Is it possible to draw grid lines using AVFoundation Framework in Objective c - objective-c

I am creating the app like VSCO Cam, so I imported AVFoundation framework to my project and used AVCaptureSession to create the custom camera.I also need to create the custom filters as same as VSCO Cam.
Now I want to add the gridlines on the camera by clicking a button.I searched for more tutorials, but I couldn't sort it out.I tried drawing grid lines using AVCaptureManager by seeing this link how to draw grid lines when camera is open avcapturemanager, But I cannot overlay the view with camera view.I'm a new bee to development.
Thanks in advance.

Yes.Create a tranparent UIView and place it on top of the camera preview. Then you can draw what ever you like in that view or you can append the image.


Display UITababrController on leftside in tvOS

I am working on tvOS app and the requirement is to display tab bar controls on left side like in Disney+ tvos app. So can display tabbar controls on the left side or do I have to create a custom view to achieve this?
Attached is the Disney+ tvos tabbar images
As far as I know, there is no way to rotate a UITabBarController on its side. However, you could take a UITabView ( and rotate it on its side using Core Animation. To add functionality, set something as the UITabBar's delegate to learn about changes.
As far as an actual code snippet, I typically write in Swift, but I found another Stack Overflow answer with what you're looking for.
How to programmatically rotate image by 90 Degrees in iPhone?
Hope that helps, have a nice day!

codename one how to place component on an image viewer that capture camera?

I have a GUI Builder created form in codename one, how can i open the camera in a resizable view at the show() of the form and place container like text area or anything else on it?
I saw the camera demo but i don't understand it very well because on the simulator it open a file picker.
My purpose is to create a form with a camera resizable capture when you have two labels and you can also write or paint on your photo used in background, I do this only for hobby and fun, i do what i can, Any advice is well accepted, thank you for the attenction
You can now place a component on top of a camera view with a new cn1lib:
Original answer below:
I'm assuming you mean overlay on a live camera view. While this is possible it's not supported at this time in the Java API layer.
If you mean grabbing a photo and setting it as a background for the form for overlay you can create an image with the result of the Capture API and use setBgImage() to set that image to the background of a component or form.

Recreating the iPad home screen icon rotation / orientation effect

I am creating a grid of icons in Objective C / Xcode.
Is there anyway to re-create the iPad Home screen, the one filled with a grid of icons for each App you have on your iPad.
What I am most interested in is reproducing the effect on the icons when the device is rotated. On rotation, a new grid icons (which matches the new orientation) swings around to the right orientation, and the icons themselves transform (I'm guessing its an alpha fade from one icon to the other) into the new icon that would appear at that position.
Ive looked at this SO question, and also at this blog. But I am wondering if there is a class (hopefully one developed by Apple, but third party solutions will do) which recreates this effect?
If there isn't such a class, can anyone suggest to me how I would do the icon transformation effect whilst the screen is swinging around to the correct orientation?
iOS 6 offers a class called UICollectionView that handles the creation of these grids for you. The API is fairly similar to that of UITableView and allows you lots of control for customization.
Check out the UICollectionView class reference, as well as this introductory tutorial.

Open the iPhone camera?

We need to open the iPhone camera, to take images that will be saved to the camera roll.
I have read many examples here that all of them opens the UIImagePickerView.
Besides the fact that i cant understand why i have to open the picker view in order to open the camera , i just can't do that- i dont want the picker view, because i have my costumed photo album that we build, and we just need to have a little button in it, that opens the camera to take an image . without opening any other views above it .
Is that possible to use the camera without this pickerview that will cover my scene ?
or can i lead the user to the camera app and than take him back to my app ?
Instead of high level (i.e. Apple supplies the UI element) classes, you have to go to a more foundational (lower) level of API's, which would be AVCaptureDevice and AVCaptureDeviceInput.
And Apple has some nice source code available in their AVCam project.
If you want to display camera stream in you app without UIImagePickerController than you should you AVFoundation framework.
Here some some examples and tutorials:
take-photos-with AVFoundation
Custom camera
Displaying camera

animated sprite images in navigation bar buttons

Working on an iOS app right now - was curious to if it is possible to use an animated sprite for a button in the Top Nav Bar. For example, having the hands on a clock button continually turn via a looped animation (like a web GIF - but better). Is this possible, and if so, how difficult is it?
Check out the animatedImageNamed:duration: and animatedImageWithImages:duration: methods of UIImage. You will have to put each frame of each sprite in a separate file, or (if you don't want to split up your animated GIF) use the ImageIO framework to create separate UIImage objects for each frame in the GIF.