Test type of NSNotification - objective-c

I need to check whether an object is an NSNotification. It is not enough to know if it is a subclass, as I want to differentiate between whether it is an NSNotification or a subclass of NSNotification.
So to elaborate I need to differentiate between the following:
An NSConcreteNotification
A Subclass of NSNotification (But not NSConcreteNotification)
The problem is that NSNotifications are actually NSConcreteNotifications and NSConcreteNotification is a private class so I can't use it to test against.
[object isMemberOfClass: [NSNotification class]] // returns NO in both cases
[object isKindOfClass: [NSNotification class]] // returns YES in both cases

There is no reason to subclass NSNotification the way you're describing. First, NSNotification already carries a userInfo dictionary. You can put any data you want in there. You can use category methods to read and write into that dictionary if you like (I do this all the time). For example, a very common thing I want to do is pass along some object, say the RNMessage. So I create a category that looks like this:
#interface NSNotificationCenter (RNMessage)
- (void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)aName object:(id)anObject message:(RNMessage *)message;
#interface NSNotification (RNMessage)
- (RNMessage *)message;
static NSString * const RNMessageKey = #"message";
#implementation NSNotificationCenter (RNMessage)
- (void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)aName object:(id)anObject message:(RNMessage *)message {
[self postNotificationName:aName object:anObject userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:message forKey:RNMessageKey];
#implementation NSNotification (RNMessage)
- (RNMessage *)message {
return [[self userInfo] objectForKey:RNMessageKey];
As #hypercrypt notes, you can also use associated references to attach data to any arbitrary object without creating an ivar, but with NSNotification it's much simpler to use the userInfo dictionary. It's much easier to print notification using NSLog. Easier to serialize them. Easier to copy them. Etc. Associated references are great, but they do add lots of little corner cases that you should avoid if you can get away with it.

That sounds like a really bad idea. When you first receive the notification, you already know what type it is, because it's passed as an explicit argument to a notification callback method. Consider storing the notification as a strongly typed property of another object, or inserting in a dictionary under an appropriate key if you're adding it to a collection, or passing it to other methods that don't preserve the type information to make it easier to identify later.
Creating dependencies on private API (including the names of private classes) will make your code more fragile, and much more likely to break in a future release. Obviously, one of the reasons these classes are private is to make it easier for Apple's engineers to change them as they see fit. For example, the concrete subclasses used by NSArray and NSMutableArray just changed in a recent release of the SDK.

To test id object is an NSNotification use:
[object isMemberOfClass:[NSNotification class]];`
To test if it is a NSConcreteNotifications use
[object isMemberOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"NSConcreteNotifications")];
Change the string to the name of a different class as needed...
You can then combine the two check for 'A Subclass of NSNotification (But not NSConcreteNotification'.
if ([object isMemberOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"NSConcreteNotifications")])
// It's a NSConcreteNotifications...
else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
// It's an NSNotification (or subclass) but not an NSConcreteNotifications
if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]] && ![object isMemberOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"NSConcreteNotifications")])
{ /* ... */ }
If you want to add properties to NSNotifications you should look into Associative References.
The basic idea is:
static const char objectKey;
- (id)object
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &objectKey);
- (void)setObject:(id)object
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &objectKey, object, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);

As others have pointed out, it is a bad idea to rely on the name of a private class. If you are looking for one specific subclass, you could just explicitly check for that class.
[notification isMemberOfClass:[MyNotificationSubclass class]];
You could use multiple statements to check for multiple subclasses, but that would be a little cluttered. This method also requires changes every time you add a new class to look for. It may be better to define a readonly property which indicates whether a notification supports the feature you are looking for, so you aren't relying on the class so much as the ability of the class. You could use a category on NSNotification which simply returns NO for this property, and any subclasses which have the feature would override the method to return YES.
#interface NSNotification (MyFeature)
#property (readonly) BOOL hasMyFeature;
#implementation NSNotification (MyFeature)
- (BOOL)hasMyFeature {
return NO;
In the subclasses which support it:
- (BOOL)hasMyFeature {
return YES;
- (void)performMyFeature {
This would also allow you to change whether or not a notification has the feature enabled by changing a flag which is returned for hasMyFeature, and your checking code would simply be:
if(notification.hasMyFeature) [notification performMyFeature];


Any way to apply Objective-C category only to current class (or equivalent effect)?

