Is there a possibility to use a composite key for idProperty in dojo/Memory - dojo

Is there a possibility to use a composite key for idProperty in dojo/Memory.
For example: var test = new Memory({ data: response, idProperty: ['id_user','id_profile',id_center]});
And if yes, how can I access the id after, will it be or what?

You could use a concatenated id, eg for instance :
. Add a record with something like :
id: [someUserName, someProfile, someCenter].join('#'),
userName: someUserName,
profile: someProfile,
center: someCenter,
. And then retrieve a record with :
user = myMemoryStore.get(["John Smith", "profile X", "center Y"].join('#'));
Provided that none of these fields can contain the character '#', it's more secure.


How will I select a particular object from the array of objects in the mongoose schema?

var mongoose = require("mongoose");
// schema setup
var productSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
required:[true,'a product must have a type']
module.exports = mongoose.model("Product",productSchema);
I have made my mongoose schema like this. Now I just want to access a particular object from the array of objects named 'products' using a mongoose query.
Can anyone please tell me how can i do this?? I'll be soo grateful.
You need something like this:
"": "name"
"products.$": 1
With this query you will find the product object whose name field is 'name'. Afther that, with the positional operator $ only the matching is returning.
Mongo playground example here
Edit: Note that this query will return multiple subdocuments if exists multiple documents with the array object matching. To filter for a unique element you have to indicate another unique field like this:
"sId": "1",
"": "name"
"products.$": 1
Edit to explain how to use find using mongoose.
You can use find or findOne, but the query itself will be the same.
This is pretty simple. You need to use your model described in the question, so the code is somthing like this:
var objectFound = await YourModel.findOne({
"": "name"
"products.$": 1
Where YourModel is the schema defined.

Querying (and filtering) in a many-to-many relationship in Backand

I'm trying to use the pet-owner example to create some sort of playlist app where a playlist can be shared among different users.
I have read both links to understand how many-to-many relationship is created in Backand:
Link 1 -
Link 2
According to pet's example, to get all owners from one pet I should get the pet object (using its id field) and then filter its user_pets list matching the user id. That may work for small amount of users/pets but I'd rather prefer to query user_pets table directly by filtering by user_id and pet_id.
My approach has been this code without success:
method: 'GET',
url: getUrl(), // this maps to pets_owner "table"
params: {
deep: true,
exclude: 'metadata',
filter: [
{ fieldName: 'pet', operator: 'equals', value: pet_id },
{ fieldName: 'owner', operator: 'equals', value: user_id }
Any idea how to query/filter to get only related results?
Thanks in advance
Because user_id and pet_d are both object fields the operator should be "in"
From Backand docs :
following are the possible operators depending on the field type:
numeric or date fields:
-- equals
object fields:
-- in

set two different memory stores for one dojo widget (dijit/form/FilteringSelect) at the same time

I have two different JSON structures. One represent the individual users of the system and other represents groups made of these users. So, I created two memory stores with these (each has different idProperty - userId and groupId, respectively).
I have a filteringSelect dropdown and my requirement is to add both of these as the data store of the list, so that either a valid user or a valid group could be selected from the dropdown.
Two possible ways I could think of doing this :
1) by creating one common memory store of two JSONs - but idProperty is different so not sure how this is possible
2) by adding both the memory stores to the widget but again different idProperty so not sure.
I am very new to using Dojo so any help would be really appreaciated. Thanks in advance!
I think that, if you use a store to represent something (model data), it should be formed so that it can be used properly within a widget.
So in your case I would add both of them to a single store. If they have a different ID (for example when it's a result of a back-end service), then you could map both types of models into a single object structure. For example:
var groups = [{
groupId: 1,
groupName: "Group 1",
users: 10
}, {
groupId: 2,
groupName : "Group 2",
users: 13
}, {
groupId: 3,
groupName : "Group 3",
users: 2
var users = [{
userId: 1,
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
}, {
userId: 2,
firstName: "Jane",
lastName: "Doe"
}, {
userId: 3,
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Smith"
require(["dojo/store/Memory", "dijit/form/FilteringSelect", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/domReady!"], function(Memory, FilteringSelect, array) {
var filterData =, function(group) {
return {
id: "GROUP" + group.groupId,
groupId: group.groupId,
name: group.groupName,
type: "group"
Array.prototype.push.apply(filterData,, function(user) {
return {
id: "USER" + user.userId,
userId: user.userId,
name: user.firstName + " " + user.lastName,
type: "user"
In this example, we have two arrays groups and users, and to merge them I used the map() function of dojo/_base/array and then I concatenated both results.
They still contain their original ID and a type, so you will still be able to reference the original object.
From my previous experiences, I learned that your model data should not represent pure business data, but data that is easily used in the view/user interface.
By giving both arrays a similar object structure, you can easily use them in a dijit/form/FilteringSelect, which you can see here:

dojo FilteringSelect avoid Accented characters

I'm using a FilteringSelect that use an FilteringSelect as store.
I want to ignore the accented characters that users can enter, and to return all the elements with or without accents. But i don't know what event i have to catch.
Here's my code :
var ccppMemory = new{
data: centrosPoblado,
idProperty: "id"
sboMunicipio = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
id: "soMunicipioSelect",
hasDownArrow: false,
store: ccppMemory,
searchAttr: "unitario",
intermediateChanges : true,
queryExpr: "*${0}*",
autoComplete: false,
highlightMatch: "all",
}, "soMunicipioSelect");
To explain better, centrosPoblado is an array that i populate as :
id: value.attributes.CODIGO_DANE,
label: value.attributes.NOMBRE_CENTRO_POBLADO,
unitario: value.attributes.DEPTO + " / " + value.attributes.NOMBRE_CENTRO_POBLADO
In 'unitario' i have store strings like 'Medellín', ' Bogotá', ....
What i want is that when a user enter medellín, the filterselect ignore and returns 'Medellín' . So what i think i have to do it's to substitute medellin for something like m[eé]d[eé]ll[íi]n, but i don't know where.
if anyone is interested, here is the answer :
You have to overwrite the 'queryEngine' of the Memory that its linked to the FilteringSelect

Initially selected value from store in dijit.form.FilteringSelect

I have a as follows:
var partyStore = new{
id: 'partyStore',
data: {
{value:'APPLES', name:['Apples']},
{value:'ORANGES', name:['ORANGES']},
{value:'PEARS', name:['PEARS']}
and a dijit.form.FilteringSelect as:
var partyList = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
id: "partyLookup",
name: 'partyLookup',
store: partyStore,
searchAttr: "name"}, infoDiv);
How can I make the initially selected value be Oranges?
I have tried various entries for the value in the FilteringSelect so have left it out in this example.
Your data store doesn't seem right. Try changing it to:
var partyStore = new{
identifier: 'value',
{value:'APPLES', name:'Apples'},
{value:'ORANGES', name:'ORANGES'},
{value:'PEARS', name:'PEARS'}
You can then set the value of the dijit.
partyList.set('value', 'ORANGES');
I had missed off the "identifier" from the store data. It seems without the identifier being set it indexes them ie. 0,1,2,3,4...
Once I set:
identifier: 'value'
the current value of the FilteringSelect comes back as the 'value' form the data.
Sorry to answer my own question, thanks to anyone who helped or took a look.