Is it possible and allowed for MFP App to call Web Services without Adapter? - ibm-mobilefirst

Is it possible and allowable for MFP application to call web services directly without using adapters?

Yes. It's called making standard AJAX calls. Which means these calls will not benefit the features that are possible through MobileFirst (such as security, etc).


how to consume meteor API call

I need to write a Java web application to call a function Meteor APP. One way is through API call. Are there any other means to call Meteor function from 3rd party application.
It all depends on what your requirements are, how your Meteor app is structured, and what sort of integration you desire.
If you are wanting your Java web application to be able to natively call Meteor methods or subscribe to publications, then you will have to use a Java DDP Client to do this. Fortunately, there is at least one documented Java DDP client that you can use for this (and probably many others out there is you search). For your reference, here is a compiled list of DDP clients for other languages/technologies.
If on the other hand you don't want to interface with you meteor app using DDP, then you could always implement a REST API in your meteor app. There are several packages available to do this, but I would highly recommend the simple:rest package.
This package automatically creates a REST API for all your existing publications and methods without any extra code (just simply add the package to your meteor app). If you do need to configure or modify the REST API, the package also provides several options that you can use in your publication or meteor method definition. The package also enforces all your app's security rules and authorization.
For example, if your app had a publication called openTasks, then the corresponding REST endpoint would be.
GET /publications/openTasks
There are quite a few packages at that can expose your Meteor methods as RESTful API points which your Java app can consume.

What is the advantage of using Web API in wpf?

I need to calling our C# Methods from another server to perform some Action. I use C# in both servers. One is our Service Application, another one is a WPF application where I consume my Service.
Prefer I use a WCF or WebAPI service for Service Application?
Most People prefer to use Web Api, but web doesn't expose metadata for creating proxy by service.
which one is simple and better choose?
You may use either WCF or WebAPI, if multiple platforms (Mobile, Web, Other Service) are going to interact with your service, then I would recommend Web API, otherwise you may use WCF. Similar discussion has already happened in another question, please refer this link, hope this will be useful
Getting a web service and using android to consume them?

Can I use a MobileFirst app without the MobileFirst server?

Can I consume a web service in a MobileFirst application without a MobileFirst server?
Yes, you can use your MobileFirst app without the need to connect to a MobileFirst server.
The drawback of not using the MobileFirst server is that you'll be loosing all of the features it provides like authentication, security, adapters, unified push notifications, direct update (for hybrid), remote disable, and other features.
If you want to make a request to any endpoint you can use WLResourceRequest (available from version 7.0 onwards) or any other native method to make HTTP requests.
Information on how to use WLResourceRequest
If the call is for example to an external resource you can use the same plain regular AJAX calls as you would anywhere else.
If the resource is protected by MobileFirst Platform, then you must use adapters. Adapters must go through the MobileFirst Server.
Use it like simple IDE to develop application(Native and hybrid).You can use client side API also that do not connect to the mobilefirst server.
You cannot use a mobile first app if you are using MF 7.0 or higher without a server, as soon as you launch the app it invokes an authorization request something like following:
<< domain >>/<< context >>/authorization/v1/clients/instance
Which connects to your workflight server and if it doesnt get response it will fail.
As far as invoking a web service is concerned that is just javascript if you are doing hybrid you can use AJAX as mentioned in another answer. If you are building native IOS or Android you can invoke http request using sdk libraries.
Cheers !

Why need worklight adapter instead direct ajax?

I just curious, why we need worklight adapter to communicate with the database? Why not can't using direct ajax? Last time I'm using direct ajax it's not working at all. After I switch to worklight adapter it's running like charm? No problem at all. Why?
You did not provide any specific details about your scenario, like Where is that backend system located, if there is any security involved, what is the topology, etc... so why it's not working with AJAX is impossible to answer.
As for why use Worklight adapters, read:
Adapters provide templated (adapter types) connectivity settings to various backend systems - HTTP, SOAP, SQL, JMS and so on
Adapters provide a means to auto-generate an adapter for WSDL and sap web services
Adapters can also be pure Java JAX-RS web apps, allow far greater flexibility and functionality (in MFP 7.0)
You must use Worklight adapters if you intend on using the unified push notifications support
Adapters must be used if you intend to utilize any of the Worklight security features (adapter-based, custom login module, device provisioning, custom provisioning and so on)
and so on

calling rest api from another web application

I have a web application (typical mvc webapp) that needs to call a REST API bundled in a different webapp (war file).
The first web app serves as a front to the separate REST API webapp for customers to register and view their stats, purchase plans etc. But part of the design of this webapp is that it must have example invocations to the other REST API webapp.
There are many rest clients out there, but what would be a reasonable approach to address the above?
I was thinking of using the Spring REST Template to call the REST API but from my mvc controller class in the first webapp. Is this a reasonable approach?
Once you deploy a webapp using your deployment tool of choice, you can simply call the REST URL. That's one of the great things about REST - it doesn't care about what sort of tool is calling it because it deals in a neutral medium (usually HTTP). Twitter's REST API (here) doesn't care what's calling it - in fact the beauty of it is that anyone can make an app that calls it.
So say you deployed a webapp locally to port 8080, you can just make a REST call to http://localhost:8080/firstapp/rest/foo.
If you're deployed to the World Wide Web, then just call the appropriate domain.
Yes, RestTemplate is a very convenient way for server to server REST calls. Though there are some tricks if you are going to serialize generics.