What is the need for __NSX_PASTE__ to define a macro? - objective-c

Let's review Clang's MIN macro through this article: Deep learning IOS development of macro. The final result is what you can also find here:
#define __NSX_PASTE__(A,B) A##B
#define __NSMIN_IMPL__(A,B,L) ({\
__typeof__(A) __NSX_PASTE__(__a,L) = (A);\
__typeof__(B) __NSX_PASTE__(__b,L) = (B);\
(__NSX_PASTE__(__a,L) < __NSX_PASTE__(__b,L)) ? __NSX_PASTE__(__a,L) : __NSX_PASTE__(__b,L);\
But I don't understand the need of defining __NSX_PASTE__. Wouldn't it be the same and more readable to use directly:
#define __NSMIN_IMPL__(A,B,L) ({\
__typeof__(A) __a##L = (A);\
__typeof__(B) __b##L = (B);\
(__a##L < __b##L) ? __a##L : __b##L;\

The simple answer is the __NSX_PASTE__ is required as without it the __COUNTER__ macro (not shown in the question but see the full source in the linked article, or look at the definition in Apple's NSObjCRuntime.h) will not be expanded. This is due to the weird and wonderful way the C Preprocessor works and how it handles stringification and concatenation, a good place to read how all this works is the GCC documentation on macros.
To see the results with and without the __NSX_PASTE__ put your above macros in a test file, say test.m, in Xcode renaming __NSMIN_IMPL__ to MY__NSMIN_IMPL__ (or you'll get a duplicate macro warning), add the macro you omitted - again renamed to avoid clashes:
and add some code which uses MY_MIN. Now in Xcode select the menu item Product > Perform Action -> Preprocess "test.m" - this will show you the result after the preprocessor has run. If you try it with your version of __NSMIN_IMPL__ which does not use __NSX_PASTE__ you will see __COUNTER__ is not expanded.


What does "macro" mean in Objective-C?

I am new to iOS development and I just want to know the meaning of macro in Objective-C?
I have found that "macro" is used with #define but still do not get its meaning.
Yes, Larme is right. Macros can be used in many languages, it's not a specialty of objective-c language.
Macros are preprocessor definitions. What this means is that before your code is compiled, the preprocessor scans your code and, amongst other things, substitutes the definition of your macro wherever it sees the name of your macro. It doesn’t do anything more clever than that.
Almost literal code substitution. e.g.-
Suppose you want a method to return the maximum of two numbers. You write a macro to do this simple task:
#define MAX(x, y) x > y ? x : y
Simple, right? You then use the macro in your code like this:
int a = 1, b = 2;
int result = 3 + MAX(a, b);
The problem is that the preprocessor substitutes the macro definition into the code before compilation, so this is the code the compiler sees:
int a = 1, b = 2;
int result = 3 + a > b ? a : b;
C order of operations requires the sum 3 + a be calculated before the ternary operator is applied. You intended to save the value of 3 + 2 in result, but instead you add 3 + 1 first, and test if the sum is greater than 2, which it is. Thus result equals 2, rather than the 5 you expected.
So you fix the problem by adding some parentheses and try again:
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
A macro is a fragment of code which has been given a name. Whenever the name is used, it is replaced by the contents of the macro. There are two kinds of macros. They differ mostly in what they look like when they are used. Object-like macros resemble data objects when used, function-like macros resemble function calls.
An object-like macro is a simple identifier which will be replaced by a code fragment. It is called object-like because it looks like a data object in code that uses it. They are most commonly used to give symbolic names to numeric constants.
You create macros with the ‘#define’ directive. ‘#define’ is followed by the name of the macro and then the token sequence it should be an abbreviation for, which is variously referred to as the macro's body, expansion or replacement list. For example,
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
defines a macro named BUFFER_SIZE as an abbreviation for the token 1024. If somewhere after this ‘#define’ directive there comes a Objective C statement of the form
foo = (char *) malloc (BUFFER_SIZE);
The Objective C compiler will see the same tokens as it would if you had written
foo = (char *) malloc (1024);
You can also define macros whose use looks like a function call. These are called function-like macros. To define a function-like macro, you use the same ‘#define’ directive, but you put a pair of parentheses immediately after the macro name.
#define isIphone([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
#define GetImage(imageName) [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName ofType:#"png"]]
Macros are compile time constants. That means they will replaced with actual values in the compile time.
#define MIN_VALUE 3 // Definition
if(x > MIN_VALUE) // Usage
While compiling it actually looks like
if(x > 3) // During compilation
Wikipedia has the answer, under Macro.
The term originated with macro-assemblers, where the idea is to make available to the programmer a sequence of computing instructions as a single program statement, making the programming task less tedious and less error-prone.
Keyboard and mouse macros that are created using an application's built-in macro features are sometimes called application macros. They are created by carrying out the sequence once and letting the application record the actions. An underlying macro programming language, most commonly a Scripting language, with direct access to the features of the application may also exist.

