Are subclass properties preserved if I assign a subclass instance to a property typed as a parent class? - objective-c

I have a feed that loads a array of:
•Status objects
•PhotoStatus objects - a subclass of Status
When a user clicks on a status in the feed it takes them to ViewCommentsViewController which has the following property that MUST be set in order for the view controller to work:
#property (nonatomic,strong) Status *status;
If I pass/assign:
Can I reliably still preserve the subclass properties of the photoStatus some how? Maybe by doing something like photoStatus *revertedPhotoStatus=status; in my view controller, or what is the right way to do what im trying to do? I dont want to have multiple view controller classes, and I don't want to go the sloppy route of having both photoStatus & status properties in my ViewCommentsViewController, so how do I reliably allow the loading of multiple types of content that are all subclasses of Status?

Can I reliably still preserve the subclass properties of the photoStatus some how
Yes, this just happens automatically. It's called polymorphism: a thing is the thing it is, not the thing you happen to type it as. So if you assign an actual PhotoStatus object to a variable typed as a Status, it remains a PhotoStatus under the hood. This mechanism is absolutely crucial; without it, subclass instances would not be very useful!
Note, however, that in order to treat your Status-typed object as a PhotoStatus object, if that is what it really is under the hood, you will need to cast it down to a PhotoStatus object. And if you do this and this happens not to be a PhotoStatus object, you may be heading for a crash later when a PhotoStatus message is sent to an object that is not in fact a PhotoStatus.

In the best of all worlds, you wouldn't need to test what kind of class something is. Instead, the class receiving the object would declare a pointer to a base class that implemented all necessary methods.
The implementations would be different but, in this case, a ViewCommentsViewController could make consistent calls to any kind of Status and know that the methods existed.
Another way of structuring things to assure this would be by using a protocol. That would make your declaration something like #property (nonatomic,strong) id<StatusProvider> status;.
I've typed isKindOfClass far too often to present myself as any kind of purist, but it's nice to use a clean approach when possible.

If you intend to use methods that are defined in the Status class but not PhotoStatus, you need to check the class of the returned object. To do this, you would normally do something along these lines:
Status *status = viewCommentsViewController.status;
if ([[status class] isSubclassOfClass: [PhotoStatus class]])
PhotoStatus *photoStatus = (PhotoStatus *) status;
// Handle photoStatus.
// Handle the other case.
If you want to save a few lines at the call site, you could add accessors like this:
#implementation Status
- (PhotoStatus *) asPhotoStatus
return nil;
#implementation PhotoStatus
- (PhotoStatus *) asPhotoStatus
return self;
and then just call
[[viewCommentsViewController.status asPhotoStatus] doSomething];
Edit: Since Xcode 4.2, sending a message to nil should always return a zero value or cause the returned struct to be filled with zeros. (Unfortunately I couldn't find a specification, but this blog post contains a summary.)


How to allocate an NSObject subclass instance FROM an instance of its superclass?

