How do I limit the scope of the preprocessing definitions used? - objective-c

How do I preprocess a code base using the clang (or gcc) preprocessor while limiting its text processing to use only #define entries from a single header file?
This is useful generally: imagine you want to preview the immediate result of some macros that you are currently working on… without having all the clutter that results from the mountain of includes inherent to C.
Imagine a case, where there are macros that yield a backward compatible call or an up-to-date one based on feature availability.
#if __has_feature(XYZ)
# define JX_FOO(_o) new_foo(_o)
# define JX_BAR(_o) // nop
# define JX_FOO(_o) old_foo(_o)
# define JX_BAR(_o) old_bar(_o)
A concrete example is a collection of Objective-C code that was ported to be ARC-compatible (Automatic Reference Counting) from manual memory management (non-ARC) using a collection of macros ( so that it compiles both ways afterwards.
At some point, you want to drop non-ARC support to improve readability and maintainability.
Edit: The basis for getting the preprocessor output is described here: C, Objective-C preprocessor output
Edit 2: If someone has details of how the source-to-source transformation options in Xcode are implemented (Edit > Refactor > Convert To…), that might help.

If you are writing the file from scratch or all the includes are in one place, why not wrap them inside of:
#include "someLib.h"
/* ... */
But as I mentioned, this only works when the includes are in consecutive lines and in the best case, you are starting to write the file yourself from scratch so you don't have to go and look for the includes.

This is a perfect case for sed/awk. However there exists an even better tool available for the exact use-case that you mention. Checkout coan.
To pre-process a source file as if the symbol <SYMBOL>is defined,
$ coan source -D<SYMBOL> sourcefile.c
Similarly to pre-process a source file as if the symbol <SYMBOL>is NOT defined,
$ coan source -U<SYMBOL> source.c

This is a bit of a stupid solution, but it works: apparently you can use AppCode’s refactoring to delete uses of a macro.
This limits the solution to OS X, though. It also is slightly tedious, because you have to do this manually for every JX_FOO() and JX_BAR().


Lua Spaghetti Modules

I am currently developing my own programming language. The codebase (in Lua) is composed of several modules, as follows:
The first, error.lua, has no dependancies;
lexer.lua depends only on error.lua;
prototypes.lua also has no dependancies;
parser.lua, instead, depends on all the modules above;
interpreter.lua is the fulcrum of the whole codebase. It depends on error.lua, parser.lua, and memory.lua;
memory.lua depends on functions.lua;
finally, functions.lua depends on memory.lua and interpreter.lua. It is required from inside memory.lua, so we can say that memory.lua also depends on interpreter.lua.
With "A depends on B" I mean that the functions declared in A need those declared in B.
The real problem, though, is when A depends on B which depends on A, which, as you can understand from the list above, happens quite frequently in my code.
To give a concrete example of my problem, here's how interpreter.lua looks like:
--first, I require the modules that DON'T depend on interpreter.lua
local parser, Error = table.unpack(require("parser"))
--(since error.lua is needed both in the lexer, parser and interpreter module,
--I only actually require it once in lexer.lua and then pass its result around)
--Then, I should require memory.lua. But since memory.lua and
--functions.lua need some functions from interpreter.lua to work, I just
--forward declare the variables needed from those functions and then those functions themself:
--forward declaration
local globals, new_memory, my_nil, interpret_statement
--functions I need to declare before requiring memory.lua
local function interpret_block()
--uses interpret_statement and new_memory
local function interpret_expresion()
--uses new_memory, Error and my_nil
--Now I can safely require memory.lua:
globals, new_memory, my_nil = require("memory.lua")(interpret_block, interpret_espression)
--(I'll explain why it returns a function to call later)
--Then I have to fulfill the forward declaration of interpret_executement:
function interpret_executement()
--uses interpret_expression, new_memory and Error
--finally, the result is a function
return function()
--uses parser, new_fuction and globals
The memory.lua module returns a function so that it can receive interpret_block and interpret_expression as arguments, like this:
return function(interpret_block, interpret_expression)
--declaration of globals, new_memory, my_nil
return globals, new_memory, my_nil
Now, I got the idea of the forward declarations here and that of the functions-as-modules (like in memory.lua, to pass some functions from the requiring module to the required module) here. They're all great ideas, and I must say that they work greatly. But you pay in readability.
In fact, breaking in smaller pieces the code this time made my work harder that it would have been if I coded everything in a single file, which is impossible for me because it's over than 1000 lines of code and I'm coding from a smartphone.
The feeling I have is that of working with spaghetti code, only on a larger scale.
So how could I solve the problem of my code being ununderstandable because of some modules needing each other to work (which doesn't involve making all the variables global, of course)? How would programmers in other languages solve this problem? How should I reorganize my modules? Are there any standard rules in using Lua modules that could also help me with this problem?
If we look at your lua files as a directed graph, where a vertice points from a dependency to its usage, the goal is to modify your graph to be a tree or forest, as you intend to get rid of the cycles.
A cycle is a set of nodes, which, traversed in the direction of the vertices can reach the starting node.
Now, the question is how to get rid of cycles?
The answer looks like this:
Let's consider node N and let's consider {D1, D2, ..., Dm} as its direct dependencies. If there is no Di in that set that depends on N either directly or indirectly, then you can leave N as it is. In that case, the set of problematic dependencies looks like this: {}
However, what if you have a non-empty set, like this: {PD1, ..., PDk} ?
You then need to analyze PDi for i between 1 and k along with N and see what is the subset in each PDi that does not depend on N and what is the subset of N which does not depend on any PDi. This way you can define N_base and N, PDi_base and PDi. N depends on N_base, just like all PDi elements and PDi depends on PDi_base along with N_base.
This approach minimalizes circles in the dependency tree. However, it is quite possible that a function set of {f1, ..., fl} exists in this group which cannot be migrated into _base as discussed due to dependencies and there are still cycles. In this case you need to give a name to the group in question, create a module for it and migrate all to functions into that group.

