How to pass variable to cpack? - cmake

I have a cmake project which one of the install targets is a collection of files. This files change depending on the configuration (Release, Debug...).
I would like to be able to install the files like so:
But cmake does not support that. Generator variables do not apply to DIRECTORY. So I was wondering if there is a way to either save the directory somewhere. Either the cache or a file and then load it into cpack.
So I guess the question is how to pass a variable from cmake to cpack?

This is a rather late answer, but I happened upon this question trying to solve a somewhat different problem that could also be summarized as: "How do I pass a variable to CPack?" In my case, I was making this call from a customized version of CPackDeb.cmake copied to my workspace:
find_program(OPKG_CMD NAMES opkg-build HINTS "${OPKG_HINT}")
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# This is what I wanted to pass to CPack
I was setting OPKG_HINT in a file included from my top-level CMakeLists.txt, but it was not getting passed through to cpack; the above find_program() invocation was seeing an empty string for OPKG_HINT.
The solution turned out to be stupid simple: just prepend CPACK_ to the variable name!
If I do this in CMakeLists.txt:
set(CPACK_OPKG_HINT "${_sysroot_top}/aarch64-poky-linux/usr/bin")
then I can put this in my CPackDeb.cmake file and it works fine:
find_program(OPKG_CMD NAMES opkg-build HINTS "${CPACK_OPKG_HINT}")
Anyway, this wound up being a bit of an X-Y problem for the OP, but... if you really need to set a variable at CMake time in such a way that it's accessible to cpack, prefixing the variable name with CPACK_ seems to do the trick nicely...

The following setup work if you use a "single-configuration generators (such as make and Ninja)" and call CMake with
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release <source_dir>
You can define the ${dir} variable in another way if you like.
SET(dir release_dir)
SET(dir debug_dir)

Until now this seems to be the best answer (from someone on the cmake mail list)
install(DIRECTORY path/to/Debug/dir
install(DIRECTORY path/to/Release/dir

CMake 3.5 supports generator expressions for the DIRECTORY arguments. See installing directories.


Is it possible to refer to an additional .txt-file inside the CMakeLists.txt? [duplicate]

I use some libraries that I don't want built as part of every project that uses them. A very understandable example is LLVM, which has 78 static libraries. Even having the cmake code to find and import these in every cmakefile is excessive.
The obvious solution seems to be to use the "include" command, and to factor out relevant chunks of cmake script into *.cmake files, and set up a CMAKE_MODULE_PATH environment variable.
Except it just plain doesn't work. Cmake doesn't find the file I specify in the include command.
On the off-chance, I even tried specifying the path in the environment variable several ways - once with backslashes, once with forward slashes... - and I restarted the command prompt each time and checked that the environment variable was present and correct.
In the cmake manual, it kind of implies that a "file" is different from a "module" - only a module gets the automatic add-the-extension-and-search-the-path treatment. But there is no explanation of what the difference is. I guessed that the missing extension might be enough (as with standard modules) but clearly it isn't.
Searching the manual for "module" isn't much help as the word seems to be overloaded. For example, a module is also a dynamic library loaded using LoadLibrary/dl_open.
Can anyone explain what the difference is between a file and a module in this context, and how I create my own module so that the cmake include command can find and use it?
I'm using cmake 2.8.1 on Windows.
I'm pretty confident that the problem here is not understanding how cmake is supposed to work. I think what I should be doing is writing something that find_package can work with.
As things stand though, I'm still some way from being able to answer my own question.
I believe that a CMake 'module' is simply a file that can be used with the find_package directive. That is, when you run find_package(Module), it searches for a file in the MODULE_PATH that is named FindModule.cmake.
That said, if you include a file without the extension, it too will search through your MODULE_PATH for that file.cmake. In a CMake project I'm working on, I have a very similar directory structure as to what you propose.
+ root/
+ CMakeLists.txt
+ cmake/
| + FindMatlab.cmake
| + TestInline.cmake
| + stdint.cmake
+ src/
+ include/
In CMakeLists.txt I have:
find_package (Matlab) # runs FindMatlab.cmake
include(TestInline) # defines a macro:
test_inline (CONFIG_C_INLINE)
include(stdint) # simply executes flat CMake code
Perhaps your issue is that you are trying to define the Module path from the environment. Instead, try to simply append to it within the very CMakeList you try to access the modules/files.
I had this same question after reading the CMake include() command documentation. It states:
Load and run CMake code from the file given. [...snip for brevity...] If a module is specified instead of a file, the file with name .cmake is searched first in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, then in the CMake module directory.
This leaves a lot of interpretation as to what CMake considers a module vs. a file, because a CMake module is a file on the file system after all. So what's the difference?
The CMake source code is the only place I could find the answer. Basically CMake considers the argument to include() to be a file if it looks like an absolute path. This means:
On Linux/Unix
The argument starts with either '/' or '~'
On Windows
The argument's second character is ':' (as in C:)
The argument starts with '\'
CMake assumes anything else that doesn't meet the above criteria is a Module. In which case it appends '.cmake' to the argument and searches the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH for it.
File is CMake listfile, example is CMakeLists.txt. Use following command to get the list of command used in
cmake --help-command-list
Module is a cmake file (*.cmake) which contain cmake commands.
As Matt B. put, the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is not environment variable of your shell, but cmake variable.
To append your module path to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
Or if you perfer your modules to be used first

