Can I use a MobileFirst app without the MobileFirst server? - ibm-mobilefirst

Can I consume a web service in a MobileFirst application without a MobileFirst server?

Yes, you can use your MobileFirst app without the need to connect to a MobileFirst server.
The drawback of not using the MobileFirst server is that you'll be loosing all of the features it provides like authentication, security, adapters, unified push notifications, direct update (for hybrid), remote disable, and other features.
If you want to make a request to any endpoint you can use WLResourceRequest (available from version 7.0 onwards) or any other native method to make HTTP requests.
Information on how to use WLResourceRequest

If the call is for example to an external resource you can use the same plain regular AJAX calls as you would anywhere else.
If the resource is protected by MobileFirst Platform, then you must use adapters. Adapters must go through the MobileFirst Server.

Use it like simple IDE to develop application(Native and hybrid).You can use client side API also that do not connect to the mobilefirst server.

You cannot use a mobile first app if you are using MF 7.0 or higher without a server, as soon as you launch the app it invokes an authorization request something like following:
<< domain >>/<< context >>/authorization/v1/clients/instance
Which connects to your workflight server and if it doesnt get response it will fail.
As far as invoking a web service is concerned that is just javascript if you are doing hybrid you can use AJAX as mentioned in another answer. If you are building native IOS or Android you can invoke http request using sdk libraries.
Cheers !


Using IBM MobileFirst HTTP Adapters for web application

I have a hybrid mobile app, which is developed on IBM MobileFirst Platform. I have you HTTP adapters for rest api calls. Now i am planning to create a full scale web application in AngularJS 2.0 & BootStrap. Will it be possible to use those adapters in that web application? Please advice.
MobileFirst Foundation does not care for the technology used to create the application... be it native or web. Ionic-based, Angular, Cordova etc... it doesn't matter.
Adapters sit on the server and you make a call to the server to use them... so it doesn't matter what you use in the client.

Can the Confidential Client facility be used to expose an adapter externally in MobileFirst 8?

I need to make some of my MFP 8 Adapters available to third-party (non-MobileFirst) clients. Is this possible in production using Confidential Clients? Thanks.
Yes. You can read more about the implementation in the following tutorial
Clients that do not use the MobileFirst client SDK can also request protected resources, by acting as a confidential client.

Is it possible and allowed for MFP App to call Web Services without Adapter?

Is it possible and allowable for MFP application to call web services directly without using adapters?
Yes. It's called making standard AJAX calls. Which means these calls will not benefit the features that are possible through MobileFirst (such as security, etc).

Does Mobilefirst provide a provision to access web services directly?

I am developing a native android app on MobileFirst platform. Does MobileFirst provide any code to connect to a web service instead of going through adapters? This is basically only for Native Android development and not for Hybrid app.
The MobileFirst SDK only provides what is required to work with features provided by MobileFirst, such as connecting to various backends using Adapters with the added benefit of the MobileFirst security framework, and other features.
If you have a need to connect to backends not via MobileFirst, use other common client-side utilities to achieve that.
I used the following code and it worked.
WLResourceRequest request = new WLResourceRequest("Actual server path here", GET);
request.addHeader(new BasicHeader("IfAnyHeader", "here"));
request.send(new ResponseListener());
If you are using native Android, you could use volley (or similar) to call external web services or REST apis.
Nothing to do with MobileFirst though, all totally standard Android native coding.

Customize Worklight Adapter URL

I am building an iOS and Android Apps using Worklight Framework, the worklight server will be protected by IBM Security Access Manager (ISAM) SSO, and therefore the Apps can only be reaching the worklight server after passing the Security challenges. I've found some docs about this integration and it works as intended.
But the apps also offers some features that doesn't required login, in which the Security Manager shouldn't intercept the adapter request to worklight server. The only workaround that suggested by IBM is to create a URL mapping junction in ISAM that defines the URLs that can access by public, and those which shall not. for example /worklight/public and /worklight/secured
But the URL pattern for all worklight adapter are /worklight/invoke?adapter=ADAPTER_NAME, so do we have a way to create a customized URL for public and secured adapter, for example:
EDIT 1: Worklight Version 6.0
Thanks in advance.
Please mention the version of Worklight you are using.
One way to achieve this is to create and deploy the adapters in two different projects. That way the context root of both the adapters will be different. So, you'll have URLs such as
/Project1/invoke?... and Project2/invoke?... which you can apply to your filters.