Get media from public accounts with instagram API - api

I'm working for a company that displays content on big screens located on public places like GYMs or waiting rooms.
One client asked app that shows Instagram content from celebrities accounts, so I created one using the Instagram API.
The problem is that the app is in sandbox mode and it gets blank data.
It seems I can only show media from sandbox users (not Beyonce), when I submitted for review it was rejected because it doesn't meet the requirements.
Is there a way to make it work?
During tests I used a valid access token I found on internet, but I don't think that is a valid solution.

You are correct, when app is in sandbox mode you are only able to see data on Instagram from sandbox users which you have set in advance. You won't get any public data on Instagram in this mode.
According to the API, your app doesn't have the criteria required to get approved.
From the Permissions Review page:
Valid Use Cases
We will approve submissions of apps that fall into these use cases:
To help individuals share their own content with 3rd party apps
To help brands and advertisers understand and manage their audience and
digital media rights
To help broadcasters and publishers discover content, get digital > rights to media, and share media with proper attribution
They also listed use cases of applications that won't get approval and it seems like your app matches one of them:
Here are some examples of scenarios that will not be approved:
One-off projects. If you are an agency building websites or other integrations, note that we don't grant permissions to clients created
for one-off projects. If you are interested in building a product,
platform, or widget that will be used as a service across multiple
projects, then you may submit a single client_id that you can use
across multiple projects
To get approved you should modify your application to correspond with criteria, perhaps build multiple projects?
You can also try to pull down the data from this URL:<username>/media/
For Beyonce account, use:
Lastly, the access token is unique per-app, so you can't be using a random one. Here is a tutorial on how to generate access token for your app.


Long living Shopify token

We are working on a system which retrieves data from customers' Shopify shops and provides some services based on this data. In order to make it as convenient as possible for an end-user we would like to update this data on a daily\weekly\monthly basis.
For now we only came up with a solution of implementing unlisted app, prompt a user to provide all necessary permissions for the app to access their shops and fetch the data. But the token we get doesn't seem to be valid for a long time and we probably won't be able to reuse it a day later.
We appreciate it if you can share any success cases of implementing this kind of approach.
You provide an App to the merchant they can install using oAuth. When the merchant is prompted to approve the App, Shopify will then provide your App with a long-lived access token you can use as much as you want, for as long as you want. I use a custom App from my Partner App dashboard to create these kinds of one-off Apps. It is superior to the one where the merchant has to tick off scopes and permissions IMO.
There are two kinds of token you can ask for and receive. One is considered for offline access, or long-lived. It works for everything. It is for webhooks as an example, or other access where no person is involved. But, there is also, online access tokens! Say a person clicks into the App from Shopify to do some work. You can request an online token for them to do their thing, and that token is only good for say 24 hours.
So you have options!

Linkedin APIs for authentication, connection invitations and user search

I wrote this same question to #Linkedin support service and I was redirected to this link where they indicate to ask questions in Stackoverflow.
We are developing a mobile App for the Polytechnic University of Madrid and we plan to expand to other Universities in the future. This aplication will need in a first instance OAuth via Linkedin. It will also need to allow the authenticated user to send connection invitations to other users contained in a list. For creating that list of users, it will be useful if the admin of the system could search in a bar similar to the one which Linkedin has, write a user name and select it, retrieving its user ID or what is needed to identify the invitation destination.
Summing up, the App needs:
Connection request API
User search API
I have read on the web that some of Linkedin's APIs suffered some modifications in which most of them where limited to allowed users or apps. So the aim of this post is knowing:
Do the APIs my mobile application needs exist?
What do I need to do to obtain the access to those APIs in case they exist?
User search API
For this feature you could use something like Algolia Instant Search
LinkedIn has changed many things related to user data. If you need access to its data then you must follow the given guidelines.
Basically you have to create a LinkedIn App and then the users have to grant permissions to your app by installing it in their device(s) and then only you can collect their data.

Instagram API app after june 1 2016

The Instagram new API policy have become super strict. They are not allowing fetching public content at all. We are literally following all Instagram policies and still cant get approval of public_content.
Is there any workaround or any possibility of fetching the data.
This is the response that I have recieved from instagram
General issues:
Policy Violation (Ad network, Influencer network, Other related): Your
app should not attempt to build an ad network on Instagram, nor
transfer any data that you receive from us (including anonymous,
aggregate, or derived data) to any ad network, data broker, influencer
network, or other advertising or monetization-related service. In
working to build a high quality platform, we ask that you comply with
our Platform Policy
Yeah, they now grant permissions only to applications with some specific usage cases.
According to Instagram official website, these are:
To help individuals share their own content with 3rd party apps
To help brands and advertisers understand and manage their audience and digital media rights
To help broadcasters and publishers discover content, get digital rights to media, and share media with proper attribution
Note that in order to get public_content permission, you need to fall under the 2nd or the 3rd use case. Otherwise, consider changing your application / service in such way that is now uses basic permission and acquires only your users' media.
There is no valid and legal possibility to fetch public data except for successful passing the Instagram permission review.
This official developer documentation page may be useful to you.
You need to enable scopes invividually for your client‌​ALLBACK&access_token=ACCESSTOKEN&response_type=code&scope=public_content in your browser, using your values for the uppercase words? This should enable your registered client to work with the public_content scope.
your comment
Read the error message, did you supply a valid client-id from your instagram developer account. Did you setup a redirect_uri for that client? Do you authenticate to instagram to get an access token?
This worked for me this weekend. Double check the values you set in the url and call it directly in your browser.