set PKG_CONFIG_PATH in cmake

I have built opencv locally and installed it to a local directory (not the system default ). opencv.pc is present under a folder pkgconfig in this local folder. How can I find this opencv.pc from cmake, because I want to link and include opencv files from my program.
pkg_search_module(<PREFIX> [REQUIRED] [QUIET] <MODULE> [<MODULE>]*)
does not have any parameter in which I can force the command to use a specific path (similar to HINTS with find_package()) and not the system default.
So basically .cmake works:
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED HINTS "my/path/to/share/OpenCVConfig.cmake")
but I would like to use a opencv.pc located under my/path/to/pkgconfig/opencv.pc.
After doing some research and a hint from the #OlivierM, I found the answer.
Here are the steps:
Method I :
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH can be set to find the .pc files
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/opencv-install")
Method II
A second method is to use the PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which is a system environment variable to look for .pc files.
set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/opencv-install/lib/pkgconfig")
Irrespective of which method you use,
For old (traditional) CMake:
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(PKG_OPENCV REQUIRED opencv) # this looks for opencv.pc file
Please note that the PKG_OPENCV variable can be named anything. Whatever it is is named, its used as a prefix. For example if you name ABCD, then include directories will be ABCD_INCLUDE_DIRS
The variable PKG_OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIRS and PKG_OPENCV_LIBRARIES contains the header files (compile stage) and libraries (link stage) respectively.
One very important thing I noticed was that the variable PKG_OPENCV_LIBRARIES just provides the libraries and not the library path during the link stage. In order to use the library path as well in one command, one has to use
This variable contains the library path as well as all the libraries listed in the package config file.
for examaple:
target_link_libraries (FINAL_BINARY ${PKG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS})
For modern CMake:
In modern CMake we don't want variables, we want targets.
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
# this looks for opencv.pc file and creates a new target
# IMPORTED_TARGET requires CMake >= 3.6.3
All variables will still be created for backwards compatibility, but IMPORTED_TARGET will create a target you can use in your project which will automatically propagate all of its build and usage requirements:
target_link_libraries(my_proj PRIVATE PkgConfig::PKG_OPENCV)
You could set PKG_CONFIG_PATH with the CMake line:
set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/my/path/to/pkgconfig")
I did this workaround in this file
Interestingly, it seems CMake 3.1 extends PKG_CONFIG_PATH with some CMake variable see:;a=commitdiff;h=3df51470
I would propose you to call cmake with custom PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable, like below:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:my/path/to/pkgconfig cmake <some args>
Or can make PKG_CONFIG_PATH update to be permanent for whole bash session:
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:my/path/to/pkgconfig
$ cmake <some args>