Let's say I have a custom subclass of UIView called MyCustomView. Let's also say that I have a category on UIView called UIView+Dictionary that adds an NSDictionary property called dictionary to every UIView.
If I were to import UIView+Dictionary.h into MyCustomView.m then every view referenced within MyCustomView.m would have this added dictionary property, which in many situations is exactly the desired behavior.
However, if I wanted UIView+Dictionary applied only to MyCustomView itself and not to every UIView referenced within MyCustomView.m, is there a way to do so (or achieve a similar effect)?
I'd like to avoid making MyCustomView a subclass of another custom subclass (e.g., MyViewWithDictionary), as I'd ideally like to be able to import multiple categories for something akin to multiple inheritance (e.g., UIView+Dictionary, UIView+Border, UIView+CustomAnimations).
In my actual own scenario, I've written a category to automatically implement a custom UINavigationBar in a view controller, but I'd like that category to apply only to the view controller into which I am importing the category and not any other view controllers that may be referenced in that file.
Any and all insights are appreciated! And I apologize in advance as I am fairly certain there are more correct terminologies for the effect described above.
However, if I wanted UIView+Dictionary applied only to MyCustomView itself [...] is there a way to do so [...]?
Only by changing the category to be on MyCustomView and not UIView.
The header has nothing to do with whether the category's methods are present on any given instance. If the category is compiled into your program, the methods are there, no matter where the instance is created. This is the reason that prefixes are so important on methods that are added to framework classes: categories have global effect, and name collisions are undefined behavior.
The header only affects the visibility of the methods as far as the compiler is concerned. You can use the usual tricks to call them at runtime regardless.
The category takes effect on the class itself, when the runtime is initialized at launch. If you want the methods of the category to be available only on a certain class, the category must be defined on that class.
As Josh pointed out, any methods added in categories are basically inert unless you call them. The issue that I was having was for generated properties and swizzled methods in categories (since, as Josh also pointed out, there are no mixins in Objective-C).
I was able to solve this by adding in a custom BOOL in my category that defaults to NO and acts as a "switch" for whatever category methods and properties I want to specify.
E.g., if I wanted my dictionary property to be lazily instantiated but only within MyCustomView, I could do the following:
// UIView+Dictionary.h
#interface UIView (Dictionary)
#property (nonatomic) BOOL enableDictionary;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *dictionary;
// UIView+Dictionary.m
#import "UIViewController+CustomNavigationBar.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation UIView (Dictionary)
- (void)setEnableDictionary:(BOOL)enableDictionary {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, #selector(enableDictionary), #(enableDictionary), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
- (BOOL)enableDictionary {
NSNumber *enableDictionaryValue = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, #selector(enableDictionary));
if (enableDictionaryValue) {
return enableDictionaryValue.boolValue;
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, #selector(enableDictionary), #NO, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
return self.enableDictionary;
- (void)setDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, #selector(dictionary), dictionary, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
- (NSDictionary *)dictionary {
if (!self.enableDictionary) {
return nil;
NSDictionary *dictionary = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, #selector(dictionary));
if (dictionary) {
return dictionary;
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, #selector(dictionary), #{}, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
return self.dictionary;
And then within -[MyCustomView viewDidLoad] I could simply call self.enableDictionary = YES. That way, only instances of MyCustomView will have a non-nil lazily instantiated NSDictionary. (Note that, in this example, all instances of UIViews will still respond to the selector #selector(dictionary), but our behavior will differ based on whether enableDictionary is YES or NO.)
While that is a trivial example, the same strategy can be used for methods that are swizzled within categories. (Again, swizzling methods within categories is probably bad form but a necessary evil in certain scenarios.)

