Converting an equation to code -

I have an equation that can be used to find the gun elevation for artillery, using the range, muzzle velocity and change in altitude in a game called Arma 3. The equation looks like this:
With g being the acceleration due to gravity (9.80665), V being the muzzle velocity, X being the range and Y being the change in altitude (called DAlt in my code).
I'm trying to convert it to a line of code so that I can make a program to calculate the elevation based on given coordinates. However I'm having trouble with it. I currently have this:
If rdoLow.Checked = True Then
Elevation = Math.Atan(((Velocity ^ 2) - (Math.Sqrt((Velocity ^ 4) - (G) * (G * (Range ^ 2) + (2 * DAlt * (Velocity ^ 2)))))) / G * Range)
Elevation = Math.Atan(((Velocity ^ 2) + (Math.Sqrt((Velocity ^ 4) - (G) * (G * (Range ^ 2) + 2 * DAlt * (Velocity ^ 2))))) / G * Range)
End If
Which isn't particularly nice looking but as far as I can tell, it should work. However when I put in the values that the video I got the equation from used, I got a different answer. So there must be something wrong with my equation.
I've tried breaking it in to various parts as separate variables and calculating them, then using those variables in the overall equation, and that still didn't work and gave me an answer that was wrong in another way.
So I'm currently at a loss on how to fix it, starting to wonder if the way that vb handles long equations is different or something.
Any help is much appreciated.

You haven't given any sample data, so I can't verify that this gives the correct answer, but the last part of your equation is missing some parentheses.
Elevation = Math.Atan(((Velocity ^ 2) + Math.Sqrt((Velocity ^ 4) - (G * ((G * (Range ^ 2)) + (2 * DAlt * (Velocity ^ 2)))))) / (G * Range))
Note the parenthesis around the last G * Range.
Multiplication and division have equal precedence, so they are evaluated from left-to-right. See Operator Precedence in Visual Basic.
You were dividing everything by G, then multiplying the result by Range, whereas you needed to multiply G by Range, then divide everything by the result of that.
You can see the difference in this simple example:
Console.WriteLine(3 / 4 * 5) ' Prints 3.75
Console.WriteLine(3 / (4 * 5)) ' Prints 0.15

Out of curiosity I tried the problem. In order to have test data I found this web site, Range Tables For Mortars. I tested with the '82mm Mortar - Far' that has an initial velocity of 200 m/s. One problem I had, and don't know if I fixed it correctly, was that the first part of the equation was returning negative numbers... I also solved for the ±. To test I created a form with a button to perform the calculation, a textbox to enter the distance, and two labels to show the angles. This is what I came up with.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'A - launch angle
' r - range
' y - altitude
'g - gravity 9.80665 m/s^2
'v - launch speed e.g. 50 m/s
'from -
'in parts
'parts - px
' p1 = sqrt( v^4 - g * (g * r^2 + 2 * y * v^2) )
' p2 = v^2 ± p1 note plus / minus
' p3 = p2 / g * r
' A = arctan(p3)
Dim Ap, Am, r, y As Double
Dim g As Double = 9.80665
Dim v As Double
Dim p1, p2p, p2m, p3p, p3m As Double
If Not Double.TryParse(TextBox1.Text, r) Then Exit Sub
y = 0
v = 200 '82mm Mortar - Far velocity
p1 = v ^ 4 - g * (g * r ^ 2 + 2 * y * v ^ 2)
If p1 < 0 Then
p1 = Math.Abs(p1) 'square root does not like negative numbers
End If
p1 = Math.Sqrt(p1)
'plus / minus
p2p = v ^ 2 + p1
p2m = v ^ 2 - p1
p3p = p2p / (g * r)
p3m = p2m / (g * r)
Const radiansToDegrees As Double = 180 / Math.PI
Ap = Math.Atan(p3p) * radiansToDegrees
Am = Math.Atan(p3m) * radiansToDegrees
Label1.Text = Ap.ToString("n3")
Label2.Text = Am.ToString("n3")
End Sub
Using the web site to verify the calculations the code seem correct.
Writing long formulas in a bunch of nested parentheses serves no purpose, unless you are going for confusion.


