How to SQL distinct on only one column - sql

I'm trying to apply DISTINCT on only one column.
The question is:
Who is ordering equipment where the description begins with "tennis" or "volleyball".
Customer number,
Stock number, and
Do not repeat any rows.
This is what the tables look like: Items, Stock, Orders
This is my code:
select distinct
orders.customer_num, stock.stock_num, stock.description
items on items.order_num = orders.order_num
stock on stock.stock_num = items.stock_num
stock.description like 'tennis%'
or stock.description like 'volleyball%';
The result is:
But I'm trying to get no repeating numbers on the CUSTOMER_NUM column.
Thank you..

There is a possibility that your join condition is wrong.please try joining item table to customer table with condition as items.customer_num =customer.customer_num .I am not sure whether it will work as we dont have correct data of these tables.

I'm not sure you'll see this, but I don't believe the rows aren't repeating. Look at the description. You're only getting one different item description per customer number which don't repeat for that customer number. You can see this by adding in: 'order by orders.customer_num, stock.stock_num;' to the end.


SQL QUERY for sum loans per customer

enter image description here
I need a query that returns all customers whose name contains the string "Will", and their associated total loan values.
Loan totals should be sorted from largest amount to smallest amount and the loans totals column should be called "TotalLoanValue".
Only one record per customer should be returned.
SELECT name, loan_amount
FROM customers, loans
I have wrote that query, but I'm having a hard time to figure out how to sum all the loan values per customer
To say first things first:
If you want to ask further questions here, you should please read and follow this: How to create a good example instead of just adding a link.
Otherwise, you will be on risk that your questions will just be closed and you will never get an answer.
To answer your question:
We need to JOIN the two tables by their common column and then build the SUM of all loan amounts with a GROUP BY clause of the customer name.
I didn't follow your link because I wouldn't know if this is spam, so let's say the customer table has a column "id" and the loan table a column "customer_id".
Then your query will look like this:
SELECT, SUM(l.loan_amount)
FROM customers c
JOIN loan l
ON = l.customer_id
WHERE LIKE '%will%'
ORDER BY SUM(l.loan_amount) DESC,;
The ORDER BY clause makes sure to begin with the customer having the highest sum of loan amounts.
The "" at the end of the ORDER BY clause could be removed if we don't care about the order if different customers have the same sum of loan amounts.
Otherwise, if we use the query as shown, the result will be sorted by the sum of loan amounts first and then with a second priority by the customer name, i.e. will sort customers having the identic sum of loan amounts by their name.
Try out with some sample data here: db<>fiddle

SQL Server need to find suppliers who supply the most different products

I have two tables I need information from, Products and Suppliers. Both these tables have a SupplierID column I am trying to use to join them together to retrieve the right info.
The output I need is SupplierID and ContactName from the Suppliers table. The correct output should contain only two suppliers, so I attempted something like this, but ran into a conversion error converting nvarchar value to a data type int. I am not supposed to count how many products they supply but aggregate functions seem like the best method to me.
SELECT TOP 2 ContactName, COUNT(Products.SupplierID) AS Supply
FROM Products
LEFT JOIN Suppliers ON Suppliers.ContactName = Products.SupplierID
GROUP BY Products.SupplierID, Suppliers.ContactName
ORDER BY Supply;
I have tried many different queries but none will work. I am confused on how to join these tables without running into errors. All the products have a unique ProductID as well. The correct output should look something like this:
7 John Smith
12 John Sample
Both these tables have a SupplierID column I am trying to use to join them together to retrieve the right info
If so, you should be joining on that column accross tables.
Also, it is a good practice to use table aliases and prefix each column with the table it belongs to.
Another remark is that if you want suppliers that sell the most different products, then you want to order by descending count (not ascending).
Finally, if you want to left join, then you should start from the suppliers and then bring in the products, not the other way around.
select top 2
COUNT(*) as Supply
from Suppliers s
left join Products p on p.SupplierID = s.SupplierID
group by s.SupplierID, s.ContactName
order by Supply desc;
You're currently joining on two different fields:
on Suppliers.ContactName = Products.SupplierID
Presumably this should be as follows?
on Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID

SQL using result from select from clause to join another table

I am working on a legacy app, I am still learning SQL and would consider my SQL knowledge as beginner.
I have 2 tables, one is a receipt type structure containing receipt no, a docket number (plus other info regarding total etc) and a car rego number.
there are the potential for multiple receipts for a car ie multiple matches on rego number
The second has a listing of the items related to that receipt (description, partno, time) each of the items are related by docketnumber - the "registerhistory"
multiple items appear as multiple rows (with same docketnumber) in the "registerhistory" and also items of the same type are not stored as a qty but as duplicated rows in the table with the same docket number each have a price stored
I am trying to generate a report based upon a search match on rego number and create a join to the matching tableregister items and list them (with hopefully an end goal of grouping any duplicate items into a qty and subtotal)
This is an access database if that changes the syntax
I am unclear on how I can take the results of one select query and use these results to create a join or there might be a better approach
So I need to firstly locate all receipts with a matching rego number, with those receipts, find the associated items (by docket number) hopefully group the items like so
receipt no 1
Item1 with multiples as qty with subtotal
receipt no 2
Item2 with multiples as qty with subtotal
Any help greatly appreciated,
(SELECT * from tblreceipts
where vehicle = 'abc123')
join tblregisterhistory on
tblreceipts.docketnum = tblregisterhistory.docketnum
I can even get to linking the results from the select query to a join, let alone get to my desired end result.
Are you trying to simply do a JOIN and GROUP BY? Something like this:
select partno, count(*) as qty
from tblreceipts as r inner join
tblregisterhistory as rh
on rh.docketnum = r.docketnum
where r.vehicle = 'abc123'
group by partno;
Ok with a bit of study and some helpful hints above. I have this (also apologies for the code formatting, still familiarising myself with the stack posting techniques)
SELECT vehicle,, partnumber, count(partnumber) as qty,
description, sum(price) as subtotal
tblregisterhistory ON tblreceipts.docketnumber =
tblregisterhistory.docketnumber where tblreceipts.vehicle = 'abc123' group by, vehicle, partnumber, description, price

Get the min() value from columns where duplicates are associated with ids

So, to simplify my problem is as follows:
A. I pass in CustomerID, there can be multiple Orders per Customer. I need to find the minimum ProductID per Order per Customer.
B. Once that is complete, I need run the main query (to return the dataset) in which I would like to display all the Orders, along with Category and Code (per Product). The result should display NULL for Product, Category and Code where the ProductID <> the ProductID found in Part A.
(All these are separate tables with foreign keys. I can handle the joins, it's just the "minimum ProductID per Order per Customer" thing that's throwing me.)
You did not provide much information about your specific database schema, so an exact answer is hard to provide. Basically, you want to use a combination of MIN and Group By (and perhaps a join or two depending on your schema).
The following provides a rough example:
select min(ProductID) from Orders o
inner join Customers c
on o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
group by (productID)
having c.CustomerID = <customer id value>

how to query access to select entire records given a distinct criteria

I want to select the entire first row of each record where a promo code is unique. I am trying to create a samples table, in this table will be one record (the first record) from each distinct promo code. I have asked all of my co-workers and they usually go though the data by hand and select one from each. the problem is that the number of promo codes grows each time and the codes change. so I want to write a query that will select the first record found to have each distinct code. so for I have something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT Customer.promo1 FROM Customer AS promo;
SELECT * FROM Customer, promo
WHERE Customer.promo1 = promo.promo1;
But this obviously give the original table. I do have a ID field called AutoID in Customer.
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming you want the first Customer.AutoId associated with each Customer.Promo
Customer c
MIN(c.AutoID) AutoID
Customer c
c.promo1) FirstCusomterWithPromo
ON c.AutoID = FirstCusomterWithPromo.AutoID
Something like that:
SELECT * FROM Customer
GROUP BY Customer.promo1