To Remove Duplicates from Netezza Table - sql

I have a scenario for a type2 table where I have to remove duplicates on total row level.
Lets consider below example as the data in table.
If you consider A as key column, you know that last 2 rows are duplicates.
Generally to find duplicates, we use group by function.
select A,C,D,E,count(1)
from table
group by A,C,D,E
having count(*)>1
for this output would be 100|2|3|4 as duplicate and also 100|5|6|7.
However, only 100|5|6|7 is only duplicate as per type 2 and not 100|2|3|4 because this value has come back in 3rd run and not soon after 1st load.
If I add date field into group by 100|5|6|7 will not be considered as duplicate, but in reality it is.
Trying to figure out duplicates as explained above.
Duplicates should only be 100|5|6|7 and not 100|2|3|4.
can someone please help out with SQL for the same.

Use row_number analytical function to get rid of duplicates.
delete from
select a,b,c,d,e,row_number() over (partition by a,b,c,d,e) as rownumb
from table
) as a
where rownumb > 1

if you want to see all duplicated rows, you need join table with your group by query or filter table using group query as subquery.

wITH CTE AS (select a, B, C,D,E, count(*)
from TABLE
group by 1,2,3,4,5
having count(*)>1)
WHERE B <> B + 1
Try this query and see if it works. In case you are getting any errors then let me know.
I am assuming that your column B is in the Date format if not then cast it to date
If you can see the duplicate then just replace select * to delete


How to find duplicate rows in Hive?

I want to find duplicate rows from one of the Hive table for which I was given two approaches.
First approach is to use following two queries:
select count(*) from mytable; // this will give total row count
second query is as below which will give count of distinct rows
select count(distinct primary_key1, primary_key2) from mytable;
With this approach, for one of my table total row count derived using first query is 3500 and second query gives row count 2700. So it tells us that 3500 - 2700 = 800 rows are duplicate. But this query doesn't tell which rows are duplicated.
My second approach to find duplicate is:
select primary_key1, primary_key2, count(*)
from mytable
group by primary_key1, primary_key2
having count(*) > 1;
Above query should list of rows which are duplicated and how many times particular row is duplicated. but this query shows zero rows which means there are no duplicate rows in that table.
So I would like to know:
If my first approach is correct - if yes then how do I find which rows are duplicated
Why second approach is not providing list of rows which are duplicated?
Is there any other way to find the duplicates?
Hive does not validate primary and foreign key constraints.
Since these constraints are not validated, an upstream system needs to
ensure data integrity before it is loaded into Hive.
That means that Hive allows duplicates in Primary Keys.
To solve your issue, you should do something like this:
select [every column], count(*)
from mytable
group by [every column]
having count(*) > 1;
This way you will get list of duplicated rows.
analytic window function row_number() is quite useful and can provide the duplicates based upon the elements specified in the partition by clause. A simply in-line view and exists clause will then pinpoint what corresponding sets of records contain these duplicates from the original table. In some databases (like TD, you can forgo the inline view using a QUALIFY pragma option)
SQL1 & SQL2 can be combined. SQL2: If you want to deal with NULLs and not simply dismiss, then a coalesce and concatenation might be better in the
SELECT count(1) , count(distinct coalesce(keypart1 ,'') + coalesce(keypart2 ,'') )
FROM srcTable s
3) Finds all records, not just the > 1 records. This provides all context data as well as the keys so it can be useful when analyzing why you have dups and not just the keys.
select * from srcTable s
where exists
( select 1 from (
row_number() over( partition by keypart1, keypart2 ) seq
FROM srcTable t
-- (whatever additional filtering you want)
) t
where seq > 1
AND t.keypart1 = s.keypart1
AND t.keypart2 = s.keypart2
Suppose your want get duplicate rows based on a particular column ID here. Below query will give you all the IDs which are duplicate in table in hive.
HAVING count(ID) > 1

select other columns and group by SQL

I have the ff. table:
as you can see i have duplicate rows for column inseciid. This data is correct btw, they differ on other columns, it just not shown in the screenshot.
I want to be able to select all columns but for those rows with the same inseciID, i want the sum(insebrbillresidentamt). so the output will be 24.00 for inseciid=4037. How do i do that using group by?
I tried doing it like this
sum(A.insebrBillResidentAmt) as insebrBillResidentAmt
from InspectionsBillResidentServiceAction A
group by A.inseciid
when i add other columns in the select statement, it requires me to add the columns in the group by clause. but in doing that, the rows get duplicated again. can you shed some light on how do i use group by in cases like this? thanks in advance
Just use max on all other columns:
select max(insebrid) as insebrid,
max(inceciid) as inceciid,
sum(insebrBillResidentAmt) as insebrBillResidentAmt,
max(said) as said,
max(wgid) as wgid,
max(setID) as setID
from InspectionsBillResidentServiceAction
group by inseciid

