WebStorm Smarty highlighting - ide

Is there an way to make WebStorm highlight Smarty templates? Either through plugin or some other means?
Also note, I need this for WebStorm, not PhpStorm or some other version; I don't need autocomplete or anything else -- just highlights.
Files have .tpl extension and so far I'm treating them as HTML files and I am looking for options to increase code readability with coloring.
I have tried following based on the comments:
However, resulting .tpl file still looks like


How to Disable the Insertion of semicolon in PhpStorm Upon Code Completion

When writing a CSS property the code-completion feature of PhpStorm automatically inserts a semicolon at the end of the line. I find that annoying when I map grid areas and other long-value properties..
Is there an option to prevent code-completion from auto inserting that semicolon?
Try changing the Live Template settings (Editor > Live Templates) and open the 'Zen CSS' section.
For each abbreviation there is a template text,
here you can remove the semicolons for the abbreviations you have this issue with.
As far as I know there is no blanket option to remove all semicolons in the live templates build in.
Also, as far as I can see Zen CSS templates are used for regular CSS files but I have no idea if Zen CSS is just regular CSS or a specific language/style.

Use IntelliJ code style in Checkstyle

Essentially, I want to export the code style settings from IntelliJ (the default one is fine) and use them in Checkstyle. (It's for a maven build validation kind of thing that is already setup, but we want to use IntelliJ's code style, not Sun's or Googles)
Step one should be to export the IntelliJ code style. Easier said than done, it seems.
Now, I know there is a lot of material on this on both SO and other places, but I simply cannot find the code style xml file anywhere, not even after using "copy to project" or "save as..." in the IntelliJ settings code style dialog.
I also tried exporting code style through the IntelliJ File menu, but it will only export the code style from areas that have changed (eg. change tab space from 4 to 2 and it will only export the "OTHER_INDENT_OPTIONS" part of the code style).
I should add that I'm using IDEA 14.1.4.
Is it possible to export the complete IntelliJ code style?
Unfortunately it is not possible to do what you want for (at least) three reasons, the first two of which you have already raised:
While is possible to export a code style file from Intellij IDEA using File->Settings->Code Style->Java->{Click the Settings icon}->Select Export... from the popup menu, that exported XML file only contains the changes you have made from the default settings.
Those exported settings are in a format that is only meaningful to Intellij, so even if you could export every single Java code style setting to an XML file, you would then have to massively edit that file to make it meaningful to CheckStyle.
Finally, note that there is an open request for Intellij to do exactly what you want. See IDEA-149529:
Current export functionality for Code Styles is lacking. Only useful
for other users of IntelliJ or as a backup. Only exports the diff
between user defined settings and the built-in default. This makes it
very difficult to produce a matching style for other
formatting/beautification tools.
It would be helpful if the export had the option of exports ALL the
settings IDEA uses.
However, there is an alternative approach. Instead of providing an Intellij IDEA file to Checkstyle, provide a Checkstyle file to Intellij IDEA...
Install the Checkstyle plugin, and then open two sets of one or more duplicated files in Intellij IDEA, one set configured to use IDEA's formatting and one set configured to Checkstyle's formatting.
Repeatedly tweak the Checkstyle settings until its opened file(s) are formatted to conform to the corresponding files formatted by IDEA. When the sets of files match create a Checkstyle XML rules file. Tedious, but only a one time activity.
Finally, you can then import your customized CheckStyle XML rules file into Intellij Idea, using Import Scheme -> CheckStyle Configuration as as shown in the screen shot below (if, and only if, you have installed the CheckStyle-IDEA plugin). This functionality did not exist when the OP was created. For more details see the following bug report: IDEA-61520 Codestyle from Checkstyle and in particular the response from JetBrains dated 2/8/16.
See also:
Intellij IDEA bug Configure code style from checkstyle #126
SO post IntelliJ IDEA code format from checkstyle configuration
I was looking for an answer to this too. I suppose you want to add it to your build process like I do. Since I saw no value in enforcing something that can't be automated, I settled on (haven't implemented yet) executing the style formatter as a pre-commit hook (I use git) https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/command-line-formatter.html against all files in the changelist. I use the defaults too, and this would be enough.
Since I don't have any customizations, I would not know if an exported code style xml would run the default in addition to the diff in the xml. Either way, there's no point in enforcing code style rules that can't be automated.

