NPM to existing project? - npm

I have an online site and Im going to overhaul it. While I cannot find any information about if I can use npm and some kind of package manager (e.g Webpack) on live site which is on shared host (which has latest Node.js, npm support etc), Im going to develope it locally and worry about "publishing" it later on.
Is there a way to somehow covert my current downloaded project to npm project or Im better off just starting a new project? This is rather confusing, I've never used npm before.
Im using WordPress, everything is run with PHP atm but Im going to overhaul it and use Node.js.

NPM can be used to collect and manage Javascript dependencies for the browser so as to create a stand alone front-end JS app. BUT, bower is probably a better choice.
NPM is designed to manage Javascript dependencies for projects that use NodeJS or use the CommonJS module format for requiring modules.
Bower is specifically a package manager (like npm or composer) but it is meant to manage browser based javascript dependencies.
Currently, javascript doesn't have a formally defined module/import system, so a number of competing require() functions are been produced. NodeJS comes with a require() function that searches the npm/ folder for modules. Browserify is a pre-processor that can scan the npm folder for a dependency and all of its dependencies and bundle them into 1 file for a browser to download (because browser's don't have a require() function because the JS standard doesn't have define one)
I might be rambling here, but you should probably look at bower, and then - at some point in the future - look at either browserify or requirejs to combine and optimize all the JS plugins for your front-end app.
Edit for clarity:
Basically there are 2 engines to run your JS application: the browser or NodeJS. NodeJS needs npm, the browser has no idea what npm is. If you want to write a clean, single page app, all JS front-end for a PHP backend, you don't need NodeJS, and therefore don't need npm. Using npm will prematurely complicate the development of a front-end browser app because it will force you to decide on a require() implementation (Browserify or Requirejs) right from the start.


what is the difference between npm, grunt and webpack in terms of their application?

which tool among those in above is used to solve what sort of problem? The simplified and straight to the point answer the better.
You can find some pretty good descriptions of each of these with a basic Google search.
In short, npm is a software repository. Grunt is a tool used bring together multiple javascript tasks into single commands. Webpack is a powerful module bundler, allowing you to bring together javascript, css, html from various sources (one being npm) and bundle them in such a way that you can be left with a single javascript module containing all the code you require.
The World's Largest Software Registry (Library)
npm is the world's largest Software Registry.
The registry contains over 800,000 code packages.
Open-source developers use npm to share software.
What is NPM # W3Schools
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It uses a command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a file (known as a Gruntfile). Grunt was created by Ben Alman and is written in Node.js. It is distributed via npm.
What is Grunt # Wikipedia
webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler.[5][6][7][8] It is made primarily for JavaScript, but it can transform front-end assets such as HTML, CSS, and images if the corresponding loaders are included.[9] webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.[10]
Webpack takes the dependencies and generates a dependency graph allowing web developers to use a modular approach for their web application development purposes
What is Webpack # Wikipedia
difference between grunt and webpack
grunt is stream management tools that perform functions required by users through task configuration, such as format verification, code compression, etc. It is worth mentioning that the code processed by grunt is only replaced by local variable names and simplified. Nothing has changed, it's still your code.
While webpack has carried out a more thorough packaging process, and is more inclined to transform the module grammar rules. The main task is to break through the gap between browsers, analyze, compress, merge, and package various static files that are not originally recognized by the browser, and finally generate the code supported by the browser. Therefore, the code after webapck has been packaged. It’s not the code you wrote, maybe if you look at it again, you can’t understand it anymore.
npm is more like providing building enviroment
npm is a package management tool installed with NodeJS. It can solve many problems in NodeJS code deployment. Common usage scenarios are as follows:
Allow users to download third-party packages written by others from the NPM server to local use.
Allow users to download and install command line programs written by others from - the NPM server for local use.
Allow users to upload their own packages or command line programs to the NPM server for others to use.
npm is more like providing build enviroment, but grunt and webpack is working as building tools.

Understanding how to manage dependencies in a custom npm library

I am trying to write my first set of npm libraries for a large, distributed application and am running into problems around how to manage dependencies. Npm has the concept of "dependencies" and "peerDependencies".
From what I read, peerDependencies are needed when you want to write a "plugin" where the consuming application is already expected to have the dependency installed on their end. For example, this might be building a plugin for webpack.
Then there are regular dependencies needed at runtime by a library. In my scenario, I am trying to write a library to abstract Authentication and Authorization away from the consuming application. This new library (lets call it #myapp/auth) has a dependency on the #auth0/angular-jwt library as it uses it to deal with JWTs. I want this library to be completely abstracted away from the consuming application and therefore not force that consuming application to install it manually.
With that said, it sounds like I need to add #auth0/angular-jwt to dependencies in my library and then add it to the whitelistedNonPeerDependencies which allows it to build.
This confuses me because the ng-packagr docs say that we should always use peerDependencies when possible. If this is the case, then why when you install a larger library like express, you simply run npm install express --save and you get ALL of the dependencies of express without manually installing each one.
What is the proper way to include package dependencies in a custom library that you do not want the consuming application to install themselves?