Are subclass properties preserved if I assign a subclass instance to a property typed as a parent class?

I have a feed that loads a array of:
•Status objects
•PhotoStatus objects - a subclass of Status
When a user clicks on a status in the feed it takes them to ViewCommentsViewController which has the following property that MUST be set in order for the view controller to work:
#property (nonatomic,strong) Status *status;
If I pass/assign:
Can I reliably still preserve the subclass properties of the photoStatus some how? Maybe by doing something like photoStatus *revertedPhotoStatus=status; in my view controller, or what is the right way to do what im trying to do? I dont want to have multiple view controller classes, and I don't want to go the sloppy route of having both photoStatus & status properties in my ViewCommentsViewController, so how do I reliably allow the loading of multiple types of content that are all subclasses of Status?
Can I reliably still preserve the subclass properties of the photoStatus some how
Yes, this just happens automatically. It's called polymorphism: a thing is the thing it is, not the thing you happen to type it as. So if you assign an actual PhotoStatus object to a variable typed as a Status, it remains a PhotoStatus under the hood. This mechanism is absolutely crucial; without it, subclass instances would not be very useful!
Note, however, that in order to treat your Status-typed object as a PhotoStatus object, if that is what it really is under the hood, you will need to cast it down to a PhotoStatus object. And if you do this and this happens not to be a PhotoStatus object, you may be heading for a crash later when a PhotoStatus message is sent to an object that is not in fact a PhotoStatus.
In the best of all worlds, you wouldn't need to test what kind of class something is. Instead, the class receiving the object would declare a pointer to a base class that implemented all necessary methods.
The implementations would be different but, in this case, a ViewCommentsViewController could make consistent calls to any kind of Status and know that the methods existed.
Another way of structuring things to assure this would be by using a protocol. That would make your declaration something like #property (nonatomic,strong) id<StatusProvider> status;.
I've typed isKindOfClass far too often to present myself as any kind of purist, but it's nice to use a clean approach when possible.
If you intend to use methods that are defined in the Status class but not PhotoStatus, you need to check the class of the returned object. To do this, you would normally do something along these lines:
Status *status = viewCommentsViewController.status;
if ([[status class] isSubclassOfClass: [PhotoStatus class]])
PhotoStatus *photoStatus = (PhotoStatus *) status;
// Handle photoStatus.
// Handle the other case.
If you want to save a few lines at the call site, you could add accessors like this:
#implementation Status
- (PhotoStatus *) asPhotoStatus
return nil;
#implementation PhotoStatus
- (PhotoStatus *) asPhotoStatus
return self;
and then just call
[[viewCommentsViewController.status asPhotoStatus] doSomething];
Edit: Since Xcode 4.2, sending a message to nil should always return a zero value or cause the returned struct to be filled with zeros. (Unfortunately I couldn't find a specification, but this blog post contains a summary.)

