vxworks msgqueue dump availability - vxworks

vxworks msg queue is being used for a socket connection. When the size of the queue reaches a particular level(say 5000 bytes) , the receiver at the other side stops reading from the queue due to unknown reason . Due to this , the sender stops responding and the application has to be restarted.
Is there a way by which msg queue contents can be dumped in some file to find out if some sent packet caused the problem ?
Is there some way to find out why the receiver has stopped reading from the queue.
Any help highly appreciated. thanks.


Settings Autoack true in Rabbitmq and celery

I am using celery and rabbitmq , but due to pushing several task in queue my server memory utilization becomes more than 40% , so that rabbit further will not accepting any task . so i want to delete those message which are already executed , but due to durable behavior of rabbitmq those message not automatically delete, so i want to set some configuration like autoAck=True , so that if message is consumed from celery ,it will delete from rabbitmq queues and also from my server memory. please explain how can we do that .
OK, so while I don't fully understand why you have the problem you have, it is clear what is going on.
A publisher puts a message task in the queue
Your worker process pulls the message and processes it
The message is never actually removed from the queue
This behavior happens when a consumer fails to acknowledge the processing of a message. To confirm, if you look at the RabbitMQ management plug-in, you'll see a whole bunch of unacknowledged messages. These will be unavailable for consumption, but will continue to be held on the server and taking up disk space and memory.
Further, if you do a Basic.Recover, all of these messages will then get dumped back into the queue to be processed again.
This problem is due to incorrect configuration of your consumer. There are two ways to address this:
You can configure the consumer to auto-ack (i.e. acknowledge the message automatically upon receipt). This is done when you declare the consumer (using Basic.Consume). Edit: It looks like this may be the default behavior of Celery.
You can configure your worker process to submit an acknowledgement (using Basic.Ack). Edit: this is done via the acks_late property in Celery.

rabbitmq performance check

I was trying to perform LoadTest on the RabbitMQ messaging to see to what extent it can take messages into the queue and transfer it to the target machine over shovel.
Steps i followed:
producer has 20 threads. Each thread sends message to a dedicated queue(Say suppose ProducerQueue1 -- ProducerQueue20).The message is of size 51Mb each. The messages are sent in random interval using java.util.Random(50) seconds.
After each message sent at random seconds(A random second between 1- 50),
there is a sleep of 2 minutes.Therefore each of the producer threads sleep for
2 min after every send.
The messages are sent in a infinite while loop.
There are shovels from each dedicated queue to the consumer side dedicated queues(Say suppose ConsumerQueue1 --- ConsumerQueue20).
The link speed is 100mbps.
Issue observed:
Initially the messages are transferred with no issues, but after some time the NETWORK AT CONSUMER SIDE IS CHOKED.
The reason for choking is that after certain period of time, even if 4/5 out of 20 thread's random second coincides, then the consumer receives close to 250Mb message in one shot. Since the network speed is 100mbps as mentioned above, the network gets choked.
Due to this, the shovels will not be able to exchange heartbeats to stay in "running" state. The leads shovels to move from "running" to "terminated" state. The shovels try to establish a connection depending upon the "reconnect delay".
Due to break in shovels at producer side, the queues at the producer starts getting accumulated.
My Question:
The consumer's rabbitMq memory starts increasing as the queues start accumulating more messages. The memory is crossing the water mark. The purpose of water mark is not served. I have 16gb ram and i have set watermark to 40%(i.e 6.4gb ram). But still the memory shoots up to 10gb and doesnt recover and the producer system hangs.
Can any one please answer my question. and also tell me can there be any other reason for network choking which i mentioned above.
Thanks in advance.

why RabbitMQ shows activity on Message rates but not on Queued messages?

I have this issue, I want to know my rabbit is working great.
I am not gonna send the message, so, Im not 100% sure is being sent correctly. But the problem is this.
After all is configured and all....
I see at the RabbitMQ web manager
And when I supposedly send a message the I see activity on the "message rates" chart but nothing at the "queued messages" .
I frankly dont know whats going on, is it too fast that doesnt need to queue the messages? Or something is misconfigured?
Any idea of the difference?
In case RabbitMQ receive non-routable message it drop it. So while message was received, it was not queued.
You may configure Alternate Exchanges to catch such messages.
In my case,
when my Exchange in rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend was not set properly -- the message was not sent to the correct queue -- the Queued messages was empty all time.
however, Message rates is not zero, it does show there are message get sent.
Which correspond to what the other answer is saying:
In case RabbitMQ receive non-routable message it drop it.
when my Exchange in rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend was indeed set properly -- the message was sent to the correct queue -- the Queued messages was queuing up the message.
Everything seems fine.
(continue from Situation2)
And now, I turn on the receiver service which has the #RabbitListener.
The Queued messages immediately drops down to 0, and never goes up again.
But the transporting of messages is still working fine.
(continue from Situation2)
And now, I change the receiver service to use the rabbitTemplate.receiveAndConvert.
Which I manually receive the message from the queue every 2s by using a loop.
(message is also sent from sender service every 2s by using a loop, same as the situations before.)
Now, the Queued messages stays at constant -- a straight line
(depends on how many message you have queued up, in my case 1, before the receiver service is up, then it stays at 1).
I suspect that, when the message is consumed too fast, the Queued messages will just show 0.
Which correspond to what the OP is saying:
is it too fast that doesnt need to queue the messages?
(or, I could screw up some setting in RabbitMQ and led to wrong conclusion. I dont think so, but idk, I am not familiar with RabbitMQ.)

what happens when mq_send is called on a PEND+S task?

In Vxworks OS what will happen if we call a mq_send function to send a message to the destination task which is already in Pended+suspended state ?
Will it block on mq_send , say property of the msq_queue is set as BLOCKING.
As far as I know the message will be added to the message queue buffer until the destination task comes and picks up the message. The messages will keep on adding to the message queue until it becomes full Once the message queue is full then the sending task will be blocked based on the option which has been set for the Message queue.

ActiveMQ monitor

When using ActiveMQ, some problems troubles me:
1. When broker crashed or stopped, messages from sender will be lost(I set timeout, because the sender have others to do).
2. Consumer receives all messages from broker, but how i know the consumer received all messages(zero lost).
3. If message is lost, i want to know it immediately.
In production, I want to monitor the activemq, and know which message is lost.
Can anyone give me a favor?
you can implement a listener that is called as soon as you producers/consumers lose contact with broker.
If consumer crashes
use explicit ack: activemq.apache.org/should-i-use-transactions.html
you can use persistent messages to avoid losing messages if broker crashes: