No-break space not recognized as white-space in SQL Server - sql-server-2005

Is there any setting in SQL Server 2005 so that no-break space will be recognized as white space in SQL Server?


SQL Server set decimal separator different than OS

I have a database in Microsoft SQL Server Standard 14.0.1000.169 in a machine whose culture (from Powershell Get-Culture) is it-IT hence the decimal separator is the comma.
I am unable to load data containing numbers with the decimal dot separator in columns set as "decimal" or "float" as the server only accepts commas.
How can I configure the database to use a different culture than the system's?
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio v18.3.1

SQL cuts polish diacritics

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 9.00.5000.00 and after inserting varchar(max) gęś it convert this text to ges, how to unset this option to have gęś in my database?

Unicode collation for SQL Server 2005?

I need a collation for a database that correctly stores any Unicode character in a SQL Server 2005 instance. The column currently is of type nvarchar (can be changed). How can I do that?
Collation has no connection to storage of N[VAR]CHAR data - it states the rules of comparison between strings.
So - you made the right choice - NVARCHAR

Can unicode chars in sql queries cause slow db performance?

Can use of unicode chars in queries cause database to slow down?
I am using a query like
Select * from table where name='xyz¿½'
After this query my application slows down permanently until I restart it.
I am using c3p0 hibernate's connection pool
A modern database should support Unicode, but that may be restricted to certain data types.
For example SQL Server only supports Unicode for the following data types:
nvarchar(max) – new in SQL Server 2005
Unicode string constants (say within stored procedures/functions) should be preceded with the letter N e.g. N'abcd'
I found that sybase does not use an index when query contains unicode characters. It may be due to some charset settings in my version.

Query SQl Server 2005 Full Text Search noise/stop words

Is it possible to get the list of Full Text Search noise/stop words from SQL Server 2005 by querying the database?
I am aware that the noise words are in a text file ~/FTData/noiseEng.txt but this file is not accessible to our application.
I've look at the sys.fulltext_* tables but these don't seem to have the words.
It appears that this is not possible in SQL 2005 but is in SQL Server 2008.
Advanced Queries for Using SQL Server 2008 Full Text Search StopWords / StopLists
This next query gets a list of all of
the stopwords that ship with SQL
Server 2008. This is a nice
improvement, you can not do this in
SQL Server 2005.
Stopwords and Stoplists - SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2005 noise words have been
replaced by stopwords. When a database
is upgraded to SQL Server 2008 from a
previous release, the noise-word files
are no longer used in SQL Server 2008.
However, the noise-word files are
stored in the FTDATA\
FTNoiseThesaurusBak folder, and you
can use them later when updating or
building the corresponding SQL Server
2008 stoplists. For information about
upgrading noise-word files to
stoplists, see Full-Text Search
I just copy the noise words file from \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\FTData into my app, and use it to strip noise words.
Public Function StripNoiseWords(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim NoiseWords As String = ReadFile("/Standard/Core/Config/noiseENU.txt").Trim
Dim NoiseWordsRegex As String = Regex.Replace(NoiseWords, "\s+", "|") ' about|after|all|also etc.
NoiseWordsRegex = String.Format("\s?\b(?:{0})\b\s?", NoiseWordsRegex)
Dim Result As String = Regex.Replace(s, NoiseWordsRegex, " ", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' replace each noise word with a space
Result = Regex.Replace(Result, "\s+", " ") ' eliminate any multiple spaces
Return Result
End Function