Openshift Origin multicast support? - openshift-origin

we are using openshift origin with multi tenant plugin. Will multicast work between the pod network ? ( We are using the default as cluster network CIDR)
This link talks about it, although I do not have the subscription

That link is about OpenShift 2.x anyway. (And the answer there is "no".)
OpenShift 3.x does not currently support multicast either, but there has been discussion of adding it ( It is not currently scheduled for any release.


Is there any way we can configure hazelcast in master-slave architecture like redis with Spring boot

Currently hazelcast is using cloud discovery for communication.
So if there are 4 kubernetes pods and each of them is having in-memory hazelcast. whenever hazelcast cache is updated in one of the pod, it gets updated in one of the other pod. but in case both of these pods get downscaled and get terminated, the data which is only in these 2 pods is lost. Can we have something like redis where we can provide server, port of the hazelcast cluster and it will be independent of kubernetes pod
Please check the following Blog Post ("Scale without Data Loss!" section) to read how to scale Hazelcast cluster on Kubernetes to avoid data loss.
Also, you can check the official README of hazelcast/hazelcast-kubernetes plugin. There is a section dedicated to scaling there.

What is the redis URI, when redis is used in kubernetes?

I want to access the redis database in kubernetes, from a function inside ibm functions using javascript.
How do I get the right URI, when redis is running on a Pod in Kubernetes?
I used this sample to setup the redis database in kubernetes This is the link to the sample in Kubernetes
I run Kuberentes inside IBM Cloud.
I was not able to find a answer to my question on the redis documentation
As far as I understand by default no password configured.
Is this assumption right?
Thanks for help ... I know this is maybe a to simple question, but currently I do not see the tree in the woods ;-)
As far as I understand by default no password configured.
Yes, there is no default password in that image with Redis, you are right.
If you following the instruction you mentioned, you will use a kubectl proxy, which will forward port of your Redis in cluster to your local machine by call kubectl port-forward redis-master 6379:6379.
So in that case, Redis will be available on redis://localhost:6379 on your PC.
If you want to make it available directly from ouside of the cluster, you need to create Service with NodePort, Service with LoadBalancer (if you in Cloud) or simply Service with Ingress.
Inside a cluster, you can create Service with Cluster IP (which is actually simply Service, because it always has Cluster IP) for your Redis pod and will be available on:
Here is a good official documentation about connecting applications with service.

Istio on Azure Container Service (AKS)

I was planning on installing Istio on my new AKS cluster. However, in the prerequisites for Istio, it is mentioned that K8S cluster should have RBAC enabled. However, I read that AKS ( preview ) doesn't have it enabled. Is this true? Is there an option for me to try Istio on AKS.
AKS is GA and looks like RBAC is available now,
In fact RBAC is not available in Azure AKS currently. According to this GitHub issue it is on the roadmap for Q1 2018.
In Azure you can use ACS which is an older version of AKS, but with control over Kubernetes master or acs-engine where you have full control over Kubernetes cluster.
AKS now enables RBAC by default.
There are also docs on how to install Istio:
We are doing POC for service mesh on our AKS cluster using istio. I have found a very good guide to install istio with all its components on AKS cluster and it does not require any RBAC on AKS. Infact this guide is cloud agnostic. I am not sure if it production graded ready but working like a charm till now. Just apply first 3 files and 4th one optional. The name might be little confusing for you. But its working on AKS very well. Hope that worsk for you.
Istio Installation Files
kubectl apply -f 1-istio-init.yaml 2-istio-minikube.yaml 3-kiali-secret.yaml

Creating AMQ network of broker clusters on JBoss Fuse 6.2, without fabric

I want to create (2) broker clusters connected by network of brokers in JBoss Fuse 6.2; each cluster has 2 master/slave pairs.
It's a small cluster, so we don't intend to use Fabric/Zookeeper; everything will be statically configured, no auto discovery.
Is it possible to use fabric profiles to build the topology, but
avoid using fabric at runtime?
Can we use Git, or something similar, for centrally managing container config files, again, without fabric?
We tried creating profiles using fabric:mq-create, but the command is not available unless a fabric is first created, which defeats the purpose.
No fabric profiles requires using fabric. You can use git to store files, but you cannot have JBoss Fuse automatic use it such as it does with fabric. You would need to use git manually.
The AMQ broker in JBoss Fuse is just standard Apache ActiveMQ so you can configure it manually/static as a network of brokers. It just not very easy to do if you haven't done that before.
See the JBoss A-MQ documentation as that covers the broker:
for example at:

ActiveMQ cluster discovery on Openshift v3 / Kubernetes

ActiveMQ built-in cluster discovery mechanisms are basically based on multicast (excepting LDAP here).
Openshift v3 / Kubernetes don't support well multicast as it could be quite bad or misfunctioning on a public cloud infrastructure.
Is there any existing option to enable network of activemq brokers discovery within Openshift v3 ?
I saw the project jboss-openshift/openshift-ping enabling discovery for JGroups members on Openshift. I am looking for an equivalent for ActiveMQ.
fabric8 is a project that has a number of value-adds for OS3 / kubernetes platforms
There is clustered ActiveMQ out of the box
As the project is in development, you may get best help on irc chat on #fabric8 on freenode - all the guys hang out there.