Webstorm not recognising JavaScript file

Webstorm doesn't recognize one of my .js files as a JavaScript file so I'm losing syntax highlighting and being able to add break points. I've looked in the workspace.xml file and the file in question seems to have similar settings to other .js files that work correctly.
If I change the name of the file it works ok. So somehow Webstorm is stuck on misinterpreting the type of a file that has this name. Where else can I edit the project?
So I see three possible reasons for the problem:
The file was marked as 'Plain text'
There is a pattern for 'Text files' file type that matches this file (or back: file type 'JavaScript' exclude this file name). See image below
There is a custom plugin that overrides default behavior for files with this name (unlikely)
Updated: after several years I've found one more reason for the behavior and most likely it the main source of the issues. When you create a file without any extensions the "Register New File Type Association" is appeared. And you can accidentally specify a new file type, for some file name. It is can be fixed with (2) but it is the reason why the pattern was added there.
Note: the solution works for all IDEA-based IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, RubyMine, PyCharm, PhpStorm.
File -> Settings -> Editor -> FileTypes -> Text files -> check for "ContentRepository.js" pattern there and remove it.
If the file was marked as "Plain Text", then this can be fixed as follows:
Right click on the file.
One of the menu options is "Mark as Javascript" . Just below "Delete".
Click that. Your file is now recognized as javascript by WebStorm.
Since WebStorm was not allowing screenshots after right click so couldn't add it here.
My problem was with Auto-detect file type by context
For me this did the trick
1) Preferences
2) Editor
3) FileTypes
4) Search for javascript
5) Add *.js to registered patterns
You can also try "Template data languages" (in file > settings) which will force a specific language synatax high-lighting on a specific file or folder. See screenshot below
For a block of code you can also use "language injection". Simply high-light the block of code, wait for the little lamp to appear then select the bottom choice and then the language you need (screenshot also attached)
In case it is helpful elsewhere (OMG this was scary).
For some reason IntelliJ was not recognizing any .js file in my project (even after .idea removal (rm -rf .idea)).
I went to Webstorm (in my case RubyMine): Webstorm > Preferences ... > Editor > File Types then went to Recognized Filed Types, picked Javascript (but whatever file type you are missing will do), then added back a Registered Patterns entry of *.js
Of course, press Apply and then Ok.
Wow, scary stuff. but solved my problem, hope it does for someone else.
I was always trying to add .js as a recognised file types, but somehow .js was added to Ignored Files and Folders.
I just removed .js from Ignored Files and Folders and it worked for me.
Ignored Files and Folders
Remove *.js
2022 update!
Right click on file and choose JavaScript

Webstorm: how to extend to handle PHP files or even just highlight code correctly?

I tried this IDE and I like it. Only problem is that if Im in a project that has some PHP in it, its confusing to see plain black text instead of correct PHP highlight.
I dont need brutal PHP autocomplete or so, but a syntax highlight. Is it possible to achieve in Webstorm?
Or the only option is to use PHPStorm?
Why not
File Menu > Settings > File Types > click 'PHP files' > click 'Add' in the bottom screen > enter '*.php'
(instead of html with .php)
Associate the .php file extension to HTML file cause the IDE highlight at least HTML code correctly.
File Menu > Settings > File Types > click 'HTML files' > click 'Add' in the bottom screen > enter '*.php'.
UPDATE: since TextMate bundles support was added to the IDE, you can add any language syntax highlighting to the IDE if there is TextMate bundle for it. See my reply about adding Ruby highlighting, it would be the same for PHP, just the different bundle.
Your best option is to use PhpStorm. Another option is to create your custom file type for basic syntax highlighting.
A late reply, but this worked for me:
use this textmate bundle: https://github.com/textmate/php.tmbundle
Then go to settings > File Types and associate *.php to PHP files.
Hope it helps.
I tried the textmate bundle but it seems that there is an issue. I wasn't able to get highlighting. I think it is an unsolved bug, so I wonder if someone figured out how to use it.
So I think I have to use PHPStorm to get basic syntax highlighting. Thats sad :/
This questions describes how to install textmate plugin which gives you syntax highlighting:
Is it possible to get Ruby syntax highlighting in PHPStorm?
The only difference is that you want to use this bundle: https://github.com/textmate/php.tmbundle
(but maybe there are better ones)

How to use code completion on SCSS files in IntelliJ IDEA 10.5?

In general SCSS files are CSS files with some special features. When i want to edit a *.sass file in my project i noticed that IntelliJ knows that file type but there is no code completion at all. I know IntelliJ has code completion for CSS files.
Just going to "IDE Settings" / "File Types" / "Cascading style sheets" and adding ".sass" and ".scss" to it, brings auto completion to this file for normal CSS.
Is there a way to enable (add) all the special features of sass to the IntelliJ auto completion for functions like "lighten()" etc., too?
There are several tickets related to this in the JetBrains issue tracker, this one for example. Fortunately, it seems they plan on fixing it soon though.