Ansible percent expand - ssh

I have an ansible playbook which connects to a virtual machine via a non-standard ssh port (forwarded to localhost) and a different user than the host user (vagrant).
The ssh port is specified in the ansible inventory:
The username given on the command line to ansible-playbook:
ansible-playbook -i <inventory from above> <some playbook> -u vagrant
The communication with the VM works correctly, however, %p always expands to 22 and %r to the host username.
Consequently, I cannot flush the SSH connection (for the user's changed group membership to take effect) like this:
- name: flush the ssh connection
command: ssh -o ControlPath="~/.ansible/cp/ansible-ssh-%h-%p-%r" -O stop {{inventory_hostname}}
Am I making a silly mistake somewhere? Alternatively, is there a different way to flush the SSH connection?

The percent expand is not expanded by ansible, but by ssh later on.
Sorry, forgot to add the most important part
command: ssh -o ControlPath=[...] -O stop {{inventory_hostname}}
will use default port, because you didn't specify it on the command-line. You would have to specify also the port to "flush" the connection this way:
command: ssh -o ControlPath=[...] -O stop -p {{inventory_port}} {{inventory_hostname}}
But I don't think it is needed. Ansible should clean up the connections when the playbook ends and I don't see any different reason why to do that.


Is it possible to combine two ssh connections into one using PuTTY client for Windows? [duplicate]

I'm just trying to use PuTTY to get an SSH connection to my servers.
These servers allow incoming SSH connection only from another specific server ("MySshProxyingServer" in example below).
Using Linux this is no problem with the ssh -W command.
In PuTTY I can't find the options to create such a connection.
Example under Linux (~/.ssh/config):
Host MyHostToConnectTo
Hostname xx.xx.xx.xx
User root
Identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ProxyCommand ssh MySshProxyServer -W %h:%p
Anyone knows how to use such a config in PuTTY?
If you want to "jump a host", then using "local proxy command" is an overkill. Recent versions of PuTTY have this build-in. Go to Connection > Proxy, and in "Proxy type", select "SSH to proxy and use port forwarding". Then specify the details of the intermediate server below (like Hostname, Port, Username, Password [or load your private key to Pageant]).
(It's actually an overkill for OpenSSH too, as it has more user friendly options for this purpose too, see Does OpenSSH support multihop login?)
To answer your literal question: The equivalent in PuTTY is "local proxy command". You can use the plink.exe with the -nc switch instead of the ssh with the -W switch:
The "local proxy command" is:
plink.exe %user#%proxyhost -P %proxyport -nc %host:%port
An alternative is to open a tunnel via the "MySshProxyServer" first using another instance of PuTTY (or Plink).
See for example:
How to create SSH tunnel using PuTTY in Windows?
My guide for tunneling SFTP/SCP session. It's for WinSCP, but just use PuTTY instead of WinSCP in section Connecting through the tunnel.
Just in case you still use password for your jumphost is the option for that with an example.
plink.exe %user#%proxyhost -pw %pass -P %proxyport -nc %host:%port
When you want to start putty.exe from commandline it works this way:
putty.exe -proxycmd "plink.exe user#jumphost -P 22 -nc targethost:targetport" user#foo
According to the docs it uses stdin/stout of the proxycmd so "foo" is ok as target hostname here.
Suppose we want ssh to via
login name in both hosts is john
path to private key is C:\users\john\.ssh\private.ppk
plink.exe -v -ssh %user#%proxyhost -P %proxyport -nc %host:%port -i "c:\Users\john\.ssh\private.ppk"
If your private key has password protect then you must additionaly launch pageant and load your private key there
if you want to use command line only then:
putty.exe -proxycmd "plink.exe john# -P 22 -nc -i c:\Users\john\.ssh\private.ppk " john# -i c:\Users\john\.ssh\private.ppk