CMake generated makefile does not expand all `make` variables

I have a projects that consists of modules that are built separately. Some modules use make only, others use cmake.
The top project has a makefile, which is used to trigger the build of the submodules. The makefile at the top defines make variables for pathes to libs, includes, and binaries. The submodules then use these variables.
My problem is that I cannot pass all these make variables to the projects that use cmake.
For the include directory, this work-around in CMakeLists.txt works:
The string is passed as is all the way to the generated makefile, and is then expanded by make upon building. The leading slash is needed. Without it, the content of INCLUDE_DIR gets prefixed by the cmake project root (it is then considered a relative path).
This solution does not work for linking:
The link command that I see upon building has the literal string -L/$(LIB_DIR). Removing the leading slash gives a warning about relative paths, and the link command has still the unexpanded $LIB_DIR.
How do I make sure that the expansion works for the make variable LIB_DIR passed though cmake to the generated makefile? Since it is make that runs the linker (I think?) I don't see why it wouldn't expand.
Is there another, less ugly solution, solution for fixing it for INCLUDE_DIR as well?
A backup solution is to let the top makefile define CMAKE variables. It should work fine, and is probably what I'll do if I can't make it work otherwise. But it would be nice to just define these variables once and make everything else take them into account.
One option is to use an environment variable to set a CMake variable. For example:
then use the CMake variable like other CMake variables:
If you want the variable to show up in cmake-gui or ccmake you can put it in the cache using the following:
set(INCLUDE_DIR $ENV{INCLUDE_DIR} CACHE PATH "An environment variable containing a path" FORCE)
for my projects I have wrapped the concept in a cmake function:
function( define_from_environment VariableName PackageName)
if (NOT DEFINED ${VariableName})
message( STATUS "${VariableName}=$ENV{${VariableName}}" )
if (NOT "$ENV{${VariableName}}" STREQUAL "")
set(${VariableName} $ENV{${VariableName}} CACHE PATH "Set the path variable ${VariableName} for ${PackageName}" FORCE)
endif (NOT "$ENV{${VariableName}}" STREQUAL "")
endif(NOT DEFINED ${VariableName})
endfunction( define_from_environment)
An example usage of this CMake function is
define_from_environment(GDCM_DIR GDCM)
which sets the CMake variable GDCM_DIR to a CMake cache variable if the environment variable GDCM_DIR is set.

CMake find package files, how are the config files used?

I have a project that uses a 3rd party library (let's call it somelib) for which I wrote a cmake file to search for it.
This is the somelibConfig.cmake file I wrote and placed in /usr/local/lib/cmake/somelib/:
FIND_LIBRARY(somelib_LIBRARY somelib
PATHS /usr/local/lib
SET(somelib_LIBRARIES ${somelib_LIBRARY})
FIND_PATH(somelib_INCLUDE_DIR somelib.hpp
PATHS /usr/local/include/somelib
SET(somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS ${somelib_INCLUDE_DIR})
Then, if I do find_package(somelib REQUIRED) it works ok.
However, if I move and rename somelibConfig.cmake to myproject/CMakeModules/Findsomelib.cmake (this directory is added to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH), after find_package I see that variables somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS and somelib_LIBRARY are correctly filled, but somelib_FOUND is not set (and even so, find_package does not abort the compilation).
Is that *Config.cmake valid for a Find*.cmake?
How is it possible that all the variables but the *_FOUND one are set?
Why does not find_package with REQUIRED abort the compilation if *_FOUND is not set?
Config files and find-modules are fundamentally different.
Only the developers of somelib ship a config file (if they do). If they don't, then you need to write a find-module to find somelib. Such a find-module should not be copied to /usr/local as you did. Just keep it with your project and ask the somelib developers to ship a config file instead. config files shipped by upstream is superior to find modules written by you. It doesn't matter if somelib upstream does not use cmake. Both Qt and LLVM ship config files when using non-cmake buildsystems.
One example of inferiority is that when writing a find-module you need to set the _FOUND variable. More information about writing find-modules is here:
If you are searching in default library folder your parameters should not contain NO_DEFAULT_PATH.
Try this,
SET(libraryName "") #in linux .a or .so
PATHS "/usr/local/lib/cmake/somelib/"
MESSAGE("library path ${LIBRARY})
If this was successful, LIBRARY_FOUND will be set.
P.S: Note the quotes

