update data in component from Vue.directive - vue.js

I have a directive that needs to update data in a Vue.component. How do I set the value? Here is my code:
Vue.directive('loggedin', function(value) {
console.log('loggedin = ' + value);
vm.$set('loggedIn', value);
vm.$set('loggedIn', value) does not work. I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '$set' of undefined
var ck = Vue.component('checkout', {
template: '#checkout-template',
props: ['list'],
data: function() {
return {
loggedIn: '',
billingAddr: [],
shippingAddr: [],
The value being passed is 'true' or 'false'.
I need to bind <div v-loggedin="true"></div> to my data value in the component and set that to 'true'. I do not need two-way binding.
Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. Basically, I get a value for loggedin from the server and need to set my loggedIn value to true or false in the data on the component.

I'm not sure how you are using your directive, so I'm just going to make an assumption. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Have a look at the twoWay property (you would probably need to use the object syntax though):
Vue.directive('loggedin', {
twoWay: true, // Setup the two way binding
bind: function () {
update: function (newValue) {
console.log('loggedin = ' + value);
this.set(newValue); // Set the new value for the instance here
unbind: function () {
Then you can use the directive like this (loggedIn is the property you want to write to afterwards, and which serves as the initial value as well):
<yourelement v-loggedin="loggedIn">...</yourelement>
Regarding your edit
Since you only want to pass data from your server to the component, you're much better of just using props:
var ck = Vue.component('checkout', {
template: '#checkout-template',
props: ['list', 'loggedIn'],
data: function() {
return {
billingAddr: [],
shippingAddr: [],
And then when using your component, pass it:
<checkout :loggedIn="true">

I have decided to go another route. There had to be a simpler way of doing this. So, here is what I did.
I am checking if a user is logged in by doing an ajax request through the 'created' function on the vm. I then update the auth variable in the vm with true or false.
var vm = new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
auth: false,
methods: {
getData: function() {
this.$http.get('{!! url('api/check-for-auth') !!}').then(function(response) {
this.auth = response.data;
created: function() {
In the component I created a props item called 'auth' and bound it to the auth data on the vm.
var ck = Vue.component('checkout', {
template: '#checkout-template',
props: ['list', 'auth'],
data: function() {
return {
user: [],
billingAddr: [],
shippingAddr: [],
And my component
<checkout :list.sync="cartItems" :auth.sync="auth"></checkout>
Thanks everyone for your help.


How to use localStorage in Vue?

I am using simple Vue app to get data and then present it in a table. Now I created an OK button, where I can change whether one thing is copmlete or not ( similar to todo app).
But how could I save the changes?
This is my code:
declare var Vue: any;
declare var axios: any;
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#appnew',
data: {
message: '',
status: [],
id: '',
created: function () {
methods: {
loadQuote: function () {
const id = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop();
this.status = 'Loading...';
axios.get('path' + id)
.then(function (response) {
vm.status = response.data;
.catch(function (error) {
vm.status = 'An error occured.' + error;
toggleDone(statu) {
statu.done = !statu.done
Under the toggleDone method I am changing whether it is done or not, so I guess I should add there to also save the changes? Using localStorage? Any ideas anyone?
Thanks if you can help me.
Yes, you'd have to save the value to localStorage, retrieve it, then do what you want with it:
toggleDone(statu) {
statu.done = !statu.done
localStorage.setItem('statu', statu.done);
const statu = localStorage.getItem('statu');

How to format fetched data in Vue.js and update the vue instance

I am trying to fetch a json from an api and then format it for later use in google-charts.
I fetch the json-file using vue-resource and it works normally, the problem happens when I try to format the received data (update other arrays in data() with the fetched data), the vue component is not updated (the function is in created() ).
When I use a v-on:click the formating is done correctly but when I call the function from created it doesn't work.
I tried Vue.set and the splice method, both didn't work.
Getting the formatData() method to run and update the idArray.
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
data() {
return {
apiData: undefined,
idArray: []
created() {
methods: {
loadApi: function () {
this.$http.get('https://api.myjson.com/######').then(this.successCallback, this.errorCallback);
successCallback: function (response) {
this.apiData = response.data;
errorCallback: function (response) {
this.apiData = response.data;
formatData: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.apiData.resourcePlan.length; i++) {
this.idArray.splice(i, 1, parseInt(this.apiData.resourcePlan[i].resourceID));
Vue.set(this.idArray, i, parseInt(this.apiData.resourcePlan[i].resourceID));
it looks like you are calling formatData in the error callback, not the success callback. see if moving it into success works.