What is the need for __NSX_PASTE__ to define a macro?

Let's review Clang's MIN macro through this article: Deep learning IOS development of macro. The final result is what you can also find here:
#define __NSX_PASTE__(A,B) A##B
#define __NSMIN_IMPL__(A,B,L) ({\
__typeof__(A) __NSX_PASTE__(__a,L) = (A);\
__typeof__(B) __NSX_PASTE__(__b,L) = (B);\
(__NSX_PASTE__(__a,L) < __NSX_PASTE__(__b,L)) ? __NSX_PASTE__(__a,L) : __NSX_PASTE__(__b,L);\
But I don't understand the need of defining __NSX_PASTE__. Wouldn't it be the same and more readable to use directly:
#define __NSMIN_IMPL__(A,B,L) ({\
__typeof__(A) __a##L = (A);\
__typeof__(B) __b##L = (B);\
(__a##L < __b##L) ? __a##L : __b##L;\
The simple answer is the __NSX_PASTE__ is required as without it the __COUNTER__ macro (not shown in the question but see the full source in the linked article, or look at the definition in Apple's NSObjCRuntime.h) will not be expanded. This is due to the weird and wonderful way the C Preprocessor works and how it handles stringification and concatenation, a good place to read how all this works is the GCC documentation on macros.
To see the results with and without the __NSX_PASTE__ put your above macros in a test file, say test.m, in Xcode renaming __NSMIN_IMPL__ to MY__NSMIN_IMPL__ (or you'll get a duplicate macro warning), add the macro you omitted - again renamed to avoid clashes:
and add some code which uses MY_MIN. Now in Xcode select the menu item Product > Perform Action -> Preprocess "test.m" - this will show you the result after the preprocessor has run. If you try it with your version of __NSMIN_IMPL__ which does not use __NSX_PASTE__ you will see __COUNTER__ is not expanded.

