QML: horizontal scrolling tabs bar - qml

Is it possible to set up horizontal scrolling tabs via TabViewStyle (or any different way)? I don't see such functionality in TabViewStyle. Moreover tabs scrolling shouldn't stop when tabs is displayed partially.

With TabBar from Qt Quick Controls 2 (Qt 5.7+) it is possible to create flickable tabs.


How to Auto adjust Scroll height of tab render items in native base react-native

I am using native base tabs to display scrollable tab bars in react-native
I had 4 tabs and the content in each render item tab changes, so the length of the tab bar content changes. how can I adjust the height of the scroll view based on content in tabview. it should not scroll when content is less. it leaves blank space below when content is less.
when content in tab bar render item is more than the screen height it scrolls.
when content in tab bar render item is less than the screen height it should not scroll.
even if the content in the 2nd tab is less it scrolls based on height of 1st tab content height.
It should not scroll if the content on in tab render item is less.It should scroll based on the content in tab view
it's the sole reason why i left native-base because of the issue. It's and open issue with native base and they havent resolved it yet. The problem is that i had 3 tabs and three scrollViews had different height. so it takes the longest height and when we go to any other tab , it leaves blank space.
this is the link to the open issue in github native base tabs . Do check it out if you can find any resolution for it. I couldnt find it so ive switched to
react native tab view . .This is a better library for tabs and coz of the issue in native abse. i switched to it.
Hope it helps. Feel free for doubts

Curved scrollbar in ScrollView on Android Wear 2.0

Is it possible to have a curved scrollbar like on WearableRecyclerView on ScrollView? How is it done?
Here is a reference to get you started.
To create a curved layout for scrollable items in your wearable app:
Use WearableRecyclerView as your main container in the relevant XML layout.
Set the setEdgeItemsCenteringEnabled(boolean) method to true. This will align the first and last items on the list vertically
centered on the screen.
Use the WearableRecyclerView.setLayoutManager() method to set layout of the items on the screen.
If you explore the document, you will be able to get in touch with the code snippet for customization of the scrolling.
For Circular Scrolling Gesture:
By default, circular scrolling is disabled in the
WearableRecyclerView. If you want to enable a circular
scrolling gesture in your child view, use the WearableRecyclerView’s
setCircularScrollingGestureEnabled() method.

Horizontal scrollbar is missing from panel

In VB.Net (VS2012) I have a Panel with autoscroll set to true. I have labels and grids inside the panel. The vertical scroll bar shows up as soon as the program is run (because the objects don't fit vertically). However, when I shrink the form and the grids and labels no longer fit horizontally, the horizontal scroll bar never appears in the panel.
I event tried setting HorizontalScroll.Visible = True
but this didn't help.
Why would the Horizontal bar not show up when it is needed?

Dojo tree widget now shown in IE

I am using a dojo tree widget in the left side pane in OneUi. It shows horizontal scroll bar if the text is bigger than the width of the panel.
Problem is, in some IE instances the horizontal scroll bar is shown on top of the text and not below the text.
Can anybody tell me any workaround to fix this problem (apart from not using IE)

Change the width of a scrollbar

Is it possible to change the width of a scroll bar on a form. This app is for a touch screen and it is a bit too narrow.
This is a Windows Forms application? I was able to make a very fat and thick scrollbar by adjusting the "Width" property of my scroll bar control.
Is your scroll bar something you have programmatic access to (i.e. it is a control you added to the form)?
The width of the scrollbars is controlled by Windows. You can adjust the scrollbar width in Display Properties and it will affect all windows on the terminal.