Vuex - Passing a state's object into another state's object

In Vuex I'm trying to pass a state's object (a string in this case), into another state's object, but it is returning undefined.
state: {
notifications: [
{ key: "success",
notification: "Awesome " + this.theName + "! Success.",
redirectPath: "/home"
{ key: "error",
notification: "Oh no " + this.theName + "... Error.",
redirectPath: "/error"
theName: 'Ricky Bobby' // this would normally come from a mutation method - see below
The example above the theName is hard-coded just for testing but its value is coming from a mutation method. I know it is coming in into the store's state, because I am able to console log it. But the string interpolation inside the notifications object is not working. How can I pass that incoming value into the notifications.notification value?
I don't know if this helps, but here is the mutation example:
mutations: {
loginSuccess(state, payload){
state.theName = payload.uName;
There're two issues with your code. Firstly, this doesn't work the way you're trying to make it to do. In your question this inside each notification doesn't refer to the state or any other part of your code. Its value is the global window object or undefined, depends on whether you are in strict mode:
const object = {
propName: this,
Secondly, you code is asynchronous, so theName would change from time to time, but you never actually redefine message strings in your notifications. And they won't be 'recalculated' by itself:
let surname = 'Whyte';
const object = {
fullName: 'Pepe ' + surname,
setTimeout(() => {
surname = 'White';
console.log('the value of \'surname\' variable is ' + surname + ' though.');
}, 2000);
What you can do in your case is to define notification as a function:
notification(name) { return "Awesome " + name + "! Success."}
Then write a getter for notifications and pass a name to the function.
Or as an alternative you can refer to the object itself inside the function. Like this:
let surname = 'Whyte';
const object = {
person: {
firstName: 'Pepe ',
fullName: () => {
return object.person.firstName + ' ' + surname;
setTimeout(() => {
object.person.firstName = 'Keke';
}, 1000);
UPD: I've made another example for you. It's hard to tell how exactly you are going to call this notifications, but here are two options you can access them the way you want (jsfiddle):
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
theName: 'Ricky Bobby',
// accessing `theName` prop inside state (probably won't be possible in the real project or very inconvinient due to modularity)
successNotificationInState: () => `Awesome ${store.state.theName}! Success.`,
// accessing the same prop with getter
getters: {
successNotification: (state) => `Awesome ${state.theName}! Success.`,
mutations: {
loginSuccess(state, payload) {
state.theName = payload.uName;
actions: { // let's emulate a login
}) {
return new Promise(fullfil => {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('logging in')
const response = {
uName: 'Keke',
email: 'keke#gmail.com',
commit('loginSuccess', response);
}, 2000);
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
msgGetter: '',
msgState: '',
computed: {},
methods: {
login() {
this.$store.dispatch('login').then((response) => {
this.msgGetter = this.$store.getters.successNotification;
this.msgState = this.$store.state.successNotificationInState();
mounted() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vuex/3.0.1/vuex.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
<div id="app">
<p>Message from state: {{msgState}}</p>
<p>Message from getter: {{msgGetter}}</p>

Computed filtering not working

So,I'm giving me first proper look at Vue.js since 2.0. And I'm having a hard time going from filter to computed.
Here is where I'm at (using vue-resource for the API call):
var moviesURL = 'http://localhost/api/movies';
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
liveFilter: '',
movies: ''
methods: {
getMovies: function() {
this.$http.get(moviesURL).then(response => {
this.movies = response.body;
}, response => {
computed: {
filteredMovies: function() {
var self = this
return this.movies.filter(function(movie) {
return movie.indexOf(self.liveFilter) !== -1
created: function() {
And I keep getting those errors:
And I can't really my finger on what I'm doing wrong... Any idea?
You cannot filter over string. In your data movies should be an empty array, not empty string.
Also, be sure that response.body is an array too.
You initiate the movies as an empty string, and a string doesn't have a .find() method. Use an empty array instead

vuejs 2 nextTick() return

I'm trying to return some data using nextTick() in vuejs 2 as following
getProperty() {
this.$nextTick(function() {
return 'hello';
It doesn't work. Any clue?
this.$nextTick this function does not return anything; it just executes your callback after refreshing all new data.
so if you want to set some flag or data you can use modal/variable for that.
new Vue({
data: {
msg: 'hello'
methods: {
someTask: function () {
this.msg = 'hello next tick';
this.$nextTick(function() {
printVar: function() {
// here this variable will be changed to latest value
// or call another function where this value is used
// this.anotherFunction();
ready: function () {
or just let us know what you want to do with that so we can provide you better answer.