Unable to access App Delegate property

I'm trying to access a property in my app delegate from another class (something I thought would be rather simply) but I'm having troubles in doing so. My files currently look like this:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "Subject.h"
#interface LTAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate, NSOutlineViewDelegate, NSOutlineViewDataSource, NSMenuDelegate> {
#property Subject *selectedSubject;
#synthesize selectedSubject;
The value for selectedSubject is then set inside applicationDidFinishLaunchingin LTAppDelegate.m. Now I'm wanting to get access to this from another class that I have, which is called LTTableViewController and is setup like so:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "LTAppDelegate.h"
#import "Subject.h"
#import "Note.h"
#interface LTTableViewController : NSObject{
NSMutableArray *notesArray;
LTAppDelegate *appDelegate;
Subject *s;
#import "LTTableViewController.h"
#implementation LTTableViewController
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
appDelegate = ((LTAppDelegate *)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate]);
s = [appDelegate selectedSubject];
NSLog(#"Test Subject: %#", [s title]);
return self;
NSLog(#"Selected Subject: %#", [s title]);
After inserting various NSLog() messages it would appear that the init method of LTTableViewController is called before applicationDidFinishLaunchingis called in LTAppDelegate. Based on that it makes sense that the "Test Subject" NSLog() in LTTableViewController.m init displays null; however, the 'currentSubjectDetails' method is linked to a button on the interface and when that is pressed after the app is finished loading, the NSLog() message still returns null.
Is there anything obvious I'm missing here. I feel like I'm being a little stupid and missing something really basic.
Similar issue is described here http://iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/11537-viewcontroller-called-before-applicationdidfinishlaunching.html Adding this kind of functionality in the constructor is usually not recommended. Generally, I'd suggest using parameters and not relying on hidden dependencies as those will necessarily depend on the order of execution and you lose the help of the compiler to avoid invalid values. View controller initializers should not be used to store mutable references since view controllers are initialized automatically by predefined constructors, and you cannot pass parameters to them this way.
If you need to access the app delegate, then obtain it, perform operations on it and drop the reference. Try not to cache it, you'll very likely introduce hidden issues. I suggest you hook into the appear-disappear cycle if the viewed contents depend on any kind of current state.
Well, s does not exist, since it is set to null in init, so -currentSubjectDetails prints null. It is not a good idea to set your private variables in the constructor if they depend on other objects.
Rather, let the other objects explicitly tell your controller that it should use that Subject (e.g., treat s as a property).
Or, just query ((LTAppDelegate *)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate]); every time.
-applicationDidFinishLaunching called when e.g. all nib's object initialized, so launching will be ended after construction of views related stuff. This means that constructors of nib's objects wouldn't use any other nib's objects (your delegate and controller initializing with nib, right?).
Try to use -awakeFromNib instead of constructors, I think it will called after construction of both objects.
If you are trying to avoid often calls of ((LTAppDelegate *)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate]) I'll recommend to pass it as method parameter, in function stack. Cyclic references defense and some flexibility.