clang compiler produces different object files from same sources

I have a simple hello world objective-c lib:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "hello.h"
void sayHello()
#ifdef FRENCH
NSString *helloWorld = #"Hello World!\n";
NSString *helloWorld = #"Bonjour Monde!\n";
NSFileHandle *stdout = [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput];
NSData *strData = [helloWorld dataUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
[stdout writeData: strData];
the hello.h file looks like this:
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]);
int sum(int a, int b);
void sayHello();
This compiles just fine on osx and linux using clang and gcc.
Now my question:
When running a clean compile against hello.m multiple times with clang on ubuntu the generated hello.o can differ. This seems not related to a timestamp, because even after a second or more, the generated .o file can have the same checksum. From my naive point of view, this seems like a complete random/unpredicatable behaviour.
I ran the compilation with the -Sto inspect the generated assembler code. The assembler code also differs (as expected). The diff file of comparing the assembler code can be found here:
From a first look it just looks like the sorting is different in the assembler code.
This does not happen when compiling it with gcc.
Is there a way to tell clang to generate exactly the same .o file like gcc does?
clang --version:
Ubuntu clang version 3.0-6ubuntu3 (tags/RELEASE_30/final) (based on LLVM 3.0)
The feature when compiler always produce the same code is called Reproducible Builds or deterministic compilation.
One of possible sources of compiler's output instability is ASLR (Address space layout randomization). Sometimes compiler, or some libraries used by it, may read object address and use them, for example as keys of hashes or maps; or when sorting objects according to their addresses. When compiler is iterating over the hash, it will read objects in the order that depends on addresses of objects, and ASLR will place objects in different orders. The effect of such may looks like your reordered symbols (.quads in your diffs)
You can disable Linux ASLR globally with echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space. Local way of disabling ASLR in Linux is
setarch `uname -m` -R /bin/bash`
man page of setarch says: -R, "--addr-no-randomize" Disables randomization of the virtual address space (turns on ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE).
For OS X 10.6 there is DYLD_NO_PIE environment variable (check man dyld, possible usage in bash export DYLD_NO_PIE=1); in 10.7 and newer there is --no_pie build flag to be used in building the LLVM itself or by setting _POSIX_SPAWN_DISABLE_ASLR which should be used in posix_spawnattr_setflags before starting the llvm; or by using in 10.7+ the script with --no-pie option to clear PIE flag from llvm binaries (thanks to asan people).
There were some errors in clang and llvm which prevents/prevented them to be completely deterministic, for example:
[cfe-dev] clang: not deterministic anymore? - Nov 3 2009, indeterminism was detected on code from LLVM bug 5355. Author says that indeterminism was present only with -g option enabled
[LLVMdev] Deterministic code generation and llvm::Iterators (2010)
[llvm-commits] Fix some TableGen non-deterministic behavior. (Sep 2012)
r196520 - Fix non-deterministic behavior. - SLPVectorizer was fixed into deterministic only at Dec 5, 2013 (replaced SmallSet with VectorSet)
190793 - TableGen: give asm match classes deterministic order. "TableGen was sorting the entries in some of its internal data structures by pointer." - Sep 16, 2013
LLVM bug 14901 is the case when order of compiler warnings was Non-deterministic (Jan 2013).
The patch from 14901 contains comments about non-deterministic iterating over llvm::DenseMap:
- typedef llvm::DenseMap<const VarDecl *, std::pair<UsesVec*, bool> > UsesMap;
+ typedef std::pair<UsesVec*, bool> MappedType;
+ // Prefer using MapVector to DenseMap, so that iteration order will be
+ // the same as insertion order. This is needed to obtain a deterministic
+ // order of diagnostics when calling flushDiagnostics().
+ typedef llvm::MapVector<const VarDecl *, MappedType> UsesMap;
- // FIXME: This iteration order, and thus the resulting diagnostic order,
- // is nondeterministic.
Documentation of LLVM says that there are non-deterministic and deterministic variants of several internal containers, like Map vs MapVector: trunk/docs/ProgrammersManual.rst:
1164 The difference between SetVector and other sets is that the order of iteration
1165 is guaranteed to match the order of insertion into the SetVector. This property
1166 is really important for things like sets of pointers. Because pointer values
1167 are non-deterministic (e.g. vary across runs of the program on different
1168 machines), iterating over the pointers in the set will not be in a well-defined
1169 order.
1171 The drawback of SetVector is that it requires twice as much space as a normal
1172 set and has the sum of constant factors from the set-like container and the
1173 sequential container that it uses. Use it **only** if you need to iterate over
1174 the elements in a deterministic order.
1277 StringMap iteratation order, however, is not guaranteed to be deterministic, so
1278 any uses which require that should instead use a std::map.
1364 ``MapVector<KeyT,ValueT>`` provides a subset of the DenseMap interface. The
1365 main difference is that the iteration order is guaranteed to be the insertion
1366 order, making it an easy (but somewhat expensive) solution for non-deterministic
1367 iteration over maps of pointers.
It is possible that some authors of LLVM thought that in their code there was no need to save determinism in iteration order. For example, there are comments in ARMTargetStreamer about usage of MapVector for ConstantPools (ARMTargetStreamer.cpp - class AssemblerConstantPools). But how can we sure that all usages of non-deterministic containers like DenseMap will not affect output of compiler? There are tens loops iterating over DenseMap: "DenseMap.*const_iterator" regex in
Your version of LLVM and clang (3.0, from 2011-11-30) is clearly too old to have all determinism enhances from 2012 and 2013 years (some are listed in my answer). You should update your LLVM and Clang, then recheck your program for deterministic compilation, then locate non-determinism in shorter and easier to reproduce examples (e.g. save bc - bitcode - from middle stages), then you can post a bug in LLVM bugzilla.
Try the -S option for clang and gcc during compiling your source. This will generate a .s file in which you can see the assembler code this could give you an idea what the differences on a lower level. Maybe you will realise the output will be the same and your problem shifts from the compiler further down to the linker.
You should report this as a bug; a compiler certainly should be deterministic.
Your guess about the sort order is quite probably correct, in my experience. Most likely the compiler makes an arbitrary decision when two items compare equal (according to whatever measure is significant; they don't have to be actually the same), and that can vary depending on environmental factors, somehow. I've seen this before, in GCC, in which the same compiler compiled for different host OS produced different results; in that case it turned out that the Windows qsort function operated slightly differently to the Linux (glibc) implementation.
That said, it could be something else; compilers aren't supposed to make random decisions, but there plenty of opportunities for arbitrary decisions that might turn out to be unstable, somehow (address space randomization, perhaps?)

Is inline PTX more efficient than C/C++ code?

I have noticed that PTX code allows for some instructions with complex semantics, such as bit field extract (bfe), find most-significant non-sign bit (bfind), and population count (popc).
Is it more efficient to use them explicitly rather than write code with their intended semantics in C/C++?
For example: "population count", or popc, means counting the one bits. So should I write:
__device__ int popc(int a) {
int d = 0;
while (a != 0) {
if (a & 0x1) d++;
a = a >> 1;
return d;
for that functionality, or should I, rather, use:
__device__ int popc(int a) {
int d;
asm("popc.u32 %1 %2;":"=r"(d): "r"(a));
return d;
? Will the inline PTX be more efficient? Should we write inline PTX to to get peak performance?
also - does GPU have some extra magic instruction corresponding to PTX instructions?
The compiler may identify what you're doing and use a fancy instruction to do it, or it may not. The only way to know in the general case is to look at the output of the compilation in ptx assembly, by using -ptx flag added to nvcc. If the compiler generates it for you, there is no need to hand-code the inline assembly yourself (or use an instrinsic).
Also, whether or not it makes a performance difference in the general case depends on whether or not the code path is used in a significant way, and on other factors such as the current performance limiters of your kernel (e.g. compute-bound or memory-bound).
A few more points in addition to #RobertCrovella's answer:
Even if you do use PTX for something - that should happen rarely. Limit it to small functions of no more than a few PTX lines - which you can then re-use for multiple purposes as you see fit, with most of your coding being in C/C++.
An example of this principle are the intrinsics #njuffa mentiond, in (that's not an official copy of the file I think). Please read it through to see which intrinsics are available to you. That doesn't mean you should use them all, of course.
For your specific example - you do want the PTX over the first version; it certainly won't do any harm. But, again, it is also an example of how you do not need to actually write PTX, since popc has a corresponding __popc intrinsic (again, as #njuffa has noted).
You might also want to have a look at the source code of some CUDA-based libraries to see what kind of PTX snippets they've chosen to use.

What can a compiler do with branching information?