About publishing Angular 2 application

I have developed an Angular 2 application using npm, As a fresher,I don't know some ways like below.
When I publish I used npm publish so that it publish the application in npm account in the web.
So here, is there any way to publish our app in the localhost,because I don't want to use npm account and I just need to avoid node_modules folder on publishing ?
If any other way,that can be used to publish the Angular2 Application in local other than npm, let me know.I try that.
If it is not possible to publish the application without npm web account, Kindly let me know please .
Excuse mistakes,If any.Thanks in adv :)
npm publish is to make a library package available to other for free use.
That's not what you use for making a web application available. This is called deployment.
For deployment you usually execute a build step that transpiles TS to JS, and combines them into a single file to reduce the number of requests the browser needs to make in order to get all source files of your application. It may also inline component HTML and CSS. This build step can also minify and mangle to JS code to reduce the resulting file size even more.
The resulting output can just be copied to any directory that any web server is able to serve to a browser either on your local machine or at some machine of a web hosting provider.
There are different ways to build your application depending on your setup.
See for example How to deploy Angular 2 application developed in Typescript to production?
You need browserify, that's all
browsers need references to all js files to be put in the html, they don't understand node's require() method that forms modules dependencies
what browserify does is traversing the entire dependency graph of your project, recursively bundling up all the required modules starting at the given root into a single js file
install it by node package manager
npm install -g browserify
use it to bundle all needed modules staring at main.js
browserify main.js -o bundle.js
now put a single script tag into your html
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
as far as i know, node_modules contains dependencies for typescript transpilers and few others. so it will not be possible to publish an app without using node_modules.
perhaps you can try using Plnkr or jsFiddle
where you can make imports online using cdn links for node_modules and publish your app.
it will be easy compared to other alternatives.
hope this helps.

npm/bower - Basic questions(Why it requires for just AngularJS then?)

I read about npm and bower, differences, usage, how it works, purpose as well. All explanation says that to work in NodeJs. But when I searched for AngularJS2, the tutorial says use npm. I have some basic questions based upon the understanding that npm basically for dependency management or packages to be installed.
How my Java/Eclipse workspace knows that npm installed the particular JS library/file, what path should be given in the html/web page for including those files/libraries?
If I move the web application to production, how will the server gets those dependent libraries? Even if server gets it, it might be installed in different folder. Basically how it can be managed with a web applications in different environments for just AngularJS app?
Can anyone please help me to have better understanding?
Finally found the answer. NPM is node package manager which helps basically to download the dependencies (almost like maven, gradle in java).
npm software needs to be installed in developer's machine.
Add the required dependencies in the package.json in the root folder of AngularJS application.
Open the DOS command line and navigate to project root folder(workspace/project in eclipse), then type npm install which will download all the dependencies mentioned in the package.json to a folder called npm_modules inside project folder.
The other and important advantage is npm can be used to install browser agent as well. So npm start command will open the browser and will load the application automatically in browser. Developer does not need to be aware about NodeJs. One more benefit of using this approach is the browser will get refreshed automatically when any update in the JS file gets saved.

NPM/Bower/Composer - differences?

Can someone explain to me the difference between NPM, Bower and Composer.
They are all package managers - correct?
But when should each one be used?
Also, each one appears to have a json file that accompanies it, does this store all the packages you require so they can be installed by cmd line? Why do you need this file?
[update, four years later]
bower is deprecated, and should not be used anymore for new projects. To a large extent, it has been subsumed into node dependency management (from their website: "While Bower is maintained, we recommend using Yarn and Webpack or Parcel for front-end projects").
yarn came out of the wood as a better npm (fixing several of npm flaws), and this is really what you should use now, as it is the new de-facto standard if you are doing front-end or node development. It does consume the same package.json as npm, and is almost entirely compatible with it.
I wouldn't use composer at this point (because I wouldn't use php), although it seems to still be alive and popular
[original answer]
npm is nodejs package manager. It therefore targets nodejs environments, which usually means server-side nodejs projects or command-line projects (bower itself is a npm package). If you are going to do anything with nodejs, then you are going to use npm.
bower is a package manager that aims at (front-end) web projects. You need npm and nodejs to install bower and to execute it, though bower packages are not meant specifically for nodejs, but rather for the "browser" environment.
composer is a dependency manager that targets php projects. If you are doing something with symfony (or plain old php), this is likely the way to go
Summing it up:
doing node? you do npm
doing php? try composer
front-end javascript? try bower
And yes, the "json" files describe basic package information and dependencies. And yes, they are needed.
Now, what about the READMEs? :-)