Should I subclass the NSMutableArray class

I have an NSMutableArray object that I want to add custom methods to. I tried subclassing NSMutableArray but then I get an error saying "method only defined for abstract class" when trying to get the number of objects with the count method. Why is the count method not inherited?
I read somewhere else that I will have to import some NSMutableArray methods into my custom class if I want to use them. I just want to add a custom method to the NSMutableArray class. So should I subclass NSMutableArray, or should I do something else?
NSMutableArray is not a concrete class, it is just the abstract superclass of a class cluster. The documentation for NSMutableArray does have information about how to subclass, but also strongly advises you not to! Only subclass if you have a special need for actual storage.
A class cluster means that the actual class will be chosen at run-time. An array created empty, may not use the same class as an array created with 1000 items. The run-time can do smart choices of what implementation to use for you. In practice NSMutableArray will be a bridged CFArray. Nothing you need to worry about, but you might see it if you inspect the type of your arrays in the debugger, you will never see NSArray, but quite often NSCFArray.
As mentioned before, subclassing is not the same as extending a class. Objective-C has the concept of categories. A category is similar to what other programming languages call mix-ins.
If you for example want a convenience method on NSMutableArray to sort all members on a property, then define the category interface in a .h file as such:
#interface NSMutableArray (CWFirstnameSort)
And the implementation would be:
#implementation NSMutableArray (CWFirstnameSort)
NSSortDescriptor* sortDesc = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:propertName ascending:YES];
[self sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDesc]];
Then use it simply as:
[people sortObjectsByProperty:#"firstName"];
If you're just adding a custom method, use a category on NSMutableArray. It's a class cluster, so the implementation is provided by undocumented subclasses. You need to provide a few methods to generate your own subclass. However, if you just add a category then your custom method will work on all NSMutableArrays in your app.
For comparison, here's an example I wrote a while back of implementing a custom NSMutableArray subclass.
Objective-C has a mechanism for adding methods to existing classes called Categories. That way you don't have to create your own subclass.
This is an old post, but thought I'd add my experience. #PayloW's answer is a good answer and I think answers your question perfectly, however, no one really answered your question the other way around, so I'll do that here.
Should you subclass NSMutableArray (or NSArray)? Depends on what you want to achieve. If you only want to add a method to extend an array's BASIC functionality, like sorting, then #PayloW's answer Categories are the way. However, if you want to create a custom class that behaves like an array then yes, subclassing NSMutableArray is quite easy. But because it's a Class Cluster it doesn't exactly subclass as you'd expect. Normally in subclassing the methods available in the Super Class are available to your subclass or you may override them. With Class Clusters you MUST instead include the Super's methods that you're going to use and provide a _backend instance of the super class to wrap those methods around.
Below is an example of how you'd subclass NSMutableArray (or any Class Cluster):
The interface:
#interface MyCustomArrayClass : NSMutableArray {
// Backend instance your class will be using
NSMutableArray *_backendArray;
// *** YOUR CUSTOM METHODS HERE (no need to put the Super's methods here) ***
The implementation:
#implementation MyCustomArrayClass
-(instancetype)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_backendArray = [#[] mutableCopy];
return self;
// *** Super's Required Methods (because you're going to use them) ***
-(void)addObject:(id)anObject {
[_backendArray addObject:anObject];
-(void)insertObject:(id)anObject atIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
[_backendArray insertObject:anObject atIndex:index];
-(void)replaceObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index withObject:(id)anObject {
[_backendArray replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:anObject];
-(id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
return [_backendArray objectAtIndex:index];
-(NSUInteger)count {
return _backendArray.count;
-(void)removeObject:(id)anObject {
[_backendArray removeObject:anObject];
-(void)removeLastObject {
[_backendArray removeLastObject];
-(void)removeAllObjects {
[_backendArray removeAllObjects];
-(void)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
[_backendArray removeObjectAtIndex:index];
-(bool)isEmpty {
return _backendArray.count == 0;
-(id)nameAtIndex:(int)index {
return ((MyObject *)_backendArray[index]).name;
-(int)rowAtIndex:(int)index {
return ((MyObject *)_backendArray[index]).row;
-(int)columnAtIndex:(int)index {
return ((MyObject *)_backendArray[index]).column;
Then to use like so:
MyCustomArrayClass *customArray = [[MyCustomArrayClass alloc] init];
// Your custom method
int row = [customArray rowAtIndex:10];
// NSMutableArray method
[customArray removeLastObject];
// Your custom class used just like an array !!!
index = 20;
MyObject *obj = customArray[index];
It all works very nicely, is clean and actually pretty cool to implement and use.
Hope it helps.
I have to agree with both node ninja and PeyloW because technically they have both right. Actually, that does not help me much.
There are many arrays in code that all to one contain only one but different type of data e.g. classA, classB, classC.
I can easily mix arrays by passing wrong one to e.g. some selector because they are all NSMutableArray. There is no static check, only runtime one.
Solution - 1st try:
Make subclass of NSMutableArray so compiler makes static check and warns about wrong data type.
That is good because compiler warns you even when you pass wrong type to -addObject or -objectAtIndex when you overload that ones.
That is bad because you cannot instantiate NSMutableArray superclass this way.
Solution - 2nd try:
Make new (proxy) class of some type e.g. NSObject as for NSMutableArray and add class member of type NSMutableArray.
This is good because you can instantiate NSMutableClass and compiler checks when you pass wrong type to -addObject or -objectAtIndex when you overload that ones.
The bad side of that is that you need to overload every selector of the NSMutableArray that you use, not only that ones that differs in class that array contains.
When you build some sophisticated code that has many class types in its arrays, believe me it is worth to try. Simply by doing this compiler showed me several errors that I would not recognize until I will face it in runtime. Or even worse, when end user would face it.
From the Apple reference for NSArray, in the Methods to Override section:
Any subclass of NSArray must override the primitive instance methods count and objectAtIndex:. These methods must operate on the backing store that you provide for the elements of the collection. For this backing store you can use a static array, a standard NSArray object, or some other data type or mechanism. You may also choose to override, partially or fully, any other NSArray method for which you want to provide an alternative implementation.
As a side note, in Objective-C, there is no actual feature that allows you to declare a class as an abstract class, per se, as in Java, for instance. So, what they do instead is call something like the code below, from within some method that they want to force to be overridden by a subclass. In effect, they give the class 'abstract class' semantics.
This method definition acts as an abstract method, which raises an Exception if not overridden, with the following output:
-someAbstractFooMethod only defined for abstract class. Define -[YourClassName someAbstractFooMethod]!
- (void) someAbstractFooMethod
//Force subclassers to override this method
NSString *methodName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd);
NSString *className = [self className];
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:#"-%# only defined for abstract class. Define -[%# %#]!", methodName, className, methodName];

