Ansible API : Custom Module - api

I would like to use a custom module for which I require "hostname" so that I can initiate SSH connection from the custom module and run commands. So I pass transport = "local" to the Runner object. However, I find no way to obtain "hostname" information in the custom module.
I am using Ansible 1.9.2 using Python API.

A module only has the information available that was explicitly passed to it. What you might be interested in instead is an action plugin, which by (non-exisiting) definition runs local on the control machine and has access to more (all?) data.
You can see some action plugin code here:
PS: Don't you want to upgrade to Ansible 2 before getting started writing custom modules/plugins? The API changed completely and once you upgrade you have to rewrite you module/plugin.

Okay, silly me. It's exactly the same way in the API too. You can extract hostname using {{ inventory_hostname }}.


Undeploy API from Apigee X Environment of type "archive"

Does anyone have an idea how to "undeploy" an API proxy from an "archive" type Apigee-x environment? It seems like it can't be done from the Apigee UI, it throws an error:
"This operation is not supported. The Environment DeploymentType is ARCHIVE. The required Environment DeploymentType is PROXY".
The environment type can't be changed. The available CLI commands are "delete", "deploy", "describe", "list", "update" (no "undeploy" command found), "delete" doesn't work as it can't delete an active deployment. The final goal is to be able to delete the environment, which requires to remove/undeploy all API proxies from it first.
I found a solution. The "undeploy" feature I was looking for is not included in the current Apigee-x release. On the Apigee community, Google staff stated that they are looking into implementing it at some point. Until then there is a workaround, where one can deploy an archive with no deployments defined to the environment. Once this is done the Proxy is "undeployed" and the environment could be deleted. Here is the step-by-step process of doing it.

web.show_document uses different base url when used from java webstart

Forms Using web.show_document I see different behavior when running the Forms using Java Plugin (JPI) or using Java Webstart (JWS).
Same form, when run using JPI, web.show_document tries to open: http://server:port/forms/ + (uri you send in web.show_document ('uri').
That same form, when run using JWS, tries to open: http://server:port/forms/java/ + (uri you send in web.show_document('uri')
1.- JWS uses as base url http://server:port/forms/java, while JPI http://server:port/forms/
Do you know the reason? I have a testcase and reproduce internally....I see no differences in configuration between JPI and JWS config.
2.- Another option to solve this could be use a different web.show_document call depending on wheter form is being run using JPI or JWS..... Is there a way to check at runtime if forms is being run using JWS or JPI?
I don't see it possible using get_application_property().
Thanks in advance.
Using below code solved my problem:

adding basic authentication to Solr 8.6.1

We are having some difficulty when adding basic authentication to Solr 8.6.1. We are following this document, and we have created security.json file, which is successful (since Solr instance will ask userId and password when it starts.) Our difficulty happens when trying to enable the global authentication settings: we did pass the -Dsolr.httpclient.builder.factory=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.PreemptiveBasicAuthClientBuilderFactory system property,and we also set the -Dbasicauth=username:password property as follows:
// the following is the last time of our Solr Dockerfile:
CMD ["solr-foreground", "-Dsolr.httpclient.builder.factory=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.PreemptiveBasicAuthClientBuilderFactory", "-Dbasicauth=username:secret"]
However, the calls to retrieve data from Solr all come back with Error 401 require authentication.
Could someone please kindly let us know what did we miss?
You'll have to set the correct options on the client - not on the server. This is a setting that affects how the client that connects to Solr authenticates.
So when running your application, give the parameter to the java command (or configure it to be the default parameter through ant/maven/gradle/etc.
Setting it on the docker container will not do anything useful.

Thruk cgi authentication override

I have the latest version of thruk installed with naemon and livestatus. I want to be able to post commands from a python script to cmd.cgi from the same server without the interference of authentication. I have tried the settings of:
but it doesn't seem to work in the thruk gui. When trying to post to the cgi from the thruk gui I get the error, "I'm sorry Dave......"
Any thoughts on why this not working right? The apache server on that system uses ldap to authenticate to the gui, could this be an issue?
Other thoughts?
It's much easier, you don't even need Thruk in the middle. You can simply write to Naemons command_file.
The external command list at contains an example for every possible command.
Here is a shell snippet which schedules a host downtime:
printf "[%lu] SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME;host1;1478648441;1478638441;1;0;3600;naemonadmin;This is an example comment.\n" `date +%s` > /var/lib/naemon/naemon.cmd
When using Thruk, you can use thruks cli script to send commands:
thruk r -d comment_data=test /hosts/localhost/cmd/schedule_host_downtime
Authentication is only required if you want to send commands by HTTP.

Is there a way to bring up a Yii console like 'rails console'?

Is there a way to interact with Yii on the command line with a console like rails console? I'd like to test DB and ActiveRecord calls.
You can install yii-shell. It's made by the Yii team. It works like rails console
Sorry, I worked from the documentation of yii-shell which is - at the time of this writing - but a promise.
This is how you can get a proper REPL working in Yii 2.
First, we would need to get Psysh. You can install it globally to play with it, but I recommend adding the following line to your composer.json
require-dev: {
// ... some other packages ...
"psy/psysh": "0.7.2"
Run composer update to get this package installed.
Now we need to add this to a controller. The way to call up the break point from a controller is eval(\Psy\sh());.
Note that this would invoke the console for debugging. So if your app is served with Apache, Nginx, or any other server which is not tied to an interactive console, this is pointless
For this to work, I have served the application using PHP's inbuilt server and Yii's wrapper for it.
In Yii Basic App template...
cd /path/to/application
./yii serve localhost:12345
In any controller, ...say controllers/SiteController.php
public function actionIndex()
eval(\Psy\sh()); // <-- debugger point
return $this->render('index');
When you access this action via tha URL, it would hang on your browser. If you check back in the console, you would see an interactive shell which should work like rails c. Checkout the Psysh Documentation for more details. To exit this interactive console, type exit; this should return control back to PHP's inbuilt server. Do not exit the interactive console with Ctrl-C as this would close the PHP's inbuilt server also.
In Yii Advanced App template...
Serving the application does not work at the moment since it defaults to serving the contents of console/web which doesn't exist. I have raised an issue with Yii; you can follow along there if it interests you.
However, if you have console controllers, you can do the same thing we did for the basic app. When you run the console command, you should be presented with the same interactive debug console.
1) Install
composer require yiisoft/yii2-shell
2) ./yii shell