Query :
How to sort by months ?
select format(datee,'mmm-yyyy') as [Months],sum(amount) as Amount
from ledger_broker
where ref_from like 'Purchase'
group by format(datee,'mmm-yyyy')
order by format(datee,'mmm-yyyy') desc
Output :
Try grouping by the same exact column which you select:
SELECT t.[Months], t.Amount
SELECT MONTH(datee) AS theMonth, YEAR(datee) AS theYear,
FORMAT(datee,'mmm-yyyy') AS [Months], SUM(amount) AS Amount
FROM ledger_transporter
WHERE ref_from LIKE 'Purchase'
GROUP BY MONTH(datee), YEAR(datee), FORMAT(datee, 'mmm-yyyy')
) t
ORDER BY t.theYear DESC, t.theMonth DESC
One way to order by date is to select the numeric month and year in your query.
change group by datee to group by format(datee,'mmm-yyyy').
select distinct format(datee,'mmm-yyyy') as [Months], sum(amount) as Amount
from ledger_transporter
where ref_from like 'Purchase'
group by format(datee,'mmm-yyyy')
order by Month(datee)
The reason is that your date, which I assume is say 01-FEB-2016 and 02-FEB-2016, is different and if you group by it, you will get 2 different records for it.
However, for format(datee,'mmm-yyyy'), ie FEB-2016, both of these dates are same. Hence the mismatch
I want to group by FECHA_COMPRA and then order by the same field. But when I do this, I get an error message:
SELECT list expression references column FECHA_COMPRA which is neither grouped nor aggregated at [28:13]
This are the querys I'm using:
Select DATE(FECHA_COMPRA) as Date,TYPE,SUM(AMOUNT) AS Total, SUM(Quantity) as Qty FROM Test
Order by date(FECHA_COMPRA)
This is also not working:
Select DATE(FECHA_COMPRA) as Date,TYPE,SUM(AMOUNT) AS Total, SUM(Quantity) as Qty FROM Test
What is wrong?
Use below instead
date(fecha_compra) as date,
sum(amount) as total,
sum(quantity) as qty
from test
group by date, type
order by date
I have two issues :
I used 'Rollup' function to add Totals per Month and Year and I would like to change 'NULL' into grand_total as in the attached screenshot
I dont know how to add a new column that will summarize values starting from the second row
Please see attached screenshot of the results I need to receive and an example for a code from my side with a screenshot of the source output : [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/6B70o.png
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/E2x8K.png
Select Year(Modifieddate) AS Year,
MONTH(modifieddate) as Month,
Sum(linetotal) as Sum_price
from Sales.SalesOrderDetail
Group by rollup( Year(Modifieddate),MONTH(modifieddate))
Thanks in advance,
I think this will work:
Select Year(Modifieddate) AS Year,
coalesce(convert(varchar(255), month(modifieddate)), 'Grand Total') as Month,
Sum(linetotal) as Sum_price,
sum(sum(linetotal)) over (partition by Year(Modifieddate)
order by coalesce(month(modifieddate), 100)
) as ytd_sum_price
from Sales.SalesOrderDetail
Group by rollup( Year(Modifieddate), month(modifieddate))
The coalesce() in the order by is to put the summary row last for the cumulative sum.
Like this:
Select Year(Modifieddate) AS Year, MONTH(modifieddate) as Month, Sum(linetotal) as Sum_price
from Sales.SalesOrderDetail
Group by rollup( Year(Modifieddate),MONTH(modifieddate))
Select Year(Modifieddate) AS Year, 'grand_total' as Month, Sum(linetotal) as Sum_price
from Sales.SalesOrderDetail
Group by Year(Modifieddate)
SELECT t.OrderYear
, CASE WHEN t.OrderMonth IS NULL THEN 'Grand Total' ELSE CAST(t.OrderMonth AS VARCHAR(20)) END b
, t.MonthlySales
, MAX(t.cum_total) cum_total
YEAR(OrderDate) AS OrderYear,
MONTH(OrderDate) AS OrderMonth,
SUM(SubTotal) AS MonthlySales,
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
, t.OrderMonth
, t.MonthlySales), t.OrderYear);
Please check this url https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=sqlserver_2019&sample=adventureworks&fiddle=e6cd2ba8114bd1d86b8c61b1453cafcf
To build one #GordonLinoff's answer, you are really supposed to use the GROUPING() function to check whether you are dealing with the grouping column. This behaves better in the face of nullable columns.