How to keep Cocoa bindings working after replacing the target object's instance with another instance of the same type?

I would like to be able to use bindings to keep my GUI synchronized to a dynamically loaded object, but as soon as I replace the object in question with another one of the same type the bindings break and the GUI stops updating. Here's some code to help you understand what I mean:
In my interface I have an instance variable to hold the object in question:
#interface AppDelegate : NSObject {
CustomObject *anObject; // This object has a "NSString *textValue" property
Then in my implementation I instantiate the object:
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
anObject = [[CustomObject alloc] init];
return self;
In Interface Builder I have the "value" of a text field bound to "anObject.textValue".
When I call this method:
[anObject setValue:#"Changed anObject.textValue!" forKey:#"textValue"];
then the text field updates to reflect the new value.
But what I want to do is display the values from an object which is given after doing some work elsewhere in the application. So what I did was this:
- (void)setCustomObject:(CustomObject *)newObject {
anObject = newObject;
Now the result of this operation seems to break the bindings from the GUI to the CustomObject instance (anObject) which seems logical considering the bound object has been replaced by another instance.
What I want to know is if there is a way to keep the bindings functional with the dynamically created instance of CustomObject without having to re-bind every control programmatically through bind:toObject:forKeyPath:options: or similar which would require (to my knowledge) the use of IBOutlets to get a hold of the controls to then be able to bind them to the values in my new object (IMO this would make the bindings kind of useless in my situation). Is this the only solution or is there a better, cleaner way to deal with this?
I have read a good bunch of documents on developper.apple.com and elsewhere regarding bindings but I did not find anything which seems to talk about this particular case.
Thanks in advance for your time!
To be specific, I think the problem was that your setter method was called -setCustomObject: instead of -setAnObject:. If you made just that change I think that KVO would be invoked, and your bound textfields would be updated.
Abizern's note about it leaking (if you're not using GC) still applies though. Your setter should instead look something like:
- (void)setAnObject:(CustomObject *)newObject {
if (anObject != newObject) {
[anObject release];
anObject = [newObject retain];
Have a look at these docs on Key Value observing. This should show you how to change properties in a KVO compliant way.
Alternatively, set up anObject as a property:
#interface AppDelegate : NSObject {
CustomObject *anObject; // This object has a "NSString *textValue" property
#property (retain) CustomObject *anObject;
#interface AppDelegate
#synthesize anObject;
Then when changing the anObject instance, use property syntax.
self.anObject = newObject;
This will take care of the KVO stuff for you.
Unless you have GC turned on your setCustomObject: method leaks.