Unable to Access Webmin 1.780 through browser - apache

I have my website with digitalocean set up to access with ssh and webmin. i went to access it as normal, but suddenly it isn't working. safari shows the connection as refused.
usually it's my-ip:100000 to access but suddenly it's not working. i haven't changed anything so advice appreciated. thanks.
the website itself still works and is powered on.

Sorted this by running a restart through the command line using:
/etc/init.d/restart webmin


How can I change the port for Webmin access?

I'm managing a Rails website that relies on MySQL tables. I used to be able to access the tables with Webmin by going to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:10000 . At some point, I lost the ability to access it this way.
I'm not great with SSH, but I was able to SSH into my website as a general user. Then, I switched to Root user. Then, I ran this command to restart my Webmin:
svcadm restart webmin
It seemed to accept the command, but I'm not really sure how to check. Anyway, I started getting a new error message when I tried to access Webmin through my browser:
The website uses a connection with Cloudflare. My guess was that this could be the problem since Cloudflare doesn’t support port 10000. I tried deactivating Cloudflare, but it didn't resolve the problem.
Still, I figured I might need to use SSH to change the port for Webmin access just in case. I found a source that suggested how to do it, and it starts with SSH. I went in through SSH and I switched to Root user. Then, I ran this command:
And it tells me
bash /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf Permission denied
How can I get past this step? Am I headed the wrong direction to get access back to Webmin? Thank you!

Cannot install Sourcetree because oAuth redirection page does not load in localhost at port 34106

Trying to install source tree in my Windows 10. They are asking for mandatory BitBucket account and after creating account when I proceed their oAuth, I found state and auth code are being sent like, http://localhost:34106/?state=authenticated&code=CHabzvwrFjNAEzWYCD. But localhost seems not running in my Windows and hence gage loading fails.
There was a temporary DNS error. Try refreshing the page.
Anyone faced similar issue? What's the resolution?
Sourcetree seems to be using the Loopback Interface Redirection, which is a recommended solution for Windows.
Your error INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND seems to be DNS related, so I would first try if there is something wrong with resolving localhost to Try to ping localhost If it fails (which would be strange), you can add localhost to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts: localhost
If localhost is correcly resolved to, your firewall may be the problem. I would try to stop if during the Sourcetree installation.
I have Sourcetree installed on my computer, but the installation went without problems, so I'm just writing what I would try to do.

Unable to access my webserver (virtual machine, Ubuntu 14.10) through browser

I have setup a Virtual Machine on my Windows 7 system (Ubuntu 14.10). It looks like Apache, MySql and PHP have been installed successfully. If I ran
curl -l
I see the website in my console.
But if I hit this address in my browser I just get "This web page is not available".
VM->Settings->Network: I've selected "Bridged Adapter".
Have anyone any ideas what could cause the issue? Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
If you are trying to access to it's not gonna work. You have two solutions :
With a bridged interface, go to ubuntu, open a terminal and type ifconfig (it's possible you have to be root for that). Then use the ip displayed.
You can add an host only interface and do the same thing

How to configure Apache to listen some different port?

I am facing problem in starting XAMPP. First of all it gives me error messages in RED when i start XAMPP control panel. When i click on START APACHE, it starts it but when i open localhost it gives me the following error message.
Not Found
HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.
I have tried various ways to resolve this problem but it isn't solved yet. Kindly guide me.
first run XAMPP installer by UAC(User Account Control) and Antivirus off and run it as admin
uninstall previous XAMP installation
turn off IIS temporarily (which will use default port 80)
change the port to some free valid port by following below guide
summary (Locate the file httpd.conf. This file should be found in C:\xampp\apache\conf folder or via config button in XAMPP control panel and search for 80 port and change it to something like 1234
check services.msc if web deployment agent service is running.
check if IIS is running, stop it.
As some solutions may suggest you turn off the IIS or some windows related services, you should therefore take precaution since there are possibilities of stopping very useful user process

Remote port access

I was working on the intranet at work on a virtual machine set up for my project and at some point I have to access it by putting localhost:port number and it works.
Right now I'm home working on it and I can download/upload, use SSH, etc. But I cannot access the same port by putting URL:port number while everything else works.
I'm new to all this so please excuse my ignorance on what could be a very basic subject.<
P.S. the system administrator supposedly gave me full and complete access to the machine, including giving me full firewall permissions. I also have root access via SSH if needed.
Try running
ssh -L port:localhost:port remotehost
and then accessing localhost:port as if you were at work.
(n.b. you don't need root access.)