Which Yodlee API should I use to download users transactions? - yodlee

I'm confused about Yodlee REST API. There are:
"API" [ https://developer.yodlee.com/Yodlee_API ]
"Aggregation API" [ https://developer.yodlee.com/Aggregation_API ]
Which should I use to download users transactions?

Both of the APIs obtain user transactions. The new Envestnet | Yodlee API is our new aggregation API which has a more simplified data model and simpler implementation. I highly recommend you use the new Yodlee APIs. Also, check out our Video Tutorials.


How to retrieve used_ids similar to a certain user_id with Twitter API v2?

When interacting with the Twitter with the UI, there is an option to retrieve similar accounts to the one being selected, e.g. if I am checking an account like #MacoubD Twitter suggests to me other similar accounts.
Is it possible to retrieve this list using Twitter API v2? I checked the docs but could not find the endpoint.
No. There are no API functions that provide this in v1.1 or in v2.

Capabilities of instagram api - is there a method for reading your dm's

Is there any possibility using official Instagram API for getting dm's of my account and also sending dm's to user's account?
If there are none, how dangerous it's for small account to use private api?
Thanks in advance!
There is not the official API for Instagram Direct.
Using unofficial private API violates terms of use, so you can use it at your own risk.

How can Xero api manage many organisations in one Xero app?

Can I create multiple organizations using API. IF yes, then which Xero API should I use?
Thank you very much.
Unfortunately, at this time, you cannot create organisations via the Xero API. You can vote for this functionality via this user voice page: https://xero.uservoice.com/forums/5528-xero-accounting-api/suggestions/9846840-myxero-api-read-create-update-organisations-as

Do applications use API to create a GUI?

I wanted to know is it common practice to use a REST API to create GUI?
Let's say we have Facebook or LinkedIn for an example:
When I download their mobile application, the application has a page for me to log into my facebook/LinkedIn account. When the application is loaded does facebook send something like a GET("/login") request to their API which returns something like this to the program. Which then the mobile application decides what to do with this information
{"username": "string", "opts": []},
{"password": "string", "opts": ["hidden"]}
I wanted to ask if it's common practice to do this and whether I should build my mobile applications like this or is the application UI programmed without using an API?
I wouldn't say this is common practice. They probably do have a central api which the mobile clients consume, but it's probably data related, with the client UI being just the application's responsability.
I would only envisage such a scenario under extraordinary requirements. For example, say you have some sort of payment api through which various clients can send payment (i.e. card details) regarding transactions. If you want to become PCI compliant, you'd probably need to host this api in a secure cloud location, with all resources and assets having to come from the same place (i.e. payment form, javascript, css etc). It's certainly not natural, to say the least.

Why does LinkedIn have JavaScript and Rest API?

Why does LinkedIn has REST and JavaScript API samples? One is a JavaScript api and the other is rest api. What purpose does having 2 api's serve? Is one better than the other? Have you used any and faced problems?
Which is more efficient in terms of information retrieval time
LinkedIn has created 2 sets of API to provide greater flexibility to developers.
Javascript API provides a rich and easy-to-use library to quickly create dynamic User Interface in web browsers. It use OAuth 2 to easily authorize users.
Whereas REST API is programming language & platform agnostic. It uses XML/JSON format and its simple. But this requires developers to create their own User Interface. It uses OAuth 1.0a to authorize users.