending of your database, way of obtaining a date in days will be different. Go look at your database manual or please precise what is your database.