I am trying to write a parser with BNF Converter. The grammar that I am using allows things like a ::= true and b ::= false. So I'm trying to create a token to accomplish this. This is what I have so far:
token BVAL ("true"|"false");
I'm hoping to use it like this:
Exp ::= BVAL "||" BVAL
When I try and run BNFC I get the below error:
user error (syntax error at line 1 before true | false ))
According to the BNFC reference manual, the way you write a sequence of characters in a token rule is, for example, {"true"} rather than "true". (See section 5.1, "The token rule", on page 5.)
My grammar:
grammar qwe;
: [a-z_]+
: ('='|'>'|'<')
: [a-z_]+
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
Handling in Python code:
from antlr4 import InputStream, CommonTokenStream
from qweLexer import qweLexer
from qweParser import qweParser
conditions = 'total_sales>qwe'
lexer = qweLexer(InputStream(conditions))
stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = qweParser(stream)
tree = parser.query()
for child in tree.getChildren():
print(child, '==>', type(child))
Running qwe.py outputs error when parsing (lexing?) value:
How to fix that?
I read some and suppose that there is something to do with COLUMN rule that also matches value...
Your COLUMN and SCALAR lexer rules are identical. When the LExer matches two rules, then the rule that recognizes the longest token will win. If the token lengths are the same (as the are here), the the first rule wins.
Your Token Stream will be COLUMN OPERATOR COLUMN
That's thy the query rule won't match.
As a general practice, it's good to use the grun alias (that the setup tutorial will tell you how to set up) to dump the token stream.
grun qwe tokens -tokens < sampleInputFile
Once that gives you the expected output, you'll probably want to use the grun tool to display parse trees of your input to verify that is correct. All of this can be done without hooking up the generated code into your target language, and helps ensure that your grammar is basically correct before you wire things up.
How can I convert this EBNF rules below with K Framework ?
An element can be used to mean zero or more of the previous:
items ::= {"," item}*
For now, I am using a List from the Domain module. But inline List declarations are not allowed, like this one:
syntax Foo ::= Stmt List{Id, ""}
For now, I have to create a new syntax rule for the listed item to counter the problem:
syntax Ids ::= List{Id, ""}
syntax Foo ::= Stmt Ids
Is there another way to counter this creation of a new rule?
An element can appear zero or one time. In other words it can be optional:
array-decl ::= <variable> "[" {Int}? "]"
Where we want to accept: a[4] and a[]. For now, to bypass this one I create 2 rules, where one branch has the item and the other not. But this solution duplicate rules in an unnecessary way in my opinion.
An element can appear one or more of the previous:
e ::= {a-z}+
Where we don't accept any non-zero length sequence of lower case letters. Right now, I didn't find a way to simulate this.
Thank you in advance!
Inline zero-or-more productions have been restricted in the K-framework because the backend doesn't support terms with a variable number of arguments.
Therefore we ask that each list is declared as a separate production which will produce a cons list. Typical functional style matching can be used to process the AST.
Your typical EBNF extensions would look something like this:
{Id ","}* - syntax Ids ::= List{Id, ","}
{Id ","}+ - syntax Ids ::= NeList{Id, ","}
Id? - syntax OptionalId ::= "" [klabel(none)] | Id [klabel(some)]
The optional (?) production has the same problem. So we ask the user to specify labels that can be referenced by rules. Note that the empty production is not allowed in the semantics module because it may interfere with parsing the concrete syntax in rules. So you will need to create a COMMON module with most of the syntax, and a *-SYNTAX module with the productions that can interfere with rule parsing (empty productions and tokens that can conflict with K variables).
No, there is currently no mechanism to do this without the extra production.
I typically do this as follows:
syntax MaybeFoo ::= ".MaybeFoo" | Foo
syntax ArrayDecl ::= Variable "[" MaybeFoo "]"
Non-empty lists may be declared similar to lists:
syntax Bars ::= NeList{Bar, ","}
I looked through the Artima guide on parser combinators, which says that we need to append failure(msg) to our grammar rules to make error-reporting meaningful for the user
def value: Parser[Any] =
obj | stringLit | num | "true" | "false" | failure("illegal start of value")
This breaks my understanding of the recursive mechanism, used in these parsers. One one hand, Artima guide makes sense saying that if all productions fail then parser will arrive at the failure("illegal start of value") returned to the user. It however does not make sense, nevertheless, once we understand that grammar is not the list of value alternatives but a tree instead. That is, value parser is a node that is called when value is sensed at the input. This means that calling parser, which is also a parent, detects failure on value parsing and proceeds with value sibling alternative. Suppose that all alternatives to value also fail. Grandparser will try its alternatives then. Failed in turn, the process unwinds upward until the starting symbol parser fails. So, what will be the error message? It seems that the last alternative of the topmost parser is reported errorenous.
