MobileFirst project upgrade fails on Windows 8 appx - ibm-mobilefirst

I'm trying to upgrade a 6.3 project to 7.1 in Studio and the upgrade keeps crashing and closing the project.
If I remove the windows8 project files from my apps, the upgrade works successfully. I have attached my appx.manifest file in case this helps debug the issue.
10:49:13 AM: [2016-02-09 10:46:18] Adding WLWin8Native reference and AuthWinRT.targets to the Windows 8 project file
[2016-02-09 10:46:21] FWLST1226I: Added Authorization Manager Cordova plugin to config.xml (C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\MobileFirst71Prototype\MaximoAnywhere\apps\WorkExecution\iphone\native\config.xml).
[2016-02-09 10:46:21] Unexpected error during upgrade: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.worklight.upgrader.upgraders.windows8.AppXManifestUpgrade.upgrade(
at com.worklight.upgrader.WLUpgradeEngine.executeUpgrader( at com.worklight.upgrader.WLUpgradeEngine.performUpgrade(
at com.worklight.upgrader.WLUpgradeEngine.upgradeProject( at
Source) at at
[2016-02-09 10:46:21] java.lang.NullPointerException
Here's my package.appxmanifest file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="" xmlns:m2="">
<Identity Name="a02b50fe-bb55-4be5-8bd9-6c2f93cef175" Version="" Publisher="CN=application's author"/>
<DisplayName>Work Execution</DisplayName>
<Resource Language="x-generate"/>
<Application Id="App" StartPage="www\default\index.html">
<m2:VisualElements DisplayName="Work Execution" Description="Work Execution" BackgroundColor="#003f69" ForegroundText="light"
Square150x150Logo="images\logo.png" Square30x30Logo="images\smalllogo.png">
<m2:SplashScreen Image="images\splashscreen.png"/>
<Capability Name="privateNetworkClientServer"/>
<Capability Name="internetClient"/>
<Capability Name="picturesLibrary"/>
<DeviceCapability Name="webcam"/>
<DeviceCapability Name="location"/>

somehow I had some invalid XML in there for my VisualElements elements. Once I fixed the manifest's VisualElements section to look like this, the upgrade went through.
<VisualElements BackgroundColor="#003f69" Description="Inspection" DisplayName="Inspection" ForegroundText="light" Logo="images\logo.png" SmallLogo="images\smalllogo.png" ToastCapable="true">
<SplashScreen Image="images\splashscreen.png"/>


JBoss EAP 7.1.0.GA + picketlink 2.7.1.Final causes org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoadError

I'm using an Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform - Version 7.1.0.GA and trying to use picketlink 2.7.1.Final causes org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoadError.
So, I added in standalone.xml
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.picketlink"/>
Then ran the picketlink-installer-2.7.1.Final with the ant that gave me: BUILD SUCCESSFUL, and when I try to launch my app with jboss, I get an:
WARN [org.jboss.modules] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 31) Failed to define class org.picketlink.identity.federation.web.handlers.saml2.SAML2IssuerTrustHandler in Module "org.picketlink.federation" from local module loader #58134517 (finder: local module finder #4450d156 (roots: D:\Jboss\bin\..\modules,D:\Jboss\bin\..\modules\system\layers\base)): org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoadError: org.jboss.common-core
I added the picketlink.xml file with the Handlers:
<Handlers xmlns="urn:picketlink:identity-federation:handler:config:2.1"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:picketlink:identity-federation:handler:config:2.1 ">
<Handler class="org.picketlink.identity.federation.web.handlers.saml2.SAML2IssuerTrustHandler" />
<Handler class="org.picketlink.identity.federation.web.handlers.saml2.SAML2LogOutHandler"/>
<Handler class="org.picketlink.identity.federation.web.handlers.saml2.SAML2AuthenticationHandler"/>
<Handler class="org.picketlink.identity.federation.web.handlers.saml2.RolesGenerationHandler"/>
I added in \Jboss\modules\system\layers\base\org\jboss\common-core\main\jboss-common-4.2.2.GA.jar and an module.xml with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.5" name="org.jboss.common-core">
<property name="jboss.api" value="private"/>
<module name="javax.api"/>
<resource-root path="jboss-common-4.2.2.GA.jar"/>
And that error is gone, I have other errors now...

