XMessageControl UIMessage not working on monodroid - notifications

I am trying to change the way notifications are shown on my Xamarin.forms project and when adding the Softweb.Controls.UIMessage component it won't show either the message or toast.
UIMessage.ShowMessage ("Customization", "Hey! You Clicked on Button", MessageControl.MessageTypes.Warning, "red.png", Color.BrandRed, Color.Black, true, OnDissmissControl);
I running this code from a dependency controller, I was wondering if the error is caused by not having the right context, but I see not way to add one to the class. Has anyone try using this component on a Xamarin.forms project? (this is specific to MonoDroid).

The answer, just make sure you are running on the mainthread and it should work. This would have been much easier if the library had some documentation worth looking at.
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency (typeof (.Android.MessageBar))]
namespace .Android
public class MessageBar : IMessageBar
public MessageBar ()
public void Show(MessageType messageType, string title, string message)
var context = Forms.Context;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => {
//CustomToast customtoast=new CustomToast(context, messageType, title, message);
UIMessage.ShowMessage ("Customization", "Hey! You Clicked on Button", MessageControl.MessageTypes.Warning, "validation.png", Color.BrandRed, Color.Black, true, OnDissmissControl);
public void OnDissmissControl()


Adding a DeclarativeComponent in a UIComponent at runtime. Oracle JDeveloper 12c

I've been working in this project for abou a week and haven't find a solution to my problem.
For testing purposes I create a simple new DeclarativeComponent which is a panelGroupLayout that contains 2 OutputText. After that I deploy the jar file and add it to my other Fusion web application libraries.
I want to add this DeclarativeComponent in another UIComponent at runtime by pressing a button which contains the next code in the javabean:
`public void addComponent(ActionEvent actionEvent)
// Add event code here...
private void createOutputComponent()
CuadroDeTextoComponent ui = new CuadroDeTextoComponent(); //This is my Declarative Component
UIComponent parentUIComponent = getPglComponente(); This is the panelGrouopLayout in which i want to add my declarativeComponent
addComponent(parentUIComponent, ui);
public void addComponent(UIComponent parentUIComponent, UIXDeclarativeComponent childUIComponent)
I have tried draging the declarative component and it works, but when I do it dynamically the component doesn't display
For your component to display you may need to add a PPR refresh to it's parent element :
In your case :
public void addComponent(ActionEvent actionEvent)
// Add event code here...
private void createOutputComponent()
CuadroDeTextoComponent ui = new CuadroDeTextoComponent(); //This is my Declarative Component
UIComponent parentUIComponent = getPglComponente(); This is the panelGrouopLayout in which i want to add my declarativeComponent
addComponent(parentUIComponent, ui);
addPPR(parentUIComponent); //Refresh the parent component
public void addComponent(UIComponent parentUIComponent, UIXDeclarativeComponent childUIComponent)
public static void addPPR(UIComponent component) {
if (component != null) {

intellij plugin development show input dialog with multiple text boxes

I'm creating intelliJ plugin and registering my action , inside my action i want to show an input dialog with multiple text boxes, how do I do that ?
I have an example of showing only one text box -
String txt= Messages.showInputDialog(project, "What is your name?",
"Input your name", Messages.getQuestionIcon());
I agree with #AKT with extending the DialogWrapper but suggest overriding doOKAction:
protected void doOKAction() {
if (getOKAction().isEnabled()) {
// custom logic
System.out.println("custom ok action logic");
Or, if you just want your data out without the Action mess, add a custom method:
public class SearchDialog extends DialogWrapper {
public String getQuery() {
return "my custom query";
You can use it like:
SearchDialog dialog = new SearchDialog();
dialog.showAndGet(); // Maybe check if ok or cancel was pressed
String myQuery = dialog.getQuery();
System.out.println("my query: " + myQuery);
Create a new GUI Form (form + class). Class should extend DialogWrapper and override methods.
Inside createCenterPanel() return your root JPanel. You can set any default values, add event listeners to text box, etc., before returning JPanel.
Implement an Action interface where you want to get the value when OK button is clicked. Pass this action to your form class.
getOKAction() should return this action.
Following code is from a plugin i'm currently working on. Hopefully this will give you some idea but will have to adapt it to your need.
public class ReleaseNoteDialog extends DialogWrapper implements Action {
private JTextArea txtReleaseNote;
private JPanel panelWrapper;
protected JComponent createCenterPanel() {
return panelWrapper;
protected Action getOKAction() {
return this;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// save value to project state

Show a Dialog() or MessageDialog() from the MainWindow.cs?

I'm trying to display a Dialog() or MessageDialog() from my MainWindow.cs (standard MainWindow.cs file that is created from the C# GTK# 2.0 Project template).
I'm getting a rather nasty error when using the below code:
public partial class MainWindow : Gtk.Window
public MainWindow () : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
public void CreateAlert(string message)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CreateAlert() - message: {0}", message));
Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Error", this, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent);
dialog.Modal = true;
dialog.AddButton ("OK", ResponseType.Close);
dialog.Response += on_dialog_response;
dialog.Run ();
dialog.Destroy ();
I believe the cause of this error is the second param in the Dialog() constructor - "this". My question is... how does one satisfy the second param of "Window win" when inside the MainWindow.cs?
Thanks in advance.