How to get the social networking profile information through Email Id?

I am working on iphone application.I wanted to get the social networking (facebook,twitter, etc) profile details by giving email id as query. Is there any method to get the profile ?
For Facebook you can try this answer:
For twitter this this not possible. You can use oAuth to authenticate the user and get the profile.
For LinkedIn I believe it's also not possible. LinkedIn doesn't communicate the emailaddress anywhere in their API.
See this forum post:
I'm assuming that you're wanting to just add the social profile links to a user's profile inside your app...correct? (If you want to actually allow your users to post to their various social media accounts, your best bet is to go ahead and let users sign into each individual account via OAuth.)
If you're looking to get public social info via email address, your free options for a simple solution are pretty limited. Each different social network has its own method, so you'd need to build out a different process to query each social network you want to support. Without more info on which networks you want to support, there are any number of different answers to this question - so I'll just say your best bet is to check out the developer docs of whichever social networks you want to use.
If you're looking for a paid solution, you might try FullContact (full disclosure - I work for them). The Person API pretty much does exactly what you're looking for - pulling all public social media profiles associated with a particular email ID. API docs are here.
However, it is a paid solution, which may not be what you're after.

Account Strategies on New Social Enabled Sites

So I'm in the midst of creating a Facebook Connect enabled site. The site in question will leverage your social graph - as defined by your facebook account - to do social things (what is really not important here). Here's the big question I have:
Are people still rolling their own authentication heuristic when using something like Facebook Connect? That is, are newer (FBConnect) sites today providing only FBConnect as an authentication strategy, or are they pairing it with other auth strategies (such as Google Auth, Open ID, etc)? What do you think is the best way to go? With Facebook having over 300,000,000 users now, is having 1 authentication strategy (FBConnect) enough? Or is it proper netiquette to provide users other means?
Some of the references I have been looking at today:
Increased Registration - Data from Facebook states that sites that use Facebook Conect as an alternate to account registration have seen a 30-300% increase in registration on their sites.
• – Daily site registrations have tripled in the 4 months since Facebook Connect testing began
• – Since integrating with Facebook Connect, more than 33% of their new commentor registrations come through Facebook
• – Over 85% of all new user registrations are coming from Facebook Connect
"according to the current statistics using facebook connect increases 30-40% user traffic as compared to non-facebook connect websites."
Our research has shown that sites that implement Facebook Connect see user registration rates increase by 30 - 200%.
No Need to Create Separate Accounts
In general, it's not a good practice to force a new user to create a separate account when registering on your site with Facebook Connect. You'll have the user's Facebook account information, and can create a unique identifier on your system for that user.
Just make sure you understand what Facebook user data you can store, or simply cache for 24 hours. See Storable Information for details.
If the user ever deactivates his or her Facebook account, you have a chance to contact the user to request the user create a new account on your site. When a user deactivates his or her account, we ping your account reclamation URL to notify you of the deactivation. Then Facebook sends the user an email regarding the deactivation. If the user has connected accounts with any Facebook Connect sites, and if your site has specified an account reclamation URL, the email will contain a section with your application logo, name, and reclamation link, in addition to an explanation about the link's purpose. For more information, see Reclaiming Accounts.
The Drawbacks
Though there are advantages to using Facebook Connect for integration, there are some drawbacks, mostly from the marketer’s point of view. If you build out a social network project using Facebook Connect, Facebook gets all the information and you get none. You don’t get a database of users. You don’t get a way to message people participating in your event, except for “in stream,” the way everyone else is using the app. You don’t have any sense of demographics, nor any control abilities to block trolls or other unwanted types.
Crystal Beasley "All of the FB Connect sites we have built so far have incorporated "standard" accounts as well, even with the added complexity of supporting dual login methods."
There are still people who use mySpace (myself not included), and I know a several people coming out of college that have completely deleted their FB accounts to get rid of information of them they don't want potential employers to find (I know, there are a lot easier ways of doing this). If there are people who for whatever reason do not want to have a FB account, at least give them the option of creating a private google account.
Using ONLY Facebook as the register/login-method seems pretty dangerous to me. If you had a regular user management system, with Facebook Connect to speed up the process from a user-perspective is a good idea.
The Problem is somewhere else
if you really want to leverage the social graph only facebook brings "pure" data
the graphs people build at e.g. myspace arent telling much about that person and its social env. - at google neither
if you are just heading for viral spreading prefer the plattforms that share the best (just facebook again)