Unexpected Rounding Error

can someone please explain the following to me?
Sub TestCalc()
Dim Z As Double
Dim Y As Double
Dim X As Integer
Dim W As Double
Dim V As Double
X = 44 / 14 ' returns 3
Z = (0.14 * 14) ' returns 1.96
Y = ((44 / 14) - (44 \ 14)) * 14 ' returns 2 SHOULD RETURN 1.96
W = (44 / 14) - X ' returns 0.142857142857143
V = W * 14 ' returns 2 SHOULD RETURN 1.96
End Sub
1.96 is the value that I would expect to get from the code. However, I only get this value when I use hard coded values. If I work with variables it rounds it up and returns the value 2 (Y or V). I'm need to understand why, as 1.96 is that value that I expect to be returned. I need to ensure that it performs this calculation correctly to ensure that my math formula functions properly in my main procedure
Your expectations are incorrect.
0.14 * 14 = 1.96; however, W is 0.142857142857143 - that value * 14 = 2.
I am guessing that there are some unseen conditions determining if the numbers you are entering are being calculated as integers or doubles. What happens when you type out Y as
Y = ((44.0 / 14.0) - (44.0 \ 14.0)) * 14.0
or however you can specify doubles in Visual Basic.
Also the bottom of this article mentions a mode that warns you when unsafe conversions take place which might help track it down.

VBA - showing wrong results

I have come across a issue while working in VBA . I'm supposed to write program that is Numerical integration of trapeze method (I'm not sure if It is how it's called in English) of function 100*x^99 lower limit = 0 upper limit = 1 . Cells (j,5) contains numbers (10,30,100,300,1000,3000,10000) - amount of point splits . Code seems to work but given wrong results , for amount of splits it should be around
10 - 5.000295129200607
30 - 1.786588019299606
100 - 1.0812206997600746
300 - 1.0091505687770146
1000 - 1.0008248693208752
3000 - 1.0000916650530287
10000 - 1.000008249986933
Function F(x)
F = 100 * (x ^ 99)
End Function
Sub calka()
Dim n As Single
Dim xp As Single
Dim dx As Single
Dim xk As Single
Dim ip As Single
Dim pole As Single
xp = 0
xk = 1
For j = 5 To 11
n = Cells(j, 5)
dx = (xk - xp) / n
pole = 0
For i = 1 To n - 1
pole = pole + F(xp + i * dx)
Next i
pole = pole + ((F(xp) + F(xk)) / 2)
pole = pole * dx
Worksheets("Arkusz1").Cells(j, 7) = pole
Next j
End Sub
I tried to implement same code in java and c++ and it worked flawlessly but VBA always gives me wrong results , I'm not sure if it's rounds at some point and I can disable in settings or my code is just not written right .
Apologies for low clarity It's hard for me to translate mathematic to English.
Use Doubles rather than Singles

Is there a more concise way to calculate the P value for the Anderson-Darling A-squared statistic with VBA?

I have two bits of code in VBA for Excel. One calculates the A-squared statistic for the Anderson-Darling test, this bit of code calculates the P value of the A-squared statistic. I am curious if there is a more concise way or more efficient way to calculate this value in VBA:
Function AndDarP(AndDar, Elements)
'Calculates P value for level of significance for the
'Anderson-Darling Test for Normality
'AndDar is the Anderson-Darling Test Statistic
'Elements is the count of elements used in the
'Anderson-Darling test statistic.
'based on calculations at
'accessed 21 May 2010
'Version 6.0
'Permission to freely distribute and modify when properly
'referenced and contact information maintained.
'"Keep in mind the test assumes normality, and is looking for sufficient evidence to reject normality.
'That is, a large p-value (often p > alpha = 0.05) would indicate normality.
' * * *
'Test Hypotheses:
'Ho: Data is sampled from a population that is normally distributed
'(no difference between the data and normal data).
'Ha: Data is sampled from a population that is not normally distributed"
Dim M As Double
M = AndDar * (1 + 0.75 / Elements + 2.25 / Elements ^ 2)
Select Case M
Case Is < 0.2
AndDarP = 1 - Exp(-13.436 + 101.14 * M - 223.73 * M ^ 2)
Case Is < 0.34
AndDarP = 1 - Exp(-8.318 + 42.796 * M - 59.938 * M ^ 2)
Case Is < 0.6
AndDarP = Exp(0.9177 - 4.279 * M - 1.38 * M ^ 2)
Case Is < 13
AndDarP = Exp(1.2937 - 5.709 * M + 0.0186 * M ^ 2)
Case Else
AndDarP = 0
End Select
End Function