Select case when grouping(Year(Modifieddate)) = 0
then Year(Modifieddate)
else 'Grand Total' end AS Year,
case when grouping(month(modifieddate)) = 0
then convert(varchar(255), month(modifieddate))
else 'Grand Total' end as Month,
Sum(linetotal) as Sum_price,
sum(sum(linetotal)) over (
partition by
order by month(modifieddate)
) as ytd_sum_price
from Sales.SalesOrderDetail
Group by rollup( Year(Modifieddate), month(modifieddate));
i have sql query like this,
SELECT CAST(SUM(`op_total`) AS int) as total
FROM `dashboard_sales`
WHERE `op_status` IN ('settlement', 'capture') AND
`order_date` between '2018-01-01' and '2019-06-30' AND
`order_status` IN ('Ordered', 'Validated','Awaiting Packing','Packing Process','Ready to Ship','Shipped','Completed')
and this is the result,
first image:
but because there is duplication of data in some order_id so the results are bigger than the original
and i have make another query using group by like this,
SELECT CAST(SUM(`op_total`) AS int) as total
FROM `dashboard_sales`
`op_status` IN ('settlement', 'capture')
AND `order_date` between '2018-01-01' and '2019-06-30'
AND `order_status` IN ('Ordered', 'Validated','Awaiting Packing','Packing Process','Ready to Ship','Shipped','Completed')
GROUP BY `order_id`
but the result is like this,
second image:
how to make like first image when i use group by?
use a subquery on top of your query
select sum(total) as total
SELECT CAST(SUM(op_total) AS int) as total
FROM dashboard_sales
WHERE op_status IN ('settlement', 'capture')
AND order_date between '2018-01-01' and '2019-06-30'
AND order_status IN ('Ordered', 'Validated','Awaiting Packing','Packing Process','Ready to Ship','Shipped','Completed')
GROUP BY order_id
I posted a question similar to this, and got an answer, but the answer isn't configurable - my fault I should have been more clear, so I'll try again.
I have a table where TABLENAME has the following information - OrderDate, OrderNumber, CustomerID, ProductSKU, ProductName exist. This table has lines for invoices. So an order will have a data line for every item in the order.
I want to know, which customers have ordered the same item, more than once, where the order is within 90 of any other order of that same product by that customer, after a specific date. Same product in the same order number do not count. The catch is that I want "more than once" to be configurable, so if I need to see 3 or more, or 4 or more I can adjust AND I want to see the counts. Here's the query I have so far, which I think gives me the items and the counts - but not the 90 day thing:
EDITED: I don't think the former version gave me the right counts
SELECT customerid, productsku, productname, count(distinct ordernumber) FROM tablename
WHERE orderdate >'2017-11-01'
GROUP BY customerid, productsku, productname
HAVING COUNT(distinct ordernumber) > 2
Try doing this. it'll go back 90 days
declare #date date = '2017-11-01'
SELECT customerid, productsku, productname, count(distinct ordernumber) FROM tablename
WHERE orderdate >= dateadd(DD,-90,#date) and orderdate <= #date
GROUP BY customerid, productsku, productname
HAVING COUNT(distinct ordernumber) > 1
yes that is what I was doing in the first query. so this might be a really crappy way of doing it but without seeing any data it was kind of tough. this query shows gives you the order dates as well. hope it helps
WITH DupsWithin90Days (customerid,productsku,productname,orderdate,num)
select customerid,productsku,productname,orderdate ,count(*) num from (
SELECT X.customerid, X.productsku, X.productname,X.ORDERDATE,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by x.customerid,x.orderdate order by x.orderdate) rownum
SELECT T1.customerid, T1.productsku, T1.productname,T1.ORDERDATE
) X
SELECT T2.customerid, T2.productsku, T2.productname,T2.ORDERDATE
) Y
ON X.customerid = Y.customerid AND X.orderdate >= dateadd(DD,-90,Y.orderdate)
) dup
where rownum > 1
group by customerid,productsku,productname,orderdate
select customerid,productsku,productname,orderdate
from DupsWithin90Days
order by customerid ,orderdate desc
sum(CIDetail.TaxAmount+ CIDetail.LineAmount) As [TotalAmount]
CIDetail (Nolock)
INNER JOIN CIHeader On CIDetail.InvoiceNo= CIHeader.InvoiceNo
CIHeader.InvoiceDate Between '2010-04-01' AND '2014-04-01'
Group By
Have a derived table where you use ANSI SQL's EXTRACT to get the year part out of the date, and also add the amounts together. At main level you do GROUP BY both Itemname and year:
Select Itemname, "year", SUM(Amount) as TotalAmount
extract(year from CIHeader.InvoiceDate) as "year",
CIDetail.TaxAmount + CIDetail.LineAmount As Amount
CIDetail (Nolock)
INNER JOIN CIHeader On CIDetail.InvoiceNo= CIHeader.InvoiceNo
) dt
Group By
Itemname, "year"
No dbms tagged in question, but if your dbms doesn't support EXTRACT, try YEAR(CIHeader.InvoiceDate) for example, or something else.
Add to the query a order by clause. Here as you are saying that you want it by date, I will assume that one itemname has only one InvoiceDate. And thus its max will have the same value. You will have to do it as follows
Select CIDetail.Itemname,
sum(CIDetail.TaxAmount+ CIDetail.LineAmount) As [TotalAmount],
From CIDetail (Nolock) INNER JOIN CIHeader
On CIDetail.InvoiceNo= CIHeader.InvoiceNo
Where CIHeader.InvoiceDate Between '2010-04-01' AND '2014-04-01' Group By
Order By max(CIHeader.InvoiceDate) ASC