web.show_document uses different base url when used from java webstart - base-url

Forms Using web.show_document I see different behavior when running the Forms using Java Plugin (JPI) or using Java Webstart (JWS).
Same form, when run using JPI, web.show_document tries to open: http://server:port/forms/ + (uri you send in web.show_document ('uri').
That same form, when run using JWS, tries to open: http://server:port/forms/java/ + (uri you send in web.show_document('uri')
1.- JWS uses as base url http://server:port/forms/java, while JPI http://server:port/forms/
Do you know the reason? I have a testcase and reproduce internally....I see no differences in configuration between JPI and JWS config.
2.- Another option to solve this could be use a different web.show_document call depending on wheter form is being run using JPI or JWS..... Is there a way to check at runtime if forms is being run using JWS or JPI?
I don't see it possible using get_application_property().
Thanks in advance.

Using below code solved my problem:


How can I make use of structlog in python rq

In my application I am using structlog as a log system. My application also uses PythonRQ. How can I make PythonRQ to use the log system I am already using in my application so that all my application logs follows the same pattern?
RQ is using standard library logging for its log output.
Therefore you can achieve that by using of the approaches listed in https://www.structlog.org/en/stable/standard-library.html

How use realm-cli from a react native application?

I need to execute a realm-cli command (disable or delete a user) from a mobile application that uses RealmDB, i didn't find any part of the docs that was related to do it.
I thought that i can use mongoClient but i didn't find any methods that allows me to execute raw cli commands.
I need to execute commands like:
realm-cli users disable --app=<Your App ID> --user=<User ID>
Is there any other way ?
You may need to host the realm-cli and write a HTTP interface middleware to make these call.
I don't believe you can run the application on a mobile application as you would need access to spawning libraries. realm-cli is available open source so it would be possible to port the application to something like C++ (from golang) to make it executable for something like Android or iOS - but it may be cheaper to just buy a VPS somewhere (or even host it locally for a spell) and just pass the arguments to a web route.

Ansible API : Custom Module

I would like to use a custom module for which I require "hostname" so that I can initiate SSH connection from the custom module and run commands. So I pass transport = "local" to the Runner object. However, I find no way to obtain "hostname" information in the custom module.
I am using Ansible 1.9.2 using Python API.
A module only has the information available that was explicitly passed to it. What you might be interested in instead is an action plugin, which by (non-exisiting) definition runs local on the control machine and has access to more (all?) data.
You can see some action plugin code here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tree/devel/lib/ansible/plugins/action
PS: Don't you want to upgrade to Ansible 2 before getting started writing custom modules/plugins? The API changed completely and once you upgrade you have to rewrite you module/plugin.
Okay, silly me. It's exactly the same way in the API too. You can extract hostname using {{ inventory_hostname }}.

What is proper way for fixtures while using chimp with Meteor

I'm playing with chimp testing tool. At the moment I can easily run cucumber and mocha tests. The problem is that I don't know how to add DB fixtures. I'd like to have initial data before running some tests (e.g. add test user into system).
BTW that data can be added only by authenticated user and users can be create only by admin or from server level.
Can't find any docs about this for now. Any suggestions?
If you are using Meteor, you can pass the DDP parameter on the command line --DDP=http://localhost:3000 and then use server.execute to run code on the server. This code can then setup data.
If you are not using Meteor, you can use a HTTP call using request.get('http://localhost:8080/addUser').
Through HTTP / DDP you can access the server and create a testing backdoor to setup the data you need.

XPages JVM Error: err.PersistenceServiceResourceProvider.Errorwritingtopersistedcontenttor

We are running a Domino 8.5.3 and the server log is constantly issuing these errors:
We have not been able to isloate it to a particular page. Eventually, the HTTP task will crash and we need to reboot the server and recompile all the databases on the server. We are using the CKEditor to generate the HTML content. You help would be most appreciated.
We used to get this exact error a lot which appeared to be caused by inline images uploaded via the CKEditor like Paul mentioned.
I don't know why but we fixed it by changing the directory domino uses for uploads via the
xsp property xsp.persistence.dir.xspupload (formally xsp.upload.directory)
changing it to something like c:\temp rather than the windows default made the problem go away. could have been a co-incidence but may have been something in windows interfering
I haven't seen that error before but it reads like it might be something to do with asking the server to make a lot of data available to the xpages between calls to the server- effectively, session and application scope data.