Given a class structure such as...
#interface SuperClassView : NSView #end
#interface SubClassedView : SuperClassView #property int aProp; #end
How can one instantiate a SubClassedView from an instance of a SuperClassView?
Say a method returns an instance of the superclass SuperView....
SuperClassView *superInstance = [ViewFactory makeSuperClassView];
but I want to get an instance of the subclass SubClassedView? It is not possible to simply "cast" it...
SubClassedView *subClsInstance = (SubClassedView*)[ViewFactory makeSuperClassView];
and there is no built-in (or easily-imagined implementation of an) NSObject method like
self = [super initWithInstance:[superInstance copy]];`
Is the only way to either copy the superclass instance's desired properties to the newly instantiated subclass object, like...
SubClassedView *subClsInstance =;
for (NSString* someKey in #["frame",#"color",#"someOtherProperty])
[subClsInstance setValue:[superInstance valueForKey:someKey] forKey:someKey];
Or add (swizzle at runtime) the subclass' "additional property methods" (in this case setAProp: and aProp) to the superclass instance (and also cast it upwards)...
SubClassedView *subClsInstance = (SubClassedView*)[ViewFactory makeSuperClassView];
[subClsInstance addSwizzleMethod:#selector(setAProp:) viaSomeMagic:....];
[subClsInstance addSwizzleMethod:#selector(aProp) viaSomeMagic:....];
Hopefully this is an easy runtime trick that I simply don't know... not a sad sign that I am haplessly trying to trick ObjC into multiple-inheritance via some embarrassing anti-pattern. Either way, ideas?
EDIT: Pending #BryanChen posting his comment as an answer this is achieved easily via his suggested runtime function, or as a category on NSObject á la..
#implementation NSObject (SettingClass)
- (void)setClass:(Class)kls { if (kls) object_setClass(self, kls); } #end
What you are trying to do is pretty non-idiomatic... it feels like you are trying to do something like prototype based OOP. A couple of quick points:
Don't do the swizzle. You can't swizzle onto an instance, you swizzle onto the class definition, so if you do that you won't be adding the subclasses methods onto "an" instance of the superclass, you will be adding them onto all instances of the superclass.
Yes, if you want to do this you just need to copy the the properties you want from the super into the new instance of the subclass.
You can have a factory method in the superclass that returns a subclass, and encapsulate all the the copying in there (so, -[SuperClassView makeSubclassView] that returns SubClassedView *. That is actually relatively common, and is how many of the class clusters are implemented (though they return private subclasses that conform to the implementation of the superclass)
object_setClass is not the droid you're looking for.
Yes, it will change the class of the instance. However, it will not change the size of it. So if your SubClassView declares extra properties or instance variables that are not declared on SuperClassView, then your attempts to access them on this frankenstein instance will result in (at best) buffer overflows, (probably) corrupted data, and (at worst) your app crashing.
It sounds like you really just want to use self in your factory method:
+ (instancetype)makeView {
return [[self alloc] init];
Then if you call [SuperClassView makeView], you get back an instance of SuperClassView. If you call [SubClassView makeView], you get back an instance of SubClassView.
"But," you say, "how do I customize the properties of the view if it's a SubClassView?"
Just like you would with anything else: you override the method on SubClassView:
#implementation SubClassView
+ (instancetype)makeView {
SubClassView *v = [super makeView];
v.answer = 42;
return v;
object_setClass may or may not be the "runtime trick" you are looking for. It does isa swizzle which change the class of an instance at runtime. However it does have many constrains such as that the new class cannot have extra ivars. You can check this question for more details.
I think the better way to do is that instead of making view using [ViewFactory makeSuperClassView], make it [[SuperClassView alloc] initWithSomething]. Then you can do [[SubClassView alloc] initWithSomething]
or if you really want use ViewFactory, then make it [ViewFactory makeViewOfClass:]

Why do I have to cast the delegate?

I have a class and this class has a delegate protocol. I create an object in the main class using this class and assigned the main class as the delegate. The main class has a property I would like to read inside the created class. Then I do this:
BOOL prop = [self.delegate myProperty];
Xcode complains that "delegate may not respond to myProperty"
If I am sending a message to self.delegate to read myProperty, and generally Xcode never complains when you send a message to an not casted object, why do I have to do that
BOOL prop = [(myMainClass *)self.delegate myProperty];
to make it work?
To be more clear, here is an example of a message sent to an object without having to cast:
[self.myArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop){
int Number = [[obj dictionaryOfNames] count];
self.myArray is an array of objects from another class that are dictionaries and have this property dictionaryOfNames. Xcode never asked me to cast this:
int Number = [[(myOtherClass *)obj dictionaryOfNames] count];
as I had to above for myProperty.
Different classes can conform to a protocol. If you declare that you conform to a protocol you just say that you will implement the requiered methods but you can implement it in a UIView, UIViewController, MyOwnClass, MyOtherClass etc.
Thats why a property is normally declared like this
#property (nonatomic, weak) id <MyProtocol> delegate;
So you just say your delegate is an object which conform to the protocol.
You haven't shown enough code to give a completely definitive answer, but in general terms I would expect that the definition of your delegate is not just id, you've probably used NSObject* or something similar.
The compiler is doing "static" analysis of your source code and trying to determine whether or not the object specified by "self.delegate" might implement that method. If the data type is, say, NSObject*, then the compiler looks through that specific class definition to see if your method is present; if it isn't, then you'll get a warning.
If the data type of the message receiver is id, the compiler tends to give up and say "well, it could be anything so I'll assume this will work".
The result of the expression [obj dictionaryOfNames] is probably of type NSDictionary and the compiler can see that that particular class does respond to the count method.
Note, you can also get this problem if you have specified a class name for a property, but the compiler cannot see the entire class definition from this file. For example, if you have
#class Something;
#interface MyObject
#property (retain) Something *delegate;
#import "myobject.h"
[self.delegate doItYouFool];
then the compiler can see that the result of the expression 'self.delegate' is of type Something* but it can not see the actual definition of that class and thus can't look through its supported messages. This usually results in a warning about 'forward definitions'. To fix it, you should import "something.h" into the .m file, so that the compiler has full knowledge about the classes it is working with. To just silence the warning, you cast to id
[(id)self.delegate doItYouFool];
You may, of course, also be getting warnings that 'doItYouFool' isn't a known method, again because you haven't included the header file that defines that message.