Connecting to a remote server from local machine via ssh-tunnel

I am running Ansible on my machine. And my machine does not have ssh access to the remote machine. Port 22 connection originating from local machine are blocked by the institute firewall. But I have access to a machine (ssh-tunnel), through which I can login to the remote machine. Now is there a way we can run ansible playbook from local machine on remote hosts.
In a way is it possible to make Ansible/ssh connect to the remote machine, via ssh-tunnel. But not exactly login to ssh-tunnel. The connection will pass through the tunnel.
Other way is I can install ansible on ssh-tunnel, but that is not the desired and run plays from there. But that would not be a desired solution.
Please let me know if this is possible.
There are two ways to achieve this without install the Ansible on the ssh-tunnel machine.
Use these variables in your inventory:
remote ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=2222 ansible_ssh_user='username' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='/home/user/private_key'
hope you understand above parameters, if need help please ask in comments
Create ~/.ssh/config file and add the following parameters:
####### Access to the Private Server through ssh-tunnel/bastion ########
Host ssh-tunnel-server
HostName x.x.x.x
StrictHostKeyChecking no
User username
ForwardAgent yes
Host private-server
HostName y.y.y.y
StrictHostKeyChecking no
User username
ProxyCommand ssh -q ssh-tunnel-server nc -q0 %h %p
Hope that help you, if you need any help, feel free to ask
No request to install ansible on the jump and remote servers, ansible is ssh service only tool :-)
First make sure you can work it directly with SSH Tunnel.
On local machine (Local_A), you can login to Remote machine (Remote_B) via jump box (Jump_C).
login server Local_A
ssh -f user#remote_B -L 2000:Jump_C:22 -N
The other options are:
-f tells ssh to background itself after it authenticates, so you don't have to sit around running something on the remote server for the tunnel to remain alive.
-N says that you want an SSH connection, but you don't actually want to run any remote commands. If all you're creating is a tunnel, then including this option saves resources.
-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport
Specifies that the given port on the local (client) host is to be forwarded to the given host and port on the remote side.
There will be a password challenge unless you have set up DSA or RSA keys for a passwordless login.
There are lots of documents teaching you how to do the ssh tunnel.
Then try below ansible command from Local_A:
ansible -vvvv remote_B -m shell -a 'hostname -f' --ssh-extra-args="-L 2000:Jump_C:22"
You should see the remote_B hostname. Let me know the result.
Let's say you can ssh into x.x.x.x from your local machine, and ssh into y.y.y.y from x.x.x.x, while y.y.y.y is the target of your ansible playbook.
- hosts: target
tasks: ...
ansible-playbook --ssh-common-args="-o ProxyCommand='ssh -W %h:%p root#x.x.x.x'" -i inventory playbook.yml

vagrant ssh agent forwarding only works for inline commands?

I've added agent forwarding to my vagrant file, and now when I run vagrant ssh -c 'ssh-add -l' I see a list of ssh keys, which is correct. However, when I run vagrant ssh to connect and then run ssh-add -l, I don't see any keys! It looks like the forwarding only works for commands included as part of the initial call, otherwise it doesn't forward them.
What is going on here? How do I get it to forward the keys consistently, for all ssh connections to vagrant?

SSH Error: Permission denied (publickey,password) in Ansible

I am new to Ansible and I am trying to implement it. I tried all the possible ways present on the Internet and also all questions related to it, but still I can't resolve the error. How can I fix it?
I installed Ansible playbook on my MacBook Pro. I created a VM whose IP address is and host IP address is
I tried to connect to my VM using the host via SSH. It connected by the following command:
ssh user#
And I got the shell access. This means my SSH connection is working fine.
Now I tried the following command for Ansible:
ansible all -m ping
And the content in the /etc/ansible/host is
Then it shows the following error: | FAILED => SSH Error: Permission denied (publickey,password).
while connecting to
It is sometimes useful to rerun the command using -vvvv, which prints SSH debug output to help diagnose the issue.
Then I tried creating the config file in .ssh/ folder on the host machine, but the error is still the same.
The content of the config file is:
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
which is the path to my private key.
Then I ran the same command ansible all -m ping and got the same error again.
When I tried another command,
ansible all -m ping -u user --ask-pass
Then it asked for the SSH password. I gave it (I am very sure the password is correct), but I got this error: | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.
This is the log using -vvvv:
<> EXEC ssh -C -tt -vvv -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o ControlPath="/Users/rajatg/.ansible/cp/ansible-ssh-%h-%p-%r" -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 /bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1445512455.7-116096114788007 && chmod a+rx $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1445512455.7-116096114788007 && echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1445512455.7-116096114788007' | FAILED => SSH Error: Permission denied (publickey,password).
while connecting to
It is sometimes useful to re-run the command using -vvvv, which prints SSH debug output to help diagnose the issue.
I am still not able to figure it out what the problem is. It is my last choice to ask it here after doing my all research. This is the link I referred to.
I fixed the issue. The problem was in my /etc/ansible/hosts file.
The content written in /etc/ansible/hosts was But when I changed it to rajat#, then the issue got fixed.
If you log in with ssh user#
Option 1
Then make sure that in your hosts file inside etc\ansible you have:
Then within etc\ansible run:
ansible all -m ping -u user --ask-pass
Option 2
If you want to log in without typing the SSH password then in your hosts file inside etc\ansible you add:
[server01] ansible_ssh_pass=xxx ansible_ssh_user=user
Then within etc\ansible run:
ansible all -m ping
For me it worked both ways.
My case is I have multiple private keys in my .ssh.
Here is how I fix it by telling ansible to use a certain private key
ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory.ini --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa_ansiadmin update.yml
The previous solutions didn't work for me, unfortunately (DevOps layman here!).
But the below one worked for me.
Change your inventory file to:
[webserver] ansible_user=ubuntu
ansible webserver --private-key pem_file.pem -m ping
Hitting the command with -vvvv helped me to debug it more.
Reference: Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Permission denied (publickey,password) #19584
If you execute Ansible with sudo, for example
sudo ansible -m ping all
Please keep in mind that the public key for root has to be on the server you want to reach as well, not only the public key from your non-root-user. Otherwise, you get the error message above as well.
Most of the issues happen while connecting Ubuntu machines in hosts.
Solution Ansible required which user want to connect, because Ubuntu doesn't have a default root user.
For the hosts file
[Test-Web-Server] ansible_ssh_pass=foo ansible_ssh_user=foo
The problem lies in the inventory file.
vi /etc/ansible/hosts
It should be:
192.###.###.### ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_ssh_pass=pass
I have fixed this issue as well.
My issue was also in my hosts file, /etc/ansible/hosts.
I changed my hosts file from
I had IP addresses in the hosts file. Since I have SSH configurations already set up for names, I do not need to use a variable or username in front of the hosts.
What first worked for me was to hardcode the target machine root's password in the /etc/ansible/hosts like this:
loadbalancer1 ansible_user=root ansible_password=root_password_in_target
But it is not recommended to do this of course because of security issues.
Then, I figured out a solutions from the docs by doing:
ssh-agent bash --> read here
and then
ssh-add /my/private/ssh-key
After this, my hosts file looks like this and ansible all -m ping works fine:
loadbalancer1 ansible_user=root
Mentioning the username in /etc/hosts file also can resolve the issue.
#sudo vim /etc/hosts
ip_address ansible_user="remote pc's username"
publicdnsname ansible_user=ubuntu private_key=ubuntu.cer
After years some OS require strong encryption of the SSH key, they don't support RSA and DSA keys. Therefore the message Permission denied (publickey,password) may indicate that OS needs strong SSH-key instead of id_rsa.
Use the following command to generate new key:
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa -N ""
Ensure that server has an option
PubkeyAuthentication yes
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config or /etc/openssh/sshd_config.
Some other options may be required as well (read the documentation of your OS first), for example:
Protocol 2
PermitRootLogin without-password
AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/openssh/authorized_keys/%u /etc/openssh/authorized_keys2/%u .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2
Do not forget to restart sshd service to apply changes.
Copy the new key with ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, then you can connect to remote server using ansible.
At the host machine you should install sshpass with the below command
sudo apt install sshpass -y
and use this command to ping
ansible all -i slaves.txt -m ping -u test --ask-pass
it will provide you keyboard interactive password entry, where you shall enter the passowrd of the slave machine

