Load Image From File and set into UnityEngine.UI.Image Unity - file-io

I try to load image from file and set into UnityEngine.UI.Image. the image is BirdDiedScreenShot.PNG. also define namespace
using System.IO;
But the problem is when i define path of image, Like
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes (Application.persistentDataPath + "/BirdDiedScreenShot.png");
in Above Code ReadAllBytes() method of File Class is not Work. It Give me Error like
System.IO.File' does not contain a definition forReadAllBytes'
What's the problem i don't Solve. how can i Fix This.? Please Give Me Suggestion to Solve this.. thanks...

This has to do with having "Web Player" selected as target platform.
When you click "File -> BuildSettings" in the Unity editor you see a little Unity icon next to the target platform. Switch to "PC, Mac & Linux Standalone" for example.
If you don't have the "PC, Mac & Linux Standalone" module loaded, check this thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/5-3-released.372567/page-2#post-2414948
By the way, the actual name of the Windows module is called "Windows Build Support".
In the new Download Assistant you can choose which modules to install. (Can be found on Unitys download page http://unity3d.com/get-unity/download?ref=personal)


SideBySide issue with ArcGISRuntime SDK version100.11

Trying to update my WPF application from the ArcGIS Runtime SDK version 100.6 to 100.11. I used the existing style in the WiX package to update the dll's so that all I had to do was ensure all the shader .cso files were accurate in the Components. Here is the screen shot of my dll's that are configured:
When I try to run the application, I get an error that it cannot access the RuntimeCoreNet100_11.dll. In the Event Viewer I get the following message:
In running the SxsTrace program, for the runtimecoreAssembly, it states the Parser "Did not find manifest for culture Neutral".
Any help here would be very appreciated.
per the instructions given in the comment, i added the manifest file to the dependency components in the component group pictured above. this allowed my app to start, but immediately crashed with a KERNELBASE.dll error. Anyone familiar with fixing those?
Looks like you're missing the manifest files. There should be 4 files to deploy to each clientXX folder: runtimecore.dll, runtimecoreAssembly.manifest, RuntimeCoreNet100_11.dll and RuntimeCoreNet100_11.WPF.dll

Not able to show image (API setDrawIcons() not found error)

I am using MPAndroidChart in our android project to show graph and it's very helpful. Using latest version 3.0.1 (https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart#usage)
I have some requirement to show image on top of BarEntry after some condition met. Same is working in example code downloaded.
BarDataSet set1;
set1.setDrawIcons(true);// Cannot resolve method 'setDrawIcons(boolen)
Why the above API is not part of library MPChartLib, am I missing something here?
Above problem got solved after integrating MPChartLib source code.
File -> Project Structure
click plus button to add New Module
Import Gradle Project
from Source directory: and finish.
The setDrawIcons method was added in 3.0.2. Change your Gradle option to read compile 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.0.2'

IntelliJ System.out.println() - Cannot resolve method println(java.lang.String)

I am using IntelliJ IDEA, learning Java. All went well until yesterday, when the mentioned error occurred.
I didn't make any changes. I was looking for the solution the following ways:
reboot the pc
restart IntelliJ.
delete the project directory and use another one (both on desktop)
nothing helps. buy running simple hello world method. It keeps showing this error:
Is there someone able to help me?
ok, is solved.
file -> invalidated caches / Restart
One reason for this to happen is if you have print statement somewhere on the body of the class, and not inside a method.
Here is an example:
But if the print is inside a method, it should work fine.
Here is an example:
I think if you have tried the method above, maybe you can consider where you use System.out.println() because this method should only used in main(String args[]){},the latest version of the Idea is OK. I wish what said can help you.
If you have orcale sdk configured as your project sdk there is no way System.out.println can't be found - besides you are using another System.out.
So my guess is that you don't have a proper project sdk configured.
Goto to Project Settings or press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S, go to Project Settings -> Project and check if your sdk is setup correctly.
In my case my project was set up to Java 6th and I had installed jre1.8.0_131 which I assume was causing the problem. After changing Java to level 8 problem have been solved.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s or go to File -> Project Structure -> Project, and set Project Language Level to yours.
case 1: if all sdk setup is complete and perfect
file -> invalidated caches / Restart
this could work
case 2 : if something missing in sdk setup of intelij
then goto
1.file->project structure->libraries
2.click on + button
3. add location of lib folder of tomcat directory
to add lib directory to tomcat
import static java.lang.System.out;
Or do you possibly have more than one class named System?
Or possibly this link could be of use to you.
Just make sure that your SDK in the setting of INTELIJI is set up have a look here
I had that problem because I pulled the repository from work where we have java 8, but on my private computer, I have 17..

Deploy Qt3D project for Android under win 7

I've successfully deployed the cube example APK by creating a new Quick 2 project and copy qml file there, but got "module "Qt3D" plugin "qthreedqmlplugin" not found" error message, any clue for this? I already place the so file into imports/Qt3D folder, but no success. Thanks.
Edit: I tried using Qt 5.1.1 and followed the Qt3D installation described here (http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt3D-Installation) , and can get rid of the plugin not found error message above. But, this time, a message of “library “libQt53DQuick.so” not found” show up as follows:
W/Qt (29930): assets:/qml/3dCube/main.qml:2 (): assets:/qml/3dCube/main.qml:2:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "Qt3D": Cannot load library /data/data/org.qtproject.example.test3D/qml/Qt3D/libqthreedqmlplugin.so: (Cannot load library: soinfo_link_image(linker.cpp:1635): could not load library "libQt53DQuick.so" needed by "libqthreedqmlplugin.so"; caused by load_library(linker.cpp:745): library "libQt53DQuick.so" not found)
The problem been solved! After adding the following line in my .pro file:
QT += qml quick 3dquick
The example works well in my sony android phone with adreno gpu, but not in my new lenovo yoga 8" with PowerVR gpu which I'll look into later.
Edit: BTW I eventually use QT5.2.1 for building my example.
That's because in Qt 5.3 there was no way to figure out the plugin dependencies of qml imports. In 5.4, we have the qml import scanner that avoids the need to edit your .pro files to mention qml import dependencies.

Submitting app to Apple store "Unable to find info.plist"

When i try to submit my app to the Apple store i get this error!
"Unable to find info.plist"
But the nameapp_info.plist is in the project!!!
I already send this application to the app store in the past without this error!
I upgraded to xcode 4 and to get my project work fine with the new IDE I had to re-edit my scheme app in automatic.
What I missing??? thanks
It looks like it's expecting a file called "info.plist", whereas your plist file is actually named something different... click on your project file in the Project Navigator, then click your target. Under the Packaging section is a setting for "Info.plist File." Make sure that it is set to the filename that your plist file is actually set to.