Objective-C Command Line Equivalent of ViewDidLoad

I was just wondering where I should set the values of variables for use in all my methods.
For example, let's say in my .h I say:
#property NSString *name; and then synthesize it in the .m. Where do I assign it a value so in my functions, say -(NSString *)changeUsername:(NSString *) changes and -(void)deleteUsername, I can access that data?
main() is the first thing that gets called in a command line program. Wouldn't you do it there (or somewhere called from main())?
Since you're talking about properties, you must have a class that you're instantiating. That class's designated initializer (-init or similar) is the right place to set up your properties and/or instance variables.
The only reason that Cocoa Touch apps defer some initialization tags to -viewDidLoad is that view controllers don't load their views when they're initialized and some properties or ivars are related to the view(s) that will be loaded. Those things clearly can't be set up until the view is loaded (or created), so -viewDidLoad becomes the best place for setting up those sorts of things.
Well you COULD do so in an initializer for your class and indeed, this would be the approach in C++ or maybe Java. In objective-c, you usually use lazy instantiation, and the best place to do that is in the getter for that property.
If someone assigns a value to the property the setter is called and everything is fine.
If someone asks FOR the value and it has not been set yet (is nil) you can create the object and/or assign a default value in the getter.
// Override accessor for name
- (NSString*)name
if (!_name) {
_name = #"unknown";
return _name;
The accessor methods are the only place you should be accessing instance variables directly.

Exposing/Synthesizing iVar properties in Objective c

I have a class that essentially acts as a light weight wrapper class around another class. It holds that other class as an iVar. I want to be able to expose certain properties (quite a few actually) of the iVar, but to do so I have to write out each property accessor like so:
- (void) setProperty:(Class *)value{ = value;
- (Class *) property{
Of course, I have to do this for every single property, which is a pain (there are about 30 of them). I would love to be able to synthesize this but I haven't been able to figure out how.
Is it possible to synthesize?
Also, I can't subclass....well, I might be able to but it's really not recommended. The iVar class is really quite heavy (it implements CoreText). I'd rather write out the methods by hand.
Ok, so here's the solution I found...ended up being pretty simple once you knew what to do. First overwrite '- (id) forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector' and return the iVar:
- (id) forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector{
return iVar;
When the runtime is looking for a method and cannot find one, it will call this method to see if there is another object to forward the message to. Note that this method normally returns nil and if you return nil here, your program will crash (which is the appropriate behavior).
The second part of the problem is to shush the compiler errors/warnings you'll get when you try to send a message that's not declared. This is easily done by declaring a category you don't implement.
#interface Class (iVarClassMethods)
#propoperty (strong) Class *property1;
......more properties
As long as you don't put in an implementation anywhere, aka #implementation Class (category), the compiler won't complain (it'll assume that the implementation is somewhere....).
Now the only drawback I see is if you change any of the properties in the interface of the iVar Class, you need to make sure you update all other classes that use the method described above, otherwise you'll crash when another class tries to send what is now the wrong method (and the compiler won't warn you beforehand). However, this can be gotten around. You can declare protocols in a category. So instead you create a separate protocol for the iVar class and move the methods/properties you wish out of the iVar class into the protocol.
#protocol iVarClassProtocol
#propoperty (strong) Class *property1;
......more properties
Add that protocol to the iVar subclass so it has those methods declared through the protocol now.
#interface iVarClass <iVarClassProtocol>
....other methods/properties you don't need forwarded
Finally, simply add the protocol to the category. So instead of the aforementioned category with explicit declarations you'll have:
#interface Class (iVarClassMethods) <iVarClassProtocol>
Now, if you need to change any of the to-be-fowarded properties/methods, you change them in the protocol. The compiler will then warn you when you try to send the wrong method to the forwarding class.
I think you can forward the messages to the ivar:
- (void) forwardInvocation: (NSInvocation*) invocation
[invocation invokeWithTarget:ivar];
- (NSMethodSignature*) methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL) selector
NSMethodSignature *our = [super methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
NSMethodSignature *ivars = [ivar methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
return our ? our : ivars;
Then you have to hide or fake the type of your object, for example by casting to id, otherwise the compiler will complain that your class does not implement those methods.
Of course it would be best if you could come up with some better design that would do without such tricks.