How do I limit the scope of the preprocessing definitions used?

How do I preprocess a code base using the clang (or gcc) preprocessor while limiting its text processing to use only #define entries from a single header file?
This is useful generally: imagine you want to preview the immediate result of some macros that you are currently working on… without having all the clutter that results from the mountain of includes inherent to C.
Imagine a case, where there are macros that yield a backward compatible call or an up-to-date one based on feature availability.
#if __has_feature(XYZ)
# define JX_FOO(_o) new_foo(_o)
# define JX_BAR(_o) // nop
# define JX_FOO(_o) old_foo(_o)
# define JX_BAR(_o) old_bar(_o)
A concrete example is a collection of Objective-C code that was ported to be ARC-compatible (Automatic Reference Counting) from manual memory management (non-ARC) using a collection of macros (https://github.com/JanX2/google-diff-match-patch-Objective-C/blob/master/JXArcCompatibilityMacros.h) so that it compiles both ways afterwards.
At some point, you want to drop non-ARC support to improve readability and maintainability.
Edit: The basis for getting the preprocessor output is described here: C, Objective-C preprocessor output
Edit 2: If someone has details of how the source-to-source transformation options in Xcode are implemented (Edit > Refactor > Convert To…), that might help.
If you are writing the file from scratch or all the includes are in one place, why not wrap them inside of:
#include "someLib.h"
/* ... */
But as I mentioned, this only works when the includes are in consecutive lines and in the best case, you are starting to write the file yourself from scratch so you don't have to go and look for the includes.
This is a perfect case for sed/awk. However there exists an even better tool available for the exact use-case that you mention. Checkout coan.
To pre-process a source file as if the symbol <SYMBOL>is defined,
$ coan source -D<SYMBOL> sourcefile.c
Similarly to pre-process a source file as if the symbol <SYMBOL>is NOT defined,
$ coan source -U<SYMBOL> source.c
This is a bit of a stupid solution, but it works: apparently you can use AppCode’s refactoring to delete uses of a macro.
This limits the solution to OS X, though. It also is slightly tedious, because you have to do this manually for every JX_FOO() and JX_BAR().

Setting up user specific preprocessor macros for Xcode

I'd like to be able to have specific code blocks such as #ifdef SOME_VARIABLE and the value of variable would be filled at project's build time if the project is being built on a specific user's machine.
Is that possible?
You set the value in the "Preprocessor Macros" Build Settings. Setting "SOME_VARIABLE=${USER}" in the build settings is equivalent to #define SOME_VARIABLE "jappleseed" in your code.
Then in your code you can do this:
#define jappleseed 1
#define sjobs 2
#if DEV_USER == jappleseed
NSLog(#"Hi Jhonny");
#elif DEV_USER == sjobs
NSLog(#"Hi Steve");
Note: This is a contrived example if you really want the string "jappleseed" for use in your code you should be using an Info.plist and not #define
In Xcode 6 (at least) you can include your username as part of the name of the macro in the preprocessor macros section of the Build Settings:
ENV_USER_$(USER)=1 (this will define the macro ENV_USER_myusername)
Then, in your code, you can use
#if ENV_USER_myusername
The =1in the definition may be redundant, since Xcode seems to define the variable as true by default. We put it there just to be on the safe side and be able to use either #if or #ifdef. This way there is no concern that it might be defined, but evaluating to false, in which case #ifdef would still work but #ifwouldn't. Of course, you might define it to be any value you wish, depending on what you want.
in swift: add DEBUG_$(USER) to "Active Compilation Conditions"
there is no way to assign a value

How do I create an #ifdef command to differentiate between my two targets in XCode?

Hopefully this is a simple question to answer - I think I'm being a n00b here.
I have, for the first time, created an XCode project with two targets. But I now want to add some code to differentiate between my two targets.
#ifdef MyTargetOne
x = 1;
#ifdef MyTargetTwo
x = 2;
I have two targets, but where do I declare "MyTarget1" and "MyTarget2"??
For each target you need a target-specific define - you can use the Preprocessor Macros setting for this ([GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS, -D]) - add MyTargetOne=1 in the first target and MyTargetTwo=1 in the second.

Built-in preprocessor token to detect iPhone app target

I need to set up correctly the FIRM ID for my app(according to target).For example I wrote in my Distribution.h the following lines:
#define X_FIRM_ID #"X"
#define XX_FIRM_ID #"XX"
For each build that I made I must manually change the FIRM_ID.I want to this automatically, just like I do for Default.png and other images used in my apps.
I have 2 targets: one for X and another one for XX.In each target I filled the Preprocessor macros with X and XX accordingly.
Now I want to define in Distribution.h the FIRM_ID accordingly with the preprocessor macro and I don't know how to do this.
#define FIRM_ID if defined(XX) XX
The above one do not work.
Please help me with this, if it can be done.
There are several ways to do this, here are two:
In your target info, under build, set Preprocessor macros
Import different Prefix headers for the two targets