Ghost modules in modules.xml

Here is my modules.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../...iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/../...iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/7Wonders.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/7Wonders.iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../AFLib/AFLib.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/../AFLib/AFLib.iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$USER_HOME$/Documents.iml" filepath="$USER_HOME$/Documents.iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$USER_HOME$/Documents.iml" filepath="$USER_HOME$/Documents.iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$USER_HOME$/Documents.iml" filepath="$USER_HOME$/Documents.iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../MultiConnect/MultiConnect.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/../MultiConnect/MultiConnect.iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../MultiConnect/lib/MultiConnect-lib.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/../MultiConnect/lib/MultiConnect-lib.iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/_7Wonders/_7Wonders.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/_7Wonders/_7Wonders.iml" />
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../AFLib/lib/lib.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/../AFLib/lib/lib.iml" />
"7 Wonders" is the app, "MultiConnect" and "AFLib" are my libraries.
The stuff starting with $USER_HOME is completely unneeded: there is no Documents.iml file. I delete these lines, Android Studio adds them back. Then it complains that it can't open a module... 2 modules... 3 modules... and so on, until I delete those lines manually again. If I click on "Details" in the error message, it offers to remove those modules from the project, but that doesn't seem to have any effect. I even tried to make the modules.xml file read-only, but Android Studio complains and refuses to work.
This issue does not affect usability, but seeing that "Error Loading Project" every single time is rather annoying.
I don't need the ...iml file (the 1st line) either, but at least the Studio doesn't complain about it, and doesn't add several copies of it.
Can anyone explain what's going on?
There could be many reasons why this is happening.
1. Uninstall plugin "Markdown support" from plugins in settings.
Try compiling the whole project before gradle refresh is done. And set gradle settings as "Offline Work".
This will save a lot of time and will also save on re-installation of gradle dependencies. This re-install probably will cause refresh in modules.xml

IBM Worklight - ANT

I have installed
Eclipse Kepler Edition
IBM Worklight Studio plugin version 6.1
And now i want to deploy using ANT script as below :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project basedir="." default="target-name">
<taskdef resource="com/worklight/ant/">
<pathelement location="WL_INSTALL_DIR/WorklightServer/worklight-ant.jar"/>
<target name="target-name">
But, I can't find worklight-ant.jar and also worklight-ant-deployer.jar. What software should I install in order to get those file available ?.
If you have Worklight enterprise edition you can get the worklight-ant.jar from server.
If you want to start the Ant task from a computer on which Worklight Server is not installed, you must copy the files <WorklightInstallDir>/WorklightServer/worklight-ant.jar and <WorklightInstallDir>/WorklightServer/worklight-jee-library.jar to your computer.
for more info link