Test type of NSNotification

I need to check whether an object is an NSNotification. It is not enough to know if it is a subclass, as I want to differentiate between whether it is an NSNotification or a subclass of NSNotification.
So to elaborate I need to differentiate between the following:
An NSConcreteNotification
A Subclass of NSNotification (But not NSConcreteNotification)
The problem is that NSNotifications are actually NSConcreteNotifications and NSConcreteNotification is a private class so I can't use it to test against.
[object isMemberOfClass: [NSNotification class]] // returns NO in both cases
[object isKindOfClass: [NSNotification class]] // returns YES in both cases
There is no reason to subclass NSNotification the way you're describing. First, NSNotification already carries a userInfo dictionary. You can put any data you want in there. You can use category methods to read and write into that dictionary if you like (I do this all the time). For example, a very common thing I want to do is pass along some object, say the RNMessage. So I create a category that looks like this:
#interface NSNotificationCenter (RNMessage)
- (void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)aName object:(id)anObject message:(RNMessage *)message;
#interface NSNotification (RNMessage)
- (RNMessage *)message;
static NSString * const RNMessageKey = #"message";
#implementation NSNotificationCenter (RNMessage)
- (void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)aName object:(id)anObject message:(RNMessage *)message {
[self postNotificationName:aName object:anObject userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:message forKey:RNMessageKey];
#implementation NSNotification (RNMessage)
- (RNMessage *)message {
return [[self userInfo] objectForKey:RNMessageKey];
As #hypercrypt notes, you can also use associated references to attach data to any arbitrary object without creating an ivar, but with NSNotification it's much simpler to use the userInfo dictionary. It's much easier to print notification using NSLog. Easier to serialize them. Easier to copy them. Etc. Associated references are great, but they do add lots of little corner cases that you should avoid if you can get away with it.
That sounds like a really bad idea. When you first receive the notification, you already know what type it is, because it's passed as an explicit argument to a notification callback method. Consider storing the notification as a strongly typed property of another object, or inserting in a dictionary under an appropriate key if you're adding it to a collection, or passing it to other methods that don't preserve the type information to make it easier to identify later.
Creating dependencies on private API (including the names of private classes) will make your code more fragile, and much more likely to break in a future release. Obviously, one of the reasons these classes are private is to make it easier for Apple's engineers to change them as they see fit. For example, the concrete subclasses used by NSArray and NSMutableArray just changed in a recent release of the SDK.
To test id object is an NSNotification use:
[object isMemberOfClass:[NSNotification class]];`
To test if it is a NSConcreteNotifications use
[object isMemberOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"NSConcreteNotifications")];
Change the string to the name of a different class as needed...
You can then combine the two check for 'A Subclass of NSNotification (But not NSConcreteNotification'.
if ([object isMemberOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"NSConcreteNotifications")])
// It's a NSConcreteNotifications...
else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
// It's an NSNotification (or subclass) but not an NSConcreteNotifications
if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]] && ![object isMemberOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"NSConcreteNotifications")])
{ /* ... */ }
If you want to add properties to NSNotifications you should look into Associative References.
The basic idea is:
static const char objectKey;
- (id)object
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &objectKey);
- (void)setObject:(id)object
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &objectKey, object, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
As others have pointed out, it is a bad idea to rely on the name of a private class. If you are looking for one specific subclass, you could just explicitly check for that class.
[notification isMemberOfClass:[MyNotificationSubclass class]];
You could use multiple statements to check for multiple subclasses, but that would be a little cluttered. This method also requires changes every time you add a new class to look for. It may be better to define a readonly property which indicates whether a notification supports the feature you are looking for, so you aren't relying on the class so much as the ability of the class. You could use a category on NSNotification which simply returns NO for this property, and any subclasses which have the feature would override the method to return YES.
#interface NSNotification (MyFeature)
#property (readonly) BOOL hasMyFeature;
#implementation NSNotification (MyFeature)
- (BOOL)hasMyFeature {
return NO;
In the subclasses which support it:
- (BOOL)hasMyFeature {
return YES;
- (void)performMyFeature {
This would also allow you to change whether or not a notification has the feature enabled by changing a flag which is returned for hasMyFeature, and your checking code would simply be:
if(notification.hasMyFeature) [notification performMyFeature];