CMake and FindProtobuf

I'm using the FindProtobuf module in a project where the protocol buffer files are in a sub-directory. I want the CMakeLists.txt file in that sub-directory to invoke protoc to generate the CPP Files. My project folder structure is like this:
cammy/CMakeLists.txt # Root CMakeLists.txt
cammy/protofiles/test.proto # protofile
I have the include(FindProtobuf), the find_package invocation and the call to PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP in the CMakeLists.txt file in protobuf folder.
The executable build step is in the Root CMakeLists.txt file and I add the generated files
to the target executable in this file
add_executable( ${EXEC} ${SRCS} ${PROTO_SRC} ${PROTO_HEADER} )
target_link_libraries( ${EXEC} ${PROTOBUF_LIBRARIES} )
are both defined in the root CMakeLists.txt
When I run cmake, it does not run protoc to generate the Source files even though I expilicitly tie generated sources to the executable thereby creating a dependency.
When I move all the contents of CMakeLists.txt in the protofiles folder into the root CMakeLists.txt, the proto files are compiled.
Can anyone help me with this? I want all the protocol buffer building stuff to go in the CMakeLists.txt file created in the protofiles folder.
I also noticed that variables generated in the inner CMakeLists.txt ( like PROTO_SRC ) are defined in the inner file when printed ( ie I get the correct generated CPP filename ) but when I print the same variable in the root file.. it is empty. Its almost as though I need to "export" (if there were a way in cmake ) the variables out to the root folder.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I think [FindProtobuf][0] isn't really meant to be used this way. From its docs:
NOTE: The PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP macro & add_executable() or add_library()
calls only work properly within the same directory.
You're trying to use the PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP macro in a subdirectory, and although the CMake docs don't really make it clear, a subdirectory introduces a new scope for variables. This means that any variables set or modified in the subdir scope don't affect similarly-named variables in the parent scope. Hence the reason for PROTO_SRC being available in your protofiles dir, but not in the parent.
The way to pass variables up a scope is to use [set(... PARENT_SCOPE)][1], so in protofiles/CMakeLists.txt you could do:
However, this still doesn't get us all the way!
CMake doesn't actually invoke the protoc compiler to generate the .pb.h and files - it uses [add_custom_command][2] to do this. The custom command specifies the .pb.h and files as outputs, and the custom command is only invoked (i.e. protoc executed) if a subsequent target which depends on these files is built.
So, at configure time (when CMake executes) these files don't exist. This is a problem if you try to add them as sources to an add_library or add_executable command - CMake needs to be told that these files don't exist when it runs, but that they will exist at build time.
The way to do that is to set the [GENERATED][3] property to TRUE for these files. The PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP macro does that automatically, but as with the variables, the property isn't populated up into the parent scope. So in your top-level CMakeLists.txt, you also need to add:
set_source_files_properties(${PROTO_SRC} ${PROTO_HEADER} PROPERTIES
As you can see, using PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP in a different dir to the corresponding add_library/add_executable commands is a bit fragile. If you can avoid doing it, you probably should.
[0]: "CMake latest documentation for "FindProtobuf" module"
[1]: "CMake latest documentation for "set" command"
[2]: "CMake latest documentation for "add_custom_command""
[3]: "CMake latest documentation for "GENERATED" source file property"