What the right time for registering listener for Share/Search charms

I need to register different share charm listener for every page. I have 2 pages. I added following code in every one:
DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested += App_DataRequested;
I added it in constructor of one page and in UserControl_Loaded event of another (first page just doesn't have UserControl_Loaded so why I added it directly to constructor). At the moment when second page tryting to load, I got exception:
WinRT information: An event handler has already been registered
Additional information: A method was called at an unexpected time.
Where should I place it and what is "right" time to do this??
Also it looks confusing that we have different DataTransferManager for every view, but only one is active at current time. Ever more, I noticed, if you add only one listener for first page, other pages will share this listener anyway. If I have only one shared listener for all pages, is it correct register it in app.xaml.cs?
The way I resolved this issue was to deregister the event in the onNavigatedfrom event as below:
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested -= App_DataRequested;
In BasePage.cs in constructor I added
public BasePage()
if (!_isListenToDataRequested)
_isListenToDataRequested = true;
DataTransferManager manager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView();
manager.DataRequested += AppDataRequested;
private async void AppDataRequested(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs args)
IShareable shareable = Frame.Content as IShareable;
if (shareable != null)
DataRequestDeferral deferral = args.Request.GetDeferral();
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => shareable.AppDataRequested(sender, args));
And all my pages look like
public sealed partial class ContentPage : IShareable
public void AppDataRequested(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs args)
Another solution was run this as below
private DataTransferManager dataTransferManager;
Put this in page loaded event
this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatchedHandler(() =>
this.dataTransferManager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView();
this.dataTransferManager.DataRequested += new TypedEventHandler<DataTransferManager, DataRequestedEventArgs>(this.OnDataRequested);
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
// Unregister the current page as a share source.
this.dataTransferManager.DataRequested -=
new TypedEventHandler<DataTransferManager, DataRequestedEventArgs>
I'd suggest doing it in the navigating events, the OnNavigatingFrom event will be triggered before the OnNavigatingTo of the page you're going to so you won't have this problem.
protected override Task OnNavigatingTo(WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.AlternativeNavigationEventArgs e)
DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested += dataTransfer_DataRequested;
return base.OnNavigatingTo(e);
protected override Task OnNavigatingFrom(WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.AlternativeNavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested -= dataTransfer_DataRequested;
return base.OnNavigatingFrom(e);
//Note: This is the WinRT Xaml Toolkit version of the events, but the standard events will work the same way.

MVVM-Light and WP7 ViewModel tombstoning isn't working

I've tried following the steps in Joost Van Schaik's article on tombstoning but was unable to get it to work for me. I'm no doubt doing something wrong. In my ViewModel:
private string _foobar ="init";
public string testStr
return _foobar;
_foobar = value;
And in my page:
<TextBox x:Name="tBoxTest" Text="{Binding testStr, Mode=TwoWay}" />
While the application is running, changing the value in tBoxTest sets _foobar just fine, but try to serialize it and it’s as if it has forgotten the instance??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was able to get tombstoning to work, along with having an object be visible to all my ViewModels, by doing the following:
In a Model class, I added:
private static Model1 _instance;
public static Model1 Instance
get { return _instance; }
set { _instance = value; }
public static void CreateNew()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new Model1();
_instance.FirstString = "init";
Then in ApplicationExtensions.cs I added:
public static void SaveToIsolatedStorage(this Application app, Model1 model)
var dataFileName = GetIsFile((model.GetType()));
using (var userAppStore =
if (userAppStore.FileExists(dataFileName))
using (var iss = userAppStore.CreateFile(dataFileName))
SilverlightSerializer.Serialize(model, iss);
And in App.xaml.cs I changed LoadModel() to:
private void LoadModel()
Model1.Instance = this.RetrieveFromIsolatedStorage<Model1>();
catch (Exception) { }
if (Model1.Instance == null) Model1.CreateNew();
That all made things like this work in my ViewModel files:
public string TestStr
return Model1.Instance.FirstString;
Model1.Instance.FirstString = value;
And by that, I mean that the Model1 object is getting serialized and tombstoning is working - at least I’m getting what I think I want. I’ve tested it a lot by navigating between apps, phone settings, turning the phone off and on, locking it and calling it while in the app from another phone. Performance when deserializing is great. And I can work with the vars.
That said, Mr. Van Schaik replied to a request for assistance with: "If you are subclassing from an MVVMLight ViewModelBase it does, and then you should call RaisePropertyChanged from your setter like this:
private string _foobar ="init";
public string TestStr
return _foobar;
_foobar = value;
RaisePropertyChanged notifies any listenings views (i.e. the TextBox you bound to it) that a property is changed and that the should update their contents. This is a crucial mechanism."
So I will work with what I was originally trying but with the addition of RaisePropertyChanged to see what that does.
Although I implemented RaisedPropertyChanged (using the code snippet mvvminpc) in my MainViewModel.cs file, that still had no effect (as good as it may be for other things) on serializing anything created within the ViewModel. I'm probably still doing something wrong, but it may also be because view models inherit from a protected class (answer from Laurent Bugnion). I (very reluctantly) tried changing that class from protected to public and recompiling, but it didn't help in my case and I hate to fork a referenced library like that. Anyway, I'm just forging ahead for now with creating the Model1 instance in App.xaml.cs. Seems to work. While I was at it, I modified one of Van Schaik's methods to accept any type of object:
public static void SaveToIsolatedStorage<T>(this Application app, T obj)
where T : class
var dataFileName = GetIsFile(typeof(T));
using (var userAppStore =
if (userAppStore.FileExists(dataFileName))
using (var iss = userAppStore.CreateFile(dataFileName))
SilverlightSerializer.Serialize(obj, iss);
From the code you've posted there isn't an instant answer.
My advice to debug this is:
if you've copied the code exactly from that article then add something (a messagebox?) to the empty catch handler - `catch (Exception){ }
use the debugger to put breakpoints in the LoadModel and SaveToIsolatedStorage methods
use these breakpoints to step through the Load and Save code - is the code correctly loading and saving?
To be honest, with problems like this, doing a little investigation yourself is much better than asking questions on here (IMO!)