To figure out, who is right, I have created a demo where program is the topmost (starting symbol) parser
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
object ExprParserTest extends App with JavaTokenParsers {
// Grammar
val declaration = wholeNumber ~ "to" ~ wholeNumber | ident | failure("declaration not found")
val term = wholeNumber | ident ; lazy val expr: Parser[_] = term ~ rep ("+" ~ expr)
lazy val statement: Parser[_] = ident ~ " = " ~ expr | "if" ~ expr ~ "then" ~ rep(statement) ~ "else" ~ rep(statement)
val program = rep(declaration) ~ rep(statement)
// Test
println(parseAll(program, "1 to 2")) // OK
println(parseAll(program, "1 to '2")) // failure, regex `-?\d+' expected but `'' found at '2
println(parseAll(program, "abc")) // OK
It fails with 1 to '2 due to extra ' tick. Yes, it seems to stuck in the program -> declaration -> num "to" num rule and does not even try the ident and failure("declaration not found") alternatives! I does not back track to the statements either for the same reason. So, neither my guess nor Artima guide seems right on what parser combinators are actually doing. I wonder: what is the real logic behind rule sensing, backtracking and error reporting in parser combinators? Why does the error message suggests that no backtracking to declaration -> ident | failure(), nor statements occured? What is the point of Artima guide suggesting to place failure() in the end if it is not reached as we see or ignored, as the backtracking logic should be, anyway?
Isn't parser combinator just a plain dumb PEG? It behaves like predictive parser. I expected it is PEG and, thus, that starting symbol parser should return all failed branches and wonder why/how does the actual parser manage to select the most appropriate failure.
Many parser combinators backtrack, unless they're in an 'or' block. As a speed optimization, they'll commit to the 1st successful 'or' item and not backtrack. So 1) try to avoid '|' as much as possible in your grammar, and 2) if using '|' is unavoidable, place the longest or least-likely-to-match items first.
Surprise, I am building an SQL like language parser for a project.
I had it mostly working, but when I started testing it against real requests it would be handling, I realized it was behaving differently on the inside than I thought.
The main issue in the following grammar is that I define a lexer rule PCT_WITHIN for the language keyword 'pct_within'. This works fine, but if I try to match a field like 'attributes.pct_vac', I get the field having text of 'attributes.ac' and a pretty ANTLR error of:
line 1:15 mismatched character u'v' expecting 'c'
grammar Select;
options {
eval returns [value]
: field EOF
field returns [value]
: fieldsegments {print $field.text}
: fieldsegment (DOT (fieldsegment))*
WS : ('\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n')+ {self.skip();};
ICHAR : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z');
PCT_CONTAINS : 'pct_contains';
USCORE : '_';
DOT : '.';
I have been reading everything I can find on the topic. How the Lexer consumes stuff as it finds it even if it is wrong. How you can use semantic predication to remove ambiguity/how to use lookahead. But everything I read hasn't helped me fix this issue.
Honestly I don't see how it even CAN be an issue. I must be missing something super obvious because other grammars I see have Lexer rules like EXISTS but that doesn't cause the parser to take a string like 'existsOrNot' and spit out and IDENTIFIER with the text of 'rNot'.
What am I missing or doing completely wrong?
Convert your fieldsegment parser rule into a lexer rule. As it stands now it will accept input like
_ abc"
which is probably not what you want. The keyword "pct_contains" won't be matched by this rule since it is defined separately. If you want to accept the keyword in certain sequences as regular identifier you will have to include it in the accepted identifier rule.
In ANTLR, I have a MismatchedTokenException with the following definition:
type : IDENTIFIER ('<' (type (',' type)*) '>')?;
And the following test:
The exception occurs when parsing the first >. ANTLR tries parsing both '>>' at once, and fails.
With a silent whitespace channel, the following test does work:
A<B,C<D> >
In which ANTLR is clearly instructed to treat each token separately.
How can I fix that?
I could not reproduce that. The parser generated by:
grammar T;
type : IDENTIFIER ('<' (type (',' type)*) '>')?;
parses the input A<B,C<D>> (without spaces) into the following parse tree:
You'll need to provide the grammar that causes this input to produce a MismatchedTokenException.
Perhaps you're using ANTLRWorks' interpreter (or Eclipse's ANTLR-IDE, which uses the same interpreter)? In that case, that is probably the problem: it's notoriously buggy. Don't use it, but use ANTLRWorks' debugger: it's great (the image posted above comes from the debugger).
Lazlo Bonin wrote:
Got it. I had a << token defined. Quickly, is there a way to priorize token recognition over another?
No, the lexer simply tries to match as much as possible. So if it can create a token matching << (or >>), it will do so in favor of two single < (or >) tokens. Only when two (or more) lexer rules match the same amount of characters, a prioritization is made: the rule defined first will then "win" over the one(s) defined later in the grammar.