Im trying to create Monte-Carlo simulation that can be used to derive estimates for integration problems (summing up the area under
a curve). Have no idea what to do now and i am stuck
"to solve this problem we generate a number (say n) of random number pairs for x and y between 0 and 1, for each pair we see if the point (x,y) falls above or below the line. We count the number of times this happens (say c). The area under the curve is computed as c/n"
Really confused please help thank you
Function MonteCarlo()
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim x As Double
Dim func As Double
Dim total As Double
Dim result As Double
Dim j As Integer
Dim N As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter a")
a = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Enter b")
b = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Enter n")
N = Console.ReadLine()
For j = 1 To N
'Generate a new number between a and b
x = (b - a) * Rnd()
'Evaluate function at new number
func = (x ^ 2) + (2 * x) + 1
'Add to previous value
total = total + func
Next j
result = (total / N) * (b - a)
Return result
End Function
You are using the rejection method for MC area under the curve.
Do this:
Divide the range of x into, say, 100 equally-spaced, non-overlapping bins.
For your function y = f(x) = (x ^ 2) + (2 * x) + 1, generate e.g. 10,000 values of y for 10,000 values of x = (b - a) * Rnd().
Count the number of y-values in each bin, and divide by 10,000 to get a "bin probability." --> p(x).
Next, the proper way to randomly simulate your function is to use the rejection method, which goes as follows:
4a. Draw a random x-value using x = (b - a) * Rnd()
4b. Draw a random uniform U(0,1). If U(0,1) is less than p(x) add a count to the bin.
4c. Continue steps 4a-4b 10000 times.
You will now be able to simulate your y=f(x) function using the rejection method.
Overall, you need to master these approaches before you do what you want since it sounds like you have little experience in bin counts, simulation, etc. Area under the curve is always one using this approach, so just be creative for integrating using MC.
Look at some good textbooks on MC integration.

End a while loop in the event a condition is met

I am in the process of converting Mathcad code into VBA and am trying to figure out how to replicate the While loop, which asks the program to run the loop while TGuess < 0. At the end of the loop is an if statement to break the loop if sGuess>1/1.4 (I would attach a picture, but my reputation does not allow me to).
I have written this code in VBA, but am wondering if including the sGuess variable in the original While statement is correct, or if it could influence the output of the loop:
While TGuess < 0 And sGuess <= 1 / 1.4
kterm = (kj ^ (1 / 6)) / 26 'k term in the numerator of depth equation
epw = 3 / 5
FDepth = ((kterm * RainInt * L * CF) / sGuess ^ 0.5) ^ epw
tflow = UW_Wat * g * sGuess * FDepth 'Calc Flow Shear Stress
pflow = 7.853 * UW_Wat * (tflow / UW_Wat) ^ (3 / 2)
TGuess = pflow - pcrit 'Recalc TGuess as E-P
sGuess = sGuess + SlopeInc 'Calc new stable slope
Any input would be appreciated.
To mitigate your concern, it might be better to replace the while...wend loop with a Do While ... Loop block. You can then put your break condition where you'd have it in the corresponding Mathcad code by using something along the lines of
If sGuess > 1/1.4 Then
Exit Do
End If