rsync remote files over SSH to my local machine, using sudo privileges on local side, and my personal SSH key

I want to sync a directory /var/sites/ from a remote machine to a directory at the same path on my local machine.
The remote machine only authenticates SSH connections with keys, not passwords.
On my local machine I have an alias set up in ~/.ssh/config so that I can easily run ssh myserver to get in.
I'm trying rsync -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/ but it fails because my local user does not have permission to edit the local directory /var/sites/
If I try sudo rsync -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/ (just adding sudo), I can fix the local permission issue, but then I encounter a different issue -- my local root user does not see the proper ssh key or ssh alias.
Is there a way I can accomplish this file sync by modifying this rsync command? I'd like to avoid changing anything else (e.g. no changes to file perms or ssh setup)
Try this:
sudo rsync -e "sudo -u localuser ssh" -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/
This runs rsync as root, but the -e flag causes rsync to run ssh as your local user (using sudo -u localuser), so the ssh command has access to the necessary credentials. Rsync itself is still running as root, so it has the necessary filesystem permissions.
Just improving on top of larsks's response:
sudo rsync -e "sudo -u $USER ssh" ...
So in your case change rsync -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/ to sudo rsync -e "sudo -u $USER ssh" -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/
With regards to #larsks' answer, If you have your key loaded into the ssh agent, which is my use case, you can instead do:
sudo rsync -e "env SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh" /source/path /destination/path
Instead of the double sudo.
My use case, if anyone is interested in replicating, is that I'm SSHing to a non-root sudo-er account on remote A, and need to rsync root-owned files between remote A and remote B. Authentication to both remotes is done using keys I have on my real local machine and I use -A to forward the ssh-agent authentication socket to remote A.
Guss's answer works well if you want to use sudo rsync for local file permissions but want to utilise your user's SSH session. However, it falls short when you also want to use your SSH config file.
You can follow Wernight's approach by using sudo to switch the user for the SSH connection and supplying a path to the config file, but this won't work if you have to enter a passphrase. So, you can combine both approaches by making use of the --preserve-env flag:
sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK rsync -e "sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK -u $USER ssh" hostname:/source/path /destination/path
Note that it's necessary to cascade this flag through both sudo commands so it does look a bit messy!
As requested by Derek above:
when sudo asks for a password then you need to modify the sudoers config with sudo visudo and add a entry with NOPASSWD: in front of the rsync command.
For details you could consult man sudoers.
this will work in every mode, even via cron, at, systemd.service+timer, etc.
test it with: ssh <user>#<your-server> "sudo <your-rsync-command>"