On a modern Pentium it is no longer possible to give branching hints to the processor it seems. Assuming that a profiling compiler such as gcc with profile-guided optimization gains information about likely branching behavior, what can it do to produce code that will execute more quickly?
The only option I know of is to move unlikely branches to the end of a function. Is there anything else?
Update. volume 2a, section 2.1.1 says
"Branch hint prefixes (2EH, 3EH) allow a program to give a hint to the processor about the most likely code path for
a branch. Use these prefixes only with conditional branch instructions (Jcc). Other use of branch hint prefixes
and/or other undefined opcodes with Intel 64 or IA-32 instructions is reserved; such use may cause unpredictable
I don't know if these actually have any effect however.
On the other hand section 3.4.1. of says
Compilers generate code that improves the efficiency of branch prediction in Intel processors. The Intel
C++ Compiler accomplishes this by:
keeping code and data on separate pages
using conditional move instructions to eliminate branches
generating code consistent with the static branch prediction algorithm
inlining where appropriate
unrolling if the number of iterations is predictable
With profile-guided optimization, the compiler can lay out basic blocks to eliminate branches for the most
frequently executed paths of a function or at least improve their predictability. Branch prediction need
not be a concern at the source level. For more information, see Intel C++ Compiler documentation.
" says in "Performance Improvements with PGO "
PGO works best for code with many frequently executed branches that are difficult to
predict at compile time. An example is the code with intensive error-checking in which
the error conditions are false most of the time.
The infrequently executed (cold) errorhandling code can be relocated so the branch is rarely predicted incorrectly. Minimizing
cold code interleaved into the frequently executed (hot) code improves instruction cache
There are two possible sources for the information you want:
There's Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual (3 volumes). This is a huge work which has evolved for decades. It's the best reference I know on a lot of subjects, including floating-point. In this case, you want to check volume 2, the instruction set reference.
There's Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optmization Reference Manual. This will tell you in somewhat brief terms what to expect from each microarchitecture.
Now, I don't know what you mean by a "modern Pentium" processor, this is 2013, right? There aren't any Pentiums anymore...
The instruction set does support telling the processor if the branch is expected to be taken or not taken by a prefix to the conditional branch instructions (such as JC, JZ, etc). See volume 2A of (1), section 2.1.1 (of the version I have) Instruction Prefixes. There is the 2E and 3E prefixes for not taken and taken respectively.
As to whether these prefixes actually have any effect, if we can get that information, it will be on Optimization Reference Manual, the section for the microarchitecture you want (and I'm sure it won't be the Pentium).
Apart from using those, there is an entire section on the Optimization Reference Manual on that subject, that's section 3.4.1 (of the version I have).
It makes no sense to reproduce that here, since you can download the manual for free.
Eliminate branches by using conditional instructions (CMOV, SETcc),
Consider the static prediction algorithm (,
Loop unrolling
Also, some compilers, GCC, for instance, even when CMOV is not possible, often perform bitwise arithmetic to select one of two distinct things computed, thus avoiding branches. It does this particularly with SSE instructions when vectorizing loops.
Basically, the static conditions are:
Unconditional branches are predicted to be taken (... kind of expectable...)
Indirect branches are predicted not to be taken (because of a data dependency)
Backward conditionals are predicted to be taken (good for loops)
Forward conditionals are predicted not to be taken
You probably want to read the entire section 3.4.1.
If it's clear that a loop is rarely entered, or that it normally iterates very few times, then the compiler might avoid unrolling the loop, as doing so can add a lot of harmful complexity to handle edge conditions (an odd-number iterations, etc.). Vectorisation, in particular, should be avoided in such cases.
The compiler might rearrange nested tests, so that the one that most frequently results in a short-cut can be used to avoid performing a test on something with a 50% pass rate.
Register allocation can be optimised to avoid having a rarely-used block force register spill in the common case.
These are just some examples. I'm sure there are others I haven't thought of.
Off the top of my head, you have two options.
Option #1: Inform the compiler of the hints and let the compiler organize the code appropriately. For example, GCC supports the following ...
__builtin_expect((long)!!(x), 1L) /* GNU C to indicate that <x> will likely be TRUE */
__builtin_expect((long)!!(x), 0L) /* GNU C to indicate that <x> will likely be FALSE */
If you put them in macro form such as ...
#if <some condition to indicate support>
#define LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((long)!!(x), 1L)
#define UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((long)!!(x), 0L)
#define LIKELY(x) (x)
#define UNLIKELY(x) (x)
... you can now use them as ...
if (LIKELY (x != 0)) {
} else {
This leaves the compiler free to organize the branches according to static branch prediction algorithms, and/or if the processor and compiler support it, to use instructions that indicate which branch is more likely to be taken.
Option #2: Use math to avoid branching.
if (a < b)
y = C;
y = D;
This could be re-written as ...
x = -(a < b); /* x = -1 if a < b, x = 0 if a >= b */
x &= (C - D); /* x = C - D if a < b, x = 0 if a >= b */
x += D; /* x = C if a < b, x = D if a >= b */
Hope this helps.
It can make the fall-through (ie the case where a branch is not taken) the most used path. That has two big effects:
only 1 branch can be taken per clock, or on some processors even per 2 clocks, so if there are any other branches (there usually are, most code that matters is in a loop), a taken branch is bad news, a non-taken branch less so.
when the branch predictor is wrong, the code that it does have to execute is more likely to be in the code cache (or µop cache, where applicable). If it wasn't, that would have been a double-whammy of restarting the pipeline and waiting for a cache miss. This is less of an issue in most loops, since both sides of the branch are likely to be in the cache, but it comes into play in big loops and other code.
It can also decide whether to do if-conversion based on better data than a heuristic guess. If-conversions may seem like "always a good idea", but they're not, they're only "often a good idea". If the branch in the branching implementation is very well-predicted, the if-converted code can well be slower.