WAMP Phpmyadmin Login Still Don't Display - authentication

Okay, I know it may sound stupid but I really need your opinions or suggestions about something. A computer has an older WAMP version (5 1.7.0) installed in it (I'm not the one who installed it) and running on Windows XP. Whenever I go to its Phpmyadmin page, it automatically gives me access to anything what are in it. That's a security hole that must be solved. I want it to ask me or prompt a login page first. I still have no success from the following steps that I've tried:
I have set the username as root and the password as
samplepass from the Priveleges section in the Phpmyadmin page - Still no success!
I also modified the config.inc.php file. I put the said password in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] and changed the "cookie" as "config" in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] - Still no success!
Already restarted the connection of all WAMP services after the changes made - Still no success!
I also cleared the histories, caches, cookies, etc. in the browsers just incase - Still no success!
One thing I've noticed is that the file has no $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] nor $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPasswordRoot'] in it. I tried including that into the file and providing it the value as "YES" but still, no login page is displaying.
I don't want to reinstall the WAMP or install new one. I'm afraid to destroy what was already there. So what do you think why the login page is still not displaying? Am I forgetting something or missed to do? (Sorry for sometimes I'm forgetful).

Alright, just after trying the things out again with still no success, I came up with this:
I changed back the value of $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] from "config" to "cookie"
Then I added a random text value for $cfg['blowfish_secret']
After the (2) changes I made, I restarted the all the services again and poof! Login page is now displaying! But I'm still confused why my first tries didn't work. I'm not a know-it-all person about this particular area and sure there's more things to know about database thing. That's all.


Apache won't stop using old project files / refuse to remove old cache

I am using Apache httpd on localhost to connect to the project I'm working on, I have been deleting web cache when website is showing the old project instead of the new one. However recently the project is stuck on an outdated version and restarting/clearing cookies won't work with the user I'm assigned.
I tried using another user with my project and it works just fine. I recently did use svn revert which may have caused my user to get stuck with old project, but I'm not sure that's the problem.
Commands I use to start and stop:
sudo service httpd start
sudo service httpd stop
Any advice or tips are greatly appreciated.
Update: I managed to get the page to update the html, however my JavaScript won't load which I suspect is due to another user being stored and thus not accessing the database I use which leads to nothing being generated.
(Posted on behalf of the OP).
I got everything to "work" again by accident, I made some edits to PHP and my PHP crashed because of a syntax error. When I fixed it back to original stage it was working again. It most likely is related to a user the previous owner created that caused the problem.
Just clear Temporary files
In windows CTRL+R and type %temp% and delete all the files it will help to you

Apache (wamp) server redirecting to old url

I had a server running WAMP, that served many phpBB forums. The HD went dead in 2010, but recently i was able to recover the whole data.
I put the old installation dir /wamp/ on same path it was before, run wampmanager.exe, server goes up and the website and the forums work fine as they were like in 2010. However, one of them was successful, and that one specifically don't work normally.
The directory structure is:
/AllSites/ is an auto-generated apache index, that shows the forum folders (Foo, Bar, GoodSite).
When i navigate to to localhost/AllSites/GoodSite/, i see the browser requesting from http://old.no-ip.url/AllSites/GoodSite, and not from localhost, until it obviously timeouts.
Naturally, i went to GoodSite's phpBB configuration to check if the old.no-ip.url was being set somewhere. Not there, and not via MySQL search for old.no-ip.url string (phpBB actually only asks for /path/, not domain). So i tried to navigate manually to http://localhost/AllSites/GoodSite/index.php and my surprise, entering like that the site works fine and always stay at localhost.
That made me abandon phpBB as the cause of the issue and focus on Apache (i can even remove index.php from /GoodSite/ and it redirects).
Next thing, i went to .htaccess in /AllSites/ and saw Redirect permanent /AllSites/GoodSite http://old.no-ip.url/AllSites/GoodSite. I removed the line, restarted server, refreshed browser cache, but nothing. It always try to go to the old url when navigating to the GoodSite folder.
So i searched for old.no-ip.url in the whole xamp directory (maybe an alias set somewhere) and subdirectories files', for no result (using Notepad++ "Find in Files" option).
So what can be causing this? The only thing that could be redirecting at server level would be apache or maybe php. But there's no such setting, as the Notepad++ search confirmed. Maybe there is something cached? I ran out of solutions. I even tried deleting the .htaccess files.

Orange HRM is not getting Logged

I have installed OrangeHRM 3.1.2 in live server and accessing through a domain name.
Issue I am facing is - When I am trying to loggin to the following link "http://example.com/hrm/symfony/web/index.php/auth/login" - With valid credentials. I was not logged in or neither I am not displayed with any exceptional Message, but I was able to see the URL as follows - "http://example.com/hrm/symfony/web/index.php/pim/viewMyDetails" which means I have logged in but the screen have not changed and I am still seeing the Login screen.
The Orange HRM is hosted in Godaddy Linux hosting.
I am using Windows 7.
I have checked this scenario in cross browser as well.
When I tried after few or many mins, I was able to login without any issues. As I am facing this issues frequently. I am unable to track My Staffs login and logout time exactly.
As I am not a developer, I am not sure what was the issue. Can someone please help me solving the same and just let me know if you need any more information.
Appreciate your valuable response.
Please check your php session save path. Make sure it is writable by the webserver you are running , either apache or nginx or php-fpm. I had the same issue and i was able to solve giving proper permissions to the session save path directory.

CPanel cache issue

I have made some changes in my site and updated them in the server via CPanel, but I can't see the changes affected.
I have changed one pdf but still old pdf is displaying. Help me if anybody knows why this is happening? Thanks.
dig +trace domain.com
And make sure that domain is pointed to the correct server IP (The one you have made changes)
There is no such things like cPanel cache. Otherwise try
telnet server_IP 25
make sure that its points to the correct server IP.
If the domain points to the correct server where you have made changes, then you need to investigate based on the script or code .check whether the pdf file uploaded correctly
Some its happens to me too but even though we upload it corrected its our browser cache which still shows the old pages and does not reflect the new changes. Most of time i do check it in private browser or via proxy urls :D

Cannot login in Joomla

I'm having some trouble getting a Joomla 1.5 installation to work on my computer.
When I login, it seems to work as JApplication::login() returns true. Also when I debug and var_dump the response, I can see the user.
However, when I reload the page, I'm still not logged in so it seems Joomla didn't save the current session.
I've looked in the framework and can't find how sessions are saved. Also the log is empty.
Does anybody know what could be the problem?
Do you have the same problem in the administrator and in the frontend? If you do have access to your administrator, it might be a frontend problem. You can check the file "configuration.php" in your joomla root, and look for this line:
var $session_handler = 'database';
If it's empty, it means you've had some problem saving your configuration. The usual values for "session_handler" are 'database' or 'file', and you might have some others depending on your setup.
If your session_handler is ok, then check this value too:
var $lifetime = '15';
It's the session lifetime if I'm not wrong.
If you're still having problems, you should check in a separate script (not Joomla) if you can use sessions, just to make sure you haven't problems with your local set up.
I hope it helped!