jspm_packages does not exist on 'Stencil Init' of Stencil Installation - bigcommerce

I'm running into the following error at the 'stencil init' step.
The path you specified for your "jspm_packages" folder does not exist
The jspm_packages folder doesn't exist in my stencil directory. Is it supposed to be there? I'm wondering which part of the installation might have gone wrong in order for this folder to be missing

If you are seeing this, you can resolve it by installing jspm just in the directory you are working in. This doesn't help if you need jspm for other projects, but it will get you working for the time being with Stencil.
Point 2 on this page


EAS building fails with package.json error

Using Managed workflow
Your eas-cli version
What you have tried so far
Clicked through every link on Google I could find (none mentioned this error specifically)
Read the Expo Documentation as well as Troubleshooting Guide
Ensured that the package.json is in the root directory
Error: package.json does not exist in /Users/expo/workingdir/build
I am building for iOS and having no issues up to the ‘Prepare Project’ phase. Each subsequent fails with the same error.
I have no idea where the ‘/Users/expo/workingdir/build’ directory actually is, as I don’t have an ‘expo’ user on my machine. Do I need to create these directories?
I don't post here so let me know if I need to add anything else.

Unable to find package location when creating application using yfiles-application generator

I am using the below documentation to get started with yfiles application.
I am stuck with the 2nd question the generator asks "Path of yFiles for HTML package".
What is the default location of this package? Is this a package.json file?
Resolved the issue.
No where in the documentation/read-me did it mention that I had to download the package separately.
I had to download and unzip the contents. And this directory becomes the location of the package.

NPM : Create an NPM package that adds files and folders to the project root directory

I've created a web app template that I use frequently for many different projects.
I would like to create an NPM package for it so that it's easier to install for new projects, separate the template from the project files, separate the template dependencies from the project dependencies, and allow easier updating of the template across all projects.
The issue I have is that I need some files/folders to be installed in the root directory (i.e. where package.json is saved). Most can go in the node_modules folder however I have some files that must be placed in the root directory.
For example, the template uses Next.js with a custom _app.js file. This must be in the root directory in a folder named pages. I also have various config files that must be in the root directory.
Can this be done with NPM, or does everything need to be installed in the node_modules folder? I'm having trouble finding anything on SO or Google that answers this, so if you happen to know a guide online on how to do this or can outline things I should search for it would be much appreciated.
With pure npm, everything has to go to the node_modules folder, so you can't solve your issue this way.
Maybe going with a templating tool such as grunt init or yeoman could be a solution here, although – unfortunately – you'll then lose some of the benefits of being able to install a package via npm.
Another option might be to use GitHub template repositories, which have just been introduced recently.
Last but not least one option might also be to just have the files' contents in the npm package, but create the pages/_app.js manually, but inside of it simply require the file contents from an npm module, and that's it. This at least helps to have the content portable, but of course it still asks you to setup the file and folder structure on your own.
Sorry that I don't have a better answer, but I hope it helps anyway.
PS: One "solution" might also be to use the postinstall step in an npm module's package.json file to create folder structure, copy files to where they should be and so on, but at least to me this feels more like a clumsy workaround than like a real solution.

NPM on LEMP cannot find module, wrong path

Total Linux noob here. I am trying to configure a Pleroma development environment on DO droplet. Installed LEMP, installed SSL, installed PostgreSQL, installed Pleroma, so far so good.
Then I installed Node, NPM, cloned Pleroma-FE (apparently it installs in /user/pleroma-fe folder). I am following the very brief build instructions here:
When I get to the command in those build instructions: npm run build
I am getting error: Error: Cannot find module '/user/build/build.js'
It's because actual path to the build file is /user/pleroma-fe/build/build.js
Apologies if this is a duplicate. I see other questions about this.
Fixing npm path in Windows 8 and 10
and the reply seems to set the PATH. This answer might apply to my situation. But my question is: it is clearly already looking in a well defined path (which is different from all the other questions, which don't seem to have well defined path in the error message). But it is the wrong path. How do I make it look in the correct path?
I tried the npm command and specified the complete path, and every variation. and none worked. So it seems fixing the path won't fix this problem.
Sorry I do not currently know enough Linux to be able to fix this. I tried to tag this with Pleroma but I don't have enough reputation to create a new tag. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I continued to work on this with some help of a Linux admin on Fiverr and the Pleroma developers chat with success, thanks to all.
The solution did not involve changing the path. There were several different things going on. First, I needed to change directory into the development project source folder:
cd pleroma-fe
Once I did that, npm found the build module. Next issue was Node was very old and I needed to get the latest version. I used the instruction here for NodeJS (10):
Next issue was npm was missing some modules. This was fixed with:
npm install
After that the build completed with no errors.
npm run build
After a successful build, you will see a list of files that have changed as a result of the build.
Next issue is that simple changes in HTML text were not live, ie. not reflected in the refreshed web page. This is fixed by copying all the resulting build files to the production folder using rsync. In my case the command was:
rsync -av /user/pleroma-fe/dist/ /home/pleroma/pleroma/priv/static/
Pleroma is a neat Twitter-like user interface to ActivityPub fediverse, it includes a Mastodon UI as well, and thanks to the developers for making it free and open source.

Abc.app unsealed contents are present in the bundle root - Xcode, any change required to bundle?

I have switched my XCode version from 3.2.6 to 5.1.1, I have been asked to change the project settings and porting to a new format and resolved many compilation errors as well.
Now there is no compilation errors i could able to build my project successfully.
When I tries to sign the project using codesign v2 (mac 10.9.5) i could see the following error
"Abc.app unsealed contents are present in the bundle root"
To Resolve I have gone through the below link and tried to create a bundle structure as mentioned in it, but i'm missing something basically I don't know what it is.
Codesign: What are unsealed contents?
My folder Structure would be similar to below, if anyone has seen discrepancy kindly mention what i need to correct.
*.png, *.icns, *.jpg, setting.plist
In my experience, this error message means I've left some files in the same folder level as the Contents folder.
Everything must be inside the Contents folder.
Try moving whatever files are on the same level as the Contents folder to somewhere inside the Contents folder.