Getting unique column amongst duplicate columns but returning the complete row

I need help on creating a select statement in sql to get the unique rows.
I need the unique Reference ID but since Call Time is also unique, I only need to get the first row out of the similar rows.
I have this table[Calls]:
The result should be:
When I used:
Select Distinct * FROM Calls
It will return the same table and not the result I want.
It may helps you...
min(date) is the first datetime for each individual
Select referenceid,min(date),number from calls
group by referenceid,number
Perhaps a simple GROUP BY:
SELECT ReferenceID,
MIN(CallTime) AS CallTime,
MIN(Number) AS Number
FROM dbo.TableName t
GROUP BY ReferenceID

SQL select first records of rows for specific column

I realize my title probably doesnt explain my situation very well, but I honestly have no idea how to word this.
I am using SQL to access a DB2 database.
Using my screenshot image 1 below as a reference:
column 1 has three instances of "U11124", with three different descriptions (column 2)
I would like this query to return the first instance of "U11124" and its description, but then also unique records for the other rows. image 2 shows my desired result.
image 1
image 2
----- EDIT ----
to answer some of the questions / posts:
technically, it does not need to be the first , just any single one of those records. the problem is that we have three descriptions, and only one needs to be shown, i am now told it does not matter which one.
In SQL Server:
select stvnst, stdesc
from (
stvnst, stdesc
row_number() over (order by stdesc partition by stvnst) row
from table
) a
where row = 1
This method has an advantage over a simple group by, in that it will also work when there's more than two columns in the table.
SELECT STVNST,FIRST(STDESC) from table group by STVNST ORDER BY what_you_want_first
All you need to do is use GROUP BY.
You say you want the first instance of the STDESC column? Well you can't guarntee the order of the rows without another column, however if you want to order by the highest ordered value the following will suffice:

Most efficient way to select 1st and last element, SQLite?

What is the most efficient way to select the first and last element only, from a column in SQLite?
The first and last element from a row?
SELECT column1, columnN
FROM mytable;
I think you must mean the first and last element from a column:
SELECT MIN(column1) AS First,
MAX(column1) AS Last
FROM mytable;
See for MIN() and MAX().
I'm using First and Last as column aliases.
if it's just one column:
SELECT min(column) as first, max(column) as last FROM table
if you want to select whole row:
SELECT 'first',* FROM table ORDER BY column DESC LIMIT 1
SELECT 'last',* FROM table ORDER BY column ASC LIMIT 1
The most efficient way would be to know what those fields were called and simply select them.
SELECT `first_field`, `last_field` FROM `table`;
Probably like this:
SELECT dbo.Table.FirstCol, dbo.Table.LastCol FROM Table
You get minor efficiency enhancements from specifying the table name and schema.
First: MIN() and MAX() on a text column gives AAAA and TTTT results which are not the first and last entries in my test table. They are the minimum and maximum values as mentioned.
I tried this (with .stats on) on my table which has over 94 million records:
select * from
(select col1 from mitable limit 1)
select * from
(select col1 from mitable limit 1 offset
(select count(0) from mitable) -1);
But it uses up a lot of virtual machine steps (281,624,718).
Then this which is much more straightforward (which works if the table was created without WITHOUT ROWID) [sql keywords are in capitals]:
SELECT col1 FROM mitable
That ran with 55 virtual machine steps on the same table and produced the same answer.
min()/max() approach is wrong. It is only correct, if the values are ascending only. I needed something liket this for currency rates, which are random raising and falling.
This is my solution:
select st.*
from stats_ticker st,
select min(rowid) as first, max(rowid) as last --here is magic part 1
from stats_ticker
-- next line is just a filter I need in my case.
-- if you want first/last of the whole table leave it out.
where timeutc between datetime('now', '-1 days') and datetime('now')
) firstlast
st.rowid = firstlast.first --and these two rows do magic part 2
OR st.rowid = firstlast.last
ORDER BY st.rowid;
magic part 1: the subselect results in a single row with the columns first,last containing rowid's.
magic part 2 easy to filter on those two rowid's.
This is the best solution I've come up so far. Hope you like it.
We can do that by the help of Sql Aggregate function, like Max and Min. These are the two aggregate function which help you to get last and first element from data table .
Select max (column_name ), min(column name) from table name
Max will give you the max value means last value and min will give you the min value means it will give you the First value, from the specific table.