Windows 8 App Manifest: Image Assets Error

These images default VS images.But it doesn't work.
Error 4 Payload file
'C:\Users\Mert\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\Y\P\Assets\StoreLogo.scale-100.png' does not exist.
Error 3 Payload file
'C:\Users\Mert\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\Y\P\Assets\SplashScreen.scale-100.png' does not exist.
Error 2 Payload file
'C:\Users\Mert\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\Y\P\Assets\SmallLogo.targetsize-32.png' does not exist.
Error 1 Payload file
'C:\Users\Mert\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\Y\P\Assets\SmallLogo.scale-100.png' does not exist.
I know question is incomprehensible but I don't find different way to explain.
Manifest file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">
<Identity Name="" Publisher="CN=Mert" Version="" />
<Resource Language="x-generate" />
<Application Id="App" Executable="$targetnametoken$.exe" EntryPoint="Y.App">
<VisualElements DisplayName="Y" Logo="Assets\Logo.png" SmallLogo="Assets\SmallLogo.png" Description="Y" ForegroundText="light" BackgroundColor="#464646">
<DefaultTile ShowName="allLogos" />
<SplashScreen Image="Assets\SplashScreen.png" />
<Capability Name="internetClient" />
I also had this problem last day. I noticed that when I deleted an image from assert, it wont delete its occurrence from the Solution explorer in Visual Studio. Delete those files from solution explorer fixed the issue.
I just encountered this myself.
It seems Visual Studio can't handle a trial-and-error approach for logos.
I got rid of it by manually editing the .csproj file and removing the missing assets from there.
There is a workaround by setting the Generate App Bundle setting to Never.

CruiseControl.Net Web Dashboard not displaying results

Having problems displaying the results in web dashboard.
I've built a config file which kicks off a build of the project. It then runs nunit over my tests, they execute and finish just fine (I can open the log and see the results there). The ccnet logs show that the log files were successfully merged. However, try as I might, I can't get it to appear in the web dashboard. It just gives the frustrating:
Project: GroundControlTests
Date of build: 2011-01-07 17:16:36
Running time: 00:00:58
Integration Request: mmayo triggered a build (ForceBuild) from PC0098
Projects built with no warnings at all :-)
Modifications since last build (0)
message, despite failing.
I suspect it has something to do with the xsl transforms, but have tried just about everything I can think of.
Certainly if I click View Build log, it shows, but the main report doesn't show passes and fails :(
My config files are below, any suggestions appreciated!
<project name="GroundControl" default="cleanNunit" basedir=".">
<description>Cleanup tasks</description>
<target name="cleanNunit"
description="removes nunit log file">
<delete file="${CCNetArtifactDirectory}\nunit-results.xml"
failonerror="true" />
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<project name="GroundControlTests">
<projectFile>GroundControlReboot.sln</projectFile >
/p:ReferencePath="C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.5.9\bin;C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0"
/p:AdditionalReferencePath="C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0"
<targets>ReBuild</targets >
<timeout>180</timeout >
<!-- <logger>C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\Rodemeyer.MsBuildToCCNet.dll</logger>-->
<executable>C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.5.9\bin\net-2.0\nunit-console.exe
</executable >
<xmllogger />
<statistics />
<artifactcleanup cleanUpMethod="KeepLastXBuilds"
cleanUpValue="20" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<server name="local" url="tcp://localhost:21234/CruiseManager.rem" allowForceBuild="true" allowStartStopBuild="true" backwardsCompatible="false" />
<farmReportFarmPlugin />
<cctrayDownloadPlugin />
<administrationPlugin password="" />
<serverReportServerPlugin />
<projectReportProjectPlugin />
<viewProjectStatusPlugin />
<latestBuildReportProjectPlugin />
<viewAllBuildsProjectPlugin />
<buildLogBuildPlugin />
<simpleSecurity />
When I deployed the nunit package from the dashboard admin it generated three things:
Under buildReportBuildPlugin it added xsl\unittests.xsl. This is for the build summary page.
It also generated two items for the sidebar to see nunit details (xsl\tests.xsl) and nunit timings (xsl\timings.xsl). It looks like you have the nunit details xsl file defined for the build summary page which may be why you don't see anything. If you use xsl\unittests.xsl instead (and reload the dashboard so it actually reads the updated file) that may work. Another option is to just deploy the nunit package from the web dashboard administration page which will update the dashboard.config file for you.
<buildLogBuildPlugin />
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="NAnt Output" actionName="NAntOutputBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\NAnt.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="NAnt Timings" actionName="NAntTimingsBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\NAntTiming.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="NUnit Details" actionName="NUnitDetailsBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\tests.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="NUnit Timings" actionName="NUnitTimingsBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\timing.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>