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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'AM new in CKAN, please tell me if its possible to download my ckan datasets ( my files) using the ckan API.
You can make a call to CKAN's API action 'package_show' to see the details of a dataset, which gives you the 'resources' containing the URLs of the data files. Then you can use these URLs to download the data directly from wherever they are stored.
e.g. doing a package_show from the CKAN API by GETting this URL:
"help": "",
"success": true,
"result": {
"resources": [
"description": "2010: Sub-domains living environment",
"url": "",
and clearly you can download this spreadsheet from
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Closed 3 months ago.
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i am doing a feature that is "get text from image" and i used "react-native-tesseract-ocr".
although i read document and followed it but i still get the error. when i print TesseractOcr this is null.
i can not call recognize in TesseractOcr (TesseractOcr.recognize)
how can i fix it (
the problem may be that you have not linked the package
$ react-native link react-native-tesseract-ocr
add the import to start
import TesseractOcr, { LANG_ENGLISH } from 'react-native-tesseract-ocr';
test this finction
await TesseractOcr.recognize(imageSource, LANG_ENGLISH, {});
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am using jetstream. I am not getting the profile pic
[click on the picture][1]
here is the devtool code
<img class="h-8 w-8 rounded-full object-cover" src="http://jed.test/storage/profile-photos/zmgDcXE9utwTH7E3vwtt8YxnoHVsfxbDovb8UKiw.jpeg" alt="Rifat">
If you are saving the image on the default disk (config/filesystems.php):
'local' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app'),
The image is saved in the storage/app folder, to access it you need to run php artisan storage:link and it will create a symbolic link on your public folder
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a Kotlin project, I am running a simple main function, and I want to start it by reading a YAML file, that is located at the same directory, and saving it into some kind of a data structure, similar to dictionary in Python. How can I do it?
Reading seems like the same for reading any other file, after that the parsing and mapping depend on you
File("/{fullPath}/{ProjectName}/src/reader/example.yaml").forEachLine {
So I'm using the full path but you can surely optimized that according to your enviroment
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to push a fallback language param to every route if not found in url
for example when I enter: /page
router should redirect me to: /en/page
how can I do that with nuxt and i18n....?
Add strategy: "default" to your i18n config in nuxt.config.js so it's going to look like this:
i18n: {
strategy: "default"
And now if there won't be a language param in your route a defaultLocale language param will be automatically added to your url.
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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 7 years ago.
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How can I get the daily pageview of wikipedia page.
for example, I want to get the history of daily page view of this page
Is it possible?
There doesn't seem to be an API for it, but a website exists at that processes the (very large) files from
There is a new (December 2015) API here:
For example, to get the number of views of on 2/12/2015:
"items": [
"project": "en.wiktionary",
"article": "beauty",
"granularity": "daily",
"timestamp": "2015120200",
"access": "all-access",
"agent": "all-agents",
"views": 34
You can also see top 1000 pages on a wiki (/metrics/pageviews/top/) and aggregate pageviews on a wiki (/metrics/pageviews/aggregate/).
There are (at least) two new initiatives to build an API around Wikipedia pageviews: and Both are in the planning stage but feel free to chime in with specific use cases.